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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Cristin reacted to No game in Is the sleeve for me?   
    As far as being active you will have to take a couple of weeks off for anything hard core but will be able to resume soon enough. I would suggest you read the "fitness and exercise" sub forum you will see there are a lot of long distance runners and such...
    It's really a decision that only you can make, to have weight loss surgery and at that bmi you might also want to check out the "self pay Mexico" sub forum.
    As far as is it worth it?? For most of us yes! I loved Water before its a bit of a challenge now. I'm starting to tolerate it better at 4 months but I do miss "chugging" it. I liked shakes before still like them!
    I have read several low bmi'ers that have "regrets" but not many..
    I used to be an electrologist, I would have sad women with almost full beards come to me. And lay there hours every week and endure the pain to rid them selfs of this life hindering problem. Because they knew this was the path some sort of freedom.
    Then I would have girls come to me (sometimes friends) who had just a few hairs that would be nice to have gone.. After inserting the first needle and applying the current to one hair those girls would jump up and say "oh my god that's to painful, no thank you" it wasn't for them..
    This surgery to me is like that story, it is life altering, and it comes with some pain and some sacrifice.
    But if you need and want it bad enough it's worth it
  2. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from jen1211 in Bye-bye Lane Bryant!   
    Lane Bryant and Torrid have been able to rip me off for years, now. Torrid a clothes are just as expensive as LB but they're even crappier in quality; they won't last.
    I wish there was a plus size retailer that was fashion conscious that didn't take advantage of larger shoppers who don't have other options for semi-decent clothing.
    Ugh, I can't wait to be free of them!
  3. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from Pixie Dust in Sippy cup? Yes/no?   
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    Cristin got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in Weight lost attention   
    I would recommend giving people the benefit of the doubt. It can be frustrating to have people suddenly pay attention, but maybe they just didn't know how to talk to you before because they were shy or whatever. Now they have a compliment to open with, "You look great," and it makes it easier to start discussions.
    Also I know I tended to look sad a lot at my heaviest. It's possible you were unknowingly pushing people away like I did, and now that you're happier, people feel comfortable talking to you.
    You're a gorgeous woman, and you really do look great!
  5. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from Ms skinniness in what's this all about?   
    No problem! And thanks for asking; I'm pretty good I suppose. One week out today and my incisions are itching like crazy
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    Cristin got a reaction from determinedone in what's this all about?   
    The 3rd week stall is super common. Search for it with the forum's search feature and you'll see tons on it.
    Long story short: it's normal. Don't worry about it.
  7. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from determinedone in what's this all about?   
    The 3rd week stall is super common. Search for it with the forum's search feature and you'll see tons on it.
    Long story short: it's normal. Don't worry about it.
  8. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from determinedone in what's this all about?   
    The 3rd week stall is super common. Search for it with the forum's search feature and you'll see tons on it.
    Long story short: it's normal. Don't worry about it.
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    Cristin got a reaction from Sun Devil Fan in Do people really do this s**t?   
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    Cristin got a reaction from amytug in Can barely get h2o, now food!?   
    Celebrate brand has an ENS drink that includes a Multivitamin and half your Calcium dose. They also have a drink mix with your Multivitamin, calcium and 25 g of Protein. Honestly combining as much of the Protein, Vitamin and liquid requirements as possible makes things so much easier. Make everything you eat count towards something you need to get in in a big way; no 7g of protein per cup stuff. And I'd hate to take more than my Vitamin D and Iron in pill form like a jillion times a day.
    And the only way I've been able to get everything in is to use (drumroll, please...) SIPPY CUPS!
    Seriously, I just sip from one all day so that in total I have 8-10 sippy cups (at 8 oz each) of Liquid Protein, liquids, and Vitamin drinks. Sippy cups have been a lifesaver and I'm so glad my doc recommended them.
  12. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in Weight lost attention   
    I would recommend giving people the benefit of the doubt. It can be frustrating to have people suddenly pay attention, but maybe they just didn't know how to talk to you before because they were shy or whatever. Now they have a compliment to open with, "You look great," and it makes it easier to start discussions.
    Also I know I tended to look sad a lot at my heaviest. It's possible you were unknowingly pushing people away like I did, and now that you're happier, people feel comfortable talking to you.
    You're a gorgeous woman, and you really do look great!
  13. Like
    Cristin reacted to gmanbat in Slow down   
    Sleeve eating takes concentration. I like the Micheal Jordon approach. Visualize it before you do it. He saw his free throw before he did it. Sometimes he closed his eyes and threw it in.
    Pause before you eat. Think about what you have to do. Put that fork down between bites. If you are talking during your meals or watching TV or at the movies you must break concentration on them for a bit and concentrate on your eating.
    The sleeve only provides discomfort. Starting smoking was unpleasant as well. Millions of people overcame the discomfort and became addicted. People overcome the unpleasant feeling of over eating or eating too fast and neutralize the effectiveness of the sleeve.
    You have come to far to wreck your tool. Don't let it happen to you.
