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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Mrs.Ally got a reaction from rubyrosa in Dumping Syndrome Horror Story   
    I've learned my lesson!!
    Just got back from the hospital about an hour ago.
    I was sleeved on April 17th. I have not had any problems with loosing weight. ( Thanks be to God)
    Since loosing weight hasn't been a problem I figured it was time for a treat.
    I've been eating about a cup of some mixed popcorn (Carmel, yellow cheese and white cheese) for the last 3 days.
    On Mondays's and Tuesday's my job provides us with lunch. Usually I have some Water with my salad, but yesterday I decided it was time for another treat I had a 7up (fooling my self since it said DIET)
    Clearly I was not fooling this sleeve. Also last night my grand baby loves Lucky Charms so passing by the pantry before I went to bed I decided to grab a handful.
    Around 10 I started feeling gas pains. I took a gasX. Went to sleep, my cramping woke me up around 3am. I grab 2 gasX because these cramps were more intense than before I went to sleep.
    I decided to go sit on the toilet, nothing happen. Crawled back in the bed kept squirming because of the pains. I went to the toilet again.
    I was starting to moan by this time, now squirming on the toilet, grabbing the small trash can in the bathroom dry heaving. By this time my husband woke up to come see about me. He grabbed a small towel wet it and came to wipe my face. I was so HOT!
    No relief at all..I started sweating like crazy. I had to take off all my clothes. I've never drip sweated before. I got off the toilet and lied on the cold tile. My husband was freaking out telling me to get up asking what's wrong. I couldn't even talk. I was so weak i didn't care what kind of business I would do right there on the floor. Finally I said we have to go to the hospital, I've been food poison.
    The 15 minute ride to the hospital was terrible. I tried to focus on other things, my husband actually ran a red light.
    Imagine the check in at the ER.
    Before I could be taken to a bed I had to get to a toilet immediately. There goes the bad cramp with a gush. I was dry heaving at the same time. The smell was Horrible my husband was in there with me and I had to keep telling him to flush for me because the smell was making me more sick.
    I started feeling a little relief . They gave me a shot of morphine and zofran.
    I'm home with a sore sour stomach.
    My God!
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    Mrs.Ally got a reaction from SerendipityHappens in Calcium Citrate   
    There's a petite pill I swallow. My dr. Advised me because I could not chew them..I hate the taste
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    Mrs.Ally got a reaction from SerendipityHappens in Calcium Citrate   
    There's a petite pill I swallow. My dr. Advised me because I could not chew them..I hate the taste
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    Mrs.Ally got a reaction from Nuchnuch in My before and after!   
    I'm sooo happy for you!!! You look great!!! Enjoy your new shape..I know you're glad to go shopping...Keep it up! To God be the Glory!
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    Mrs.Ally reacted to kulita in Full today   
    That exact feeling happened to me when I drank 1/2 of a green machine smoothie from Naked. I felt that every sip I took was putting me over the edge. It took me about 2 hours before I noticed that it started to move through and into my intestines and 4 hours by the time I could feel like I could have a shake again.
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    Mrs.Ally got a reaction from newlife27 in Force protein or just get liquid in?   
    Ok thanks
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    Mrs.Ally got a reaction from mysleevemylife in Did I really do the right thing?   
    So many times I thought this but I refused to speak it out loud..when you read everyone saying it will get better it does...it's not going to be like one day you wake up and you're better...it's a process...I'm 4 weeks post..
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    Mrs.Ally reacted to WeightStruggle in My before and after!   
    Was sleeved on March 19th. I couldn't really see a big difference until I looked at these pictures!! OMG!!

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    Mrs.Ally got a reaction from anniemay in Force protein or just get liquid in?   
    Had surgery 6 days ago..because I haven't been getting in at least 20g of Protein, I'm trying to only do Protein Shakes today. Still haven't completed 1- 11oz. Muscle milk... Yesterday i was eating sugar-free Popsicles and Jello as well.. It's hard.. I feel full and hungry at the same time. ????
