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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    zoey1176 reacted to Ann Parde in Weight regain...I don't know where to start.   
    Oh wow, I'm sorry the sleeve gave you so many problems. I guess I was blessed that I never had any complications what so ever from my surgery. Other than after hitting my plateau, I starting feeling sorry for myself and slowly started grazing on things I shouldn't have. I need to retrain my 'tool' and mindset. I wish I never gave into those temptations because once I did the floodgates opened! Good luck with your revision!
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    zoey1176 reacted to California Guy in Revision date set!   
    Welcome to the forum. I wish you the best possible outcome in December. I had a similar experience with a sleeve and weight regain. I chose the Loop DS (SADI-S), got it done in May, and have had great results! I advise you to forget all your past food preferences. Start over and build a long term nutrition plan that you will follow life long. This should include everything your nutritionist recommends. You will find new foods you will look forward to eating. When you go through your doctor mandated stages, only introduce foods in your new written plan.
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    zoey1176 reacted to NewMe3 in Revision date set!   
    Hi all. Long time lurker but first time posting 😆 I was ‘sleeved’ a few years back, was successful in losing some weight, though due to different circumstances regained a large portion of that weight and also developed qUite severe GERD. My surgeon has recommended the bypass for me which is now all booked in for December 2020. Feeling excited, nervous, fear of failure again etc. hoping for a smooth journey ahead and will definitely looking forward to being a part of this community.
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    zoey1176 reacted to GottaBeBlair in Need to hear from VSG to DS revisioners   
    Hey everyone... just checking in. I had my revision to DS Loop on 9/29. It wasn’t nearly as painful as my original VSG with hiatal hernia repair. My abdomen is sore of course but I’m able to walk, shower, bend somewhat... without major pain. I was released 9/30 afternoon. I had to go solo due to Covid but they let my husband stay with me in the lobby and in the next room up until I had to get IVs and be wheeled off. So that was nice. Because after that was anesthesia, surgery and morphine so it wouldn’t have mattered if he were there or not lol. I slept a lot. I’m at home recovering nicely. My tummy does feel a little weird, like something got shifted. But the only pain I feel are the incision marks. I do have a on again off again headache. And the acid reflux is new. I didn’t have this before and I am praying it goes away because it is painful. Acid just comes up sometimes and it burns. My doc said it should subside as the swelling goes down. They didn’t touch my sleeve. So I’m able to drink and gulp and it not hurt my tummy but it does feel weird so I limit it to small sips only. I do have to follow the usual post-op diet but I didn’t have to do the pre-op diet. It was optional for me but I did it anyway so I could lose and I lost about 10 lbs. I’ll try to keep you all updated and respond to any questions. Thanks for your support!
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    zoey1176 reacted to Circlesis in Need to hear from VSG to DS revisioners   
    Update: I got my date for the DS revision, coming up in 2 weeks.

    I have only 1 week of pre diet this time around. Anyone else?
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    zoey1176 reacted to Goldy6575 in Need to hear from VSG to DS revisioners   
    Yes, here is update.
    It took a little longer for me to heal for the DS over the sleeve. My belly was sore and bloated for a solid 2 weeks, with painful gas. It was a pretty uncomfortable recovery in the hospital. I had mine in Mexico and they really don't give you any pain meds.
    I now have figured out what I can eat. Pretty much anything I want!! Minus sugar...I have found I can still eat bread on my sandwich with no ill effect, and can have just a few bites of dessert. I can have 1 slice of pizza, steak and corn on the cob, roast beef, ... nothing really bothers my stomach. Since I am trying to lose, I do limit my portions, but I'm fully satisfied. Do not feel like I'm missing out at all, nor do I have uncontrollable cravings. I have found that if I eat too much of a carb or sugar, I will have gas and alot more loose stool the next day. It's not like uncontrollable diarrhea or anything, just have to go alot. For that reason it's really not worth it to overeat on carbs, and it keeps me from doing it. And I try to limit my carbs for the weight loss effect, not low carb by any means... just do half a piece of bread with sandwich, etc.
    The bathroom situation is not as horrible as a lot made it out to be. I had problems with Constipation before, so it's actually nice to have looser stools. It is more stinky, but it's worth it!! I have not had any accidents..when I'm traveling I take Devrom tablets, and it takes the stinkies away.
    It took awhile for me to trust the weight loss from malabsorption. At first I didn't trust it, and was eating hardly anything at all, and it actually slowed my weight loss. Once I trusted it, and ate like a normal person (about 1000-1300 cals a day) the weight started coming off. I have lost 12 since July 20. It's slow but steady. I average about 2 lbs a week... before my DS when I would try so hard doing Keto, or 1000 cals a day ( which felt like starvation) I absolutely would not lose.
    For Breakfast I usually have 4 sausage links or low sugar oatmeal. For lunch a deli meat sandwich with cheese and mayo, usually on just one piece bread. For dinner, usually grill a meat with a veggie, or do tacos, or bacon avacado sandwich, or egg drop Soup with 2 crab rangoon. Or I also love Amy's frozen cheese enchiladas. I try not to snack between meals, because most Snacks are carb heavy. If I do, I'll do cheese sticks.
