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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03
    Today seems a little rougher for me. I feel very achy, but I think it's the gas inside. It hurts to take deep breaths some times
    I've been trying to walk around the house to get things moving & I seem to be burping on & off. Trying not to take any pain meds today, if at all possible. I don't like the way they make me feel.
    Anyone else post band removal w/ sleeve feeling the same?
  2. Domika03
    Had a tough time sleeping last night. I think it's because I've been sleeping on the recliner & my back and neck were bothering me. Woke up with a horrible headache that actually brought me to tears. I took tylenol & had a cold wet cloth on my head & temple. Thankfully, it finally went away. It could also be a combination on not being able to eat anything nutritious at this point.
    The good news is that the gas pain has pretty much subsided. I've been trying to walk around the house as best as possible. I think I'm getting hungry but know I can't eat with my stomach still swollen & all.
    I'm also a bit concerned about constipation & when I'll be able to 'go' again. I haven't heard from anyone in this situation. I know it's a delicate subject but I would love to get some feedback. Would appreciate any advice...
    So, all in all, I'm feeling better each day. Slow to walk around but getting around better.
    Once day at a time!
  3. Domika03
    I think my biggest issue, for lack of a better word, is that I've been quite tired these last few days; low energy. I'm drinking my protein drink, water, broth, SF popsicles and SF jello. I don't think I feel hungry so that's good, I guess. Wait.... I think my tummy is actually growling at me right now. Hum,,,, need to get more protein in me. I've also had pretty restless sleep, tossing & turning & tossing & turning. That's probably another reason why I'm tired.
    My tummy only felt "achy" the first 2 days. This may be TMI but I'm sure someone will appreciate my just saying it. I've been burping quite a bit when I get up & walk around. I'm told that's good because they pump air inside you during the surgery & it's good to get it out. I also had a little gas, but had not gone to the bathroom in 3 days. Thankfully, I was taking Miralax, drinking Smooth Move tea, and finally yesterday added Sedekot (I think that's what it's called). Um, things finally worked themselves out yesterday. Please make sure you take fiber so you don't run into issues.
    Another thing, I only used my pain meds twice. The night I got home & that next morning because of my crazy headache. I haven't touched the nausea meds I was prescribed (yet) so I'm thankful.
    This might sound crazy but I made sure to use a heating pad on myself Fay 0 and 1, while gently rubbing my belly. It seemed to help some how.
    I took today off from work, and am considering taking tomorrow & Wed off. This way I get some real time to get comfortable with everthing. My follow up is this Wed, so I was thinking of working from home Thurs & Fri. I'm lucky enough to have that option when in this type of situations.
    That's it for now, Please feel free to make comments or ask me questions. I'm learning as I go, and am worth than happy to share my journey.
    Good luck.
    PS - I've lost 7 1/2 pounds now,... and I need things will slow down soon, since right now I'm on the clear liquid diet. It's all good. DIdn't gain all this weight in a day so it won't come off in a day :)
  4. Domika03
    I didn't wake up with a headache today so that's always good. I'm not sleeping very well as I'm still on the recliner. I may try the bed tonight. I briefly attempted it yesterday for a nap & it wasn't happening. I'm still sore but it's early in the day & I haven't walked around too much. I plan on taking a shower (as I do every day). Might actually blow dry my hair today. I washed it yesterday but had NO energy to blow dry it. Suffice to say, I had a great hair day yesterday I understand the importance of walking so I'm going to take a short shopping trip with my daughter to Game Stop. Well, let's hope it's a short trip.
    I'll probably write again today to talk more about how I feel. For those that know, no bm's for me yet. I've always had a little issue with that prior to surgery so why be different now. I am talking a stool softner once a day just to be safe. I have flax seed but you can't really add that to clear liquids without it being nasty so I may buy some miralax or benefiber as suggested by lots of people on line here.
    Be back a little later. Have a great Monday!