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    Mrs.Ally reacted to kari61 in My Post-Op journey so far. Sleeved on 4/2/13   
    Hi Everyone, I’m finally on here again to tell my Post-Op story. My surgery was on Tuesday April 2nd and I came home on Thursday. I waited until now to write because I needed to be in the right frame of mind before I write this or I was worried that I would scare everyone away. I would love to sugar coat everything and tell you that my journey so far has been wonderful, but I’ve decided to just be honest because after all it IS my journey. First of all I woke up from surgery! So yay that was wonderful, but then I am told that they are taking me to ICU because my oxygen level was very low and they were worried about that with my sleep apnea, ok, no biggie. Now when I finally get to my room, wham the pain hits me. Honestly I am not a big cry baby when it comes to pain but I have to tell you, I was not expecting the amount of pain I had. When I read other peoples stories on here that say they had NO pain, I just find that so hard to believe how you could have 5 incisions and your stomach pulled out through your skin and not have ANY pain, KUDOS to all of you that didn’t, but I certainly did. Ok so I dealt with the pain, I’ve had trouble breathing since my surgery ( I will address this tomorrow with my surgeon), and now I finally get to come home, pain and all…I, like most of you have been wanting this surgery for over a year, I fought with my insurance for over a year to get approved, I have been on these forums 24/7 reading as much information as I possibly can to be prepared, well let me remind you, that like anything else in life, until you experience it for yourself, you can not possibly know how something is going to be until you go through it yourself. Now please know that I am not saying this to scare anyone, I am not unhappy with my decision to have the surgery and today I finally have a better out look on everything, but you can not imagine how you are going to feel until after you have had the surgery yourself no matter how much you read or think you know. What I mean by this is that everyone’s relationships with food are alittle different and everyone is going to react differently when they actually can NOT have food. For months now I have been telling myself that I am over food and I can’t wait to get this done and start my journey, it took me by such surprise that when I got home, I was feeling so down, I couldn’t understand why until my husband starting eating a pizza and the smell of it just made me want to cry, and everyday since, watching my family eat, is pure torture for me. You kinda forget that their life goes on and they are going to eat and they are going to eat in front of you, you can’t avoid that forever. I know that this too shall pass and I know that I will get through this, but I’m just letting you know to be prepared that it’s not easy, afterall, didn’t we always fail before on diets because our willpower wasn’t great enough to keep us going? Well now no matter how much you may want to “cheat” you CANT or you will hurt yourself, yes I guess that is a good thing, but is not easy. Plus I had to give up smoking in January to have this surgery which would be my other “go to “ crutch that I now don’t have either.---
    So back to when I get home, as I said, I was so prepared, had everything I needed and I swear when I got home I felt like I had no idea what to do, I thought they must have taken my brains out with my stomach cause I could not remember anything! I got so confused on –what’s a meal, whats a liquid- how much of each, when, etc..Well my brains finally came back and I’m figuring it out, but it’s not easy. It has become my full time job all week just trying to get it all straight and get it all in. I realize it’s not forever and that’s the only thing that gets me through the day. Trying to keep track of every 3 hours a meal, but half hour before don’t drink, then a half hour after don’t drink but then after that you better take in liquids every 2 minutes and then figure out your Protein intake, has become my job now. I thought I would try to go back to work next week, LOL yeah right..I need to have all this figured out first. I have never used my timer so much in my life! I really don’t mean to be a downer here, as I said, this is why I waited all week to write because if I had of written right away it would not have been good. This is only MY journey and how I have felt so far, I do not regret having the surgery because what is getting me through these tough days is the outcome and knowing (hoping) that it will be worth it, but I guess when your feeling this way and your still Fat, doesn’t help, LOL…For everyone who is upcoming in their surgery, I wish you the best and I’m sure you will be fine and not have my experience, and to everyone who’s had their surgery and had NO pain and everything has gone smooth sailing and so easy for you, KUDOS to you, but I did want to be honest so that if anyone experiences what I am experiencing I want them to feel they can come to me at any time to talk, because I will probably know how you feel and hopefully already be past that and able to get you past it as well. So please message me if you need any support at all. Sorry this was so long, I tried to make it as short as possible and I just want to end with this, if anyone has a dark day, my best advice to you is, to remember why you did this in the first place and that everyday it WILL get better, I promise..That is the only thing that got me through so far, Oh and by the way, I have lost 9 pounds since the day before surgery, so yay me!..Thanks for reading…Kari
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    Mrs.Ally reacted to justsloveme in My Post-Op journey so far. Sleeved on 4/2/13   
    That pain is no joke I was cryin like a baby it was the Worst pain I every had smh I know how u feel
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    Mrs.Ally reacted to Krystalrez in My Post-Op journey so far. Sleeved on 4/2/13   
    Hi Kari!
    Thanks for sharing. I was sleeved the day after you, and also thought I was prepared for what I was about to endure. I have friends and relatives who have been through being sleeved or had the bypass and they warned me that when I first woke up I would be like "what the heck have I done". They were right. I've typically handled pain well, but considering they're cutting out your stomach and moving all kinds of organs around, how can it not be painful.
    Also the few days/couple weeks after really kicked my butt!!!! One day I actually cried, wondering how much longer I was going to feel bad. With that being said, I have reached a turning point and I feel much better now. I am learning quickly what it means to feel full and when I am TRULY hungry (there is a difference in head hunger and true hunger). I've read a lot people say they're no longer hungry. I am!!! Just not for the same things.
    I've also had a HUGE problem getting in enough Protein. I HATE the shakes now, and I've tried many!! I get most of my Protein thru yogurt, eggs, and milk. I LOVE milk right now. I drink the Smart Balance milk. Tastes like real milk with 0 fat and more protein.
    I'm looking forward to the day when I can start reintroducing food into my diet. I've noticed I ask everyone all the time- so what did you have for dinner, lunch whenever. Lol. Like I'm living my food life thru them.
    I am so happy I've done this for myself!! I'm down 31 lbs today and a couple pants sizes!!! But I agree with you Kari, and think its important for people to see all the sides, positive and negative! I'd do it again, but would just be better prepared. Because the first couple weeks were NOT fun!!!
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    Mrs.Ally reacted to HadToDoIt40 in April Sleevers   
    NEVER thought I'd get here..... finally under 200! Only one pound under but I'll take it! HW 312, SW 305 CW...todays weight 199!

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