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    jamill527 reacted to dustin551 in Feeling defeated   
    That first stall will last 2-3 weeks. What you are feeling is totally normal. I posted something similar at two weeks out. You can't fail with this. You'll see. I'd tell you to put the scale away, but I still haven't been able to do it. I like weighing myself every day.
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    jamill527 got a reaction from Tbird49 in Feeling defeated   
    I had my surgery 9/10/13 and I'm having the same issue. I'm getting pretty emotional about it because I don't want to fail at this. My pre op weight was 297 and post op 270. I'm lost cause I been stuck at 270 for 2 weeks now.
  3. Like
    jamill527 reacted to smorvant22 in Need encouragement   
    i am 2 weeks post op and i'm hav ing a really hard time with my Protein and my Vitamins. they make me sick. like vomiting sick after i take them. for protein i found a liquid whey protein that my surgeon approved. it is by Twinlab. 2 tbls of this is 15g of protein! makes it super easy to meet your goals.
  4. Like
    jamill527 reacted to ReDbEaN in Need encouragement   
    Are you getting in any of your Protein? And it will move Hun, it may take a little bit but it will...the others are right, when you eat more it will come off. Try not to be too discouraged...my scale hasn't moved in a week BUT I have lost inches...right now I'll take what I can get.
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    jamill527 reacted to IdahoGirl32 in Feeling defeated   
    I've heard SO many people say they hit a stall around this time. Don't worry! You're not alone! Seriously, if you follow the rules and can only eat a few ounces at a time, how could you NOT lose weight? This is just your body adjusting to the changes. Be gentle with yourself and stay positive! Yay!
  6. Like
    jamill527 reacted to Tbird49 in Feeling defeated   
    I'm 3 1/2 weeks post op and I'm feeling defeated already . I lost 20 lbs in the first two weeks then nothing I've been feeling tired etc ... I'm sure my body Is just in a shock mode I was a big carb eater now I have to figure out Protein stuff I just started soft solids I thought I was doing stuff right but I guess I'm not , I don't ... I can't fail at this ... I'm just in a funk sorry friends
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    jamill527 reacted to Tbird49 in Feeling defeated   
    That's why I love this site the support is amazing
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    jamill527 reacted to mykeld2 in Besides weight loss, what has been the biggest benefit since getting surgery?   
    Last night in the kitchen my boyfriend and I were goofing around. He picked me up off the ground with no problem. That's never happened before! I've never even let a man try to carry me anywhere!
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    jamill527 reacted to Peggy 53 in Besides weight loss, what has been the biggest benefit since getting surgery?   
    Wearing panty hose and crossing my legs.....
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    jamill527 reacted to LaBelle509 in Besides weight loss, what has been the biggest benefit since getting surgery?   
    Beside self confidence and pride, feeling free from food!! Being able to eat and walk away from the table without stuffing my face is INCREDIBLE!! I used to eat to a coma, and dream of what I was gonna eat next.
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    jamill527 reacted to ReDbEaN in Incision won't heal   
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    jamill527 reacted to tiffanykj in Picutres Please   
    Sleeved: 3/4/13
    Starting weight: 238
    Today's weight: 163
    Height: 5"11
    The picture on the left was taken exactly a year ago. The newest picture was taken this past Saturday.

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    jamill527 reacted to Mrs.RRn in Picutres Please   
    This was taken this past weekend at a BBQ my husband and I host every year... Sleeved June 11th
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    jamill527 reacted to JustSayMoe in Weight gain   
    Your weight will move up and down all of the time. There are a number of things that cause this. It's perfectly normal. Remember you are still healing and adjusting to the new you.
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    jamill527 reacted to Arts137 in Weight gain   
    Yep, your weights will be variable for a bit, but will 'trend down'. Also remember that your cycle is another issue that will have an impact on Water weight.
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    jamill527 reacted to jenni9579 in July sleevers please check in..   
    I know I should be happy with 27 and I really am. It's just that I thought being almost a month out I would've lost a little more. I'm really trying to be patient but i waited almost a year to have this surgery, and now I'm stuck waiting for the stupid scale to move. Doesn't seem fair.
