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    Amie reacted to endless80 in hi there!!! are there really gay people here?!?!?!?   
    Oh THANK GOD I was beginning to think I was the only gay in the house! Hey guys, I'm Alan. I am getting sleeved on Sept 10th. Anyone here from Atlanta?
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    Amie reacted to Bea Amaya in Has anyone used Mexico Bariatric Center ?   
    I knew when I signed up for a discounted surgery in Mexico I would be giving up some things that the $10K US patients would get. For me, choosing Mexico was the difference between having and not having the surgery as I have no insurance and it was 100% out-of-pocket. The entire cost of my trip was less than $4,400 (air fare included) and I went there on my own. My preparation involved a lot of research, a lot of planning (especially prepping for meals when I got home), and a lot of discussions about the pros and cons of the surgery with my hubby before I went.
    I'm only a few weeks out now but am very pleased with everything so far. The hotel I was booked in was very nice and very close to the hospital. My stay in the hospital was fine although in retrospect I would advise taking someone along just for the "little things" (dropping my hairbrush on the floor, having a leak in my drain bag, etc.). The doctors took time to introduce themselves to me and tell me what part they were playing in the surgery and/or recovery process, the nursing staff was available at all times, and the entire process went off without a hitch. But I do have to say that Mexico surgery might not be right for someone that needs a lot of hand-holding and reassurances.
    Do I wish I was rich and could afford the surgery on this side of the border? Maybe, but I don't think so. Although I occasionally wish I had someone I could check in with, someone that I could ask questions of, I've been on this forum long enough to understand that different doctors and different NUTs often give different [sometimes VERY different] answers to the same questions. I am overly independent, however, and probably would have done just what I do now...look it up online, compare notes, and make decisions. I, for one, don't know how the "end game" is going to turn out, but I feel comfortable recommending the procedure, the location, the medical team, and the hospital to others.
    Good luck with your decision and follow-up!
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    Amie reacted to danpantz in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Broke the 200 barrier today.
    199 lbs. first time ive been under 200 lbs since i was like 13.
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    Amie reacted to sweetcurves3 in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Today makes 6 months for me and I am down 58 pounds.
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    Amie reacted to JackieV in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    I just posted in the other Feb thread but I've slowed down too. I haven't had a loss in a few weeks. Time to really step things up.
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    Amie reacted to cwolbers in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Hi my name is Courtney im 21 and I had my surgery Feb 1st i have lost 40kg (88Ib I'm from Australia) it has been really good the only problems I have had is Hair loss and I have gallstones at the moment from the weight loss but will be getting my gallbladder removed next week. This was the best thing I ever did and I can't wait to loose the next 40.
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    Amie reacted to DayByDay in Attention February 2013 Sleeve Buddies!   
    For those stuck in a stall, just keep doing what you are doing. I finally, finally saw some scale movement. After about 6 weeks of being stuck, the scale is finally moving. I tried every trick in the book but in the end I just trusted the process. I did stop logging my food because it was just making me crazy to see how little I was eating and not getting any results. If I feel myself slipping I'll start logging my food again. Mainly I keep track of my activity with my fitbit. Trying very hard to make my 10,000 steps a day goal. Not so easy when you have a desk job. Just 1.8lbs to go before I drop below 200.
    We can do this!
    Weightloss since surgery: 39.2
    Weightloss pre-op: 48
    Total loss: 87.2
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    Amie reacted to KristiP in Attention February 2013 Sleeve Buddies!   
    Been ages since i've been on - very busy and life just gets in the way! But I'm a Feb sleever, and have been stuck in the 107's (kgs) for about 2 months now. I have lost a total of 25.1kgs, and I am holding steady.
    I think considering the number of Feb sleevers who are "stuck" is quite indicative that it's not always calories in/calories out, and that weight isn't in fact always in our control, despite our best efforts. I think the body goes into a shut down/refusal to keep losing at a certain point because it realises that it's lost a good size chunk of itself and it puts on the brakes big time. Because it thinks it's starving or dying. But once it realises it's not starving or dying it relents and the weight loss picks up again, but more slowly.
    I was discouraged and starting to think I had "failed" again, until I saw these posts. Now I'm thinking I need to change up my routine a bit and see if I can't get the scale moving down again. so I'm thinking an increase in plain pure Water (since winter started I've been having more things like Decaf black tea, or mint tea - stevia not sugar), and maybe doing the liquid phase a 2-3 days a week. Some of the vloggers on youtube do the liquid phase for a whole week, but I don't know if I can do that - the thought of ingesting one more Protein Shake actually makes me sick to my stomach. I look at my tin of Protein mix and my mouth waters, not in anticipation but like right before you're going to vomit??