    *** It's about 5pm now. The nurse from my Dr's office called me to check & see how things were going. She said it sounded like things were progressing normally. She didn't seemed very concerned over my "bm" issue saying that it can easily take 3-7 days, especially since I'm on liquids. But, that I should focus on increasing my liquid intake, adding a stool softner & trying benefiber. Aside from that, she said its normal for my left side to hurt as that is where the band was removed & where my stomach is positioned. She'd be concerned if I said my right side hurt. Oh, she did say my low grade fever sounded like it was related to being dehydrated. She says the goal is 64 oz per day but that I should at least shoot for 32 while on clear liquids.
    I asked that the NUT call me as I had a few protein shake related questions. She thinks I'm ready to start Week 2 on Wednesday (instead of Thursday) based on what I told her. While I remember thinking (pre-surgery), "oh wow, 2 tablespoons of food 5 times a day sounds like starvation,' I now think that's a feast & I can't wait to very sloooowly take my first bite of cream of wheat, instant oatmeal, creamy soups or mashed potatoes!!!! I'm not sure what to try first but I thought cream of wheat might be a safe start. I think I read I can also try yogurt but I'm partially lactose intolerant so I may just hold off until I know what I can handle. Last thing I want is gas pain.
    I may actually log into my work computer tomorrow for an hour or so just to check in on things. I don't want to sit & spend hours in front of my work computer yet, but I would like to see whats up. I have a co-worker coming to visit me after work today. Hope I don't scare her away, LOL.
    My follow is scheduled for Feb 14th..... and so, my journey continues...
  5. Domika03
    I had a busier day today. Did a few things around the house, and a little grocery shopping. I feel a little run down & the left side of my side / back hurts a little too (close to where my incision is, where the band was removed).
    Tomorrow I can start eating soft foods (not pureed). Only 2 tablespoons, and I think only 3 - 5 times for the day. I suppose it's better than sipping clear liquids. Basically,I'm looking at cream of wheat, low fat or FF smooth yogurt, creamy based soups, mashed potatoes made with milk & 1 tablespoon of melted cheese (oh, I can't wait for that), and SF puddings,,, a few more things but that's the gist of it.
    Hum, what to have for breakfast..... I can smell the little itty bitty bit of cream of wheat already... wonder if I can add a tad bit of nutmeg or cinnamon. It's not spicy or full of sugar so I hope so...
  6. Domika03
    On my way to my 1 week follow up, even though my surgery was actually last Friday. I have to say that I've got some seriously LOW energy. Since I sit on my booty all day at work, I'm glad I took most of this week off. I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow, but think I will work from home. I just don't think I've got enough energy to get moving.
    I'm still not sleeping well because, wouldn't you know it, my siatic (sp?) nerve is starting to bug me when I go to sleep. Great timing for it to act up, huh? It makes for a heckuva sleepless night. I also don't think, never mind, I know I'm not getting enough protein in me. I've been feeling sooo full although I'm barely eating. I think I must be drinking too quickly. Trying to watch myself today because I start on soft foods.
    So far today, I've had 4 oz of a protein drink, and 1 oz of vanilla greek yogurt (with a dash of cinncamon for flavor). I'm waiting aobut 45 minutes before drinking anything again, but this schedule is tough. I planning ahead and bringing some of my snacks/meals with my 1st nutrition class & follow up apt so I don't miss out on anything (1oz of egg beaters & 1 oz of refried beans & something to drink).
    I know I've been losing weight because I've checked the scale. However, I try to be realistic because anyone would lose weight following a liquid diet. I don't expect miracles, but am thankful that I'm going in the right direction I still need to learn what my body is saying in the way of hunger vs the full feeling. The last few days it's always felt "full" which is insane beacuse I'm not eating much of anything. Nonetheless, today's nutrition class should be informative, and I look forward to it.
    Gonna go have my crystal light now. I'm thirsty.
  7. Domika03
    We're in a new office building & have see-through windows in conference rooms, with the exception of a frosted window strip going through the middle of the window walls so you can't see the people when they're sitting down around the table.
