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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Rox reacted to SamIAm3791 in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    BCBS PA, BMI over 60, inequality????? i have to go through my 6 months of insurance appointed monitoring by my PCP. i dont gripe, i dont complain, im just doing it. my wife and i are considering it preparation time for the rest of our lives. to say the fattest of the fat get preferencial treatment is plain old stupid and in my opinion uneducated. if you dont like how your insurance company operates switch companies, wait another 12-18 months for that surgery date, then be happy and live your life. yes, we all ate ourselves to this point. some may have other conditions to help things along but the bottom line is you (no matter who you are) ate too much. thats the common denominator here, no ifs, ands, or buts. try and learn what you can about the new lifestyle you will be living over the next 6 months and consider yourself lucky that this is even an option for you.
    count your blessings, dont air your complaints. especially on a site where we all are going through pretty much the same thing.
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    Rox reacted to No game in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    But really it's about what kind of policy your employer decides on not the insurance company.
    A prime example is all of us here that have BCBS
    Some wait 3 months some six some like me have no waiting and some are not covered at all!
    I think at the end of the day we are all lucky to have this opportunity whether you had to wait 6 months or go to Mexico to get it done
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    Rox reacted to LipstickLady in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    Don't you just love the entitlement?
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    Rox reacted to Patti K in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    LOL! Sitting in a Dr's waiting room embarrassing my bf laughing out loud at this! My BMI is 67. I have "the perfect cocktail for weight gain so I had better get used to life over 300 lbs" as quoted by my gyno. I said ix-nay with a HELL NO!!! I begain in January and it is now June and I still don't have a date (they didn't see Snickers in the x-rays). I am expectin July but only because I developed severe osteo-arthritis jumping through their hoops!
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    Rox reacted to LI Gemini NY in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    Apparently the more snicker bars you eat the less hoops you have to jump through...
    I mean now that I think about it, the more snicker bars you eat the bigger you get and the less you can jump. Also hoops come in a standard size and at some point you can no longer fit through it...do they make plus size hoops, does anyone know....
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    Rox reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    I thought everyone who went through insurance had to do all the hoop loopin'?
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    Rox reacted to LI Gemini NY in Don't you just love the inequality?   
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    Rox reacted to LI Gemini NY in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    In my world, a reward is a satisfying return that is earned, given or granted based on positive behaviors, like positive reinforcement.....
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    Rox reacted to dma2013 in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    I really had to fight to get approved and it took 4 extra months. I made a choice to be productive with that time to prepare for the possibility of surgery. I was finally approved and 13 days later I was sleeved. I will be the first to tell you that I am not a patient person but I also know enough to go with the flow when needed. My surgeon was furious with the way I was treated (as was I) however in no way would I ever begrudge or think down upon anyone else who was able to have the surgery before or after me regardless of their circumstances. I am on this forum because I believe most people feel this way and we are here to support each other. At the very least I hope everybody can be respectful of each other.
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    Rox reacted to Kami63 in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    I have waited 3 years because 2 insurance companies denied me. I am approved and scheduled now but I had to endure a lot of Band pain the last 3 years. Life isn't fair and insurance companies see you as a case file....not a human. It could be worse than a 6 month wait!
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    Rox reacted to town976 in Don't you just love the inequality?   
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    Rox reacted to LI Gemini NY in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    I "ate my way up " to 51 BMI, now 48 and I still have to wait for my "reward" where I may have serious health problems and complications or even die...
    I think I'm from another planet because the word "reward" means something totally different to me
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    Rox reacted to gmanbat in Don't you just love the inequality?   
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    Rox reacted to kailie in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    I for one didn't "eat myself fat" I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome which ballooned me to a 50+bmi.. My obgyn informed me that I could live off salads and still gain wait because my body makes and retains a TON of insulin but my pcos isn't considered a co morbidity. I'm 25 5'7" 345lbs I have herniated disks in my back and joint pain in my knees and feet. I could do the 6 months of dieting, but I'm not able to excersize... So my bcbs of MI should make me wait another 6 months and watch my weight climb higher or I die of a heart attack in the mean time? Some times whining about ur situation isn't the most mature thing to do. Instead stay positive the time will pass by more quickly. You get ur surgery some don't. 6 months is just your time to prepare for the new life waiting for you.
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    Rox reacted to Nuchnuch in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    If there is something I have been taught since I was little, that life isn't fair!
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    Rox reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Don't you just love the inequality?   
    It's an ass backwards system.
