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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Tekara3927

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 10/13/1986

About Me

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Stay at Home Mommy :)
  • City
  • State
    New Hampshire

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I've always struggled with my weight, I am an emotional eater. Happy, sad, mad, excited, bored, you name it. Not even a lot of junk just a lot of whatever I'm having. Can never find the turn off button. Doing better since myfitnesspal app and meeting with all the doctors, surgeon, dietician etc... Surgery date to come soon. Can't wait. thanks for all the great info and stories everyone!

Age: 37
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Starting Weight: 299 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 208 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Weight Lost: 91 lbs
BMI: 30.7
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 03/05/2012
Surgery Date: 09/07/2012
Hospital Stay: 2 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
Tekara3927's Bariatric Surgeon
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801

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