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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Here is my TV Commercial--update   
    LOOOVVVEEE IT! Gorgeous momma!
  2. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Emotional Struggle   
    You got this!! you are a strong person.. change up your shakes there are tons of ideas under the food threads .. make them fun... and I agree to picking up a hobby keep your mind busy.. amd walk... I know its winter and not that easy right now BUT you got this!! goodluck
  3. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Here is my TV Commercial--update   
    LOOOVVVEEE IT! Gorgeous momma!
  4. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Here is my TV Commercial--update   
    LOOOVVVEEE IT! Gorgeous momma!
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    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from BeachBish in Seven months out...and sinking!   
    It is hard girlfriend!!! I have been going through the same somewhat expect getting unfills.. and add a break up to that as well... boo all I know is it was easier in the beginning as we sat home recovering we had all day to concentrate about it.. but I do agree with lisa .. between 60-80 grams of Protein a day is what I was told as well... instead of shakes add your Protein to soups.. other then shakes and Soups I don't know any other liquid forms of it.. remember why you did this? a support group? what is a small goal you are working towards? we all have that big one.. but small one? for me to get into the gym instead of it sitting there.. I had to go through this breakup .. boo lol but it is what it is.. goodluck momma! you got this!
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    BandtoSleevechick reacted to kbliss78 in 18 months veteran - 25 from goal and why I dont post on forums   
    Hello Bandsters,
    I had my surgery May 2012. I am 5 months from 2 year anniversary. I am very happy with my choice. I used to be on these forums sometimes daily. I desperately sought out advise and looked for "long timers" who were still successful because I needed to feel more reassured that it is the right thing to do. I never saw that many people that had years after surgery. Now I know why....
    In my case, I am happy. I feel normal. I am 25 pounds from my goal. It has been slower than I wanted and imagined but I am still happy. I cannot imagine life without my band. It is such a normal part of my life and now that I don't even think to come back to the boards to read and post. I just did today b/c a friend had the procedure this week and it made me thing back.
    What I love about the band is that I can be a normal person. I do not get sick like bypass patients (or what I have heard and seen with bypass patients - my aunt had it 10 years ago). I am healthy, I do not lack nutrients that my body needs b/c for the most part I am a normal eater, just a lot less. I cannot imagine eating like I did post band and I cannot imagine having the obsessive thoughts about food and dieting and losing weight that I did before. Now I just live a normal life. It is freedom. I love it. I gain from time to time but it is just a couple of pounds and it comes right off. I am still going down each month. It is slow and I am now okay with it bc I know I will get there over time. I have lost 85 pounds so far.
    Problems: I have only had a few problems. I have had a few "sticks" that took a long time to get out. Once I got over filled and didn't listen to the warning signs and it caused a dialation. However, since I continued to go in for monthly aftercare (my choice), they caught it early and it was so easily fixed by a slight unfill for 3 weeks. I considered it a learning lesson to not get overfilled and to follow my rules better (smaller bites and eating slow). I got back on track and it was a mere speed bump. The few painful stuck episodes where b/c I did things I shouldn't like eating cold fried chicken skin. Any baster would know that is just stupid. You cannot chew that well enough. I deserved it. I didn't have to have anything done to fix it, just a long time in the bathroom to contemplate my mistake. Basically, any problem I have had has been b/c I wasn't following the rules. I tested what I could eat and learned the hard way. I tend to do most things that way but I learned my lesson. Sometimes I would try again and have to learn about. I have now learned that steak and I are not friends. I would have thought that would make me sad but I don't really care about it. bread is a testing thing. I am VERY careful when I try bread. White tortillas are off limits for me. I can eat Pasta (but I only eat angel hair and I am very careful and slow). Other than that, I am fine with anything and I just eat slow and follow the rules.
    Changes since surgery: Things in my life have changed for the better. Since I am freed from the bondage of obsession about weight loss, low self esteem, and all that goes with it, I am able to just be happy. I have confidence, my sex life is better, my relationship is better, my work is better, I have more energy, I love to work out (I know that sounds crazy). Life is just good. I did have to learn how to deal with a few things differently. I learned that I really did use food to comfort myself so when I have a bad day now, I cannot turn to food. I have to go for a walk, work out, or just be okay with feeling shitting over a bad day. I cannot eat it away (I could with sliders) but not in the same way I used to do. Now I just have to find a different way to self soothe so to speak. That took time to do. It was a learning process but now I am more in touch with my feelings and what I need emotionally. That is a great thing also. I am also surprised when men notice me. It is such a weird thing. I will be walking or shopping or anything and I see a guy looking at me. I think "does he know me.....do I have my zipper down.... is food in my teeth, " then I realize, "no Katy, you just look nice today". I never thought that would happen. Overweight people have told me "you just don't know what it is like to struggle with weight loss". Then I am happy to tell them I know more than they ever could imagine and I share my story.