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    jamill527 reacted to soocalchic in Before and After Pics   
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    jamill527 reacted to FRED1977 in Wow 71 pounds gone in 2 months post op   
    Wow I'm siked I have lost a total of 71 pounds including pre op weight loss of 32 pounds for my 2 month mark. I pray that I keep loosing and reach my goal of 200 lbs in the next 4 months. I haven't been able to get in the gym but my diet must be right I'm loosing about 3 pounds a week so far.... Praising the lord and my surgeon. I love my sleeve..... The 29th of this month will make exactly the 2 month mark . I had my surgery on July 29th of 2013 . Just wanted to post some postieve news about my loss. My starting weight was 316 so I have come a long way.... God is good at all times
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    jamill527 reacted to ebonisekim in 8 months out down 122pounds down   
    I surgery was 1/21/13 started at 299 Cw 177 goal weight 185 and 12 pounds to a normal bmi I'm 8 pounds under my personal goal okay so my husband and a few others are you your to skinny it didn't bother me much until my husband said he was concern he seen a pic I post and this how this cane about because he seen me all day and I was like you didn't say anything he said well looking at me everyday is different but a photo he can see that I'm to skinny .. It bothers me because I kno he loves me it's not a jealousy thing i and I just refuse to alter my weightloss but I will admit y'all that I love the weightloss it's like wining the race it excites me and the thought of it stoping scares me so I'm like when will I feel enough is enough like I'm beyond satisfied my weight now I just like the thrill of losing but anywho I had to get that off my chest so here's some pics tell me what y'all think

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    jamill527 reacted to hope1106 in Size 20 now wearing a size 4!   
    I've been crying and whining all day because I feel bad.. I'm 5 days post op and can't drink shakes or that much water.. I told my husband I regreted it.. but then I saw your post and wow.. there's hope!! You look AMAZING!! I guess ill put my big girl panties on and keep sipping my water.. Congratulations!!
  21. Like
    jamill527 reacted to Carly4HandinSD in Horror Story   
    Sorry to hear about your sister.
    However, with ANY surgery comes risk. While your sister had the worst happen to her, many people, like myself have had this surgery with little to no complications. When you have struggled years or your whole life and you see how being severely obese takes away from your life you will do all that you can to help yourself. Most of us wouldn't have this surgery if we could do it on our own. We have all tried everything possible and while it may have worked short term, long term is the key. This surgery is life saving for so many people. Now, if someone needed heart surgery to save their life and because of the heart surgery they had a complication that was severe.. would you suggest they don't have the heart surgery as a chance to save their life? No, you would hope that they would do all that they could take the chance. it is the same principal Surgery is surgery, regardless of what kind there are risks. And to us the risks are worth it, leaks happen, I think everyone is made aware of it before surgery and knows it can happen. While it is scary and I feel for anyone who has to go through it, it is a risk you have to take. Again, I'm sorry to hear about your sister and stories like these let people know off all possibilities, please do not come on here basically insulting so many of us that have had LIFE SAVING surgery.
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    jamill527 got a reaction from Cbluewinds in Where Is Everyone From?   
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    jamill527 reacted to DianaE in If you still struggle afterwards, why do it?   
    Well for the most part you answered why you should do it - I'm tired of being tired, being the fat lady in the group, losing and regaining, and watching my weight issues get worse over time. I don't want to waddle my way through the rest of my life. I was to feel good and look good and avoid diabetes and other issues.
    Here is how I feel it has helped me ( I am 11 mos out) - I no longer have the stomach size that is capable of eating lbs of food at a time.. Prior to the surgery i failed at weight loss because I had no self control. My tummy would scream at me and I would respond by shoving tons of food in to it. It was torture trying to diet and fight the signals that my tummy and head were always sending..