    So, I'm walking down the hall, passing one of the conference rooms & check out the reflection of a thin figure going by. I actually stopped myself in my own tracks realizing, "Holy shi*, that's ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
    I don't mean to sound conceited in any way, shape or form, but I actually looked nice. I can't believe I didn't even recognize my own reflection.
    It's taken me 1 1/2 years to get here, but guess what, I AM FINALLY HERE!!!
  8. Domika03
    I'm not sure what's going on, but lately I've been having trouble drinking water. I mean, of all things. Tomorrow I'll be banded 4 months, and this "issue" has been only coming up the last few days. My chest starts to hurt a little when I take several sips. I don't think I'm drinking any faster than I have been...?
    My food intake hasn't been doing too well either. I'm not necessarily eating "bad" stuff (hum, those veggie chips can't be "that" good), but I am keeping track of everything. I'm actually not really eating enough overall. I get busy & don't eat. Then, at the end of the day (afternoon), I start to drag a$$ & get really tired. Sometimes even light-headed. Yea, I know guys. I know better.
    I think I've just been so busy taking care of my parents (dad), running their errands, taking mom to get hair done (she's been going every week for YEARS), grocery shopping & now I even cook a little extra & drop it off.
    I digress...
    So, why am I having this discomfort when drinking water? What's this all about? I've always loved water!
  9. Domika03
    What's the name of that website where you can donate clothes & hopefully find gently used clothes in your new size?
    I have 2 bags of an assortment of size 20 clothing to donate. And, I could sure use some size 18 pants & shirts. I'm in the North Denver area if anyone is interested.
  10. Domika03
    As time goes by, I find myself clinging to a few favorite foods over & over again. Some have more protein than others, but still remain my "go-to" foods. Does anyone else feel the same way? Here are 2 of mine:
    Cabbage Pork Vegetable Soup - pork maple ground sausage, onions, cabbage, canned & drained navy beans, mixed veggies, low sodium vegetable & beef broth. Cook onions, add pork sausage. Drain, put back in pot. Add broth, veggies & navy beans. Cook for 30 minutes. Add cabbage & cook an additional 15-20 minutes. The longer it cooks, the better the flavor (in my opinion). The pork sausage & combination broths give this soup a very flavorful taste. I measure out 1 cup & freeze it for lunch or dinner.
    Stouffer's Spinach Souffle - I split the package into 2 servings & it's more than enough as I add some type of a protein to this (chicken or even turkey meatballs)
    Any others out there?
  11. Domika03
    One of the many definitions of focus: to concentrate attention or effort. Focus, something that LB patients need to have in order to be successful. It's simple. You need to be focused on whatever your personal goal is in order to be successful.
    Focus, something I've been having trouble with lately. I know we all stray or struggle from time to time, but this time it's different. I've lost 58 pounds in 6 months, and for that, I am so very thankful. I currently weigh 186, and am hoping to one day get down to 150 - 160pds.
    The problem is that I'm not focusing on eating enough protein, or even eating enough of the right foods anymore. How do I focus on myself while my dad struggles in Stage 4 colon cancer. It spread to his lungs back in late November. At the prime age of 86, he was originally diagnosed 2 years ago with a prognosis of living 6 to 9 months. Yup, he's exceeded everyone's expectations.
    Now that the cancer has spread to his lungs, I see how its trying to take over. He gets out of breath now when he walks a short distance. He gets a cough he can't quite get rid of. In the last week, he's been getting angina, so they have him taking baby aspirin & may prescribe nitroglycerin. The reason for his sheer Will to live is because of my mom, his spouse, his friend, for over 60 years. You see, dad is mom's primary care-taker. My mom suffers from dementia & cant take her own meds. She can't walk around too far, or do stairs. When dad passes, what happens to mom. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd have her live with me, except that all my bedrooms are upstairs, stairs she can't climb. Having someone move in with her to help watch her would cost a small fortune. Putting her in a nursing home is not an option, as she's always told us she never wanted that. So, I won't. I'm even trying to see if I can do a small addition to my home on my main level. I haven't pursued it yet, but it would allow her to live in my home. She wouldn't be alone.
