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    Dasleevechic reacted to MissCupcake in Horrible Pain While Reaching Up? Sleeve Experts Please Help Me!   
    Are these symptoms getting better for you? It's my turn on tomorrow!!!! LOL
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    Dasleevechic got a reaction from Kalimomof3 in Will All Of You Pray For Me Please?   
    Amen and it is so!!!
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    Dasleevechic reacted to newgrandmother in Eating And Drinking, Why You Shouldn't   
    I found this ariticle going through google i hope it helps someone understand how food and beverage work in our new tummy's
    First, I’m not a doctor nor have I ever played one on TV.
    This may be old news to some..... But I’ve noticed a lot of people who have had VSG do not have any idea how the Pyloric Valve works.
    This is my understanding how the Pyloric Valve works.
    The Pyloric Valve function and how it pertains to your VSG.
    The function of your Pyloric valve is the single most not talked about important part of understanding how and when you should eat and drink.
    The Pyloric Valve is just that....It is a valve that is located at the bottom of your stomach/sleeve. This valve is in between your sleeve and the lower intestine. The basic definition of a valve is an apparatus that opens and closes.
    When open this valve it is about the diameter of a dime. When closed it’s opening is closed down to the diameter of the head of a ballpoint pen.
    Dense Proteins and harder to digest foods will cause the Pyloric valve to close to hold the food in your stomach for pre-digestion...... stomach acids breaking down this “Rough” food.
    That’s why we are told to eat dense proteins first.....To close the Pyloric Valve so food stays in your stomach/sleeve longer so we have a sense of satisfaction.
    It takes about 30-60 minutes for the food to clear the Pyloric Valve...... Than it’s OK to drink.
    That is also where the term slider food comes into play. A slider food does not close the Pyloric Valve and as the term is intended.....food slides right past an open Pyloric Valve.
    There is a video that gets posted every so often that is supposed to explain food going past the Pyloric Valve. The guy uses a funnel and has apple sauce or something in it....and it shows the apple sauce dripping out the end of the funnel very slow. Than he pours Water on top of the apple sauce to dilute it, illustrating drinking after eating.....and the diluted apple sauce runs through the funnel end faster. Than he concludes that this is how your pyloric valve works.
    Well, it is a great video that only tells half the story.....remember it’s a valve...and he is only showing it in the open position....
    So now the other half of the Pyloric Valve function..... You eat a dense Protein like chicken that causes your Pyloric Valve to close. Say for example your sleeve has a 4oz. capacity.....and you eat 4oz. of chicken.....your sleeve is full and holding all 4 oz. of chicken for pre-digestion because your Pyloric Valve is closed.
    So now try and drink something....where is it gonna go? Up.....Up until it hits another valve of sorts..... the Esophageal Sphincter (valve) and above that is a flapper valve. The function of these two valves is to hold food, bile and stomach acids in your stomach and not backing up into your air way. This is a very high pressure system. Thats why when you eat to much or drink after eating a hard to digest food and your Pyloric is closed.....It hurts cause you pressurized your intake track. Vomiting would be a natural pressure release.
    So you can see how learning and understanding how the Pyloric Valve works is important as it pertains to eating and drinking with a Gastric Sleeve.
    So that was kinda like VSG and the Pyloric Valve 101
    As you get further a long you will want to use the Pyloric Valve in other ways to keep food in your sleeve longer to stay satisfied longer.
    A sleeve empties faster than a stock un altered full size stomach so sometimes it’s beneficial for you to learn what foods stay in your sleeve longer to extend satisfaction.
    Dense proteins are #1 in closing the Pyloric Valve. Chicken, steak, pork, fish.....in that order seems to be the way it goes for me.
    Other foods that are hard to digest and help close the Pyloric Valve are foods like:

    Broccoli Stalk
    Cucumber with Skin
    Cabbage (I’m testing this right now)
    Bell Pepper