    Also, I've been lazier since winter came on, so I need to amp up my activity levels. That is probably the largest reason why my losses have stalled. I have been very lazy since end of April/first of May. The good thing is, now that I've lost the 25kgs, I actually do feel heaps better (no more feet, ankle and lower leg swelling.....my knees don't hurt unless I climbs steps or inclines the wrong way......no shortness of breath or issues with stamina although i never did have trouble with that anyway...........) I want to join the local gym near my work, but my role at work has been made redundant, and while I'm still waiting for my end date, I'm not sure if it's the best time to be investing into something I might end up not being able to use (they don't do pay as you go, it's up front for x amount of time and no refunds if you change your mind or whatever).
    anyway, I'm glad to hear that everyone, 'stuckages' aside, is doing well. My husband is now wondering if he shouldn't get sleeved as well - has been in a battle with his weight his whole life as well. I don't want to push him, he's sometimes slow to come around to things, but I encourage him to seriously consider it. I think he will, but it will take him some time. I think if I can get my weight loss moving again, it will be the thing that gets him off the fence.

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    Amie reacted to Sun Devil Fan in Attention February 2013 Sleeve Buddies!   
    I love how we all just want to be overweight!! Congrats, great job!
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    Amie reacted to JackieV in feb 2013 sleevers weigh in   
    Another quick update. I hit my surgeons goal of 60% excess weight loss yesterday, woke up today and dropped a few more pounds which puts me at 100lbs down. Yay, for my sleeve.
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    Amie reacted to seaboy81 in hi there!!! are there really gay people here?!?!?!?   
    Hi everyone. Yes, I'm gay and recently sleeved. Starting weight at first office visit 299 was 286 when I went for surgery and one month later I am 256 so 43 lbs total so far confidence shot up even hit on a hottie at the bar and succeeded woot! Go me!
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    Amie reacted to Evolving in feb 2013 sleevers weigh in   
  14. Like
    Amie got a reaction from mistysj in Good bye DOMA!   
    I hope everyone had a great day. I was overwhelmed with emotions all day. It was such a historic day for gay rights. It makes me so happy that my marriage is now federally recognized.
  15. Like
    Amie reacted to Fiddleman in 12 week Transformation challenge for vets   
    Really psyched about progress in the last week.
    I have been going through this transformation challenge starting in mid may. Just this last week body fat % has gone down 2% and 1% from yesterday to place me at 13.1% Additionally, weight has dropped a few pounds from last week. Today at 178 pounds. Exciting stuff.
    I like also that my presence has really improved. The way I hold myself, strong, relaxed, shoulders down. It provides a sense of power and strength when interacting with people or just walking out and about.
    I think progress is picking up because I have moved onto the intermediate body weight workouts and have really stepped up the workout at cross fit. And I feel great afterwards. I just renewed with my Cross Fit trainer for another 18 sessions. After those run out, I am going to transition into open gym to lift with the real power cross fitters. I am so glad to be doing this one no one with my Cross Fit trainer because it is progressively moving my technique, agility, mobility and strength to where I want to be.
    In two weeks, I will be moving into the final phase of this 12 week challenge and will start the advanced body weight training program at home until the end of the challenge. These are such good functional exercises and always leave me with a good workout. They always feel within my capability which makes doing these exercises fun. I look forward to 20 minutes of these 3x a week at home. I added 2 additional core workouts this week based upon use of my PT roller. They are challenging also and am counting on them to help my abs see the light of day and pop.
    I am eating a lot of calories and my recovery shake has switched from GNC Amplified Wheybolic 60 to synth 6. The synth 6 tastes way better, but does have more carbs and more calories. Two scoops is 400 calories, but if my weight is going down along with my fat %, all is well.
    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  16. Like
    Amie reacted to StephF89 in feb 2013 sleevers weigh in   
    Hey Fellow February Sleevers!! Just wanted to check in and let y'all know how I'm doing.
    I was sleeved 2/14/2013
    SW 318.8
    DOS 308.8
    CW 228.0
    Total loss 90.8lbs
    Inches lost
    Neck - 1.25 inches
    Waist - 11.5 inches
    Hips - 9.25
    Total inches gone (from when I started measuring and limited to just the areas I've measured) 22inches, ALMOST 2 FEET, of me gone.