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    Rox reacted to Billysbelly in So close I can taste it. 1 year 5 months   
    Well still doing the Atkins thing since my big stall. My weight was not coming off anymore. Now Basically 10-20 carbs a day and I am satisfied with that. 5 weeks now on Atkins. the blood sugar is the best its ever been, really no need for any meds. I really lost my INCREDIBLE urge for sweets. Now even diet iced tea tastes very sweet to me. I've been averaging 3-4 lbs a week lately and my personal goal of 199 is right around the corner, although my Surgeon would like to see me at 180. Dam I will me a skeleton! My stomach is the last thing to go I guess since that is we're most of my left over weight is. So if your as far out as me and you have a BIG stall(mine 5months) you got to change something. Try one of those old diets before you had surgery, it may just work better this time. Take care my vsg buddies.
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    Rox reacted to ProudGrammy in Unapologetic Brag Post   
    kittenkate so............
    you've lost 194 lbs
    big deal!!!!!!
    ya da, ya da,, ya da
    btw who is that sexy girl in your after picture
    i know its not you
    wait a minute!!!
    OMG it is you, it is you!!!!
    you look terrific
    strutt your hot self all over and take a bow!!!!
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    Rox reacted to BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in discouraged and depressed   
    You may want to look at the things you are eating. I am 10 weeks out now and I feel like I eat more than most people do, and I am not eating 1000 cal per day. I get in 80-100+ gm of protein in most days and I eat really low carbs (I try to keep it between 20-30 gm per day but preferably closer to 20 gm). If you are able to get that many calories in but not all of your protein I'm going to guess that you are eating more carbs/fats than you need at this point. Keep working at it, it certainly is a learing process and I am still learing everyday. You are doing great though with your weight loss.
    I too had a stall but mine started at 10 days out and lasted 2 1/2 weeks. Talk about drive a girl crazy! I totally know how you feel, I felt the same way and I'm sure most of us here have had the same thoughts and feelings. If you are doing what you know you should keep that up but maybe try to change it up a little. I know that when my stall started it was about the time that I was on full liquids/soft foods. I was getting in way more carbs than protein. My doc wouldn't let me start on protein until after two weeks out. Anyway, when I was able to dramatically drop my carbs and really pick up my protein my stall broke. I have had once since then too and I think I'm probably starting another one now. The key is to keep chugging along. This will work. 21 pounds is a great loss, more than I lost in my first month and I have WAY more weight to lose than you do . One other thing, try not to weigh yourself everyday. (I really suck at this part, even in a stall I weigh everyday cause I want to know when it breaks). But I have figured out that when I get on the scale and don't see it moving even when I know I'm doing everything right, I get discouraged. If I can stay away from the scale and I know that I am doing what I am supposed to then in my mind I know it is working and that makes me feel really good. I hope it will you too.
    When I went through my first stall my body really changed a lot even though the scale didn't. I dropped a pant size almost overnight it seemed like. And people noticed more just all of a sudden. You should measure yourself every so often so you can see how much your measurements are changing even if the scale is being stubborn. Also look for NSV's to keep your spirits up. There is way more to this journey than just what the scale tells you. Keep your head up, you've got this. I'm sure your husband thinks you are one beautiful lady, and even though what he thinks of you is important, you need to BELIEVE you are beautiful even more! Sorry, I think I'm rambling...
  20. Like
    Rox reacted to MaddieJ in July 2013 sleevers   
    Welcome y'all to the July group! I have 42 more days till I get my revision- I get more and more excited everyday!!!
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    Rox reacted to JessicaAnn in July 2013 sleevers   
    Got the call today.. Booked for July 3!!!!
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    Rox reacted to rural_louisianagal87 in July 2013 sleevers   
    Hi everybody, screaming all the way from Louisiana to let all now just found out this morning that I got approved by UHC and my surgeons office called with a surgery date of July 2nd. So excited yet a little nervous because it's major surgery but I've wanted this for a while and I can't wait.
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    Rox reacted to Sylviam1974 in July 2013 sleevers   
    Hi! I'm scheduled on July 1st with Dr Alvarez in Mexico. Good luck everyone!!
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    Rox reacted to Vixynne in July 2013 sleevers   
    I'm from Massachusetts, being sleeved at Tobey Hospital in Wareham, MA. At my last surgeon consult, I was told to expect approval in late June/early July, with an official surgery date sometime in July...it's really happening! I'm itching to get that date set in stone, it's so hard to be a patient patient.
    So what is everyone doing to prepare? Are you neurotic like me and already thinking about what to take to the hospital? And did someone say there's a Facebook page for July sleevers? I'd love to be added to it!
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    Rox reacted to shedevil in July 2013 sleevers   
    I had my first visit yesterday. I was expecting to maybe have surgery 6 months down the road. I was told yesterday that I could expect July or August. Mostly it will depend on when I can get in for the psych eval. I've thought about surgery for many years but my insurance would never cover it. My husband had been saving $ for us to go to Costa Rica. But his insurance now covers bariatric surgery and all of my previous diet attempts count towards the 6 month diet. So now I'm both nervous and excited.

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