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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    notime got a reaction from Tina87 in Is The Gastric Sleeve Better Or The Balloon?   
    Isn't the balloon temporary? I know I can diet and lose a lot of weight and then put it all on again. Seems as though using the balloon to lose weight and then having it removed would leave me open to putting the weight on again.
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    notime got a reaction from GlendaLee in 4 Days Post Op... Advice?   
    I suggest not eating something because someone wants you to do it. Stick with the program. You will be better off for doing that.
  3. Like
    notime got a reaction from buttahfly in I've Cheated!   
    I tell the truth to anyone interested enough in my weight loss to ask: that I achieved it and maintain it through diet and exercise. My health problems and medical treatments are none of their business and I am not interested in their opinions.
  4. Like
    notime got a reaction from buttahfly in I've Cheated!   
    I tell the truth to anyone interested enough in my weight loss to ask: that I achieved it and maintain it through diet and exercise. My health problems and medical treatments are none of their business and I am not interested in their opinions.
  5. Like
    notime got a reaction from buttahfly in I've Cheated!   
    I tell the truth to anyone interested enough in my weight loss to ask: that I achieved it and maintain it through diet and exercise. My health problems and medical treatments are none of their business and I am not interested in their opinions.
  6. Like
    notime got a reaction from Ms skinniness in Headaches   
  7. Like
    notime got a reaction from fyre_storm in Crab Salad   
    I use the same recipe, minus the mustard and blender, for shrimp salad.< /p>
  8. Like
    notime got a reaction from rosehips in Scared Off And On....help   
    It's the rare person who isn't worried as the time gets close. I reminded myself of the reasons for having the surgery: health and length and quality of life. That put it all into perspective again and, realizing I had no good alternative, I lost my fear.
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    notime got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Shhhhhh.....its A Secret!   
    How wonderful! You are amazing.
  10. Like
    notime got a reaction from TwinsMama in Hurrican Sandy   
    I can't wait until things return to normal for you either. My thoughts are with you and the others affected by the storm.
    You are really facing temptation! In addition to the lack of food choices, you have a lot of stress. I empathize with you.
  11. Like
    notime got a reaction from TwinsMama in Hurrican Sandy   
    I can't wait until things return to normal for you either. My thoughts are with you and the others affected by the storm.
    You are really facing temptation! In addition to the lack of food choices, you have a lot of stress. I empathize with you.
  12. Like
    notime got a reaction from DogMom3 in Almost Here...   
    Congratulations on your weight loss. What an achievement!
  13. Like
    notime got a reaction from COnative in Shrimp! Who Would Have Thought!   
    I've been going crazy over shrimp, too.
  14. Like
    notime got a reaction from rxkid2384 in Scared Straight! New Dad/husband, Thinking About Vgs- Please Help!   
    What the other posters have said.
    Welcome and please bring your questions to the site (and your doctor, of course). It is very normal to have some fear along the way to surgery but being able to express that fear and get answers to your questions helps a lot..
  15. Like
    notime got a reaction from sheila2050 in Before And After I Hope It Worked   
    Congratulations! So glad to hear about your health outcome.
  16. Like
    notime reacted to Escape_Pod in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Oh, how I'd love to be one of you "everything in moderation" people. I'm sure it's lovely. But if I'm honest with myself, I'm just not. Sure, when I was only a few weeks or months post-op, I could have a couple of crackers, or a spoonful of Peanut Butter, or half a cookie, and that would be that. But now, with a mature sleeve, I start out having just a little, and I might get away with it once or twice. But, eventually it becomes just a little bit more, and then a little of this, and a little of that, and then I spend several weeks trying to drag myself back on track. I've found that I'm very susceptible to sugar and carbs. When I'm off of them, they're fairly easy to resist. When I've been eating them, I cannot walk away from the stupid cupcakes in the break room with canned frosting that don't even taste particularly good. And when you get to be a year or more post-op, I think you'll discover that a mature sleeve will NOT stop you from eating an entire bag of m&ms.
    So, I live a pretty strict life because it makes my life easier. I don't spend my days and nights fighting cravings. I didn't have this surgery so I could eat whatever I want. I had this surgery so I could DO whatever I want, GO wherever I want, have whatever ADVENTURES I want. I had this surgery to be healthy, and strong, and confident. That sure beats the heck out of chocolate cake (ok... most days.... )
    By all means, forge your own path and find something that works for you. But be brutally honest with yourself about what REALLY WORKS for you, and what's just slipping back into old habits. Because in the early months the weight will come flying off just about regardless of what you do. Down the road, it gets a lot harder, and there's never an easier time to make a dramatic change in your life than right after surgery - it doesn't get more dramatic than that.
  17. Like
    notime reacted to PdxMan in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Don't buy too many. It is also known as IsoPuke here on VST. It just doesn't work for some folk.
  18. Like
    notime reacted to Supersweetums in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Very eloquent response!
  19. Like
    notime reacted to PdxMan in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Dreams, what you don't seem to understand is the original poster changed their posts. Far more than what they stated, believe me. My posts reflect the original content, not the edited version, so know that you are not getting the full story and not seeing the ugliness of the original post. He edited them for a reason, after all ...
    BTW, I called BS on his assertions, not on him. Can you not see that? Do you understand the difference?
    Do you have any experience on forums and understand the damage a troll can do? Especially one such as this?
    Kettle, I'd like to introduce you to the pot ...
  20. Like
    notime reacted to Butterthebean in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    The heat from this debate has definitely died down, but now it seems you are fanning the embers....maybe not intentionally, but still...
  21. Like
    notime reacted to Butterthebean in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Pdxman, even if this advice does (or does not) pan out for Neil or many others, all it takes is for one person to stand up and say "I did this and I made it to goal, therefore it must be true." And there will be others only too happy to jump and cheer because that is exactly what they wanted to hear. (I feel awful typing that last part, but I believe for some it's true)
    Will we hear from the ones who try this approach and fail? We already do. Every few days there is a post by someone who is either stalled, or gaining weight, who is also not eating properly or did not follow their docs plan. I have seen several who have turned it around once they reapplied themselves and I salute those people. But what you almost never see are post op patients (one year or more) eating the proper Protein, low starches, sufficient Water and exercise....complaining that they have failed.
    Although I say all that humbly considering that people who post here may or may not be representative of ALL Vsg patients.
  22. Like
    notime reacted to Cookeeeeez in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    Okay, so a good book on "moderation" is
    If Not Dieting, Then What?
    by Dr Rick Kausman
    This is the theory behind OP's discussion
    The book explores how to:
    - enjoy food without feeling guilty
    - increase your eating awareness
    - improve how you feel about yourself
    - fit some sort of activity into your day
    - achieve and maintain a healthy, comfortable weight for you, without being deprived of food or quality of life.
    This is not an advert, but I do recommend this book if you are interested in this topic.
    You will find in this book something OP left out: eat when you're hungry, not when you're not. Now one Dorito may be manageable by a person as a treat when they're not hungry. They can enjoy the "taste" (which is what the licking posts are referring to) but aren't consuming it to fill the "void". They can easily stop at one.
    That same person, if physically hungry, may end up eating a whole bag because they didn't realise till they tried that chip just how hungry they were.
    The same person again may not be physically hungry, but may have "head hunger". They may be snacking because its a certain time of day, they're at a party, they're offered it and don't know how to refuse politely, or it is a trigger food! This is where people usually feel disappointed in themselves for "indulging". They didn't feel deprived in the first place, they just ate because it was there.
    So there's a saying that goes "the best tasting bites are the first and the last, so why not just have two bites "
    I tend to agree, it's just that practically this isn't always possible for all people.
    Finally, I agree with butterthebean that some people may use to sleeve to only change how much they eat, and not what they eat. Many obese ppl actually suffer from malnutrition and this is even worse post-op if this behaviour continues.
    Yes, for some, it is great that you're only having half a can of soda, or a small fries instead of a large meal. In Aus the Gov has started an ad coaign in this same vain- "swap it, don't stop it".
    But this also refers to the types of foods. If you can try to swap your half can and small chips to fresh fruit juice and a baked potato with sour cream you are getting even healthier.
    Or you can stay the same if it stops you backsliding to "even-worse-ville"!
    BUT listen to me now please!! Just because your eating healthy-er doesn't mean you're eating healthily! Please try to reassess your eating and exercise habits with a calm and logical approach. This goes to ppl who still only eat 400 calories 2 yrs out and those blending up cheeseburgers and vodka in the hospital parking lot
    This is a wonderful place for learning and we all have our own lives and journeys and even if I disagree with you I will always wish you very very well in your life!
  23. Like
    notime reacted to PdxMan in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    As many long threads do, this one has meandered here and there. So, indulge me for a second.
    I am reminded of 10 years ago when my wife was pregnant with our first child. I was reading as many parenting books as I could, as most nervous, well meaning parents do. I don't recall the exact name or author of the series I read, but the first book, I thought, was great. It had all kinds of advice and information about clinical studies and what the top researchers knew. They had written a second book and I picked it up. In the preface, to summarize, the author wrote:

    For those who read my first book. Ignore it. Everything. Throw it all away. I wrote that book before I had kids. Now, I have a two year old and there is no substitute for real life experience ... He went on explaining the mistakes of his advice and this book took a more general position. It was *real* advice from a professional who had walked the walk.
    I kinda feel the same way here. I would like to see if, after a year, Neil's advice and other's pre-op who posted, changes.
  24. Like
    notime reacted to Cookeeeeez in My Suggestion-Stop The Obsessing. Rules Are Meant To Be Broken   
    I'm still reading and will post again in a sec, but just wanted to say THANKS I'm in this category and if I wasn't getting very professional help with this then the rather anecdotal info in this thread and others could mess me up even more!!! I certainly know that being "laid back" is NOT as easy as OP suggests! Nor is being "obsessive".
    Actually, I would suggest that what OP thinks is what I'm attempting to achieve long term, BUT it's not "the easy way" as another similar thread refers to it.
    Moderation and calm-eating can be just as terrifying as anorexia or obsessive compulsive over-eating. In fact, it's more so because it depends on us relinquishing the control over food (and the control it has over us).
  25. Like
    notime reacted to lsereno in Scared After Pre Op Appointment   
    I was terrified and I was afraid I would die on the table, but I was more afraid I would die from weight-related health issues. That kept me focused on the prize.
    Every time you feel scared, work on something that will help you succeed. Use the energy to:
    Stock up on what your surgery program recommends you have on hand post op.
    Deep-clean the house so you can relax for a few months after surgery.
    If you have stuff others will have to do for you, write out procedures to make it easier on them and you. Gather phone numbers they might need.
    Buy post surgery treats for yourself such as trashy mags or bon-bon books
    Record TV shows and movies for watching when you're tired post-op.
    Buy a pretty nightie, robe, and slippers for the hospital and when you get home.
    Walk. Exercise is good for you.
    Check out this board and the VSG board on obesityhelp
    Go to an in-person support group if one is available.

    Before you know it, it will be surgery day. Frightening, yes, but really the first day of your new successful life controlling your weight!
    Best wishes on your journey,

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