    So that's my update! Love reading everyone else's as well.. Keep up the hard work Feb-Sleevers!!
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    Amie reacted to lorrieann1 in Where Is Everyone From?   
    Washington State
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    Amie reacted to EweLewz in feb 2013 sleevers weigh in   
    Unjury was so unsavory I gave the Trial pack away. The best $200.00 investment you can make it to buy the Ninja. I start everyday with a Protein packed home-made shake full of fresh/frozen fruit, non-fat Greek yogurt, flax seed oil, vanilla whey, non fat milk and a few ounces of juice. Couldn't do without my Ninja blender. Worth every penny.
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    Amie reacted to Daydra in fit bit and other trackers   
    I was unimpressed with the fitbit. I have used a Bodybugg for several years and just upgraded to the newer Bodymedia Link. It is a sensor that is worn on the back of your left arm with an armband. I'm extremely confident in the accuracy of the monitor (except for sleeping. It's way off for sleeping, but I would expect anything would be off for me, because I have a sleeping disorder and I spend a lot of time reading in bed at night waiting to go to sleep.). It is a triple axis accelerometer with skin temperature, galvanic skin response, and heat flux sensors (just sounds sexy and technical, doesn't it?). I love the amount of data that it provides. I could tell you for any 6minute segment of the day how many calories/minute I was burning. I was using the bodybugg (which is basically just the older version) while I was really dedicated to weight loss and triathlon. The data, tracking, and interface helped me to lose 115 pounds. I knew every week what my weight loss was going to be based on my downloaded data and my food log long before I ever stepped on the scale.
    I have 2 complaints about the Bodymedia: 1 - it's not invisible, so I sometimes have to explain that thing I'm wearing (but that can be fun sometimes, because people think it's cool) and 2 - it's not waterproof, so I can't use it to measure calories I burn during a swim.
    MyFitnessPal interacts with the Bodymedia interface. You can link your accounts and use MFP to log your food if that's what you're comfortable with and it will be transferred to your Bodymedia interface so you can look at all your other data.
    I can't say enough good things about the Bodymedia... but I guess I'm a bit of a geek...
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    Amie reacted to Daydra in No artifical sweeteners or processed products   
    Wow, I wish I could help, but I envy you your ability to stick to a mostly unprocessed diet. I've always had this ideal of sticking to whole, unprocessed foods, but inevitably at some point it just seems like too much work to fit into my lifestyle. Best of luck, I expect it will take a significant amount of research to figure out what recipes and products will give you what you need after surgery, but I know you can get it worked out! It takes a lot of determination not to become complacent and let processed foods into your diet.
    Best of luck to you! I would love to hear what strategy you decide on!
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    Amie reacted to moonlitestarbrite in No artifical sweeteners or processed products   
    we dont eat any artifical sweeteners or flavorings or dyes in our home. i am concerned that so much stuff on my first post op diet plan are "sugar free" processed products. i have bought hemp Protein powder... its pretty minimally processed. i plan on making and storing homemade Bone Broth (chicken and beef). we get milk right from the farmer, and i have found a brand of plain greek yogurt i like. i also plan on juicing cucumber, romaine, apples, pears, etc. anything low sugar.
    i think i will be fine but keep worrying.
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    Amie reacted to codebrown1971 in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Sleeved 2/14
    Starting weight 327
    Current weight 235
    Down 92lbs!!!!! In a 4 1/2 months
    I still have 45lbs to go to reach my goal weight, my dr wants me down to 175.
    I've had lots of issues with this new life but I'm so happy I finally did this to help me get to the permanent solution with a life long struggle. 2 weeks from today my wife is getting sleeved. I'm so excited for her and wish her success and hope that she is as successful as I have been
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    Amie reacted to nygurl in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    4 month anniversary down 52 pounds


  24. Like
    Amie got a reaction from mistysj in Good bye DOMA!   
    I hope everyone had a great day. I was overwhelmed with emotions all day. It was such a historic day for gay rights. It makes me so happy that my marriage is now federally recognized.
  25. Like
    Amie got a reaction from mistysj in Good bye DOMA!   
    I hope everyone had a great day. I was overwhelmed with emotions all day. It was such a historic day for gay rights. It makes me so happy that my marriage is now federally recognized.

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