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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    abranewme got a reaction from Jencovi in kicked off of a fair ride....   
    I was going on a kiddie choo-choo train ride with my 1 1/2 year old and got stuck with him in my arms getting off and almost FELL. I went home and cried in the car ride home from being MORTIFIED. That day I looked into this surgery. I hope and pray to God it's the answer to my weight issues once and for all.

  2. Like
    abranewme got a reaction from Jencovi in kicked off of a fair ride....   
    I was going on a kiddie choo-choo train ride with my 1 1/2 year old and got stuck with him in my arms getting off and almost FELL. I went home and cried in the car ride home from being MORTIFIED. That day I looked into this surgery. I hope and pray to God it's the answer to my weight issues once and for all.

  3. Like
    abranewme got a reaction from Jencovi in kicked off of a fair ride....   
    I was going on a kiddie choo-choo train ride with my 1 1/2 year old and got stuck with him in my arms getting off and almost FELL. I went home and cried in the car ride home from being MORTIFIED. That day I looked into this surgery. I hope and pray to God it's the answer to my weight issues once and for all.

  4. Like
    abranewme got a reaction from *Misty*Raine* in If Living Well is the Best Revenge...   
    I do I do I dooooo! LOL! My Dad who had claimed in the past: I've let myself go! anyone who made slick remarks about how big I was getting or straight up asked if I was pregnant!
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    abranewme got a reaction from TwinsMama in Annoyed with Spouse and some Friends   
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    abranewme got a reaction from kryssaboo in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Photos. One of my best friends since kindergarten died after knee surgery due to her weight... Pulmonary embolism. She was plus sized and 37 when she died. My bio mom died of a heart attack at 44. I had gestational diabetes having to take insulin and now see it creeping back with blood sugar readings. Hypothyroid. My baby boy who will be 2 and my husband whom I love so very much.
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    abranewme got a reaction from Ms skinniness in BIG FAT PEOPLE!   
    Oh did I mention my mom has never broken 100 pounds her entire life? I'm adopted so I've always had to use extra effort to keep my weight down.
    Soooo frustrating!!!!
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    abranewme got a reaction from brandnew in Lightweights in the house! Any more people with less to lose/less BMI's?   
    So I lost 15 pounds since my first appointment till now. I'm now 215 and I get sleeved Friday. Some folks still think I'm nuts since I'm loosing weight before such drastic measures. I've NEVER HAD PROBLEMS LOOSING WEIGHT. It's KEEPING IT OFF... that's the problem! :/
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    abranewme reacted to cindymaried in sad and tired   
    Thank you. I really don't like confrontation and noticed that people started being rude. My dad and step mom are very christian and they pray with me and for me. I believe everyone is here to help and it is easy for me to read the kind words and love and support even if people say or speak through god. Each of you have been amazing.
    Just please stop attacking each other over things that only I should be sifting through. I appreciate every comment and all the support. Thank you all again. Yes this is a hard story to tell but it is part of me. Part of who I am now. To not share to not talk about it openly only means I am keeping it all inside.
    Thank you for giving me a place to speak of my Jonny and the road I am traveling. I know that Jonny is watching over me everyday and that I need this surgery to be with my 2 older boys longer.
  10. Like
    abranewme reacted to *susan* in sad and tired   
    I believe anyone who has taken this thread off topic to make it a personal argument between themselves and another member should truly be ashamed. From this point forward, if you are here to offer support to the OP, please do so. If you disagree with something another member has posted, then take it to PM. Nobody wants to see your personal arguments here, it is incredibly disrespectful to the OP who has shared something very personal and very tragic in her life. She doesn't need the further stress of people fighting with each other. Please note, I will not hesitate to ban members for not following our forum rules.
    Thank you.
  11. Like
    abranewme reacted to DeezJeanz in sad and tired   
    With all do respect, the OP asked for help and people are only trying to do just that. I have already replied to Cindym when she first posted but I want to add this after reading everyones post to her...we all started out with a common goal, I believe, which was to give support to this lady because she was feeling overwhelmed in her life. it should not matter where our support comes from meaning some of us may come from a place in which we were raised; which was too love, to know, and to share God because He is in our hearts and a part if us, so that is what we wanted to share because that's what we feel might help her. There are others whose opinion may have came from experiencing the same thing she is experiencing and that is OK who are we to judge that. And others may feel that their opinion is based on whatever it is based on whether it includes God, their own experience to share or whatever the reason. The OP seems to be a very intelligent person but at this point she is hurting a lot nd she has a choice to read these post and take in whatever it is that can help her to heal nd to find a peace in her world, so with that said, I hope that if she feels that anyone is shoving their views on her then she would disregard them. There is no need for us to turn on each other about our beliefs, non belief or our neutralism. Cindy, again, I'm sry for ur loss, ur pain, nd all that ur going thru, but one thing shud be obvious to u, I hope....is that we all care for u nd hope the best for u in our own way, that we are willing to stand and help u, we strangers, nd that u have any ONE or all of us here if you ever wanna chat more personally. It's ur journey, good bad or indifferent BUT we are willing to walk it w u, just as u did in ur original message, just ask. Everyone here had/ has good intentions altho they were given from OUR OWN life experiences. Take care. Dee Dee
  12. Like
    abranewme reacted to cindymaried in sad and tired   
