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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Comments posted by gamergirl

  1. I've been irratable for ....oh.....44 years I guess. Just who I am. Food or no food. But whoa momma when my coworkers surround me with unneccessary boxes of donuts and pizza everyday because they're too lazy to cook....and then insist that 1 will not hurt me. The real irritation comes out.

    But sounds like you're facing the big hurdle that we all must learn to deal with...temptations in the real world. It's so much easier to stay on plan at home, in our unique environment and our routine. Once we get away from that...it's a challenge. But one that won't go away so we have no choice but to master it.

    Good for you for recognizing it. It will get easier each time. Just don't get complacent, because that's also easy to do in time.

    I felt like an alcoholic in a bar :P

  2. Miss Mac, you are so right about real food. I agree with you totally. We cook everything from scratch at home. We don't use packaged food, convenience foods, fast food etc at home. It's very easy there. The problem on the road is very different. I was at the Boston airport at dark thirty this morning. After much deliberation, went to Starbucks, asked for a chocolate vivano (protein shake). They very nicely agreed to use no banana, my protein powder and soy milk. I was feeling very good about myself!

    Until I took the first sip and realized that they make it chocolately by putting in Hershey's chocolate syrup. There went that shake into the trash.

    It's a good lesson that we have to be hyper vigilant about how outside food is prepared.

  3. Hi Gamergirl, I am an Aussie living in Singapore trying to push through a nightmare of a situation with the end result myself and my husband being sleeved at the same time back in Australia. It will mean a 3 week trip have the surgery recover for 2 weeks then back to Singapore.

    We don't have a date yet but doing everything I possible can to make it happen over the next 2 months. I would be really interested to hear how it is working out for you and your husband? I am 47 and do not want to wait a day longer ( very impatient) must admit I'm a little nervous to see how my husband copes.

    Hi there! I have posted a lot in the blogs as well as on the boards about our journey (another way of saying I talk a lot) :) it's working very well for us. I too am 47, my husband is 60 and we're so happy we got this done. If there are specific questions you have, please do PM me and I'm happy to help in any way I can.

  4. I totally do not see where you look older. To my eyes, you look younger. You do not look sickly. I think that when we first lose weight, our face changes suddenly, our skin hasn't contracted yet, and our loved ones might see those as scary changes. Everyone says your skin rebounds some and tightens, faces fill out again, etc. So maybe just give it time and let them catch up to the new you.

    It's hard for us to accept those comments as concern, a lot easier to think it's criticism, but I think with most of our families, they speak out of love and concern--and probably end up doing it badly!

    You do not look old. You do not look "too" skinny. You look great.

  5. You need to take some "me" time and so does your hubby. Look at pictures that you have with family members. Take a walk down memory lane. Take a drive in the country and listen to the birds sing. Those would be my happy places to go to. You are in my prayers....... and remember "this to shall pass". :-)

    Today is going to be a fantastic family day grandmacathy! My 90-year old father is coming from India for a two-week visit, my older son will be home soon to see him, and my younger one is so excited about seeing his grandpa, that it's going to be wonderful in about 2 hours now :)

  6. BTW, I also realized my reactions to situations changed. It used to be when I felt threatened (emotionally not so much physcially), competition, or nervous I would instantly feel my survival mode kick in and then feel somewhat stronger/empowered. Now, when in these situations I shake. Literally, I get tremmors.

    Not sure why that is, but I literally feel a sense of panic come over me. I make myself power through it but I've had to be really careful with what I watch and around people who give off a certain vibe. I hope that changes soon because I feel really vulnerable right now.

    I'm REALLY glad you shared this! It's worrying me because I am super Alpha female. This shaking, sweating business is NOT me. It makes me feel weak and I don't like that feeling. I go toe to toe with men daily at work and I can't be the weak, shaky one.

    I agree, I have to let the emotions come. Luckily for me, my husband and kids are very giving people too, so they do take very good care of me when I need it. I got lucky that way :)

  7. I'm also not losing inches right now which makes it tougher. But I've only measured bust, waist, hips and bra band. I'm sure if I'd gone the whole hog, maybe I'd see an inch off my thighs or something. It's a mind-set issue and an emotional hardiness that I have to develop, to overcome my years of traumatic experiences with not losing.

  8. before surgery, I used to put on 4 lbs the week of my period. Maybe that's what's happening with you? This was my week as well, I am very down today, no doubt due to the hormones, and I didn't lose anything. In fact, I made sure to drink my water, and my weight went up a pound. I'm sure that's a lot of what is going on with you as well. It will pass and we'll both feel better soon. In the meantime, (((((hugs)))))

  9. This is how it happened with me and and my husband. I told him I was doing it, and asked for his help in encouraging me to stay on plan. What resonated with him was I said I had no idea how long I would live, but I intended to spend that time as a thin person, able to do things I wanted to before I died. He realized he wanted the same thing.

    I can NOT tell you how beneficial it has been to have a buddy go through it at the same time. We did our pre-op together, we had surgery the same day, and now we're recovering together. We can support each other, we can share experiences, and we can take care of each other.

    I don't know if your sister lives close by, but it would be so good for both of you to be able to help each other through this, even if she lives far away.

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