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Bailey Jan

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Bailey Jan

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  1. Bailey Jan

    Any surgery twins (April 11th)

    Sorry, just saw this. I wound up getting COVID last week so I was totally dehydrated. Before that I only had a craving once when my kids were eating chips. I hate to admit it but liked the salt off of a couple. I feel that my stomach makes noises but don't feel hungry. What about you?
  2. Bailey Jan

    my dinner

    Me too! I rotate between beans the ricotta bake. I am 4 1/2 weeks out.
  3. Bailey Jan

    Any surgery twins (April 11th)

    1 day apart. My surgery was 4/12.
  4. Bailey Jan

    Lap-Band Revision

    Following, sort of as I had my lap band removed 5 years ago and dr wouldn't do the sleeve at the same time. I am finally starting the process to get the sleeve and wished I would have gotten it years ago.
  5. Thank you for your encouraging words!
  6. I had my band removed three days ago and still uncomfortable. My port area is especially sore and it hurts to go from sitting to standing, etc. I am wondering when I will start to feel better?
  7. Bailey Jan

    Pain after Lap Band Removal

    I just had my band out yesterday and for some reason I did not think I would be in pain but I am. It is so sore especially when i go from sitting to standing. Fingers crossed it won't last long.
  8. Bailey Jan

    Post-op pain

    Great advice! I guess if I can have 2 c-sections and the lap band, I can do this! I am also worried about the pain afterwards since in the hospital it will be managed and the recovery time. I am scheduled for Aug 17 and go back to work Aug 27. Will I be ready? (White collar position, no lifting but a lot of mental stress.)
  9. Bailey Jan

    Dilated Pouch ?

    I had my band for 4 years. I recently started gaining weight. The surgeon suggested going an un-fill and going for an endoscopy with the results being that I have a dilated pouch. Does anyone that it is absolutely necessary to get it out because of this? He suggested that I get the band removed and get the sleeve. I hate the idea of going for two surgeries and having second thoughts. I am moving with the process and scheduled for the removal on July 5th and sleeve in August 17th. I started at 285 pounds. The lowest weight after the band was 200 and now I am at 240. My husband and family are supporting me going for the surgeries but I think I am totally frightened.
  10. Bailey Jan

    Any August sleevers out there?

    My dr stated that I would need to heal for a few weeks to ensure there is somewhere to staple for the sleeve. He stated in most cases getting them done at the same time will not have the best recovery.
  11. Bailey Jan

    Post-op pain

    That is a very great recovery!
  12. Bailey Jan

    Any August sleevers out there?

    I am scheduled for August but having serious doubts if I want to get it. I went through the lapband and will be getting it out in July. I cannot imagine a summer of 2 surgeries.
  13. Bailey Jan

    Post-op pain

    Following topic...scheduled to get my band out in July and sleeve in in Aug.
  14. It is going on four years and I am contemplating going from the band to the sleeve. I lost a total of 70 and gained back 20. So, I feel like I hit a plateau and stuck at this 50 pound weight loss mark. I went today and got my band emptied. The next step is going for an endoscopy and then have the band removed. After four weeks from then, I can get the sleeve. Wondering if this is the right move? I still need to lose 80 pounds to reach my ultimate goal. Any advice?
  15. If you have your period can you get a fill? It has been almost 10 months since I had a fill and I really do need one. I am scheduled for one tomorrow but did get my period today. I don't think think it effects it but want to be certain. Thanks!

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