    Any questions, please ask. Would I do it over again, heck yes.
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    zoey1176 reacted to carlacv in Re-sleeve to Bypas   
    I had the sleeve 9/2016 and 3 years later I developed a hernia. went to my surgeon and did some testing. was told that I needed the redo but I would need to get the gastric bypass. Surgery was delayed twice due to covid and I was just released from the hospital today. I feel great, sore but great. I had surgery on Monday 8/3 and my surgeon is very conservative so he kept me till today. He showed me pictures of before and after. I have my follow up on Monday. Let me me know if I could help out

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    zoey1176 reacted to Christina760 in 4 weeks after revision   
    Hey oh I live in SD too work for Scripps I know how crazy it is there for you no worries! how exciting that’s a lot in 12 weeks!! Yay that makes me happy. I just lost 11 pounds in my pre op diet so far. Day 9. Wish me luck Monday! Thanks for the reply!
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    zoey1176 reacted to Pinkiguana76 in 4 weeks after revision   
    I am down to 213. It's been 13 weeks. 22 pounds. scale just doesn't move. Some days I'm suicidal, some days I just say I did all I could
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    zoey1176 reacted to Christina760 in 4 weeks after revision   
    Same! 280, then sleeved 2012! 5 years later gained 50lbs now I saw my surgeon n he said the revision will get me back down but I’m reading others say they didn’t lose after or just 20. How are you doing
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    zoey1176 reacted to GottaBeBlair in Sleeve to DS   
    Hi Kozyjozie! Of course you’d have to consult with a doc to see if you are a good candidate for revision but I was the same as you. I regained almost all of my weight after having a child. I chose a revision to DS versus RNY since VSG is the first step of a DS surgery. So when I was revised, they didn’t touch my tummy, just completed the intestinal procedure. Please note that far less data is available on revisions, so the outcome may not be as significant as you’d like it to be. I am losing less than I did with my original procedure but I am losing much more than I would have on my own. I suggest before you even jump down the rabbit hole to really figure out why you regained. And come to terms with the excuses, so you won’t repeat. I got therapy as well. Hope that helps!
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    zoey1176 reacted to kozyjozie in Sleeve to DS   
    DS REVISION. Is this for me. Sorry spell correction was on. It’s been five years. I keep trying and can’t take the weight back off. I really need help.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Happy Go Lucky in Sleeve to DS   
    Omg the healing process is so much different and painful. I had my revision on 9.17.2020 and the pain has me so uncomfortable to move, talk, cough,anything. I cant even lay down. I literally have a cloud of covers and pillows on the couch to keep me propped for comfort. I am really hoping for weight loss as I am working on my discipline this time around cause I failed my sleeve unfortunately and I am not in denial about it.
    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
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    zoey1176 reacted to m.simpson88 in Revision surgery pre op diet   
    Hello, I had a revision surgery a year ago. The only way I got through the liquid diet was hot beverages. Hot tea and Decaf coffee. Sweetened with calorie free sweetener and if I wanted Creamer I used fat free half and half with sugar free/calorie free flavored syrups. They curbed my hunger and still do. Same for hot Soup and broth. I drank it as hot as I could stand. I tried to also keep myself full off Water. The key is to make sure you try to stay ahead of your hunger with the approved options. Try to consume something every 2-3 hours.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Jsteelecat in Revision surgery pre op diet   
    I am having revision surgery in October. Going in to have my pouch made smaller and the hole made smaller. I’m super nervous because I’m hungry ALL THE TIME. I have no idea how I am going to make the pre op liquid diet for two weeks. Does anyone have any tips? Has anyone had success with a gastric bypass revision?
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    zoey1176 reacted to Foxbins in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    Weight this morning 136.4. I spoke to the surgeon's office on Friday and I still have to take omeprazole until they take a look at everything with an EGD in another six weeks. I still have no GERD. I can sleep flat again!
    I ordered my operative record and discharge summary from the hospital records department and they emailed them to me for free. It was very interesting to read, I learned quite a lot that no one had told me. My bypass is 50 cm, so I am hoping I will not have too much malabsorption and no bile reflux. My sleeve/pouch is 6 cm long, I think my surgeon made it longer than usual because my sleeve was very narrow. Despite a bigger pouch I have had to start measuring my food because I can't eat as much with this pouch as I could with the full sleeve. I can comfortably eat about a cup. I want to be very careful not to stretch out the stoma. My sleeve used to be so sensitive, but with this RNY I haven't vomited at all. So far I'm pretty happy with this surgery.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Foxbins in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    The drain was removed today, the output was down to about 30cc in 24 hours. When they removed the drain from my sleeve surgery, there was this sort of funny slithery sensation inside. Today I felt nothing. The stab incisions, covered in glue, are starting to itch and I'll be happy when the glue is gone. Some is flaking already. I weighed in at 140.7, I'm happy I haven't lost, but I think I still have a lot of Fluid in me. My abdomen is pretty swollen and has turned green, yellow, and purple from the bruising.