    The last few days I've been getting tension headaches. I don't even know what to take since all we (LB patients) should take is acetaminophen. I found Excedrin acetaminophen today at the store, so may give that a try. I'm even having a tough time focusing at work now. Wouldn't you know it, performance reviews are in full swing now too. Yes, my boss knows, but I don't find her very empathetic.
    As you see, I digress. My focus isn't where it needs to be. I'm writing this, I suppose, to vent, to share my story, maybe even to see if others out there are also going through such difficult times & find out how you are handling it. I know I need to stay healthy moreso now, than ever, because I need to be there for both my parents. I'm at their house almost every day. I do their grocery shopping, I get their mail, I take mom to her weekly hair appointment, etc...
    I feel like it's just not enough. My focus is on my parents right now, but I need it on myself right now too.
    How do you do it guys?
  12. Domika03
    Thought I would share this information in case anyone might find this helpful.
    I was at WalGreen's this afternoon & stumbled upon a potential new source of protein snacks. I only bought 2 items but there were 4 or 5 different snacks that seemed to have some good protein. Brand name is Kays Naturals
    Here's some nutritional on the 2 items I bought:
    Protein Chips Crispy Parmesan (just ate this after dinner & they were tasty)
    1.2 oz bag
    Glutten free
    Protein: 12g
    Total Fat 2.5g
    Total Carb: 15g
    Dietary Fiber: 4g
    Sodium: 240g
    Protein Cereal Apple Cinnamon (I was thinking this might be great combined with some Greek Yogurt for breakfast)
    1.2 oz
    Glutten free
    Protein: 12g
    Total Fat: 1.5g
    Total Carb: 19g
    Dietary Fiber: 4g
    Sodium: 150g
  13. Domika03
    Oh joy. I've been experiencing some pain on & off for a few weeks now after I eat. It seems to be worse at night. It also includes back pain, but I'm unsure if it's related.
    I saw my primary Dr this afternoon & he thought we should get an ultrasound to be sure. Of course,it was the end of the day so I had to leave a message for someone to call me back tomorrow.
    I'm definitely uncomfortable right now. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  14. Domika03
    Jeez, I actually ate like 3 of those mini packs of reeces pieces, and wait, there's more... Yes, MORE. I also ate 3 peanut butter cups. Oh my gosh, what am I doing?
    I could say that the stress from the "c" word is allowing me to "give in to temptation." We all know what the reality is, don't we?
    I'm using excuses, and I have to stop. I need to focus, focus, focus. You know, kinda like chew, chew, chew.
    I need to get myself back on myfitnesspal. I was doing well, and then BAM... Grrr... must stop!
  15. Domika03
    I'm 4 days post-op, and am happy to say, on my last day of the clear liquid diet. I'm supposed to start pre-selected soft foods tomorrow (1/2 oz -1 oz eggs, which BTW I can't believe that's all I can have), refried beans,,,etc,,,
    Anyway, I went to Wally World (WalMart) to pick up a few things. This might sound weird, but I felt so very aware of my surroundiings. I almost felt like it was the 1st time I was going grocery shopping. I mean, I had a list of specific things to buy, and I didn't go astray. Typically, I would have stopped by the munchie aisle & treated myself to a little "yummy snack." There was none of that. I'm not sure if it's because I know it wouldn't have been pleasant going down (chips or Reeces Pieces), or if I realize that's no longer a part of my new lifestyle. Maybe a combination of both.
    All I know is that it felt strange shopping. Maybe because it was more in a healthier way, something that I guess I'm not used to. Am I alone out here? Did anyone else experience this? Hum....
  16. Domika03
    I am happy to report that after 2 weeks of absolutely NO weight lost, I finally went down 2.2. pds. I was honestly getting quite frustrated with myself, and reviewing everything I was eating. Hopefully, it will continue to go down slowly but surely.
