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    RainyGirl reacted to tbearfan in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    I had my surgery 3 Jul and I stall all the time. I get frustrated because I watch my carbs and a lot of times only have Protein shakes. I thought the weight would fly off but instead I think it is attached to fly paper. It seems I'm able to eat too much as well. I can eat two or three ice-cube size servings instead of one. I have a fear that my stomach has stretched.
    We will succeed.
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    RainyGirl reacted to slojo in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    Make sure you're getting in your Protein, and measure out 1/2 cup food at a time. It takes your stomach a few minutes (30) to realize it's full...
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    RainyGirl reacted to Carie in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    My surgery was on July 16th, so we are VERY close to the same amount of time post op. I am down 33 pounds. I also feel like my loss is slower than others too, but am SO grateful for the pounds that are gone. Don't be discouraged, just keep measuring your food, get in your Water, Protein and exercise.... The weight will come off.
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    RainyGirl reacted to Marty McSkinnystein in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    I had my surgery the day before you, lost about the same as you and I feel like
    it's a nice amount of weight lost. I stalled for a couple weeks, ate a little more carbs/calories and voila! the scale moved-- but that's controversial and my opinion only.
    If you're doing the Protein, Water and whatever else the doctor said to you you can only go down.
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    RainyGirl reacted to gmanbat in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    I am able to eat too much as well.
    That hasn't changed.
    What has changed is that the sleeve has given me the power to eat the right amount without overpowering cravings oppressing me into submission to overeating.
    If I don't heed the sleeve's warnings I defeat myself.
    The brain must stay engaged.
    Reminds me of a story of a rich guy from another country who came to America and bought an expensive motor home to see the USA. He got it out on the road, engaged the cruise control, and went back to microwave a snack.< /p>
    It is helpful but not automatic.
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    RainyGirl reacted to melting me in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    I stalled at 40lbs only 2 weeks after surgery and have been in a stall for over 30 days. I workout, eat well, and am getting the Protein. I can tell my clothes are loose, I'm 6 sizes smaller, but the weight hasn't changed. Don't freak out, worry, or stress. Just keep doing what your supposed to be doing. You are in control.
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    RainyGirl reacted to Lissa in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    Rainy, 35 pounds lost is terrific! Don't down yourself for that! If you truly feel you're eating too much, start measuring portions and logging on My Fitness Pal or another food logger site. I bet you'll be surprised at how low your calories intake is at this point.
    Never compare your weight loss to anyone else. You are losing at the perfect rate for yourself. You may want to mae certain you're drinking enough Water and meeting your Protein goals. For me, those are the two magic bullets in my weight loss journey. As long as I keep those two in line, I lose steadily, but not super fast.
    I've also noticed that most of us reach the Century Club (100 pounds lost) around 9 months to a year out, no matter how slow or fast we start out losing. This is a journey, not a race, so be sure to enjoy the ride. It's exciting to get up every day and see pounds gone and watch our bodies reshape themselves, at least to me.
    Good luck!!
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    RainyGirl reacted to Teriiann in Only 35Lbs Down And Able To Eat Too Much :-(   
    I think that is great! Next time you go into a grocery store pick up a 20 pd bag of taters! I'm a cashier and every time I have to move or pick up something that I think is not heavy I think WOW I could loose triple that amount!
  9. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to Sherry77 in Needing Ideas On Making Skakes Better.   
    You can also add sugar free soda the blender takes out the carbonation. I used to love adding 6oz of sugar free orange crush, ice cubes, vanilla Protein Powder and mandarins oranges to make an orange creamsical Protein Shake. It was my favorite pre-op drink recommended by my surgeons office.
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    RainyGirl reacted to enigmachik in Disappointed   
    I'm always a little surprised when I read posts like this. I know we all want the weight to come flying off and I know that it seems like it should considering we eat so little. However, you are only 33 days out. In 33 days you have lost 27 pounds! Think about that, 27 pounds in 33 days! That is beyond incredible! Especially considering that your body during this time has also been recovering from a traumatic injury (surgery). So what if it takes a little longer to lose, you're still going to lose it. Try to have a little patience and let the sleeve do it's thing. It will work for you and your body will let go of the weight when it's ready. xoxo.
