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    sapcat54 got a reaction from catfish87 in My surgery was 4 years ago today. Feeling Blessed!   
    Thank you for your post. It helped remind me not to panic when my weightloss is stalling. Even though it slowed way down, I'm not gaining. I eat completely different and have different cravings;fruits and veggies. Who knew.
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    sapcat54 reacted to GuyMontag in What do you order at restaurants after weight loss surgery?   
    I order appetizers as meals many times.
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    sapcat54 got a reaction from catfish87 in My surgery was 4 years ago today. Feeling Blessed!   
    Thank you for your post. It helped remind me not to panic when my weightloss is stalling. Even though it slowed way down, I'm not gaining. I eat completely different and have different cravings;fruits and veggies. Who knew.
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    sapcat54 reacted to catfish87 in My surgery was 4 years ago today. Feeling Blessed!   
    It's been four years today since my surgery and I can't imagine where'd I'd be without it.
    The changes, both physically and mentally, are hard to put into words. I suppose Euphoric would be the best description of how I feel...to know that I am never going back to where I was "back then".
    As I was going on a short run before work this morning, I thought about so many of the fine folks on here that have helped/encouraged/motivated me. I could not possibly remember to name you all if I tried. But YOU helped me get to where I am today. The advice from this site CAN be incredibly helpful...because of the wide diversity of knowlege/experience covering many topics.
    And for that, I offer my sincere Thanks.
    For the newer folks starting out:
    I often read on here, "I'm not losing fast enough, my weightloss has stalled, what am I doing wrong, etc". I've been through those emotions...many times. I have been frustrated, mad, upset, disappointed, ready to quit, etc...
    My loss certainly hasn't set any speed records! I just did a quick math check. I've AVERAGED .65 pounds lost per week. Not much when you think about it in a week timeframe. Even less than "average". But then when you look at 1, 2, 3, 4 years...it really adds up!
    These are some of my OPINIONS....maybe they will help someone.
    I don't believe in the "starvation mode" for people with significant body fat...when I eat less calories, I lose more weight.
    I do believe exercise (any type you choose) is critical to not only physical health, but mental well being.
    I don't believe everyone wants or needs the same restriction level to be successful.
    I do believe my band PREVENTS me from overeating now, and I like it that way.
    I don't believe the band is a "set it and forget it" device.
    I do believe regular, committed followup care, is just as important as the initial surgery.
    And most importantly, I do believe YOU can be successful...Provided you NEVER, EVER give up!
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    sapcat54 reacted to 2muchfun in Bariatic recipes   
    Have no idea? Most of us eat what we want but a lot less of it. Of course, sticking to healthy foods usually keeps the calorie count low.
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    sapcat54 reacted to lisacaron in Pills   
    I'm sure you can. I take pills every day. Take one at a time and be sure it's gone through.
    Feel better!
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    sapcat54 reacted to zinhaa in Parting is such sweet sorrow   
    The feeling of mourning is very common. The reality is you will be starting a new life and eventually those things you are morning will not be as important. Good luck and see you on he other side
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    sapcat54 reacted to I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Some People...........   
    It's so very easy for a thin, healthy person to comment negatively about obesity. However, most thin people have never faced obesity, if they're making such harsh comments. They've never walked in an obese persons shoes to know that illness and medication is also a cause of being overweight. The spinal injuries, surgeries, steroids, etc...and lack of ability to exercise due to injury. Or the persons with auto-immune diseases that cause people to be on high dose steroids for years at a time, which causes weight to increase. So it seems a lot of thin, healthy people that have the health and ability to eat whatever they choose and are able to workout at the gym see all obese people as lazy over eaters that have no self control. These people are only closed minded and ignorant to the facts that obesity has many causes, each person has their own story as to how they became a bandster. But the bottom line is, we are all concerned enough to do something about it, if it's safe and works and we regain our health, who cares what vehicle it is that helps us attain our goal and cross the finish line. I wonder if the same people that criticize the band, would think twice about ditching their eyeglasses or contacts and having Lasix surgery to correct their imperfect eyes. I highly doubt it, as it's another option to get them to their goal of healthy eyesight. And P.S. Soujourner, yes this is only my opinion, I can provide no links, as this is a forum that is mixed with personal journeys and opinions, with some occasional proven statistics. Best wishes everyone.
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    sapcat54 got a reaction from Marycusa29 in This may sound crazy.. But   
    Yogurt is my treat. I have it every evening with a little Kashi for the Fiber.< /p>
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    sapcat54 got a reaction from Marycusa29 in This may sound crazy.. But   
    Yogurt is my treat. I have it every evening with a little Kashi for the Fiber.< /p>