    Ahhh,,, finally a small sign of relief
  17. Domika03
    Here I am almost 3 weeks post-op, and I haven't lost anything in the last 2 weeks! Actually, I managed to gain a pound from the original 15 pds I lost in the first week (which was a bunch of water weight). I'm really trying not to get discouraged, but it's hard. My food intake is so much smaller than what it used to be. It just doesn't make sense to me.
    I have a shake now as a meal, which has 30 grams of protein, and then eat an oz of protein every few hours. Nothing bad.. no wait, I lie. I did have some mini cinammon graham crackers the other day. I know, I know, but I was stressing, and was upset. Anyway, I'm over the crackers crap now.
    I don't have a caloric amount to eat per day, as of yet (that I know of). I believe my focus is still getting in all the protein, and to get that walking in everyday. My first fill isn't until Sept 19th, and I wonder what that could possibly do to make a difference. Is it going to make me eat less? Well. I'm already eating less, a lot less! So, what's that first fill going to do that I'm not already doing....
    Again, I say, ARGH!!!
  18. Domika03
    It's my 5 month bandiversary, and I have lost almost 52 pounds so far !!!
    I'm feeling good about my weight loss thus far, and look forward to losing more. It's been quite the journey & learning experience. I'm making better choices, and defnitely eating less. More importantly, I'm actually making time to work out (exercise bike). I'm looking forward to the Summer where I might actually be able to go on hikes without losing my breath, and enjoying the outdoors! I feel that my weight gain kept me in hybernation for way too long. Well, it's time to get out & enjoy life again!
    Congrats to all of you that have lost & continue to lose. Every day you become a healthier you!
  19. Domika03
    We have our yearly dealer meeting coming up in a few days. It's going to start off with a Staff Dinner this Saturday at Maggiano's http://www.maggianos.com/en/Pages/Menu.aspx . I'm a little concerned what I'll be able to eat there. I've been playing around looking on the website, but am unsure what to select. I enjoy seafood, but can no longer eat shrimp since I've been banded. I just can't chew it well enough to let it digest. I also don't like the taste of salmon I see several chicken options, but they don't sound "light." I'm not worried about the pasta because I won't have any.
    Wait, it gets better! We're going to the Cheesecake Factory Monday night. My BIGGEST challenge will be not eating a slice of the vanilla bean cheesecake, my all time, absolute favorite. Heck, I don't have to eat anything else while I"m there, just that.. OMG, I just saw a SINGLE slice is like 869 calories & a HUGE amount of carbs. How do I stay away from that after hearing that ridiculous "nutrition" value?
    Need help from my fellow bandsters....
  20. Domika03
    And yes, I said episodeS...
    I got my 2nd fill yesterday, 2 1/2 cc's, and things were OK. I stuck with liquids last night, no problems.
    I had egg beaters for breakfast (maybe 2 - 2 1/2 oz) and, oh my gosh. let's just say they weren't as tasty the 2nd time. yes, slimy, yucky stuff came out... a few times... Mind you, this is at work...and in the garbage can at my desk. Thankfully, I'm not loud.
    Sooo, I played it safe & had some yogurt a few hours later because my stomach was growling at me. That went down OK.
    Several hours later, I was still hungry because I didn't really have much in the way of protein, so I tried to have a Southbeach PB protein snack, which I've had in the past. Holy 2ND stuck episode people!!! Hey, you'd be proud as I made it to the ladies room this time. I know, impressive.
    WTH! Obviously, here it is dinner time, and I'm afraid to eat anything. But, I know I need to suck down some protein in the very least. I don't want to read into this & think that I might need an unfill yet. The NP that did my 2nd fill yesterday said that she called this the OH CRAP fill because I'd be able to tell the difference from the 1st fill (which I couldn't notice). Um, yea!
    I'm going to journal what I eat tomorrow & see how things go. It could be that I ate too fast & didn't chew the eggs, or the PB snack enough. I have been known to inhale food in the past, so I'll be mindful of that. The other thing is that maybe I also need to space my food intake further out... wait longer to eat the next snack or meal. I'm going to keep an eye on this before I panic.
    I hope the newbies learn from this, in a good way. CHEW CHEW CHEW (no, apparently I didn't learn from my 1st stuck episode a week ago)..