    Clothing: I love shopping. I am not hung up on what size I am b/c any size it is in any given store is still 5 sizes smaller than before. I was a 22 and only at Lane Bryant. Now I can shop anywhere I want to. Some styles don't fit but body types are all different. I am either a size 12 to a 16 depending on the store, style, and cut. I feel good in all of it. I got to a goal of mine to buy skinny jeans and tall boots. I wear it last least once a week and feel sexy as hell. I got to buy lingerie and in normal sizes. I bought a bathing suite in Target and it looked good. I love to wear jeans and they are comfortable. I used to hate it b/c they felt horrible. Now it is like wearing sweat pants to me. I got to buy bras and Victoria Secrets and panties! They only down fall is spending too much money shopping. But I will take that!
    Skin: I do not have loose skin like I thought it would be. There are areas I wish were tighter but I don't hate the way I look. I will likely save up for a Tummy Tuck later but I am happy where I am at. I just feel it would be the final thing to being different. I don't like my upper arms that much but workout out and lifting weights and short sleeve shirts do the trick. My boobs got smaller but it fits my body at were I am. I was a 44 DDD and I am a 36 D. I usually wear a tight spaghetti tank top under all of my clothes just to hold in any jiggle. It makes for a smooth look. But again, it isn't that big of a deal to me like I thought it would be.
    Eating: As far as eating goes, it is easy. I don't think about it anymore. I sometimes get physically hungry and then I want to eat more, but I serve myself the 1/2 cup, promise myself it will fill me up. It always does but sometimes I have to wait for 10 minutes after eating for that feeling that I am satisfied to hit. But for the most part, 1/2 cup always does it for me. I have forgot to eat meals.....that concept was crazy to me before. I will say that eating Protein really matters. If you are eating carbs, you are going to feel hungry and want to snack more. Make sure you are getting protein. I can eat at restaurants, holidays, out with friends, have drinks, and no one can tell I am different. I am always the last to finish and if I haven't had time to eat my full 1/2 cup by the time everyone else has scarfed their food down, I quietly get a to go box and eat what I need later. I usually don't even want it then. Eating out took time to learn. I got more stuck food at restaurants b/c I wouldn't eat slow enough or I would try stuff I knew I shouldn't. But now it is very normal to eat out. I feel like what I always imagined non-over weight people to feel like. I eat to get what I need, I don't think about it, I live my life and I don't care about the scale anymore. It is more freedom than I can imagine. I don't fear I will fail at this. I know I can go back to my Dr anytime and get assistance if I have issues. I will always go in 2x a year to ensure things are safe and I am happy with that. One weird thing for me is that I will get the hicupps when I have eaten a little too much (if I didn't measure my food or I am eating out). I have learned that is my body's stop sign. I obey it. If I don't, I get too full. It is a nice warning sign for me. If you are blessed to have a "warning sign" like hiccups, listen to it.
    Forums: If you are searching for long time bandsters on this site and fearful that it is a sign that many fail, I think it is the other way around. It is just that banded life becomes so normal and good for us that we do not need to turn to the support of the boards. We don't think about it. We are just out their living our lives, shopping at Victoria Secrets, eating out with friends, having drinks, working out, feeling happy. It is a new normal and it feels great. I would have never thought about coming back to the site if it was not for my friend going through this process. It made me recall my last 18 months and recall how I use to spend hours on this site searching for answers. I would advise if you are going to have surgery just to go to all of your aftercare appts, follow the rules, have patience (especially in the beginning few months) and welcome a new life.
    I just wanted to post this for anyone that it might help. If it doesn't or you have had a bad experience with the band, I am sorry. I am not judgmental of anyone's struggle. I just wanted to share a few thoughts. I may not respond b/c, like I said, I just don't come here often. But I will try to do so if anyone wants or needs help.
    Best wishes to everyone searching for their own freedom from obesity. Lots of love!
  7. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from chasingadream in Any Regrets? I'm sooooo confused....   
    BEST DECISION EVER.Please do not let your doctor change your mind about the surgery over a number. First, possibilities are endless. Second, That is all that is.. a number. Your success will be measured by the little victories you will find amaze you. Things you never thought possible. I some days forget it is snug and secure inside my belly.. an will not go off through a metal detector , I make it through one every day.. depending on the bra I wear.. Lucy can have a mind of her own some days (as did her namesake Lucille Ball lol) but that is okay.. it keeps me in check when I feel like I need to steer off course..
  8. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from chasingadream in Any Regrets? I'm sooooo confused....   
    BEST DECISION EVER.Please do not let your doctor change your mind about the surgery over a number. First, possibilities are endless. Second, That is all that is.. a number. Your success will be measured by the little victories you will find amaze you. Things you never thought possible. I some days forget it is snug and secure inside my belly.. an will not go off through a metal detector , I make it through one every day.. depending on the bra I wear.. Lucy can have a mind of her own some days (as did her namesake Lucille Ball lol) but that is okay.. it keeps me in check when I feel like I need to steer off course..
  9. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from valarie kk in me   
    Good luck to you , congrats and triple congrats for quitting smoking.. I gained 90 lbs if not more when I quit and finally said enough! Had surgery last april and I couldn't be happier!! you got this girlfriend..
