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About Purplrose323

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  1. I would say yes, insanity is, well Insane. I'm not allowed to life my 18mos old for 1 month. You could def hurt yourself. I was told walking and light cardio. Either way def check with your doctor.
  2. Wahoo!! Stall broke this morning

  3. I feel great. So far the day after was the toughest. In the hospital hit the pain pump when they ask you to get up. Bring 2 pillows also chapstick. When you home sip sip sip and concentrate on staying hydrated. It gets easier every day after surgery. The pre op diet was the worst part of the whole process for me. :-)
  4. Not from queens but saw your surgeon's names. I just had sleeve surgery with Angstadt on 8/21 at st Charles. Dr Garber removed my lap band at mercy in may. Good luck to you both!!! Hang in there on the liquid diet!
  5. The wedding dress I really wanted to wear when I got married, not the one I ended up wearing
  6. day 5 and down 20lbs since preop diet!

  7. Maybe about an oz, not a lot, I'm kind of afraid to still eat or drink, not being sure what will mess with my new tummy and such. But I know one thing, hot liquids so far make me feel funny.
  8. Purplrose323

    Judgment Day

    Could not have said it better! Insanely insightful! Love reading your blogs, they always make me think :-)
  9. Girl you are not a failure at all. I also had a two week liquid pre-op diet. It was such a struggle, not proud but there were times of chewing and spitting just for taste and I even licked a piece of pasta with sauce. Sad but true. I got so hungry one day I chewed on some raw broccoli and you would have thought It was a chicken leg the way I devoured it. You are only human. Do the best you can and know that It will only help with your recovery. I thought for sure that my surgeon was gonna tell me that I screwed up. Well I was sleeved on 8/21 and the Doc told me my liver looked great and that I nailed the liquid diet. You can do this! When you wake up from surgery you won't even be thinking about food and you won't feel ravenous, I promise. What saved me during the liquid diet was the SF popsicles and flavored broth. Good luck and hang in there!
  10. Sleeved on 8/21 and so far feeling better everyday. Was able to get a shake down yesterday and made me feel so much better physically, even tried a little puree and it's getting easier to sip. Tried some tea yesterday and I'm think that hot liquids are not going to agree with me right away. Made my baby B feel kinda funny. Yes that's my sleeve's name, lol, Baby B. Aside from that so far so good. Hope all my fellow sleevers are felling as good! Cannot wait to see how we are all doing months from now!
  11. Day 3 post op feeling so much better than day 2!

  12. I'm also pureed shortly after surgery.
  13. I'm right there with both of you! My nerves are shot!
  14. Today is my last day of a 2 week liquid preop diet. Start over tomorrow. I know it is hard I have two kids myself. Last night hubs baked chicken and I wanted to shovel it in. I've been using the bariatric advantage vanilla shake. It's expensive but it doesn't make me gag and it met my surgeons requirements. Good Luck to you. You can do this!
  15. Purplrose323

    why do people hide it?

    I'm hiding it from a lot of people and have only told close friends and family. I can only give you my reasons why. I am a lap band revision. I remember comments made to me when I was getting my lap band and I told everyone. Telling close friends this time I got some negative responses one in particular that really pissed me off and also had an aunt shove a smart ones meal in my face and tell me WW was all I need in my life. (As if I haven't done that a gazillion times) I may or may not tell people after the surgery. I'm undecided. I told my husband to not tell my MIL bc she will tell the entire state of SC. His family are the happy fat people type that can't understand why you can't have "a little sugar"(diabetes) and just live life happy and unhealthy. In the end it's a personal choice, the surgery, and I dont need others negativity bringing me down about it. I have enough of my emotions all over the place right now as I'm being sleeved on Wednesday. I don't need to add to that bc of someone in my life forcing their opinions on me as to why I shouldn't have this done. Sorry for the long rant. Lol. The person I mentioned earlier pissed me off recently so it's still fresh. Hope that gives you some insight. :-) Kelly

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