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    RainyGirl got a reaction from LauraTarry in Anyone Else Have A Surgery Date In July? Excited And Terrified!   
    Thank u all for your kind words! Good luck and good health to all of us!!!! I'm sure I'll be posting how it went right after recovery lol
  12. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to Capt Derel in Has Anyone Ever Not Lost Weight?   
    Nikki. Relax. Just take care of yourself first. Dont worry about eating. Let it heal. Drink fluids and more fluids. I can attest that your world has completely been flipped. Your in control. Now grab that wheel and drive it like you stole it.
  13. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to cantwaittolose in Honey & Vinegar = Can It Stop Hair Loss?   
    So about a month ago I was at dinner with my sister and I noticed her hands didn't look dry (she's always had super dry skin) and her hair looked fuller/thicker...so I reached over and grabbed her hair and said what the heck have you done to your hair?!? She said "oh I've been drinking honey and vinegar..didn't I tell you?". Ummmm - NO! So for the last 3 weeks I've been drinking it....sure enough thicker hair and softer skin!!! No joke. So here's the receipe 1 Tablespoon Trader Joes Organic Raw honey and 1 Tablespoon Trader joes Organic UNFILTERED Apple Cider Vinegar...add to a 6-8oz of hot/warm Water, stir in and enjoy. I tried other brands but I'm telling you Trader joes is the best and it has to be UNFILTERED vinegar. The vinegar alkalizes in the body which is where the health benefits come in.
    I really wanted to share this with everyone and also ask...do you think I can continue to drink immediately after sleeved?...will the vinegar be too strong? I'm hoping this might help with hair loss/thinning???
  14. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to TinkerToyz in Of All The Crap You Took To The Hospital What Did You Actually Use?   
    I realize what you actually need/use will depend on where your procedure is done, clinic, hospital, USA or Mexico and how long you anticipated being away from home.
    I read the post here on what the "Must Haves" were and loaded my tote with almost all of the.
    Other than the usual things, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb/brush. I only used a fraction of the things I hauled to the hospital with me.
    Things I actually used
    pajama pants, avoided the need for a robe or extra gown for hiking the halls.
    cell phone and charger.
    gas x total of 2 strips used in the hospital
    biotene spray. for dry mouth. a life saver.
    Travel pillow U shaped cloud type pillow.
    I also bought a pair of my big girl baggy pants that I had already quit wearing cause they were too baggy. I am so glad I had these, with all the gas I doubt the one I wore in would have been comfortable.
  15. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to fattymcfatterson in Humiliated.......   
    I am sorry you felt that humiliation. Sometimes I think these things happen to solidify our decision of getting sleeved. My preschoolers graduated this Friday and I had the full intention of being BEHIND the camera.. Well, that changed. There I was in my most unflattering work polo shirt, my sports bra boob smooshing bra and no gut sucker underneath. Out of nervousness i seemed to keep my fat little arms unnaturally close to my body, like that cartoon dinosaur from I think meet the robinsons "I have a big head and little arms." Anyways, it was horrible to watch. I did some creative cropping on the video to try to limit the constant side view of Miss Fatty McFatterson.... But, I am now forever etched in the videos of the class of 2012. (Thank GOD preschoolers don't judge you by your weight!!!) I am more then ready to get this done when my 6 mo diet is over. I guess my point is don't let humiliation have the victory... The victory is this will be the last time you experience this and when you are flying skinny you will probly look for the girl who is facing humiliation and rescue her. You will always have compassion because you lived it. I pray your surgery and recovery go textbook and look forward to joining you on the losers bench, where we ALL fit!
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    RainyGirl reacted to Jsmart2 in Maybe I Shouldn't Do This   
    I think it would be odd if you didn't feel this way. Up to the morning of my procedure (July 2nd) I doubted my decision, but in the end I'm so happy I choose to go ahead. It is still fresh and I'm still dealing with the immediate after effects but I'm excited now not doubting.
    You will have to make the decision that is right for you though. If you feel you can maintain another diet and exercise without the surgery then by all means do it. For me I finally realized I could drop the weight and put it back on 20-30 more times in my life and I wanted it off permanently and felt the sleeve gave the best chance at success.
    Others will have better replies and stories but keep talking out you feelings and fears here, with your doctors and loved ones and you'll make the best decision for you!
