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Status Updates posted by lisacaron

  1. 'bout ready to hibernate! I just hate snow!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chasingadream


      I second or third that...crazy up here in NY!


    3. Teachamy


      We are in for a big one tomorrow. I live here in Maine. I am hoping for a snow day! (Translated for you Southerners: school will be canceled--I can stay in my jammies all day! YIPPEE!)

    4. lisacaron


      I am on Long Island in NY. It is actually "warm" today at 30 degree's! However we are expecting another storm! Yes the schools will be closed and I will stay home in my PJ's but it's really making me depressed!!

  2. “Today, more than ever, I am worthy and deserving of love and affection.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BayougirlMrsS


      Yes you are.... never forget that

    3. gowalking


      not just today....but always!

    4. Dub


      Total agreement with everyone's comments. You were worthy yesterday, today.....and everyday. Never let yourself feel otherwise.

  3. 2 week count down to Surgery Full on Pre-Op Diet!!

  4. 3 miles today...I'm happy! Now if we could just keep all the parents out of the hospitals maybe I would be losing less hair!

  5. 3.5 mile walk this afternoon! Woot Woot!

  6. 4 days into the pre-op diet, and feeling great!

  7. 7735 steps so far today, gotta break that 10,000 before bed!

  8. 8 hours...but didn't sleep well up 11 times = 3 hours of actual sleep

    1. Bandista


      Ugh, know this one well. Hope you have a good sleep tonight....

    2. chasingadream
    3. mrsto


      I feel ya… I've been up since 2:30am, and at 3:30am, I got out of bed, made coffee & worked. Sweet dreams tonight, to us both :-(

  9. ake care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. TGIF!!!

  10. Am I ready to get back in the gym......

    1. chasingadream


      SURE...why not! :)


  11. Amazing year!! Love the site!!!

  12. Are you getting sleepy.....this cold weather is giving me a major craving for a blankie and a nap!!! ZZZzzzzzZZZZZ

    1. Bandista


      Yes! And dogs are curled up snoring away -- they know what to do.

    2. lisacaron


      Smart pups! I might have to take a power nap this afternoon!

  13. Back in the NY Groove!

  14. Battled the weekend on pre-op diet and I think I won!

  15. Be brave enough to become who you are

  16. Been MIA for a bit, all is well. Have an awesome Long Weekend!!!

  17. Beliefs are the blueprint from which you create your reality.

  18. Blizzard on it's way to NY, looking forward to a nice warm day under the covers! It's gonna be 5 degrees tomorrow!!!

    1. gowalking


      be careful. I know they're talking blizzard on the Island. I'm OK here in the city..we always get the snow removed first...


    2. lisacaron


      So true! Long Island this morning even with the dusting we had was terrible. All ice and no salt or sand to help the drive.

      Take care of yourself in the city and stay warm! The wind chills are going to make it below freezing.

  19. Bored....ZZZzzzzzzz Winter is too dreary for me!!

    1. terrydumont46


      my daughter has the winter blahs!!! she took up snowboarding to help during the winter months and found a gym that has swimming indoors, and saunas. the warmth helped her a lot. especially the dry heat one. those lights that you can buy seem to really help ppl too!

  20. Bought size 16 jeans! Down from size 22. Good Monday Morning Feeling!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kll724


      Ya Hoo! Great NSV!!!


    3. Tylerbaci


      What a wonderful accomplishment.

    4. chasingadream


      Woop....woop...you go girl! :)


  21. breathe....just breathe...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lisacaron


      Ah always something, just when I think it's safe to breathe. My Aunt has Kidney Cancer stage 2-3. My Dad is off to NJ to see her she is just out of surgery this morning they had to remove the whole kidney and nodes. Hopefully they got it all, some chemo and she will be OK for a long time to come.

    3. gowalking


      Oh gee....I'm sorry to hear that. The good news is that it sounds like her prognosis is good. Hang in there....I know...yet another thing on your plate...

    4. dlamp112


      :( sorry to hear this. Inhale and take a LOOOOONNNNGGG exhale my friend. Keep breathing!
  22. By being yourself you put something into the world that was not there before. ~ Edwin Elliot

  23. Chauffeur hat in place off to run the college kids around! What’s wrong with that picture?

  24. Clap along if you feel like happiness is your truth...

  25. Do not love allergies....sniffle sniffle

    1. dlamp112


      Sorry friend - my kid is suffering too :(

      I feel for all you allergy suffering peeps

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