    (The preceeding was self-talk that Gman gives himself)
  14. Like
    Cristin reacted to NewKristen in Weight lost attention   
    I get you on this subject. Totally. I do believe that you are probably getting a little more attention because of the combination of you losing weight and also having a little more confidence.
    I have always felt beautiful. I know a lot of this is being married to someone who makes me feel beautiful and desired. However, I have a friend who was my age (39) and had never been married or in a serious relationship. One night we went out with a group of friends. She was complaining about how she was little and thin and guys never noticed her. This happened after a guy came to our table and Tried to talk to me. I was overweight by probably 75-80 lbs at the time. Her not getting attention was completely a self confidence issue. If she would walk across the bar and look people in the eye and smile, guys would see her as approachable. Instead she had her head down all the time. Confidence is sexy at any size. So I am guessing you might be rocking your new body, without even knowing what a hottie you are!
  15. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in Weight lost attention   
    I would recommend giving people the benefit of the doubt. It can be frustrating to have people suddenly pay attention, but maybe they just didn't know how to talk to you before because they were shy or whatever. Now they have a compliment to open with, "You look great," and it makes it easier to start discussions.
    Also I know I tended to look sad a lot at my heaviest. It's possible you were unknowingly pushing people away like I did, and now that you're happier, people feel comfortable talking to you.
    You're a gorgeous woman, and you really do look great!
  16. Like
    Cristin reacted to gmanbat in Boosting metabolism, fighting stalls   
    (The following is an article that I thought would be helpful to those fighting stalls. It wasn't written for WLS folks but the principles apply. Of course, it depends on where you are on your journey and if you can get in the foods they talk about while getting Protein first. You may need to adjust things and lean more on supplements)
    Your basal metabolic rate — the energy your body expends at rest — is generally determined by your genetics, but new research shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently.
    HEALTH magazine contributor Samantha Heller offers seven tips that can help boost your metabolism and lead to a stronger, healthier, leaner body.
    Here are the best metabolism boosters:
    Stoke your system with B Vitamins and magnesium
    B vitamins: B vitamins are key players in DNA synthesis, the central nervous system, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein and energy production. Inadequate amounts of B6, B12, folate, thiamin and niacin can leave you feeling depressed and fatigued, slow the body’s metabolism and increase your risk for chronic diseases. Get the bulk of your B’s from food, where they pair up with other vitamins and minerals for a complete synergy of action. Foods high in the B’s include: spinach, asparagus, Beans (navy, soy, black beans), melon, broccoli, fish, poultry and eggs.< /p>
    Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral needed by every cell in your body and is used in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including proper muscle, nerve and heart function, protein synthesis and energy metabolism. The National Institutes of Health reports that most Americans are not getting enough magnesium in their diets for optimal health. Boost your intake of high magnesium foods to give your metabolism a boost. Go green with your vegetables. Green vegetables such as spinach provide magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium. Other excellent sources of magnesium include: halibut, nuts such as almonds, cashews and peanuts, soybeans (edamame), whole-grain cereals, oatmeal, and legumes such as black-eyed peas and lentils.
    Snack right
    Snacking can help ignite your energy by giving your body a fuel boost. Eating healthy Snacks, in snack-size portions, can help you avoid the overhungry-overeating syndrome that often leads to overweight and can leave you feeling lethargic. Be sure to include healthy carbs and protein in each snack such as: Peanut Butter and banana, trail mix, hummus and baby carrots, or an apple with low-fat Cheddar cheese. The protein/carbohydrate combination help regulate blood sugar, energy levels and feelings of satiety.
    Start your day smart
    Want to increase your metabolism? Eat Breakfast. Studies indicate that eating breakfast may increase resting metabolism by 10 percent and reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. Make sure it’s a healthy morning with whole-grain Cereal and fruit, whole-wheat toast and peanut butter or fat-free yogurt and a handful of granola.
    Speed play and strength train
    Speed play (aka Fartlek) — Fartlek, commonly known in the U.S. as interval training, is the Swedish word for "speed play." Interval training or speed play is a great way to pump up your metabolism and make your workouts more fun. Interval training alternates short bursts of intense activity with lower intensity activity. For example; alternating sprints with a slow jog, or powering up a hill followed by an easy downhill lope. Interval training teaches the heart and muscles to use oxygen more efficiently. A few studies have found that interval training alters the mitochondria (the engine like organelles that produce energy in cells) to burn more fat. You will likely burn more calories, increase your metabolic rate and your level of fitness at a faster rate than with your old familiar workout.
    Strength training — As we get older we tend to lose muscle, gain fat and our metabolism slows down as a result. One way to combat this metabolic slowdown is with regular strength or resistance training. Resistance training stimulates muscles to become stronger and healthier, providing your body with beneficial improvements in strength and function. Resistance training also reduces fat mass and increases muscle mass. Research suggests that resistance training may even increase life expectancy.
