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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to DDFinn in Week 7! Very Slow Loser   
    I'm right there with you ladies. All we can do is keep plugging away and know that every pound that we DO lose, is gone forever. Let's just keep supporting each other and venting to each other when we need to!
  2. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to Karen B45 in What Are You Eating?   
    That's a great suggestion thank you so much. I couldn't believe how much that the milk upset my stomach. Cha Cha is right though, a lot of people on here have discussed having issues with milk, and I guess I didn't make the connection to myself until it happened! I will definitely get some when I am at the store tomorrow....my strawberry powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury is pretty tasty with Water, but I think the chocolate would be better with some type of milk type liquid.
    Can't say enough good things about the Unjury though...I am loving the shakes and chicken Soup. Definitely an easy way to get the Protein requirement in!
  3. Like
    ButterflyGirl got a reaction from Dooter in I'm Pre Op And Emotional   
    Hang in there!!! Ur sleeve will be like ending an old life and will mark the beginning of a new one!!! Once u get it you'll have a better outlook on life!!!
  4. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to princess9475 in Day 25   
    Wow! 25 days out and for the heck of it I thought I should get on the scale and see if there has been any change since my 24 lb total loss since Monday... So today I'm down 31 lbs that is 7lbs since Monday! Yippie
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    ButterflyGirl reacted to fattymcfatterson in What Did I Just Throw Up?   
    Please post updates as you find out what it is! Praying it is nothing serious!!
  6. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to sasicas in I Won!   
    Thank you all so much for those that voted for me when I posted about the Progresso Souper You contest I was a finalist in. Well it was announced today on their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Progresso, so I can finally tell you all that I am one of the 3 grand prize winners!!
    So excited for our trip to Cali and especially for the makeover and getting to see the Biggest Loser Finale
    Thank you!
    Still can't believe how tight those jeans once were on me

  7. Like
    ButterflyGirl got a reaction from lisalalani in Post Op Day 2   
    Yes its normal! As far as the Protein you can add it right away as long as it is clear, the first week however I don't think is detrimental to drink your protein. You're probably having enough trouble as it is with the Clear Liquids. Hang in there, it gets better!!!
  8. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to brandymarie81 in Happy Friday! I Have An Nsv!   
    A girl I work with said...wow...I can REALLY tell that you have lost some weight! You look great!
    I was floored! This chick NEVER says a nice thing to me!
  9. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to peacequeen in Nice Little Hor'dourves   
    Marinate Water chestnuts in soy sauce over night. Wrap them in a half slice of turkey bacon,,slide a toothpick through them to hold the bacon on and bake for about 15-20 minutes in 400 degree oven. Makes a healthy snack or great for a party.
    I read.."Chestnuts also have the Heart Foundation tick of approval"
  10. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to Anakin Jay in Not Loosing Weight   
    happened to me too, I stalled for 4 weeks immediately after surgery, then dropped 15 lbs practically over night.
    Just hang on there.
  11. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to carbgrl in Not Loosing Weight   
    I'm a slow loser too so you're nor alone.
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    ButterflyGirl reacted to bellabbr in Clothes Size 18/20   
    Both of you shoot me a message with your address. I have enough to split between you two
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    ButterflyGirl reacted to bellabbr in Flame Free Friday Confessions!   
    Cinnabon now makes churros. The good kind one filled with dulce de leche, the one I have been craving since my first pregnancy, yeah I had 2
    oh and today I went to get 1 pair of capris for the summer and size 16 was too big so I tried on 14's and they fit. OMG I screamed, danced and praised God. The ladies in the stall next to me were all laughing, so I went back out and dropped almost $100 in clothes just because I now fit in size 14's =)
  14. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to Lilee84 in Flame Free Friday Confessions!   
    Better late than never, right?
    It's FFFC time! And this week's FFFC will be voted on by your fellow VSG'ers to see who's got the most unique/creative/scandalous (in a good way!) confession! Your confessions can be food/sleeve related or not, so let's hear it! What's your dirty little secret of the week? ETA: We'll be voting Monday so you have the weekend to get your confessions in.
