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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by angelize

  1. angelize
    ok, so surgery was oct5 and went for postop everything looked good and dr put me on reg food...sat night,i tried a tiny piece of marinated steak,stupid,i know!! well it got stuck and i vomited slime. the steak didnt come up tho...now its 10pm on sunday night and everything ive tried to eat or drink since has come right back up!
    i called my dr who said it sounds like the meat got stuck and to call the surgeon in the morn for another esophagram.
    my question is...is there anything i can do myself to get the meat unstuck before i see the surgeon???
    every five minutes or so,it fells like my throat is closing,then it subsides for a bit,dont wanna go to the er,because i dont think they are educated enough in the lapband.
  2. angelize
    my surgery was fri oct5.....ive been ok...a little gassy....very sore,but otherwise ok....until today....
    everytime i try to drink something,i feel sick....had water and vomited that....tried diet v8 splash,had a few sips,immediately got sick....
    tonight,i was able to hold down half a cup of chicken broth....felt sick after,but didnt vomit..
    my question is....is this normal?? or should i call my doctor???
  3. angelize
    a heavy woman comes into my job today,a reg customer who hasnt seen me in awhile. she starts telling me how great i look and how i lost so much weight and asking what i did,so i tell her i had lapband surgery in october.she then tells me how she had lapband 2 yrs ago!
    my first thought after she tells me that is....that'll never be me...until i stop to think for a minute and i realize...that can very easily be me!
    like everyone says...until you have a fill,this is just another diet.
    the woman was telling me that she hasnt had a fill in over a year and prob ended up stretching her band by eating unhealthy and overeating.
    what she said had me so worried....i have not had a fill yet,not for lack of trying but due to nyu still not up and running after the hurricane.
    and ive noticed that while i have restriction all day and can barely swallow anything for breakfast and lunch...by dinnertime all my restriction is gone and i have to remind myself not to overeat!!
    i work 40 hrs a week and have been very active in work...so active that i dont have the energy to exersise when i get home...which is prob why im not losing much.
    im still losing,but very slowly....
    i know that eventually everything will click into place and i'll find my sweet spot...but until then,its very frustrating!!
  4. angelize
    i had my surgery on oct5,and was suppossed to get my first fill on nov1. my surgeon is part of nyu,which is still not fully functional after the hurricane....so i havent been for my first fill yet. i feel like i have restriction in the morn and afternoon...but come dinner..i feel like i could eat everything!! i dont,but i feel like i could,so i know i really need that fill.
    i had a friend of mine take my measurements the day before surgery,and i am so glad i did,because i was starting to get depressed when i saw that i only lost 15 lbs since surgery.
    so,i had her take my measurements again last night...i lost 4 inches off my waist,3 inches off my neck,1 off my wrist,4 off my chest,and 1 off my ankle!! this was great news,actually made it seem real,like its really working!!
    because even though other people noticed and commented on my weight loss,i didnt see it at all...maybe my clothes were a little looser,but nothing dramatic...but when i compared the inches lost,i was stunned!!
    another awesome thing...today i went to the dreaded gyn,,,i have not been there since last nov...my weight last yr at this time? 268...i didnt believe it,the nurse had to show me my chart!! my weight today? 215!!
    could it be that i finally found something that works??
    it sure feels like it!
  5. angelize
    hi all,my name is jenn and i was just searching for lap band info,when this site popped up.
    my surgery is scheduled for oct5,2012 and i am very excited about it.
    a little nervous about some unknowns,but i went for pretesting today and they pretty much answered the remainder of my questions.
    i still am a little confused as to why every surgeon has a different pre-op diet....mine put me on a liquid diet starting on sept 21....2 wks prior to surgery....
    my starting weight,before the 6 months of doctor visits was 265...into that first month,i had some unrelated problems with my hubby,and ended up losing 15 lbs,only time i ever lost weight was when i was stressed out!!
    so that put me at 250 going into my 2nd month.during the 6 month round,i lost 5 more pounds.
    so,i started the liquid diet on sept 21,at 245 lbs....i started on a friday and weighed myself on sunday morning...down 5 lbs....i know its prob all water weight,but still
    today is wedesday and i weighed myself this morn....down another 4!!
    so of course,this got me thinking...if i can lose this much,this fast,why have the surgery???? and although my hubby didnt say it...when i told him how much i lost, i know he was thinking the same thing!!
    sigh,....but i know myself...i'll do good the first wk or two...then say..oh i did so good,i can have some chips...next thing i know,the whole bag is gone!!
    so, i will continue on my journey to weight loss the right way
    one thing that i find very strange on this liquid diet is....im not hungry,but i want to eat!!!!!!!(im drinking about 4 shakes a day and having a small salad for dinner...im allowed 2 cups of veggies per day)....
    i really think that i just miss the idea of sitting down to a meal...its weird!
    i can't wait for the day to come when i eat less than my 10 yr old daughter!!
    my goal is to lose about 100lbs,and be like 130...im 5foot 4...so thats actually a little high,but i'll be sooo happy with that! but its really not even about the number on the scale,although that will be a plus....i just want to be fit and toned again...i want to be able to run on the treadmill thats been collecting dust in my basement...i wanna take kickboxing classes....i wanna NOT have swollen ankles that make it so hard to even walk for a little bit....and most of all....i wanna be able to keep up with my very energetic 10 yr old daughter....instead of just sitting down and watching!!!
  6. angelize
    my surgery is oct 5 and a few days ago,i developed a cough....i have been taking cough medicine,but i think its getting worse!
    my question is....if i still have this cough after the surgery, will it affect my healing? and can i do damage to the band?
    so worried,i dont want to have my surgery rescheduled!!
  7. angelize
    hi everyone,
    i was banded on oct5. i work in a hardware store and just recently have been a lot more active in work,lifting heavy boxes,putting out stock,going up and down steps,etc.
    i have noticed that on those very active days,after like 2 hours of activity,my port protrudes! i dont have any pain,its just an uncomfortable feeling. but it sticks out a lot,then after i get home from work,and relax a bit,it goes back to normal.
    has this happened to anyone else? is it normal?
    any answers would be appreciated!
  8. angelize
    i went for a fill last wed,drank the glass of water at the drs office....was fine...went home,had half a glass of iced tea and ended up vomiting for 2 hrs!! couldnt sleep all night,kept feeling like i was chocking...the next day i called my dr,they couldnt give me an appt until next monday!! i stayed on liquids until sunday,was able to keep down about half of the liquids i swallowed. sunday comes,and im able to eat and drink just fine!! then mon and tues,cant eat anything again!! then yesterday(wed),i ate just fine!! now today,i cant eat anything!! soo weird!! not sure if i should keep my appt or not! also,it doesnt help that my surgeon is only in his staten island office 1 day a month,which means i have to travel to nyu in the city...and pay for parking and tolls....just because i prob need a little unfill!!!

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