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    RainyGirl reacted to shangefan in Maybe I Shouldn't Do This   
    I say take it one step at a time. Go to the information session and see how you feel afterward.
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    RainyGirl got a reaction from PrincessDaffodil in Got My Sample Pack Of Syntrax Nectar   
    i got all mine from bjsbariatrics.com cheapest place I found so far!
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    RainyGirl reacted to Patrick Curl in 1 Week Post-Op   
    At the hospital now and am on full liquids, they sent up a really good cream of potato Soup. They liquified it for me and tasted just like mashed potatoes and gravy.
    Cream of chicken and rice soup liquified taste just like chicken dumplings. Mmm.
  20. Like
    RainyGirl got a reaction from Stelina in Ugh Really World? Now Is Not The Time!   
    I really don't have the words... my life is almost identical to many of those posted here... reading all the good advice, prayers & words of wisdom (through my tears for all of us... turning from sad to determination)... helped me, the outsider looking in...... SO THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
    When someone reaches out to help one person... it touches so many more.
    Oh.. and surgery date... July 17, and I CAN'T WAIT for my life to change.
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    RainyGirl reacted to Stelina in Ugh Really World? Now Is Not The Time!   
    Ok so here's an update. I found out a couple days ago that I apparently have several torn disks, and the ones that aren't torn are bulging. Because I've gone so long without the diagnosis my spine has begun to deteriorate. Finding this news out... I couldn't be happier... you're probably thinking I'm crazy but hear me out. I've been going to Drs for years to figure out why I'm in pain. And Dr after Dr told me its because you're overweight its because you're overweight it's probably just stress... you know you're overweight right? When this Dr looked me in the eyes and said "Stelina, I know why you're in pain. I understand how hard this must be for you. We are going to do everything we can to fix it." My whole body gave a sigh of relief! We know! Now we can fix it!! When he stopped and actually said the words "it's not in your head" I damn near cried... I've been hearing that my whole life and he told me I understand and its not in your head. That was one of the happiest moments in my life. I know I may sound strange to y'all but for the first time in my head, I'm on the road to recovery as opposed to just treating the symptoms with copious amounts of pain killers and muscle relaxers. IM GOING TO GET MY LIFE BACK!
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    RainyGirl reacted to Tippy2us in Ugh Really World? Now Is Not The Time!   
    First of all, HUGS to you! You Rock!! Pick up a book called The Secret....trust me :-)
  23. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to NancyJerry in Ugh Really World? Now Is Not The Time!   
    Man, that does really suck (pardon my french). But... What would it look like if we put a positive spin on it??
    I SERIOUSLY PRAY that your mom gets her new heart and has no complications!
    After you have your surgery and rock your sleeve, here is what you can do:
    1 - know that you would have paid double to get this life altering surgery.
    2 - get a kick-a$$ job with your rockin' new look
    3 - send pics to your lousy cheating "love of your life" (sorry if you plan to take him back but you shouldn't you deserve better!!!!!!!!) and show him what he's missing out on
    4 - spend the better part of some night with a knight in shining armor that won't cheat on you - without taking a cigarette break!
    5 - get healthy and walk and exercise and be with your mom for many happy and healthy years to come!
    I don't mean this disrespectfully in any way. I know life doles out lemons sometimes in huge quantities. Hang in there, it will all be worth it. YOU are worth it!
  24. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to Jlewis229 in Anyone Else Have A Surgery Date In July? Excited And Terrified!   
    LOL I love how excited you are! I have that same excitement! I can't wait to wear NO SHIRT whenever i damn well please and not be embarrassed about it, or just take off my clothes in front of someone and not want to crawl under the sheets and turn out the lights LOL
    Our lives are going to change so much and it's just so damn exciting!
    I've seen a lot of talk about the 2 oz cups and lids...what for exactly?
    And yes we will be BIG LOSERS!
    Talk to you soon & Congrats!
  25. Like
    RainyGirl reacted to ShannonK in Want Honest Immediate Post Surgery Opinions   
    Yeah - everyone down here that I know that has had it only stayed one night - but it is a good idea to have a contingency plan!! He also does not use a drain tube or staples on the skin.....
    SO hopefully it will go well -

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