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    cantwaittolose reacted to lollyfidy1965 in Major Nsv!   
    So...I tried on jeans 2 weeks ago, and found that I was down from a size 26 to a size 22. I had a couple old pairs of size 24's, so I decided to order some size 20's, and just wear the baggy 24's until I could get into the new 20's.
    Well....those new 20's arrived today....AND THEY FIT!!! I don't just mean I could manage to get them zipped...I mean I could breathe and sit in them!! They look amazing! Its been more than 15 years since I could fit into a pair of size 20 pants...and, so help me G-d, I will NEVER see anything larger EVER AGAIN!!!
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    cantwaittolose reacted to kimmy*custis in Absolutely Made My Night!   
    I have been doing Zumba 2 nights a week since June and 2 nights of weight training/cardio. I went to my Zumba class last night and after class my instructor Robyn said to me...in front of the whole class how good I looked. She touched my waist and hips and said how much of a difference she sees. I felt soooo good for the rest of the night...a natural high for sure! Yaaaaay me!!!
  3. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to BenisaMartim4 in 6 Month Surgiversary And 111# Down   
    I Am sharing my Facebook post to my friends:
    Well, today was my 6 month post-surgical visit with Dr. Pinson and here is the run down: I am down 111# and 100 some-odd inches. I have went from a size 28 to a 16. I am off the walker, cane, and 21 medicines. I no longer suffer in continual, crippling pain from the Fibromyalgia, but can walk, without even a limp, a 20 minute mile. A VSG patient is considered a success if they have lost 60% of their excess body weight by 18 months post-surgery. I have lost 75% already, so today I was "pinned". I received my gold pin of success. I asked him if he thought I would be able to get another 40# off in the next 6 months. He said, "OH, YEAH! with a doubt." He was ecstatic with the progress I have made (he was cheering me like I had just won the Super Bowl...lol) and said, "I can't wait to see what you look like in another 3 months." YAY!! I am soo excited. I have not been this small in almost 20 years and I haven't felt as well in I know 10. Y'all just hang around and watch me disappear ;0)...and if you want to try it too, give me a call. All you've got to lose is sore feet, aching backs, the medicine bag, big butts and bellies and a lot of inches. It's not a magic bullet by far, but it is a shovel (a tool) to help FILL IN the hole you are in. It sure beats getting deeper and continuing to dig your grave with a spoon!
    Sent from my iPad using VST

  4. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to Lissa in Need Tummy Tuck!   
    I had a consult with a plastic surgeon yesterday. We didn't even discuss whether insurance would cover anything because what I need is so much more than the insurance would cover. My doc recommends three procedures and, even if one were partially covered, none of the rest would be covered.
    I'm seriously debating what I want done and if it's all or nothing for me. The three are a lower body lift, then breast lift/augmentation and arms together, and finally my thighs. I'm assuming they'd be done over the course of a couple of years and I'm just not sure I can go the distance on that much pain and body reshaping. Of course, one may inspire me to do the next. I do know one thing, though, if I'm going for breast augmentation, I want BOOBS, not just boobs.
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    cantwaittolose reacted to msvickee in 5 Confessions (Join In)   
    1. I confess my attitude has totally changed confidence level is off the charts
    2. I confess I am afraid to eat off plan in fear I will sabotage my own success
    3. I confess I can't wait to loose another 50 lbs
    4. I confess I will be glad when I can enjoy a glass of Moscato. It will probably be around the holidays...giving me time to drop 50 more
    5. I confess having surgery was the best decision I made for my life
  6. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to krs026 in 3 Weeks Post Op Pic   
    I cant believe how much ive lost in my face. I had to share my excitement!! :-)

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    cantwaittolose reacted to LacieMC in Top 45 Things I've Learned- 5 Months Post Op   
    First let me say I feel fabulous! I've lost over 70 pounds in just over 5 months. I went from a 22 to a very comfy 12. The road has not been easy and for all you newbies...here is my list of amazing highs...and of not so sunshiny lows.
    Disclaimer: This is my experience...it may not be yours.

    It will be uncomfortable for a few days post op
    I was not hungry for weeks after surgery
    I was scared to eat or drink and I didn’t drink enough...thus Constipation and weakness
    I didn't feel normal for about 6 weeks. I needed naps and I took them
    The weight literally falls off...seriously I was looking for pools of fat in bed when I woke up in the morning
    I hit the 4 week stall and it lasted two weeks. Expect it and don't stress
    On day three, I had a massive freak out…seriously threw a four year old fit…pissed off my stomach was gone.
    No one noticed for months and that irritated me.
    EVERYONE notices now and it's all they want to talk about.
    Don’t tell anyone you are going to Mexico to have your stomach cut off unless you trust them completely.