    I'm getting sick of the Protein Drinks and I've started cutting them with skim milk. It makes them less sweet.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Foxbins in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    I saw my surgeon yesterday and because the drain is still putting out so much bloody liquid, he left it in. The ER did labs on Sunday and my hemoglobin looks good. The surgeon wonders if I didn't have a big clot inside that has been dissolving over the past week and causing the blood in the drain. He didn't sound terribly sure that was the cause, but just threw it out there as a possibility. I go back on Thursday for another drain check. Drain volume has been decreasing and I'm hoping it will continue. Eating and drinking are fine. Liking my blenderizied Soups because they aren't sweet and I'm tolerating them well.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Foxbins in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    Well, I just got home from the ER. I was standing at the sink, fixing the cat's food, when I felt dizzy and weak and sweaty. The ER said I'm dehydrated but I swear I drank 64+ oz of Fluid on Saturday--14 oz Soup, 28 oz Protein Shakes, 32 oz crystal light, and a glass of skim milk. I wonder if I had a little dump episode--for Breakfast I had half a Protein Shake topped up with some of that Fairlife milk. Neither one should cause dumping but who knows? I think getting used to my new insides is going to be all trial and error. Anyway, I'm supposed to get my drain out tomorrow, It's still putting out 40 cc of bloody fluid every 12 hours so I am going to ask about a scan to look for a bleeder, but who knows if I'll get one. Part of me thinks that if everything is okay my surgeon should have pulled the drain on Friday when he discharged me home, but he didn't, leading me to think that he was hoping for a decrease in the volume over the weekend, which isn't happening.
    Still no reflux and I am so frigging happy not to be regurgitating everything I swallow I can't even say. What a relief.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Tracyringo in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    Glad you are home and doing well.
    Its crazy being able to drink like that after surgery. I was able to do that as well. There are plenty of things you will be able to get down without making you lose that much weight. You will be surprised of how easy I am sure. Be very careful dumping is horrible !
    I loved my sleeve too and miss it. Hoping someday I will feel better about this bypass, lol.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Foxbins in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    I had my revision done on 6/29. There were a few little hiccups--after surgery I couldn't pee, so I needed a catheter, and I lost quite a lot of blood and needed 2 units of packed red blood cells transfused, which upped my hemoglobin level enough to where I'm anemic now but not fainting when I stand up. It was a long surgery, as I had three procedures done--a myotomy to fix the esophageal stricture I got from GERD, a hernia repair, and the RNY. I was originally supposed to come home on July 1, but my drain was still bloody and filling quickly, so I stayed until this afternoon, 7/3. I still have the drain, it's supposed to come out Monday. I have had two episodes of "heartburn" but neither were in my new stomach, but in the intestine, because the burning is above my bellybutton but below my rib cage. My stomach is much higher up and has not hurt at all. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I am not regurgitating everything I swallow and that I can sleep through the night without acid crawling up into my mouth. My nurse was quite concerned when I finished an 11 oz. Protein Shake in fifteen minutes, but the surgeon told her it was fine as long as I could tolerate swallowing things that fast. Because I'm at goal and don't want to lose any more weight, he also said for the next two weeks I could eat anything I could pour, but to be careful of sugar and fat content in case I dump. This brought back memories of a Saturday Night Live sketch called "Bass-O-Matic" (it's on YouTube, it's a hoot) but blending a whole fish is not on the menu. I have not had much pain, mostly gas because he had to operate so high up in the chest he put a lot of gas in. I came out of surgery with both eyes swollen shut because the gas seeped into my face, but it is mostly gone now. Now it looks like I have bags under my eyes. I loved my sleeve and tried everything to keep it but the GERD was just too bad. Hoping I come to love the bypass too.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Tracyringo in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    She is right. I had the revision done a few weeks ago and I could eat more calories if I wanted or needed to. I am doing 700 no problems. There is no restriction for me like with the sleeve so all liquids and full liquids and even some soft foods just slide right on through. It is really weird ! I can see how people could gain so easily with this if they just ate slider foods.
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    zoey1176 reacted to polly... in Why is ibuprofen a no no?   
    I can't remember why ibuprofen is so bad for an RNY patient
    I'm 3 years out and I totally suffer daily from arthritis as well as other chronic pain issues.
    Any meds that help with these situations? Tylenol is as good as if i just took Water.
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    zoey1176 reacted to Mr Alley Gator in Rant   
    You got This ..... Just being tested a little right now
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    zoey1176 reacted to BigSue in Rant   
    That's terrible -- sounds like they're really disorganized!
    What kind of Cookies and cream Protein Shake did you get? I bought some Premier Protein cookies and cream shakes and I hate them. Fortunately, I only bought a 4-pack, but I'm very disappointed. 🙁

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