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Status Updates posted by lisacaron

  1. My first 5K is today!! Already one friend has backed out, but I am committed!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ava324


      That IS a big accomplishment. Super congrats! Glad you enjoyed it so much.

      My first one is 8/15, and I'm even more inspired. Thanks!

    3. dlamp112


      You accomplished an AMAZING milestone in your life! KUDOS to you my friend :)

    4. lisacaron


      Thank you all! Here is the thread with some photo's from the challenge.



  2. Share my bacon!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mikee57


      Yeah it was a "stuck" with my weight loss not with food...am doing so much better when it comes with food being stuck-took everyone's advice and have learned to slow down really good and chew, chew, chew...my problem is...I have been now 2 weeks at 36 lbs...Sunday after I got my 2nd fill on Thursday before (now at 3 cc's)...I gained back 2 lbs...I am so frustrated right now...but the funny thing is I am back down to 36 lbs this morning...so what is going on? its driving me crazy!!! Thanks everyone you are all so sweet and am so glad you are on here to help us newer lap banders out! You're all the Bestest!!!




    3. lisacaron


      Our weights fluctuate through out the day/week/month. Sometimes if we have had more sodium or even not enough sodium or potassium our bodies hold fluid to nourish our organs. If we could understand and figure out why our bodies do what they do we would be zillion-airs!!

      I'm glad you weren't stuck on food cause that would be bad! You will see weight loss, don't be depressed if you don't or you see a gain of 1 or 2 it happens and it will change. Don't go off the rails too badly and you will do great! You would have to eat over 3500 calories to gain 1 pound and I doubt your doing that. I have always looked at it like this slow loss is permanent loss. I didn't gain it over night and it's not going go away overnight either. :)

    4. Mikee57


      thanks Lisacaron I appreciate your kind words...I am really concerned though that now I am keeping track of what I'm eating and I gained, when I merely watched what I ate I was losing...funny how things work...gonna keep up the good fight and appreciate folks like you are along for the ride with me!!

  3. It's Motivation Monday...what's yours?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lisacaron


      Love these motivations! @go not yet..been working like crazy at the day job, and training for my first 5K end of this month!


    3. gowalking


      5K?? Spectacular!!

    4. lisacaron


      I know I must be crazy right?! Yeah I signed up with a couple of gals from work. So now I got to get my butt to the gym every day and get ready for this thing! I'll take photo's should be interesting to say the least! Ken is finally at the pool, I think today was his first day of course I am at work though!

  4. Today's enemey fresh made warm Peach Cobbler! It's the Devil!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lisacaron


      :) Yes today even though it's in the kitchen here at work I am going to steer clear. I had my fill of the peaches yesterday.It's the sweet comfort food that does me in.
    3. lisacaron


      Oh yes my dear! I stuck it out for a bit but then just gave in and had some and enjoyed it. It's a rarity here, so might as well enjoy it while it's warm. Today cold, nah I'm good :)

    4. Mikee57


      I don't blame you...it is good when it's cold out and it's cold here too today!!! ugh...will spring ever arrive and stay here? LOL...hope you dedicated a bit to me!!!

  5. It's Tighten that Tush Tuesday! What's your go to move for buns of steel?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lisacaron


      It's the good kind...but when I sit for too long...ugh!! :) But I will say this...that little soreness is working wonders!

    3. Forsythia


      Ha! when I do all the squats and lunges I don't have a problem sitting. Or standing, but trying to sit down (or get up) is the worst. Nothing like trying to sit down to pee after a lower body workout.

    4. lisacaron


      Oh yes that's what I meant. It's the lowering your body and raising it from sitting and the longer the legs are in one position the tighter those muscles can be when you need to move them again.

      Sometimes I get too tied up working at my desk and when I try to get up and need to stretch that muscle to stand OMG! The peeing thing...gets me that night!! That 2 am squeal wakes up the puppies and that is NEVER good for me :)

  6. It's Work out Wednesday!! Did you get up and move today?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dlamp112


      Oh deary! You Crack me up.

    3. enjoythetime


      I think I need some of what you got, my butt's dragging today:-)

    4. lisacaron


      OMG too much coffee and now headache!!! Must hydrate :) I still have to go swimming!!


  7. It's Work out Wednesday!! Do you have plans to move it today? What are they??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheCurvyJones


      Cardio and lower body workout on deck today!

    3. lisacaron


      I have a meeting with the trainer tonight! I plan to get home give the dogs a bit of a walk they are pups so not very far. Then head to the gym for a 30 min cardio work out and then 30 minutes of pain with my trainer. I think today is arm day...which is good cause my legs are still sore from Sunday!

    4. dlamp112


      NO PLANS any Wednesday - this is my take it easy day and go for my acupuncture.

  8. Puppy time!!! Much needed smiles and kisses today!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lisacaron


      I'm adopting 2 puppies!!! I know the lady who is fostering the Mamma and the pups so it's nice to go there after a shitty day at work and just have some puppy time. They give such unconditional love, no matter how rotten your feeling they make you feel so much better!

    3. sleeveee


      Super congrats on your adoptions. My niece fosters rescue dogs. They learn or re-learn that they can trust humans and then they get adopted into loving homes, such as yours. Enjoy all the love.


    4. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Congratulations on your adoption s ! All of our dogs are or have been rescue s, they're the best dogs ! A shout out to all foster parents and adopters of rescue pets !

  9. 'bout ready to hibernate! I just hate snow!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chasingadream


      I second or third that...crazy up here in NY!


    3. Teachamy


      We are in for a big one tomorrow. I live here in Maine. I am hoping for a snow day! (Translated for you Southerners: school will be canceled--I can stay in my jammies all day! YIPPEE!)