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    sapcat54 reacted to beanie80 in This may sound crazy.. But   
    I was so incredibly excited to eat cottage cheese. It was the best thing I had tasted in weeks and felt like a yummy treat! haha
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    sapcat54 reacted to JBT222 in New to site - Banded in 2007   
    Hi all, I just joined and wanted to introduce myself. I was banded back in 2007. At that time I was over 400 pounds. Not sure the exact number so I generally just use that as my starting point.
    I was able to lose about 140 pounds, speak at the seminars for my Dr. and even did a commercial for him. I went from wearing pants that were a tight 56 to a normal 38, I could even get into 36 if i really tried.
    I got complacent and my weight started creeping back up. I quit visiting my Dr. I quit going to support group, I quit the chat boards. Long story short, I creeped back up to around 315. Needless to say, I wasn't squeezing in the occasional 36 anymore. I was having to buy sizes I thought I had eternally banished to Goodwill.
    Back in March of 2013 I got back on the proverbial "BAND"wagon. Sucked it up, and went back to see my Dr. I knew I needed a fill and coaching.
    Now I am back down to about 280. I have about 20 pounds to go to get back to my lightest. This time the plan is to make it below 200 so I can say I am truly only half the man I used to be.
  13. Like
    sapcat54 got a reaction from Jim1967 in Lapband song and dance...   
    I hit a 2 month stall when I thought I would be loosing faster. I work for a school office and was a lot more active during the summer. I finally started loosing again. a friend who was banded 3 yrs ago told me that happens and to just do what you need to do and the scale will start moving again. The week or two is normal. Your body fluctuates fluids and then balances out.
  14. Like
    sapcat54 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Post-Band Eating Question   
    I eat out. I just order a Protein and fruit or vegetables. if it is something I really like I take it home. I can have three meals from some things Ive ordered. I order Water and maybe sip a little before eating and don't drink the rest of the time. I use gummy vitamins. You can get them at Target or anywhere. they are the newest rage right now. They even have Omega 3s and Fiber. you can also get some in powder form to put in drinks. My Dr took me off all NSIDs they can hurt your stomach. I used to take handful of pills but now I have to take them one at a time and wait a minute or so to not get stuck and wait a few minutes before going to bed. It was not fun to have that pill dissolve above the band. It's not bad you get used to the new way of living. It's worth it. Good Luck
  15. Like
    sapcat54 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Post-Band Eating Question   
    This is strictly my personal opinion and experience, but I believe secluding yourself for a year or avoiding social situations is counter productive. The whole purpose of the band is to be a tool to aid in a new lifestyle, not a temporary diet. For the rest of our lives, we'll be eating with other people. Family meals, holidays, parties, sporting events, etc. The sooner we learn to adjust to these situations, the easier and less stressful it becomes.
    I personally believe in moderation not deprivation. If I am at a BBQ and they're serving ribs, I'll have one or two. If I'm at a birthday party I'll have a small piece of cake. In the beginning, it can be hard because you're still learning portion sizes and calorie counts. But because I measure everything I eat at home, I'm used to seeing the correct portion size on my plate, which makes it a lot easier to "eyeball" proper portions when I'm out.
    I have also used an app called Lose It since the day I got home from the hospital. This makes it even easier not only to track my calories but to make good food decisions. A good example: I was at a graduation party trying to figure out what to eat. My Lose It app made it simple for me to quickly look up the calories in a hot dog versus a chicken leg.
    I know it seems like a lot right now but in time it all becomes second nature.
    Best wishes.
  16. Like
    sapcat54 got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Post-Band Eating Question   
    I eat out. I just order a Protein and fruit or vegetables. if it is something I really like I take it home. I can have three meals from some things Ive ordered. I order Water and maybe sip a little before eating and don't drink the rest of the time. I use gummy vitamins. You can get them at Target or anywhere. they are the newest rage right now. They even have Omega 3s and Fiber. you can also get some in powder form to put in drinks. My Dr took me off all NSIDs they can hurt your stomach. I used to take handful of pills but now I have to take them one at a time and wait a minute or so to not get stuck and wait a few minutes before going to bed. It was not fun to have that pill dissolve above the band. It's not bad you get used to the new way of living. It's worth it. Good Luck
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    sapcat54 reacted to Amberley in Cleaning fairies, support, and unburied bodies   
    My hubby and I have been married for five years. Each anniversary leaves me surprised that that he is alive and breathing and that I have not yet buried him in the back garden. He has his faults. A short but not inclusive list:
    He thinks the cleaning fairies come behind him and clean up and in order to keep them in work he continues to leave a mess in his wake.
    He thinks that 5 minutes is enough notice to give me that he is bringing business colleagues home for dinner. (always on a night I plan to serve leftovers!)
    He gives up his dog ownership rights when she rolls in something god awful in the park but forgets this when she is groomed and wants to play.
    His idea of a romantic date today was going to the movies to see kickass 2 and then a couple of pints at our local pub