    Here's mine:
    When my sons father (I affectionately refer to him as Spermy... Short for Spermy McDonor ) came and dropped our son off on Sunday, I purposely made sure that I had showered, blow dried my hair, put on fresh makeup and a fresh spritz of his favorite perfume so that when he saw me in my slimmer form and form fitted clothes, he'd feel a sharp stab in his gut and realize what a moron he is for 1) being such a prick and 2) calling me a fat effing biatch a few weeks ago. I don't ever want him back, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy torturing him a bit I know my plan was a huge success when he did a double take when he saw me and lingered just a moment too long when he was kissing our son goodbye.
    It feels good.
  15. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to Kay420 in Not Loosing Weight   
    This happened to me. I will be 4 weeks post op tomorrow. I lost 13 lbs the first week, gained 5 the second, and stalled the third. I've finally lost those 5 lbs and they started coming off when I upped my calories to about 600 a day. Good luck!
  16. Like
    ButterflyGirl got a reaction from RossJL in Not Loosing Weight   
    Thank you, I guess I'll just have to be more patient (which is not my best atribute to begin with). I appreciate the support.
  17. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to Sassygirl06 in Not Loosing Weight   
    that lovely three week stall that lasts sometimes 2-4 weeks. that scale will move....dont worry! you will get there! stay possitive
  18. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to Wheetsin in Not Loosing Weight   
    Have you ever calculated your BMR? Basal metabolic rate. I don't ask in a condescending way, I just ask because a lot of people don't know it's an actual thing.
    BMR calculator
    Your BMR is the number of calories you need just to exist. No activity, nothing. That calculator will give you an educated guess of what your BMR might be.
    If you're ingesting fewer calories than your BMR, especially if you're ingeting significantly less, your body won't be able to avoid ketosis (being in a state of converting fat to fuel). Lots of things can "mask" fat loss, though.
    And initially, you're going to be dehydrated and will have lost a lot of other fluids your body likes to hold on to. As you rehydrate, it's going to try and replace some of those. Nothing about your body is static. Think of it like a bus -- things constantly going in, things constantly going out.
    I don't mean to "harp" on this, I just don't like to see the reactions people have to these things that are quite normal. I don't like the reactions because I see them tearing people down and I see people beating themselves up over body effects that cannot be avoided. Ever diet, lose a ton of weight at first, then not lose anything or gain and think "Well forget that, I'm not going to give up my <indulgence of choice> if I'm not even losing weight..." Your body had to off a bunch of stuff to content with the sudden change, then was trying to get itself back where it wants to be. That's all. Had the changes been maintained, the differences would have played out.
    Advice on a more practical level -- if you're going to weight, and aren't already, be sure to weigh naked. Weigh within 15 - 20 mins of the same time of day NOT right after you wake up or right after you go to bed. Make sure your scale is on a hard, stable surface. Weigh yourself 3 times in a row and go with the highest, or lowest of the numbers (if you don't get the same weight all 3 times), and stick with that pattern every time. Do not weigh once and go off that weight. Do not weigh daily. I'd strongly suggest not even weighing weekly. Do keep in mind that there are just going to be times when you weigh more (I gain about 11 lbs with TOM).
    And I know it's easier said than done, but just trust that eventually your body will quit being a drama queen and calm down.
  19. Like
    ButterflyGirl reacted to kayte819 in Not Loosing Weight   
    Hi Butterfly! Don't despair! I had a 3 week stall that started around week 3 & lasted 3 wks. A week ago I saw my surgeon who had no suggestions since I was already doing what I was supposed to be doing. I felt so discouraged.....but the very next day I was down 2 lbs. Today 9 days later, I've lost 13 lbs!!! Making up for lost time I guess! I did up my caloric intake from 5-600 to now 7-800. It seems to have helped. Moral of the story: it will happen! You're doing a fantastic job so don't lose the faith....keep doing what you're doing & the weight WILL come off
  20. Like
    ButterflyGirl got a reaction from Shemy-away in All Food Still Looks Good.   
    Hi there! I just started week 3 on Sunday (blended food) and I can eat a lot less than I can Jello or Protein shakes!!! I was surprised also when I noticed that I could drink more than a couple of sips, but now that I'm on the creams it's a lot less!!! You just know your full and stop because you have to. As far as wanting other people's food, I'm right there with you!!! I want it in my mouth even thought I don't really feel hungry. Everything smells great, but eventually we'll be able to eat everything even if its just one bite!!!

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