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Blog Comments posted by blossom12

  1. Its the jitters sweetie and I understand it all too well. The night before I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking of the worst I was nervous I began doubting if this was going to be a good idea, but when I got on the table, I was positive. I thought about how much happier and healthier I was going to be, how this is going to improve my life for the better. Then I woke up happy and excited about my new life. Once you wake up you're going to feel silly for being nervous. I should know I was a mess of nerves lol Yes it'll be a big change, but it's a good one for you and your well being. But it is KEY to mentally prepare. you can't go back to those foods that were slowly killing you no matter how delicious it was. Yeah it was good but is it good enough to let it kill you? You have to be harsh with your mind and prepare it. Sorry I went on a rant there lol good luck with your surgery!!!!

  2. I've been there and from my experience all I can say is that if you have the will power to eat right, go to the gym and really dedicate yourself to lose the weight yourself then go for it. For me it was different because I thought I had the strength to do it myself after I was approved for surgery last year, but it was really just because I was afraid of the drastic change I was about to face and I still wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared.So Yeah, I ate right, went to the gym, lost some weight, but then I hit my plateau I couldn't lose anymore then gained it all back. again, that was just me. but now I'm one week out and to be honest getting the sleeve was the best thing that ever happened to me. It is a BIG change, but it's one I made to not only better myself, but my health as well. So if you feel like you can really do it on your own, then go for it. But if you're just scared and trying to find a reason not to, don't be scared. It'll be fine, you just have to make sure you mentally prepare and keep in mind that this is a tool. It's still hard work regardless, but you'll be healthier in the long run.

    side note: I used to LOVE eating and I was always hungry. Now I'm not hungry whatsoever and I'm SO happy about that lol. I don't feel like a prisoner to food anymore, but again that's just me. I can't speak for anyone else or you. In the end it's about what you really want for yourself and what will make you happy and healthy.

  3. Congratulations on taking your steps to a better, happier and healthier life! I did the SAME thing last year. I wanted to do the band, but the doctor told me the same thing about it and then we decided on the sleeve. When it got closer to my surgery I chickened out and decided to try one more time to lose the weight myself all because I was scared. I lost a little lbs but then gained it all back. Finally I went through with it and had my surgery on july 2nd of this year. It's scary to think of the surgery, but it's all worth it. I'm 6 days post op and I feel great, it was the best decision I ever made. I've already lost 10 lbs as of last night. As long as you have a positive mindset, great support system and do your diet the way you're supposed to everything will be perfectly fine. Message me if you ever want to talk more. -B

  4. First of, your blog is your blog. It's a place to share what you're going through, your feelings, ect. There's no doing it wrong. Second, I 100% can relate to that. I LOVED drinking my water. I drank at least 6 bottles a day. I miss it a lot, but maybe its not the water that isn't agreeing with you maybe it's the amount you're consuming at one time? Like if you're drinking from a bottle/cup, you're probably taking too big of a swallow and that can cause the pain. Took me two days to figure that one out. lol

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your cat, but at least she will be taken care of properly and you have more time to rest.

    I'm on day 6, too, but I'm surprisingly not as tired as I imagined. I think it's because along with drinking my soups and my protein drinks I'm also taking my vitamins in the morning. It also helps to have a set schedule when it comes to sleeping. Congrats!!

  6. Dont feel guilty. You didn't create the problem for her anymore than she did for you. I'm sure she's happy for you. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to feel guilty, but to enjoy your success. be there for her and maybe some of the changed eating habits will help her. lower carbs, sipping water, etc.good luck and congrats!

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words and you're right. And thank you! I'm having better luck then I thought I'd have with having this surgery. :)

  7. I understand TOTALLY - two of the most supportive women I know is struggling and trying - it hurts to see it.One began losing before I even tried my "final" diet in January of '11 - was stalled and still crazy supportive and cried when we found out I had a stomach tumor (how I went about finally deciding on WLS) - but has not gave up, but feels the surgery is not for her, but I fear it is because it would be self pay and her business is struggling right now :(Another started her diet in order to "follow me" - but can never get past the first twently pounds, she is yo-yoing in about 4-6 week unp and downs...I want them to succeed so bad, but neither are in a position or claim to want the surgery, so I walk with them, talk with them, juice and eat healhy with them, and pray for us all, everyday!

    Even though I feel terrible because it is painful to see her struggle, I told myself continuously last night that I need to be happy for my accomplishments and just be there for her in her time of struggle. I've been waiting so long to finally get healthy and stay healthy, I can't let any negativity get in the way of that. Thank you for your response and it's nice to know someone else is feeling what I am. xx

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