    Stop slashing calories, (within reason with the sleeve, up the calories a bit)
    Depriving your body of fuel is a surefire way to slow it down. Food stimulates energy metabolism needed for digestion in a process called "dietary induced thermogenesis." When you slash calories, the calories burned by eating are greatly diminished and so is your metabolic rate. Restricting calories also signals the body that there is no food available, so it tries to conserve stores of carbohydrate and fat by slowing down its metabolism. The best way to keep your metabolism revved is to eat regular meals with snacks when necessary to give your body a constant supply of healthy fuel.
  17. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in Weight lost attention   
    I would recommend giving people the benefit of the doubt. It can be frustrating to have people suddenly pay attention, but maybe they just didn't know how to talk to you before because they were shy or whatever. Now they have a compliment to open with, "You look great," and it makes it easier to start discussions.
    Also I know I tended to look sad a lot at my heaviest. It's possible you were unknowingly pushing people away like I did, and now that you're happier, people feel comfortable talking to you.
    You're a gorgeous woman, and you really do look great!
  18. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in Weight lost attention   
    I would recommend giving people the benefit of the doubt. It can be frustrating to have people suddenly pay attention, but maybe they just didn't know how to talk to you before because they were shy or whatever. Now they have a compliment to open with, "You look great," and it makes it easier to start discussions.
    Also I know I tended to look sad a lot at my heaviest. It's possible you were unknowingly pushing people away like I did, and now that you're happier, people feel comfortable talking to you.
    You're a gorgeous woman, and you really do look great!
  19. Like
    Cristin reacted to lsereno in Do people really do this s**t?   
    I say Thanks and move away from them. I don't waste time defending myself.
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    Cristin got a reaction from NtvTxn in How to health-ify favorite recipes   
    I love finding healthy ways to prepare my old (...okay, STILL) favorite comfort foods.
    So I'm hoping maybe we can post some of our favorite tips here for each other, like...
    Replace shells, tortillas, sandwich bread, with huge, crisp green lettuce leafs. I swear, it really makes me realize how often bread was just in the mix to CONTAIN things. Saves calories and carbs And I haven't done this once where using lettuce instead of bread/shells/tortillas made the food any less delicious.
  21. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from 1sassygal in The Beginning   
    Awesome we're here for you! And one thing I found that sped up every stage of the process was following up relentlessly. After my claim was submitted to insurance, I called my insurance provider every day to check its status. I didn't try to rush anything because they don't really have any control over that, but ultimately it was good because I found out I was approved on the DAY it happened, not when they finally got the letter to me 4 days later.
    Then after I found out I called my surgeon and asked if we could schedule preop tests based on the info I had. They did, which surprised me because I didn't have a formal letter yet.
    Once I got my preop dates I called the hospital where the tests were supposed to happen and got them all moved up two weeks. That made feel like a badass lol.
    Be an advocate for yourself and I would be surprised if you couldn't speed things up
    And I hope you get both the cruise and the surgery! Good luck!!
  22. Like
    Cristin reacted to apricot1119 in Internal dialog   
    I was looking through some old pictures of mine, and then some others on here. The "befores". I noticed the strained smiles and pain in the eyes. We were all hurting so much. That is one of the big gifts of the sleeve. Freedom from that pain when a camera is pointed your way, or your spouse sees you naked with the lights on, or your last pair of pants don't fit. Why did that pain send me running to food? It did. Than the guilt and self incriminations! I am still in the loosing phase, but somewhere during my loss that voice got nixed. I don't even mind my husband seeing me with the lights on! I want a ticker for that! Or maybe a parade.
  23. Like
    Cristin got a reaction from pantala in I made it   
    Maybe the Spanish translation of pain medication would help?
    Medicamentos para el dolor
    (Medic-ah-MENT-ohs PAR-ah el DOH-lore)
    Or just show the nurse the words. And say "mas" so he or she knows you want more.
    I hope that helps. I'm so sorry you're in pain!
  24. Like
    Cristin reacted to clk in When did your toughest weight loss plateau occur?   
    I had real plateaus - nine weeks apiece - at roughly six months and one year post op. Both times they occurred when I hit a previous "happy weight" that my body had trouble moving past.
    And of course, the last twenty pounds were brutal but I hesitate to call those periods "stalls" or "plateaus" because I did lose weight...just at the poky pace of less than a pound a week.
    My honest opinion is that many people get frustrated by "stalls" or "plateaus" that don't really fit that description. Daily weighing immediately post op and in those initial months leads to many people feeling terribly frustrated with a short adjustment period (often less than even two weeks) where the scale just isn't moving. Weigh weekly or monthly and a lot of that can be avoided, and save the daily weighing for maintenance, when it's necessary to stay accountable.
  25. Like
    Cristin reacted to PdxMan in When did your toughest weight loss plateau occur?   
    I hope I'm not alone here, but weighing once a month, I never saw a platau. I'm sure I had them, but I was afraid I would get discouraged if I saw a stall or any weight gain. I knew this journey wasn't going to be a straight line from start to goal, but have ups, downs and plataus, so I didn't weigh very often.
    So, I never saw stalls, plataus or increases. I was always encouraged. May have had something to do with my success, as I never did feel discouraged and was able to stay motivated with my exercise and eating habits.
    Option isn't available on the poll, so I couldn't answer ...

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