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    jwelk reacted to mrsnate in Whats Everyones Vitamin Regimen ?   
    That's interesting because the Celebrate were the only ones I did like! We really all must taste things differently. I spit out the Bariatric Advantage ones...couldn't stand them.
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    jwelk got a reaction from gramaof4 in Husband A Jerk Before And After Surgery   
    Lol he was a jerk before surgery, hasnt changed after surgery. My dad never treated my mom the way my husband acts as time. I just want to punch him HARD!
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    jwelk got a reaction from gmanbat in Husband A Jerk Before And After Surgery   
    Are all husbands capable if being huge jerks at times? Sorry... Venting!!!!
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    jwelk got a reaction from gmanbat in Husband A Jerk Before And After Surgery   
    Are all husbands capable if being huge jerks at times? Sorry... Venting!!!!
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    jwelk got a reaction from Allie ALii in Daily Menu   
    HI everyone! I thought i would share my daily menu @ 8 weeks out. Please let me know what you think about what im eating so i know if im eating ok.
    Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg and one turkey sausage ( i leave a bite or 2 of the sausage) or one lowfat lasagna cupcake from emilybites.com or a pure Protein Bar 30 grams of Protein.
    Snack: half an apple or a handful of trail mix or 1/4 cup or a little more of cottage cheese
    Lunch: 1 lasagna cupcake or 1/2 cup chicken tortilla Soup made with fresh veggies and roasted chicken sprinkled with lowfat cheese and 4 small round tortilla chips crushed. Sometimes a little avacado aswell. Or half a sandwich
    Snack: same as mid morning snack.
    Dinner: same as lunch choices or 1 party bean burrito from taco bueno or a small chicken nugget at chick fila or a taco.
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    jwelk got a reaction from WhoozisAnyway in Soooo Scared   
    My husband and i had the surgery. I jokingly called my husband the healthiest fat person alive !lol but he knew eventually the issues would come pouring in ! He weighed what you weigh and is 5'6" tall. He has now lost 60 pounds since surgery and never regrets!!! its smart to have this surgery before more bodily damage is done by weight. I on the other hand had every health issue known to man! He saw me and never wanted to be in my situation.
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    jwelk reacted to shelleyrn22 in Soooo Scared   
    If you weren't scared, I'd be worried! I'm scared, too! I'm even more scared of diabetes, heart disease, joint replacement, strokes, and all the other bad things that happen as a result of being obese. For me, the benefits outweigh the risks. This is by no means an easy way out, but it is an option. I'm refinancing my home to have this done. I'm 40yrs old, single mom and I'm ready to LIVE!
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    jwelk got a reaction from Mr_Worm in 298   
    Lol twonderland!!!
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    jwelk reacted to BlackBerryJuice in I Don't Think I Can Do This...   
    I'm 19+ months and yes, I can eat anything. I eat some sort of treats on a regular basis, too, just not every day and not in massive quantities. E.g. I had a chocolate Peanut Butter Easter egg on Wed, Thu, and Fri, but made a point of no more Desserts this weekend or tomorrow.
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    jwelk reacted to Denise's New Life in Eating Out... Restaurant... Fast Food.   
    a small chilli from wendy;s
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    jwelk reacted to DadTo2 in Hi From Texas   
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and encouragement. I appreciate it.
    @jwelk: We are both using Dr. Nick Nicholson out of Baylor Plano
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    jwelk reacted to Swimmer in Anxious :-(   
    I went through exactly the same things I think maybe it is an allergy to the glue and the healing process. It was horrible for about a week. The above things mentioned all helped me. I also gained and freaked out, six pounds at the same time out as you followed by a crazy long stall. Good news is it broke and I started losing very fast again. Nothing would have helped me feel better at the time, but I promise you aren't going to fail. Hang in there and let your body heal. It will get better.
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    jwelk reacted to wabbitninja in Anxious :-(   
    I know... I cook for my family every day and temptation hits me hard and I just get frustrated and upset
    We gotta hang in there cuz like u said it will get better
  14. Like
    jwelk reacted to arj1016 in Anxious :-(   
    Take an oatmeal bath. Helps with itching. Go to ER if you have trouble breathing. Stay calm and just contact ur dr.
