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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    kmwheel reacted to nyc8dove in water aerobics   
  2. Like
    kmwheel reacted to GrannyGoes4it in water aerobics   
    I can't say enough about Water exercise. Those who try it will find it really is good for firming as well as weight loss and it takes all your pain away while you are in the water. I had 8 vertebrae fused in my spine and I don't think I would be walking without that type of exercise. I have a monitor I purchased at WW last year, you can actually use it in the water. I plan to use it after the surgery although I have to pay for the e-tools in order to use it, but when I reach goal weight the tools will be free because I am an old lifetime member. So instead of 20 ish it will only be 5.00. Good luck to all of you who try water exercise.
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    kmwheel reacted to selbradey in Increased calories=weight loss   
    It is. Even when i get scared of carbs and sugar, my inner godess is like "no sarah, moderation will accelerate weight loss" and i get calm. I still have nightmares sometimes that im downing a pint of haagen daaz...i dont ever want to go back to that way of eating again
  4. Like
    kmwheel reacted to selbradey in Increased calories=weight loss   
    Some days i struggle to get my Protein and liquid intake, but on good days i eat every 3 hours, i eat protein first, add in some healthy carbs, and a smidgen of fat. I noticed i lose more inches and weight when eat more frequently and have one to two higher calorie items a week, not calorie bombs but more then normal 150-200 calories. Just thought i would share, especially those of us with severe binge eating issues, the eating healthy every few hours is physically and mentally satisfying
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    kmwheel reacted to aroundhky in Jealous Friends   
    Well said "gmanbat"!!
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    kmwheel reacted to gmanbat in Jealous Friends   
    This surgery is a test...for you having the guts to get it and for those who know about it: how they are going to deal with you?
    Ignorance of this operation is a given unless they have extensive medical training or have had experience personally or with someone they are involved with.
    Ignorance is easily forgiven and remedied.
    Cruelty and outright disrespect are another thing. Sometimes something like this surfaces what has been hidden all along. Having you along leveraged their ego, made them feel superior. Now you are looking better than them, (in their neurotic mind), and their tool is broken. They've switched places and don't like it. Apparently the affection that you thought they had for you was phony. It was only skin plus a fat layer deep.
    If you have friends that rode this out with you and still love you...you have real friends.
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    kmwheel reacted to MoreganK in Jealous Friends   
    I have had a jealous friend moment. Someone who I thought understood a little better what wls patients go through, or at least would not use it to belittle me. We were out having a good time together, when she started talking about her weight. She wanted to lose 30 pounds, so she could go from her size 10s to her size 6s that she fit in when she was 19 (she is 28). She actually said, "I've thought about going the easy way out like you, and having surgery. But decided I'd do it the right way instead." I was so flabbergasted! So many things wrong with what she said. Disrespectful to me, wrong information about who should consider or get wls, just to point out the obvisous two. Since that day, I've placed some distance between us. She is a friend still, but I don't trust her in confidence as I once would have, and I do not see her hardly at all. The sad part is, she probably doesn't even notice or know why.
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    kmwheel reacted to Geminidrive in Jealous Friends   
    Fortunately I have not had the same experience as you. Talk to her, tell her how you feel.
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    kmwheel got a reaction from KhadijahRose in Jealous Friends   
    I had the same thing happen where I was "outed" to a stranger (waitress) by a friend. I just gently remind them that it's my story to tell and I get to choose where and when. She probably is proud, and/or not really thinking. I think jealousy can be an issue, too. I've been really lucky with my friends...they all seem genuinely happy for me, but I also rarely even talk about my weight loss or other issues...good or bad. I'm just trying to be as "normal" as possible out in the world.
    I can still remember, though, going out dancing with a friend (back in the olden days) and there was a hot guy who would not leave me alone. She seemed pretty pissy about it, and on the way home said, "I guess he just likes BIGGER girls." That was definitely not something a friend would say. I could have gone on and on that maybe he liked girls who were pretty, nice, had a great personality...etc., but the truth is, heavy or skinny, we all have our insecurity demons...and I'd much rather have mine than somebody else's!
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    kmwheel reacted to JerseyGirl68 in Jealous Friends   
    I've been friends with "Kathy" for over 35 years. Love her to death, but she cannot keep anything in confidence. For most things it didn't bother me too much. But for this surgery, I made it very clear to her that any information about my surgery was to come from me, period. I asked her specifically not to share it with anyone. She, of course, didn't think she had an issue with keeping things private. Remind your friend that this is your story to tell if you choose to, not hers and you would appreciate her respecting that.
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    kmwheel reacted to 1happyloser2b in Jealous Friends   
    Yes Sir definitely different with females!!! Women are sooooo Catty! It's about "***** Control!" ( not all women!)
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    kmwheel got a reaction from KhadijahRose in Jealous Friends   
    I had the same thing happen where I was "outed" to a stranger (waitress) by a friend. I just gently remind them that it's my story to tell and I get to choose where and when. She probably is proud, and/or not really thinking. I think jealousy can be an issue, too. I've been really lucky with my friends...they all seem genuinely happy for me, but I also rarely even talk about my weight loss or other issues...good or bad. I'm just trying to be as "normal" as possible out in the world.