    OK with all his faults I have to say he has really embraced my band and has become the best band buddy ever!!

    Each week he weighs in with me despite the fact that he is at his ideal weight
    He is by my side each Wednesday when I have my 'naked mirror moments' and holds me when it is a bit to much
    He checks the calorie counts on everything when we go grocery shopping
    He will not let me make excuses (pms or hormones as a reason to have chocolate)
    He became a member of a lapband spouse forum so he could better understand the challenges ahead
    He gave up the holiday that we had been saving for and instead agreed to use the money for my lapband surgery
    He kicks my ass off the couch when I tell him I am to tired to exercise
    He tells me the honest truth when I ask him if I look thinner even when I would rather he lie

    I cant say that I would be doing near as well with my band alone without his support. I think that sometimes we get so absorbed with how we are handling the experience and how it impacts us that we forget to take the time to acknowledge and thank the people who support us and help make the journey possible.

    So here is to my amazing hubby who creeps in the forum to read what is going on. I love you and thank you for the support.

    PS the cleaning fairies have gone on strike. If you want clean underwear for work tomorrow I suggest you read the manual for the washer and dryer.
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    sapcat54 reacted to alisadiane in Just want to say how thankful I am   
    Just want to say that I so thankful this forum exists. I have been struggling with self acceptance and my weight my WHOLE LIFE. I am rapidly approaching 30 and have done so much to better myself in my career and have found such an amazing guy that loves me like I am today and can see how beautiful I am. With all this being said, I had decided it was time to address my inner shame in lean into some discomfort and vulnerability in order to make myself happy and healthy. I truly think that it's because of this forum that I really had the courage to reach out and ask for emotional support from family and now medical intervention. Seeing so many of your beautiful faces and reading your success stories has truly given me hope, courage, strength and the ability to walk into my first consult with a surgeon next week. I am remaining cautiously optimistic on the insurance side of things since I work for an incredible company that gives us amazing coverage. Keeping my fingers crossed and my hopes up! Thank you all so much!
  19. Like
    sapcat54 reacted to finallytime in On my way. 8 months and 78lbs and a NSV!!!   
    Day 1 pic and today AND I just bought clothes at the gap and banana and they fit!!! And they weren't even the biggest size AND no one looked at me like I didn't belong AND no one asked me if I needed a gift receipt BIG DAY!!

  20. Like
    sapcat54 reacted to gowalking in Happy Birthday   
    OK everyone, sing with me...
    Happy Birthday to me,
    Happy Birthday to me,
    I've lost 80 lbs as of today,
    Happy Birthday to me!!
  21. Like
    sapcat54 reacted to Mrs.Bales in Spicy food after surgery   
    Hi there, well I am way up in Canada but love my spice. I had a hernia repaired at the time by band was put in and have been able to rekindle my afair with spice. before my surgery onions and peppers would give me the worst reflux, since my surgery I haven't needed a single tums, rolaids or any of the others.
    I don't know if it was the hernia that was doing it but life after the band has been plenty spicy and loving it.
  22. Like
    sapcat54 reacted to donna12 in Rec'd devastating news and all I want to do is eat.   
    thanks everyone for the virtual hugs, all I could do yesterday was cry and then eat a little at a time, still in a state of shock. Missy thank you for putting things in to perspective for me, I can't let this take over and let this ruin all I've done. You're right I know this. Thank you all for the prayers and support. My brother and I are very close. Linda I will try and turn to my mom for comfort although I feel the need to be strong for her now.
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    sapcat54 reacted to zburdeshaw in lost 200 pounds   
    I started my journey 13 months ago and with a lot of hard work, difficult decisions, and some very supportive people I am proud to say that I have finally lost 200 pounds.

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    sapcat54 reacted to Ivy Verde in Why do they say not to drink with your meal and to wait 30 minutes after your meal?   
    It will push the food down into the lower stomach faster. And you'll find that drinking while trying to eat some foods is disastrous. Things will get gummed up and plug the stoma. And when the food can't move through, the esophagus keeps working and working, but the Gummy glob won't go through. Then there's no turning back. Either it comes back up or you sit with the "deer in the headlights look" until it passes through.
  25. Like
    sapcat54 reacted to Aza359 in CELEBRATE...THANK YOU   
    Ive been banded 5mo.
    I am down 46lbs!
    I am in ONEDERLAND
    I believe i am in the "green" zone
    I am exercising atleast 4 days out the week
    I am following my lapband rules
    I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!
    Cannot WAIT til i get to goal!

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