    Now, when I get the signals, it is much easier to maintain control.. It doesnt take much to silence the screams. The main thing I must do is ensure my choices are good.. You can still shove all the slider foods down and slow your progess and even gain.. There is no magic pill but this has helped me tremondousl.. I dont regret my decision. I am 56 and just wish I had done it years ago.. The only thing that is happening now after approx 100 lbs of loss is I am dealing with excess skin.. But even that is worth it.. I feel better than I have in years.. And yes, I did get type 2 diabetes in the 80's.. I was about to have to go insulin per the Dr.. I am now down to one med where I was on 4 for Diabetes.. That in itself has made it worth it for me..
    I understand your doubts but you have to be realistic with yourself.. If you truly think you can acomplish what you need to with diet and exercise, then dont do surgery.. I am thinking you are at this crossroads for the same reason we all were,, We were not succesful with diet and exercise.
    Good luck!
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    jamill527 reacted to littlebitsy in My surgery was today   
    Just thought I'd share my story with all you pre-ops.
    I arrived at the hospital at 5:45am and got registered. About 6 they called me back and did all the fun pre-op things: changing onto my attractive hospital gown, drawing last minute labs, starting the IV (one stick), and a ton more things. I met with the anesthesiologist and OR nurse and just had to wait for my doctor to arrive.
    8:00 I was on my way to the OR, scared but ready. I was asleep within minutes. I don't remember anything after I scooted from the stretcher to the table.
    I woke up in PACU and was extremely nauseated and in a lot of discomfort. They have me Compazine for the nausea that when it kicked in it took the nausea away completely. I dozed on and off during this time. I did notice it was 11;30 when I first looked at the clock. At noon I was transferred to my room.
    My husband was waiting for me and all I could say was that I was sorry and wished that I could have been happy being fat (can we say I was having a little buyers remorse and really early). I actually told him that a few times but I had really bad gas discomfort and was still exhausted from the anesthesia. The gas pain was terrible but I knew and the nurses reinforced that walking was the only thing I could do to get rid of it. My body felt heavy and I could barely lift my arms at this point so walking just seemed like a ludicrous idea. My husband left to get my son off the bus and I slept. I forced myself to wake up an hour or so later because my son was coming to see me and I wanted him to see I was okay. Once I woke up I had to pee and of course I am scared to death to get up but I have to. It is something Iust do. I called for help and up I got. Surprise it wasn't bad, my fear was for nothing. I then started doing little trips in the room going to the window or to the bathroom and guess what the has pain got better. It's still not gone and it hurts to lay down but it's tolerable. I have also been sucking on ice chips as much as I can to get my fluids in.
    It is now 12 hours past my surgery and I no longer have any buyers remorse (for now) and the gas pain I have is in my shoulder and a smidgen in my belly. I did have a hernia he repaired while he was in there or so my husband told me. I just wanted to share my surgical story with everyone. Tomorrow I have a swallow study and I hope to go home. Good luck to everyone on this journey.
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    jamill527 reacted to Bailey2194 in Sleeved sept 9th in TJ with Dr. Kelly   
    I had my surgery 3 days ago at Nova hospital with Dr. Kelly. I cannot say enough good things about both the Dr. and the hospital. Dr. Kelly is a very wonderful, smart, skilled surgeon whom I truly admire. He's been to see me numerous times already and I expect to see him one last time before I leave. He also spent time with my mother to reassure her and that meant the world to the both of us. When I arrived at the hospital, I was disappointed as it looked shabby. But the inside was immaculately clean and organized and very well run. All of the nurses were wonderful and attentive. Some spoke broken English and others none at all but that was never an issue. They would be in to check bp and IV fluids very regularly, to change the bed linens or to just to see how I was feeling. Very impressed with the whole experience.
    I had A LOT of gas immediately after the procedure, which was terrible to say the least. So there was a ton of buyers remorse along with that. I also had nausea and did vomit twice. That may have come from the pain meds, not too sure, but it sucked. The next night was SO MUCH BETTER , I slept the whole night and i felt like a new person. Now I have minor gas pains and a couple of weepy moments thinking of the long road ahead. But I'm sure that once I start seeing results and am able to eat mushies, it will all be worth it. Looking very forward to that!
    Just thought I'd share my story because I know how much I enjoyed reading everyone else's while still in the pre op stage

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