    I can still remember, though, going out dancing with a friend (back in the olden days) and there was a hot guy who would not leave me alone. She seemed pretty pissy about it, and on the way home said, "I guess he just likes BIGGER girls." That was definitely not something a friend would say. I could have gone on and on that maybe he liked girls who were pretty, nice, had a great personality...etc., but the truth is, heavy or skinny, we all have our insecurity demons...and I'd much rather have mine than somebody else's!
  13. Like
    kmwheel reacted to Bella86 in Peoples reactions to weight loss surgery   
    I just had a friend raving at me about trust and how hurt she is I didn't tell her! I don't understand why she's so angry it just pissed me off :-(
  14. Like
    kmwheel reacted to pammie37 in Peoples reactions to weight loss surgery   
    I agree with you both..It is sad how people judge...I say f**k em and do you...lol..I too have been on so many diets I cant count.. I lost 1000's of pounds and gained them all back!!! I am done... losers bench is calling my name
  15. Like
    kmwheel reacted to AussieLady in Peoples reactions to weight loss surgery   
    This topic comes up a lot. Some will say be honest and tell everyone and others will disagree. It seems to me that most people just don't understand and tend to make you feel worse rather than being encouraging and positive. I told my partner and my children who were all very supportive, but I am so glad I did not tell others as I would hate the judgement and cross-examinations.
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    kmwheel reacted to 1sassygal in Secrets   
    Thank you all for all your thoughts! It's truly appreciated and you are ALL right!! Bottom line it's MY decision and I should never have anyone make me feel bad about it. It's all about how I feel and the approach I want to take. There's no right or wrong answer!! I'm soooo excited and eager for this new chapter and am so glad I joined this forum. It helps to talk to people who have "walked in my shoes"!! )
  17. Like
    kmwheel reacted to simplejaxgirl in Secrets   
    All I can say is let them walk a mile in "our" shoes, the journey of many failed diets, working out each day, making new choices for a healthy lifestyle, many while battling emotional issues and scars....it's no roses and sunshine walk (at least not for me and many others) it :angers: me when people say the "easy" way....
    Never judge unless you've walked a mile in their shoes.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  18. Like
    kmwheel reacted to measureofme in Post op euphoria?   
    lessisomer of me, you made me giggle.
    Found my tears finally... First bout of nausea tonight and it all just slammed into me. Being home safe and sound may have helped too.
    Ahh we'll. still happy even if the "shiny" has worn off!
  19. Like
    kmwheel reacted to measureofme in Post op euphoria?   
    I am 3 days post op and so... Happy? Euphoric? Hopeful? I sometimes want to giggle. I expected depression at worst and acceptance at best... This feeling was not on my radar. Endorphins maybe?
    Anyone else? I am soooooooo not complaining, just worried for a flip side.
    Hah! I may just be excited Togo home tomorrow. LoL
  20. Like
    kmwheel reacted to HoosierGirl in Just received a verbal beating...   
    So after my mom freaking out for a week, she was fine when I left for TJ on Sunday. Had surgery MOnday and was talking to her on the phone yesterday.
    She told me how brave I am and how proud she is of me taking control of my weight problem, etc. GO FIGURE!!!!
  21. Like
    kmwheel reacted to *Dean* in Just received a verbal beating...   
    I've got down to a healthy BMI 10 years ago with diet and exercise. I've obviously put most of that back on again.
    Once I started losing weight with VSG my Dad said "Don't stuff it up again this time". I said "Don't for get to say 'I told you so' If I do".
    Old people eh?
    Somebody shoot me if I end up like that .......
  22. Like
    kmwheel reacted to TheCurvyJones in Just received a verbal beating...   
    My mother was NOT happy. She was only "okay" about it when I said I was making my best friend go with me and to contact her from MX and let her know everything was fine. As well my surgeon was willing to call her and talk to her if it would help. I said, nah I don't want her to be rude to you! LOL.
    Everything turned out JUST fine and now she's impressed with him. She almost stole Dr Alvarez' book off my bedside table. Thankfully she had bypass in 2001 so she was okay with the surgery part. It was the Mexico part and the part where I didn't have $30K to pay for it here in the US where she had no other arguments. I wasn't going to be fat for another year.
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    kmwheel reacted to bee13 in Just received a verbal beating...   
    It's funny, because my mom had a similar reaction to my wedding announcement or my religious conversion. I don't think she understands me or my decisions usually - but in time she accepts them and learns to love me as an individual.
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    kmwheel reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in Just received a verbal beating...   
    My dad really chewed me out when he found out my plans. It is a subject we've agreed not to talk about. It was "Mexico" that caused him to freak. In hindsight I wish I would have not told anyone but my hubby until afterwards.
    Hindsight is always 20/20.
    Amanda Rae
  25. Like
    kmwheel reacted to JenKMi in 100 Pounds!   
    The best advice is keep on keeping on. When you're going through it, it seems like it takes forever, but looking back, it's not bad at all. Take one day at a time. It'll happen. There are ups and downs. There were times when I did regret it. But, hey, I'm down 100#, no regrets now. Keep up the Protein, that's the biggest one for me. Still working on getting the Water in. Keep a bright outlook and know you can do it.

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