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    jwelk got a reaction from Amanda 3.0 in Dealing With Eating With The Family And Bad Manners Since Surgery   
    We ate out for the first time last night with my parents and i totally know how u feel! We r still on soft foods so i orderd Soup and they had to order queso tortillas butter and enchiladas!!!! They never orderd queso before :-( when i could eat! I watched them shovel it in and i realised that use to be me but i ate 10 times the amount they were eating! But then when my soup came i slowly ate it and they were done when i wasnt even half way. And i took my spoon and took a little of there refried Beans and my dad said HEY!HEY U CANT EAT THAT! No eat ur soup! And they were done eating when this happened!!!! I know its gonna b hell with my family because they will point out things i shouldnt eat and make cracks that im gonna get fat again. :-(. Its like they dont understand what im going through!
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    jwelk reacted to docangtx12 in Anxious :-(   
    Benadryl cream doesn't work at all. Take a benadryl tablet... Adult dose is 50mg... But that will also make you very sleepy, so you may want to take 1 tablet (25mg) and see how you do. The cortisone cream may help as well, but take the Benadryl. It really does look like an allergy by the pictures, and I am a doctor.
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    jwelk reacted to erin00glen in Anxious :-(   
    I had the same rash. It's your body trying to heal the insision sites by attacking them. I even had it around old c section scars bc it was attacking all my scars. Not just new ones. Benedril really helped me. Good luck.
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    jwelk reacted to Dooter in Stall Please Help :-(   
    My stall just broke yesterday after 2 1/2 weeks! I thought I was going to go insane! It IS perfectly normal. Your body is going through a normal process. Search for "stalls" on this website, and you will find some good explanations. Just keep doing what you're doing and try to stay off the scale for a while. i know it's hard. You are still losing, and you will see it in your clothes, face and waistline if not on the scales. I now fit into a pair of pants I did not fit into 2 weeks ago, and that happened during the stall, so have heart!
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    jwelk reacted to emily_0192010 in Stall Please Help :-(   
    STOP!! You are in the 3rd week This is classic stall time. Almost EVERYBODY hits a stall at this time. It can last a week or a couple weeks, but this is completely normal, I promise! It is just your body's way of getting over the trauma of the surgery and the drastic change. You will hit stalls as you go along and they are normal.
    Are you weighing in every day? Because if you are, this might not even be a "gain"... our bodies fluctuate a LOT day to day. Weighing every day can be crushing because you keep thinking you are gaining when you're not.
    While you are in a stall this is what you do... keep up on your Protein and your Water, keep your treats small... and go on with your life. Your sleeve has NOT failed you and you have not failed your sleeve.
    Congrats on being sleeved and ((hug)) it will get better.
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    jwelk got a reaction from New1 in Thank You!   
    I wanted to thank you guys so much for your help through this journey! Having yall has been helping me get through this! <3
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    jwelk reacted to Dooter in Thank You!   
    Hey, I'm with ya! This is the ONLY place where I can go that people understand where I am and where I've been. I've never let a man other than my doc know my weight, but every guy on here knows! Weird, huh? It's a good feeling. I'm thankful too!!
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    jwelk reacted to Shemy-away in Soft Food Stage Woohoo!   
    Im on my second stage but no meats for me
    I can only have yogurt, cheeses, eggs, and Beans.< /p>
    Surgeon said no meats until 30 days.
    But at least I can have Boca burgers!! It looks enough like a hamburger that I may psyche myself LOL
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    jwelk reacted to Enerfina in Soft Food Stage Woohoo!   
    yay me too!!! soo good i had some ham and cheese for breakfast.. i tried egg on sunday n it didnt please my belly.. so yea i got a list of things approved by my nutritionist.. any of these salads with fat free mayo.. or light.. egg salad chicken salad tuna salad. any flaky fish, tilapia, snapper, grouper, meats chicken pork i didnt see beef.. weird.. sausages the list goes on n it just says its 1/2 cup 5 to 6 meals 3 hours apart. n remember to chew chew chew, and chew.. n no eating n drinking.. drink after 30mins. n then just sip all day in between meals!..
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    jwelk reacted to Catracks in Food Funeral   
    Definitely worth it. I eat all kinds of good food now. There is so little room I do not waste my time on junk. I'm a bit of a Protein junky now. Even the crackers and bread I eat have at least 10 grams a serving or I don't even go there.
    The liquid phase will soon be over and a bit of refrieds or mashed potato will be like Nirvana.
    4-wheeling huh? We have two 4WD and motorcycles. Fun!
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    jwelk got a reaction from Liberated Sleeve in 6 Days Post-Op And Have Nsv's Already!   
    Yay!!!! You go girl! I know that scale will move soon! Our bodies sometimes stall a bit and then it continues to melt off again. Hang in there!

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