    My surgery is over 2 hours away... they do do group every wednesday and I will try to go at least once a month.. but he is trying to get our group here in town to skype with them every time we get together.. That is a great idea and yes I am going to start looking around for some kind of counseling that will fit my income!
    Thank you!
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    abranewme got a reaction from DeezJeanz in sad and tired   
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    abranewme got a reaction from DeezJeanz in sad and tired   
    God bless you and your journey. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It's amazing how many emotions we stuff down with food over the years. Now once we have the sleeve there's no hiding the emotion we must feel them and feel them fully without food to dull the pain. There are a myriad of reasons why I gained all this weight and all of them are emotional for me as well.
    As for losing your belief in God I totally understand where you're coming from and let me tell you something God is real. I've had a near death experience and I am telling you that He's real and it sounds so cliché to say that there's a divine plan but there is. The loss of your son is something your soul needed to experience on earth. When we die we get all of our questions answered eventually. Maybe going back to that church might be a good idea because I understand how expensive counseling can be. I am giving you a super big cyber hug right now You hang in there.
  15. Like
    abranewme got a reaction from Ellisa in Too "small" for surgery?   
  16. Like
    abranewme reacted to JIllette in Shopping   
    Definetly Avoid Amberctonbie and Finch since the CEO' rude statement not long ago. Something to the effect their clothing is only for the popular uncool kids it is not meant for or heavy people. The Jerk
  17. Like
    abranewme reacted to BethinPA in Shopping   
    I've just started, and I'm trying to hold myself back since I still have plenty of weight to lose. But I can't wipe the grin off of my face every time I buy something that is not plus sized!
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    abranewme reacted to cms213 in Shopping   
    I swear I look for my collar bones a couple times a week. I'm starting to see them slowly becoming more noticeable. I just keep wondering what my face and neck and really my entire body will look like at goal.
  19. Like
    abranewme reacted to DeniseM in What are your long term fitness goals   
    Not all girls care about looks- I met and married my hubby when he was a fat couch potato and worked as an IT nerd. A year after we were married 9/11 happened and he decided to join the Army. He had to loose 60 pounds to join and lost another 20 pounds after he joined. He could barely run two miles when he joined and now is a sexy PT stud running marathons and triathlons! I am sure than many superficial and shallow girls passed him by without a second glance, but I didn't and it was the best decision of my life. Their loss, my wonderful gain. He also met and married me when I was a fat couch potato, and now I am doing my part to be less potato-like and work on my health and fitness.
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    abranewme reacted to chickadee73 in I'm a leaker   
    That's fantastic news! I hope you are home and slurping down Protein Shakes in no time!
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    abranewme reacted to C_TimesThree in I'm a leaker   
    I'm ok, I had a follow up CT Thursday, there was some debate as to if the leak is closed or not so I drank blue dye and waited 24 hours to see if it showed in my drain. It never did! I've been able to start Clear liquids but as of today we still aren't 100% sure I'm healed so I'm only drinking brightly colored crystal light to see if anything shows up. If by tomorrow all is still good I will switch to oral pain meds and get Protein shakes! The hope is to go home without my PICC.
    Also as of today my white blood cell count is normal for the first time since the leak was found.
  22. Like
    abranewme reacted to melissa130 in Regret telling people at work   
    I hate it when people use the terms- "to lose it naturally or with surgery". Even folks who had surgery talk like that. This surgery does not control the food you buy or the food that your hand brings to your mouth. I have lost 94 pounds by getting a grip on my mental attitude towards food naturally. The surgery has helped tremendously by only allowing me to eat small amounts of food.. I am so happy I kept this surgery to myself and did not feel the need to advertise my business. I really hope that people that have not had surgery read this post and learn a good lesson. Keep your weight your own business. Nobody needs to know anything.
  23. Like
    abranewme reacted to No game in Too "small" for surgery?   
    An interesting observation.. All of the friends and relatives that told me I was to "small" for surgery? When they see me now the are the first ones to say how much better and "healthier" I look now
  24. Like
    abranewme reacted to heatwhip in Too "small" for surgery?   
    My BMI was just under 40 when I had surgery and just about every pre op appt. I had that wasn't with my surgeon I was told by the nurses that I wasn't even "that big" and I "didn't need" the surgery. It made me so mad. I was also told this by many family and friends.
    For me I have lost 50lbs a few times in my life. It lasted about 5 seconds and all the work that I did would be ruined within a few months. I had about 90-100lbs to lose (don't know where I want to be goal wise since I have never been that small).
    This is our lives, we know what is best for us! I have lost 52lbs in just over 8 weeks and feel amazing! To heck with what anyone else thinks!
  25. Like
    abranewme reacted to Cheer Mama in Too "small" for surgery?   
    I'm 5' and had a BMI of 40 but I also high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, and bone deterioration in my feet and ankles.
    I had it done for many reasons. I wanted to sit in stadium seating and not get 'stuck'. I wanted to be able to walk between student desks and not knock everything off of their desks. I wanted to not hurt when I walked. I wanted cute clothes and shoes. I wanted to shop in the misses section of the store and not womans. But mainly because my mom's family either has diabetes or has died from it and I didn't want it.
    I have dieted for years. The weight always came back. When my ankles and feet finally got really bad, I couldn't exercise without pain. I just kept getting heavier and heavier.
    I got sleeved for all of the above reasons. It isn't an easy answer to weight loss, but it has made it easier for me.

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