    "Honey, where's my protein drink!"
    xoxo everyone!
  21. Domika03
    I went clothes shopping yesterday & for the 1st time in a LONG time, I saw something different in my reflection as I tried on a pair of pants. I took a long, hard look at myself, tilted my head & actually saw myself as "thin." Yea, that's what I said, THIN! I actually fit into size 8 pants. Yup, a size 8. I think my average pant size in high school (31 years ago) was a 10, so I'm fitting into smaller clothes.
    I saw a pretty sleeveless little black dress in the fitting room (size Medium) that someone else left behind. Feeling a little brave, I figured ah, what the hell. I haven't warn a dress in YEARS so let's try it on. Oh... my... goodness... Not only did it fit, but it actually looked really nice! I mean, it really looked nice. I had an attractive hour glass figure. Seriously, me! I came out of the dressing room to show my husband. He winked and said "very nice," followed with, "are you OK?" I smiled because I actually had tears in my eyes. I was overwhelmed with such emotion. I didn't cry but I could feel something deep inside me. It almost felt like a happy confusion because there was no denying that I was no longer overweight.
    I'm still amazed. After 1 1/2 years on this weight loss journey, I'm finally comfortable & quite happy in my own skin!
    Ahhhhh..... feels good, damn good!!!
  22. Domika03
    Ok, perhaps I'm being just an itty, bitty over dramatic BUT I'm literally kocking on onederland's door!!!
    I weighed in at 200.4 this morning. Oh my gosh, I can almost taste onederland's. It's been years since I've been here.
    I'm so excited. If I stand on my tippy toes I can see 199!!!
  23. Domika03
    I'm finding it harder & harder to stay 100% focused these days. I don't have that same "gusto" I used to have. I used to log on almost every day, and track my food daily. I logged my food for almost 105 days in a row... and no, nothing in the last week or so. I feel disappointed in myself, and out of sorts.
    I go to my parents house almost every single day, check their mail, make sure Dad has his meds filled, do their grocery shopping, then take mom to get her hair done every Saturday. That part makes me smile. I don't mean to complain at all as I"m thankful to have them around. They will be 87 & 85 in a week. I have to admit it's a bit exhausting, and I don't have much in the way of energy left to focus where I need to : ME!
    I know I talked about this during my last post & I thought I could re-focus, but I'm almost at a lost. It's not that I'm over-eating, but I may as well be because I'm not eating as healthy & therefore just maintaining. I'm not even 'regular' (TMI, sorry). I I know it's my own doing, but I'm having a hard time with things.
    My dad's health affects my own mood. If he's doing well, I'm doing OK. If he's doing poorly, I get a little sad & don't focus. Why is it so stinkin; easy to go back to old habits? He has so many ups & downs. How do you deal with a parent dying of cancer? My dad's so strong too. The last few days he's been feeling better due to steroids he's on, in addition to all the other meds he's on. He still has energy so he's not bed-ridden. But my God, how do you stay focused with this **** going on?
    I have my 6 month follow up apt on March 11th (a month late), so I think I will ask for a small fill. Again, I'm not over-eating, and I may have lost 3 or 4 ponds in the last 4-6 weeks, but I'm not eating healthy or even working out. I want my focus back.

  24. Domika03
    I decided for the holidays I would buy myself a recumbent bike. I got it today off of Craigslist for $75. They usually go for $100 - $150, used. The guy didn't have the owners manual but I figure I can download it.
    Looking forward to using it because, other than walking around running "many" errands & going Christmas shopping, I haven't really done much in the way of exercise lately. I've been helping mom & dad run their errands since dad hasn't been feeling well with his sciatic nerve acting up, and mom can't really walk around a lot.
    Fortunately, I've been lucky enough that I keep losing weight, but I don't want to be saggy. I want to lose weight, feel & look healthy.
    Anyway, I'm hoping to put it in the LR once we get all our Christmas stuff up tomorrow.
    Merry Christmas to me. 42 pounds down & counting...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