    I threw up alot...just slime mostly...while I was learning my new tummy. It will scare you and if you are like me…it will happen a lot when you transition to solid foods.
    food addiction does not magically go away...if you have a problem before..you will still have it. I think about food all the time, but I finally have a way to resist it. I am a sugar addict. I never crave carbs, but I crave sugar like a mad woman.
    Going out to dinner is awkward. I hate watching people eat
    Put the lotion on the skin! My skin got really dry.
    I’ve lost half my hair at 4.5 months post op. Mine came out in chunks. Freaked me out! Our Golden Retriever and I are in a competition for shedding. It will be ok. Take your Vitamins and buy Nioxin. It doesn’t help my Hair loss, but I feel like I am at least doing something about it.
    Don’t take a powerful laxative when you are constipated…especially before your child’s school performance. It may say “See results in 2-4 hours” but it means 30 mins and then you’re stuck on a mini toilet with both legs numb, crying to everything holy to save you.
    Shopping is amazing! I still feel like people are looking at me like I don’t belong there…but that’s all in my head.
    My shoes no longer fit. they are too wide now!
    Your pre WLS Spanx will look huge in a couple months
    Trust me…put some Granola bars in your glove box and a few packs of mixed nuts. Sometimes your hungry and there is nothing that you can eat.
    Handy meals from the market or gas station when you didn’t plan ahead. Single string cheese, an apple, mixed nuts, readymade hard boiled eggs, The inside of California rolls- no rice, campbells Soup at hand or ready made Soup in a coffee cup.
    Handy items at fast food places that sit ok on my tummy include: Taco Bells refried Beans or the inside of a chicken taco. Wendys chili, McDonalds oatmeal, McDonalds yogurt parfait
    I feel guilty in front of my heavier friends. I always try to wear a sweatshirt so I don’t rub the weight loss in their faces.
    You get drunk really fast...like a half glass of wine. Be careful...it sneaks up on you...and before you know it, you’re waiting for your hubby to pick you up...from less than a glass. Its crazy. I don't really even try anymore to drink.
    I crave raw fish, cooked fish, broiled fish, grilled fish...any fish really and it feels amazing on my tummy.
    I cant eat steak
    I love that I have collar bones
    I update my Facebook pictures and secretly love the compliments
    I own a woman's North Face now
    I can buy bras at Victoria's secret
    I pack all my food for work in snack bags and the little tupperware containers for salad dressing.
    I can still have M&M's...its just like 9...instead of the king size bags
    Take heartburn medicine everyday...don’t wait until you get heartburn.
    Buy stock in Maalox
    You can have a full meal at Costco- samples + WLS = Cheap Date!
    Food Portion jokes get really old
    Fast food burgers makes me want to vomit.
    At 5 months...salad is wonderful. I can eat about a cup of greens...which takes me a while and I feel a tiny bit normal.
    Post-op, If you can swing it, buy a Vita-Mix blender and make your own soup. Canned soup was nasty right after surgery. Freeze them in 4oz canning jars. It will be two servings.
    Quit Smoking before surgery. I waited and it slowed my healing. It also gave me terrible heartburn. I am 5 weeks smoke free
    You don't have to "confess" you had WLS. It's ok to say thank you for the compliment and not feel guilty. I'm just now starting to accept that I had a little something to do with this insane loss. I tell people when they ask now how I lost the weight, that i exercise and use Portion Control.< br /> People will treat you different. Salesladies ask if I need assistance, men hold open doors and the skinny girls at work talk to me now. It's shallow and pisses me off, but it's nice to not be invisible anymore.
    WLS is very difficult. For me, it’s not physical, but the mental. Sometimes I just want a cheesecake like before. It goes away very quickly, but it still comes and goes. Sometimes I get angry at my sleeve because I can’t eat something I see others eating. Most of the time I have to hide my expression when I see people shovel food in the way I used to. It’s shocking to see when you’re on the other side of WLS. I used to inhale my food like a tiny food thief was going to come in and take it away from me.
    You will have to say no to your family when they all want to go to a Chinese buffet. I’m still not ready to walk in and be near a buffet.
    It feels awesome to give your clothes away, however, do not offer them to your heavier friends. It’s insensitive and they won’t return your calls for a week.
    Last one...I played laser tag this past weekend with a bunch of 9 year old boys. It was soooo Much fun!!!

    Please feel free to add any other thoughts or tips...

  8. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to Lilee84 in Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..   
    Hey all! Almost 30 single mama from Orlando here! Sleeved 1/20 and LOVING it! I've been single 2 1/2 years, mostly by choice, and I wouldn't have it any other way! My sons father and I split when I was 4mo pregnant and I haven't been with anyone else since. At first it was because I was pregnant and huge and no one would want me, and then for a while it was because I was a new single mom and didn't have time to go out, and then because I felt like I needed to devote my every waking minute to my son.