    4. lisacaron


      I am on Long Island in NY. It is actually "warm" today at 30 degree's! However we are expecting another storm! Yes the schools will be closed and I will stay home in my PJ's but it's really making me depressed!!

  10. Bought size 16 jeans! Down from size 22. Good Monday Morning Feeling!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kll724


      Ya Hoo! Great NSV!!!


    3. Tylerbaci


      What a wonderful accomplishment.

    4. chasingadream


      Woop....woop...you go girl! :)


  11. Need motivation to get myself to the gym!!! What is my issue?!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Doesnt have to be the "gym" to get a good workout ! Walk, hike, swim , playground, chase the dog, etc

    3. Mikee57


      Lisa you can do this...I am doing it so I know you can!!! set a time and stick to it...although my days are still limited due to my knees being too weak...I am doing 4 days starting this week. I just know you can do this...please just keep up good thoughts!! Stick to it gf!!!

    4. lisacaron


      Thank you my friends. I would love to say F. the gym but for me the gym is better than the outside. That is the enemy for me these days! My eyes are red and swollen and so is my nose and my throat allergies are killing me!! So the gym is what it has to be...:( I have turned over this new attitude with just about everything lately. Taking time for Lisa is a big priority. I am shocking myself by saying NO more than I ever have before! Even when it comes to the hubby and the kids, there has to be a balance and the part of me that is way out of balance is the side that takes no time for herself. It’s time I start carving out that time for me and not just the time to do hair and nails to look good but the time for the gym and to eat right to FEEL good.

      Thanks ladies! Having your support is what helps me remember to focus and dive deeper than just the surface issues



  12. Clap along if you feel like happiness is your truth...

  13. Who's ready for the next NY Bariatric Pal Meeting this Saturday????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lisacaron


      August 2 from 2PM till 4 PM

      We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue.

      The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets.

      The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops.

    3. sleeveee


      I am going.

    4. Zoey716


      Boo... I am WAY on the other side of the state. Ha! Wish I could join you guys though. Have fun! :)

  14. Done.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lisacaron


      :) Eating too much.
    3. Bandista


      The Easter Bunny can go back into hibernation. Spring fling over!

    4. Mikee57


      LOL yup DONE

  15. breathe....just breathe...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lisacaron


      Ah always something, just when I think it's safe to breathe. My Aunt has Kidney Cancer stage 2-3. My Dad is off to NJ to see her she is just out of surgery this morning they had to remove the whole kidney and nodes. Hopefully they got it all, some chemo and she will be OK for a long time to come.

    3. gowalking


      Oh gee....I'm sorry to hear that. The good news is that it sounds like her prognosis is good. Hang in there....I know...yet another thing on your plate...

    4. dlamp112


      :( sorry to hear this. Inhale and take a LOOOOONNNNGGG exhale my friend. Keep breathing!
  16. “Today, more than ever, I am worthy and deserving of love and affection.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BayougirlMrsS


      Yes you are.... never forget that

    3. gowalking


      not just today....but always!

    4. Dub


      Total agreement with everyone's comments. You were worthy yesterday, today.....and everyday. Never let yourself feel otherwise.

  17. It's Motivation Monday...what's yours? I'm just trying to walk today...legs are still burning from Saturdays work out!

    1. Mikee57


      I'm trying to do anything possible, my hubs is having surgery this week, so am trying to make up work (early in out late), so no time for me...but trying to walk alittle if possible more each day at least in the hospital.

    2. lisacaron


      I understand I have been there! You get lots of walking in at the hospitals. I hope all goes well. Keep in touch, prayers are with you and your hubby.

    3. BladeFox


      Drinking water to flush out what I ate yesterday - whoa!!!

  18. Getting ready for the deep freeze! Polar Hurricane WTF?!

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      be safe.......the polar thing be here for me tonight/tomorrow......

    2. lisacaron


      Thanks CG! You be safe as well, and stay warm!! Snuggle up with the hubs :)

    3. mona832


      Be safe and stay inside if you can.

  19. It's Work out Wednesday!! Did you get up and move today?

    1. gowalking


      my water exercise class is tonight. How is the training for your 5K going?

    2. lisacaron


      Going well! Ken and I just signed up with personal trainer at the gym I guess I'm ready to die, cause I think they are trying to kill me :)

    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Mon, Weds & Fri - 6 am -7am, Ymca water fitness class , what a workout !

  20. 8 hours...but didn't sleep well up 11 times = 3 hours of actual sleep

    1. Bandista


      Ugh, know this one well. Hope you have a good sleep tonight....

    2. chasingadream
    3. mrsto


      I feel ya… I've been up since 2:30am, and at 3:30am, I got out of bed, made coffee & worked. Sweet dreams tonight, to us both :-(

  21. I'm ready to go home...but it's off to the Mall for me. Am I crazy?!

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠
    2. chasingadream


      Yes, you are CRAZY! LOL...shop for me too! :)

  22. Move it Monday! What's your routine for today? Or is it a rest day after a hard working weekend?

    1. Leepers


      It's a day of forced rest as I am getting my gallbladder checked and couldn't eat or even drink water for 8 hours. Therfore, no exercise. Boo. It's a lovely sunny but cool dau here in Louisville. I'd like to spend some time at the park.

    2. lisacaron


      @Leepers I hope all is well with your gallbladder and your back on your feet enjoying the crisp weather again soon!

  23. Pain pain go away Lisa doesn't like you!! Whiplash anyone...

    1. gowalking


      Jesus!! What happened?


    2. dlamp112


      I hope your feeling OK today. I'd love to say better, but I'm sure its a little worse :(


  24. Yes I am super sore, but I am going to the gym tonight!

    1. dlamp112


      Your super cray cray!

    2. lisacaron


      LOL yes you know it, and I'll be back for more torture today! Training session II, I'm almost afraid!

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