  10. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from valarie kk in me   
    Good luck to you , congrats and triple congrats for quitting smoking.. I gained 90 lbs if not more when I quit and finally said enough! Had surgery last april and I couldn't be happier!! you got this girlfriend..
  11. Like
    BandtoSleevechick reacted to bluegirly in Save me from my pity party!   
    I appreciate your advise but he's two and a half. He eats GREAT! And I feel like my kids can and should have a treat every now and then. It's my problem, not his. And there is always a snack available for them that I need to avoid....typically it's not an issue. But yesterday and today it has been and I don't know why!
  12. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from Leepers in Question about gas.   
    NOt TMI Leepers.. I too have noticed I am gassier weather I burp or fart since surgery .. also you have gas pockets that need to come out from going under as well.. better out then in
  13. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from Leepers in Question about gas.   
    NOt TMI Leepers.. I too have noticed I am gassier weather I burp or fart since surgery .. also you have gas pockets that need to come out from going under as well.. better out then in
  14. Like
    BandtoSleevechick reacted to KayVon in A Long Way Coming, Fueling My Fire   
    I started my journey to get WLS three years ago. I was just 18. But I never made an appointment, I just did research and tried to lose weight on my own. I had successful points, like dropping 20 lbs but nothing ever stuck. It wasn't until August 2013 I gained the courage to call the number in my phone, I saw the commercials but I was always so overwhelmed with a sense of failure, nervousness and just plain being told no. I got to my heaviest 266, IN August. I was fresh out of a long term relationship and wanted to make an attempt to find myself. I found myself on the phone with a lovely woman, scheduling my free consultation with True Results, now I had to wait for September because they were backed up.
    And time went on, and soon enough. September 20th arrived, I'm at work, minding my own day when my heart dropped, my appointment was at 6:30. The clock was 4:12pm I had to make a call. Luckily by the fates I was already leaving work early, I made it. They weighed me. Ran my insurance. Consoled me, listened to me. And it was as if the stars aligned. I had HOPE. I had SUPPORT. I struggled with weight all my life and it only held me back.
    So appointments were made monthly. Expected surgery mid January. My insurance didn't require too much from me. But I began changing my eating habits, and my job requires mostly physical labor so it worked in my benefit.
    After feeling I lived in a world full of doubt and no, I took control of who I am and who I will be.
    I am mid pre op diet. I am officially 10 days before surgery. I have gone from 266 since September to now 243. I admit I am addicted to food, I needed help. But the biggest part was finding help from myself and having the courage to do it.
    I have never been more happy in my life. Today I rewarded myself, not with food, no I won't let my addictions and emotional eating further control my life. I rewarded myself with new measuring set made of silver.
    I'll check in! Currently about to update my bloodwork pre surgery.
    Thank you all of you. This forum has and will continue to be, a HUGE portion of support for me.
  15. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from rybearsmomma in So this is what it looks like   
    rybear did you have any symptoms of the flipped port? and congrats I can see the difference as well!! keep up the great work
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    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from rybearsmomma in So this is what it looks like   
    rybear did you have any symptoms of the flipped port? and congrats I can see the difference as well!! keep up the great work
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    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from 2muchfun in When did you head back to the gym?   
    I was able to walk until 6 weeks out then I was cleared for heavier workouts
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    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from kll724 in I need advice please...   
    it does have a mind of its own!! Just make sure you get your Protein in on your tight days .. even if it is in the form of a shake
  19. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from kll724 in I need advice please...   
    it does have a mind of its own!! Just make sure you get your Protein in on your tight days .. even if it is in the form of a shake
  20. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from 2muchfun in When did you head back to the gym?   
    I was able to walk until 6 weeks out then I was cleared for heavier workouts
  21. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from 2muchfun in When did you head back to the gym?   
    I was able to walk until 6 weeks out then I was cleared for heavier workouts
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    BandtoSleevechick reacted to HotButterFly in How ofter do you weigh   
    Honestly, i hop on everyday..... BUT, the number really doesn't phase me at all, whether is up or down (ok, maybe I get a little happy if its down from the day before) BECAUSE I go by how good I feel and how my clothes are fitting me. I find that clothes are a better gauge to mark our success.
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    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Who is this person???   
    This is great!!!! Your great!!!! I to have done that with shopping... and i LOVE to shop... but what is the point when its just going to get smaller lol I have found it hard to get rid of the bigger sizes... i just got rid of a basket stuffed and i was about to cry lol... some of my favorite pieces gone to big... but i'll get new favorites .. this i know... great job!
  24. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from endingyoyo in A cry for a friend...   
    Hugs you! So sorry for your loss! I am here for you! Just a message away.. Use your grieve as a crutch to help you through this tough time..not an excuse in your journey... i think you found a good group of people here who will always in some form "get it" hugggs again
  25. Like
    BandtoSleevechick got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Who is this person???   
    This is great!!!! Your great!!!! I to have done that with shopping... and i LOVE to shop... but what is the point when its just going to get smaller lol I have found it hard to get rid of the bigger sizes... i just got rid of a basket stuffed and i was about to cry lol... some of my favorite pieces gone to big... but i'll get new favorites .. this i know... great job!

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