    Now, however, I'm single because I want to be. I would rather focus on my son, my career, and my education and get those all in check before I try and juggle a relationship too. I go out on dates and the like, but I'm in no rush to get serious anytime soon.
    The only down side to my swearing off of men is that since I've lost almost 90# my sex drive is back with a vengeance and it's been 2 1/2 years since I've had any! That's not to say I couldn't walk into a bar and walk out with a guy, but I'm not that girl anymore and I just can't see myself doing that again.
  9. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from justmeandmysleeve in Bodybugg?   
    I just ordered the FitBit $99.95. There's no subscription fee all the tools online are free. In comparing all the stuff out there I think the FitBit does the most for the least cost.....food logging, monitoring excersie, sleeping patterns, etc. Plus it's really small and you don't have to wear a band around your arm
  10. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to Neoteric Verve in I Was In Tears This Morning   
    Friday. Weigh in day.
    When I started this Quest I was 441lb, BMI was 56, waist was also a 56. Bodyfat? High at 52%. Work scrubs size 5XL
    I climbed on the scale an looked down. After a few seconds it stopped and landed on 299lb. I yelled so loud my neighbor from downstairs knocked on my door. She asked if anything was wrong. "Everything was right" I told her. For the first time since I was 20 years old, I was under 300lb. I know I'm not at my goal but hot damn I can sure see it from here!!
    36% BF
    38 BMI
    42" Waist
    2XL Work scrubs
    About 20lb lost was LBM. I never thought that 10.5 months from the date of surgery I'd be here. At just under 3.5lb/wk weight loss average, I feel pretty good. I still can't believe that I'm 299lb and still losing! There are weeks (sometimes 2-3 in a row) where I don't lose a single ounce. Sometimes I actually gained. One week I gained six pounds and thought I screwed something up. I'm now thinking about skin surgery. I look at myself and guesstimate that I have about 5-9lb of hanging skin. When I roll down past 20% BF then I'll get more serious about that.
    You all here are so very wonderful. I don't post much now with work and school going on but I read about all the people here. Each of you inspired me, motivated me and gave me hope. I was assured that I didn't mess up my body with this surgery. Y'all are terrific!! Bless every last one of you!
  11. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to traceyinflorida in What Has Changed Most In Your Life Post Op?   
    I am only two months out and I have a completely different outlook on life. I have so much more energy. I no longer dread going out in my clothes that are too tight, or worrying that I am so big and unhealthy compared to my friends and aquaintences. I used to hate to go shopping, but now it is becoming an adventure. I just got out of the Plus departments and into regular sizes. Granted I have to wear size 18 pants and XL tops, but the selection is SO MUCH BETTER!! I am trying not to buy much now because I will continue to lose and get smaller, but it is fun just trying things on and having them fit! I no longer look ahead to social events with dread. I am starting to look forward to them! The best part of all is my relationship with food is changing. I was so afraid that I would have to "give up" all my favorite foods. I am discovering that I can still eat delicious things and stay within healthy guidelines. My tastes have changed, (for the better) my cravings are diminished. It is A LOT easier to resist your head hunger when you really do not feel hungry. It is a lot easier to make good choices when you don't feel that sensation of being so hungry you can't think straight. I feel like food is no longer a monkey on my back. Don't get me wrong, there are still things that tempt me. I may occassionally eat a little bit of a tempting treat, BUT I can stop at a little bit and eating it no longer triggers my going on a week long bender of eating junk and sweets. That is so liberating!
  12. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from Michele T in Sleeved Yesterday 8.9.12, Home Today   
    Yes...I did feel that, but more today than when I first got home. I'm 8 days out. My biggest advice, take the time to heal, love yourself and be gentle....this is your time Each day will bring a different experience, different pains/discomforts and each day is an improvement. I didn't take the pain meds during the day, only at night so I could ensure a good sleep...I hope you have a good sleep! . Day 4 seems to be the turning point for most people, including myself. I think as each of us go through this new journey, you just have to learn what works best for you. All I can say is get in as much liquid as possible....at first you'll think there's no way I can get in all this liquid....and for the first 4-5 days it is nearly impossible, but then you'll wake up one day and it will just go down easier. ]All I know so far, is that each day is a new day and being new at this, I think there's a lot to learn with an open mind and heart I hope tomorrow is a great day for you! Best of luck!!!
  13. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from Ramona1019 in Post Op Day # 4   
    Hi there
    I'm 6 days out and today is the first day with no pain/discomfort...I too was taking the Tylenol w/ codine to ensure I had a good sleep but I don't think I'll Ned it tonight....I almost feel back to "normal"! . Each day gets better and each day you'll be able to sip a little more . Good luck amd hope you're doing well!
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    cantwaittolose reacted to jennyblue111 in 7 Days Post Op - When Will I Ever Start Losing Weight?   
    I lost 12lbs between my pre-op diet & the day after surgery. I'm 6 days after surgery & I've gained a pound! This tells me to stop weighing myself like a crazy person! We're all different, & we'll all loose it differently. 1st I was scared to loose to much too fast & now I'm scared I won't loose anything. I'm grieving the loss of my past food life, I'm swollen, & I'm learning a new way of life. I think we should give ourselves a break ..& a pat on the back! <3
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    cantwaittolose got a reaction from Birdy18 in Anyone Have A Relatively Easy Recovery Story?   
    I'm 4 days out and the 4th day seems to be the magic number day . The only real "problem" I had was the narcotic pain meds in hospital made me so nauseous that I didn't have an ounce of anything for the first 24 hours. once the dr. Switched the meds I went home and yes, uncomfortable and sore, your tummy is very bloated and keep in mind you've had surgery! . It did take me until today to be able to get fluids down without pain...it's not like it's pain that you (or at least me) cry about, you just feel it, wait a few mins and try again. I was struggling to get fluids down and then All of a sudden this afternoon it doesnt bother me at all anymore... I
    I've slept good every night I've been home and I have taken the prescribed Tylenol with codine so I can sleep comfortably. I look forward to sleeping on my side soon . I also had a hernia repaired so not sure if that has anything to do with the delay in getting liquid down comfortably.
    I think the biggest thing to remember is that it is surgery, there is going to be some pain/uncomfort or even things you haven't felt before. this is the first surgery I've ever had so a lot of unknowns for me. I've been very patient with myself and truly giving my body the rest it needs. . I hope you are able to do the same and have the best experience possible. Good luck!
  16. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from slim lady in Hopefully Going Home In The Morning   
    Hi All
    Surgery was Thursday....there's no other way to say it...it was misery. For almost 24 hours I was in horrible pain and couldn't get ANYTHING down, not even the littlest sip of water....I was beyond nauseous... the gas-x strips and mouthspray would also make me throw up....not that there anything to throw up....but mouth would Water and I'd dry heave. I reacted this way to the littlest thing touching my lips or in my mouth. I kept telling my nurse how miserable I was along with horrible pain in my stomach....She would say, it could be the pain medication that's making you nauseous...ok, so I stopped pushing my pain meds. She comes in later and says how's your pain? I said horrible and she says " well that's because you aren't using your pain medication!". Well duh! I made her call my doc at 1am. He came in early this morning and said, let's change the meds. It was a miracle! Within 20 mins I was able to sip water, Ice chips and broth and have been feeling good ever since. They had me stay 1 more night. Its amazing how the wring pain killer (for me) can make you So Miserable.
    I'm a different person today and so happy to be feeling good.
  17. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to aminahthediva73 in Surgery Tomorrow!   
    best wishes good luck i feel the same way too mines is tomorrow too. yes all liquids today was a lil hard but im good now. i know it will be all worth it
  18. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from jh5497 in Surgery Tomorrow!   
    IM super excited...little nervous...all liquid day has been a little tough, but feeling pretty good!
    I go in at 7am. See you all on the losing side soon!!!!!
  19. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from jh5497 in Surgery Tomorrow!   
    IM super excited...little nervous...all liquid day has been a little tough, but feeling pretty good!
    I go in at 7am. See you all on the losing side soon!!!!!
  20. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from jh5497 in Surgery Tomorrow!   
    IM super excited...little nervous...all liquid day has been a little tough, but feeling pretty good!
    I go in at 7am. See you all on the losing side soon!!!!!
  21. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to Pookeyism in I Have Reached The Stage Where People Don't Recognize Me!   
    I understand the clothes thing...I am beginning to fall otu of my clothing. I have exactly 5 items I have bought for myself that are my size now, that are not tshirts. I literally wear my co workers hand me downs...
  22. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from Smiley79 in Two Years!   
    You are gorgeous!!! Congrats on baby!!! Thanks for posting...so encouraging!
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    cantwaittolose reacted to msaprildawn in Finally..something To Smile About   
    Today I went to the mall and tried on a pair of 14 jeans and they fit!!! I'm a very slow loser this being my 5th month after surgery and only losing 56 lbs. I was so excited to finally see something that was uplifting! I was a size 20 down to a 14. Time to get motivated!
  24. Like
    cantwaittolose reacted to Smiley79 in Need Some Encouragement?   
    Absolutely LOVE this!! She is adorable!! Let her words encourage you today, where ever you may be on your journey!
  25. Like
    cantwaittolose got a reaction from CantBelieve_IdidIit! in Major Cheat On Pre-Op Diet   
    thank you, thank you! And yes, I could not agree more, it's that inner conversation for sure...and yesterday I didn't fight what I should have
    thanks for the well wishes - I'm VERY excited...and 100% back on track!

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