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    Dasleevechic reacted to buckeye_girl40 in Will All Of You Pray For Me Please?   
    Lord lift Kali up and heal her body as only you can. Give her medical team the knowledge they need to help her in her time of need... Lord I pray that you give comfort and peace of mind to Kali and her family and guide her on the path of recovery. All this I ask in Jesus precious name. Amen
    Thinking of you Kali... hang in there girl!! Everything will work out
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    Dasleevechic reacted to tparkerc59 in Will All Of You Pray For Me Please?   
    I, too are including you in my prayers: to comfort you, to guide your Dr. And to heal you quickly. God is powerful and he loves you! Hang in there.
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    Dasleevechic reacted to Kristi64 in Will All Of You Pray For Me Please?   
    Writing your name down in my journal so I will remember you in my prayers. God is powerful and He can change this around for the better...hang in there my friend. All will be well.
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    Dasleevechic reacted to mrs sandy r in Will All Of You Pray For Me Please?   
    Sorry to hear that, you are in my prayers , may God heal that stomach, as only He can. I pray you don't have to have another surgery , but if you do, I pray for success & a speedy recovery. Trust in God. Keep your head up
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    Dasleevechic reacted to Kalimomof3 in Will All Of You Pray For Me Please?   
    I was sleeved on Wednesday:) My swallow study showed things weren't moving through my sleeve as fast as they should be so I have not anything to eat or drink since Wednesday morning. My doc is talking about worse case scenario being re-operation with conversion to bypass if things don't start working soon.. Turns out my stomach and now my sleeve is shaped like a letter J and the contrast is slowed by the loop at the bottom of my sleeve I have had no nausea or vomiting so my Doc is going to let me try some liquid to see how it goes... Pray for me that everything passes through well and I don't need re-operation...
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    Dasleevechic got a reaction from Kalimomof3 in Will All Of You Pray For Me Please?   
    Praying with and for you!!!!
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    Dasleevechic reacted to littlemiss0428 in Post Op Day 5....so Far So Good :)   
    I was sleeved on Wednesday, October the 24th. My Surgery was at 8am (7:50am ). It went pretty well. No complications per my Dr and Husband. I woke up in recovery with the urge to urinate constantly, but other than that, no real problems. I had the NG tube, and the JP drain. Ironically, that didnt give me too much problem. I had Ice chips only that day, but i was so groggy, and sleepy from the anesthesia, and dilaudid, that I was VERY comfortable.
    As far as the sleeve.... well at first it felt a little weird for fluids to go down after the NG tube was removed. No real pain... but I could feel fluids move around the part where the esophagus meets the stomach. I woke up only once feeling like I had to vomit, but didnt... strange... Since Ive been home, every day is getting better. At first I only tolerated a few spoonfuls of Soup at a time. Now Im able to eat a laddle-ful at one time.. (very slowly). I started full liquids yesterday, and I had some low-fat cream of broccolli(sp) soup.... It was HEAVEN!! The discomfort going down is less, and less. Im being careful with activities, and trying not to go overboard, because Im such a busy person... Its very strange not to do ANYTHING!! lol But, Ive walked the dog (5lb), and even been to Wal-mart with my husband. (all very slowly) Ive lost 10lbs since surgery...Im very excited about that!! just wanted to share with everyone whats going on with me. I hope all my 10/24's are doing well.....
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    Dasleevechic reacted to beckyrn10 in Post Op Octosleevers 2012. Welcome To The Losers Bench!   
    Has anyone found themselves to be freezing cold all the time? I am 2 weeks post op and down total 31 pounds since oct 11 (pre op diet included). I used to be hot all the time or comfortable. Just not used to being cold I guess.
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    Dasleevechic reacted to june13sleever in Finally In Maintenance   
    So a 130 pound loss in a year and 3 Months. That is pretty spectacular. My words of advice...

    Start working out before the surgery
    Lose as much weight as possible in the first six months by severe calorie restriction (500). I am hungry now, and I can eat WAY MORE...so weight gain is possible. That window of opportunity is small in comparison to the rest of your life. See...I ate Breakfast, and I am hungry again already! It is 11:30am! I ate at 9:00am! So I have to drink something until lunch or else I will eat way to much during the day!
    Have fun and enjoy the ride!

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    Dasleevechic reacted to Fiddleman in Cheesy Experience   
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    Dasleevechic reacted to bean406 in Has Anyone Gone Through The Phase Of Eating Food And Spitting It Out?   
    Glad to know there are fellow Dorito lickers out there! I have so been there done that!
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    Dasleevechic reacted to Holly5.3 in Has Anyone Gone Through The Phase Of Eating Food And Spitting It Out?   
    I hope I didn't offend anyone with term eating disorder. For me, not eating appropriate food, eating too much or too little= dis. order. I'm not eating orderly, so I'm "dissing" the orders (based on sound nutrition for a lean and healthy body). a 5'5" woman weighing 278 pounds, who should weigh 138, does not follow "orders", she follows her addiction to fat, carbs, and sugar. Maybe its because I'm an "older middle-aged" woman and have gone through every program imaginable since I was 16 and finally realize it wasnt the diet that failed me, it was me failing me.
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    Dasleevechic reacted to Scaredy Cat in How Many Days After Surgery Were You Able To Get Out Of The House?   
    For all those driving home right after surgery, have your driver bring a pillow and put it in the car for you. When driving, hold that pillow against your stomach - the bumps on the road won't hurt nearly as bad. This is something I learned after having 2 c-sections. Hope it helps you too
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    Dasleevechic got a reaction from Nacol in Getting Dressed!   
    Couldn't help but to do a double take and laugh at "good weed"... I knew it was a typo!!! Congrats and I'm happy for!!! Yes it is a great feeling I'm only 2 weeks post op and I'm already almost 2 full sizes down!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
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    Dasleevechic reacted to doxieville in Getting Dressed!   
    You guys ALL rock!! I love this group! So supportive and funny. Thanks everyone!!
    Me 'n my weed.
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    Dasleevechic reacted to Fiddleman in Getting Dressed!   
    Pass some of that "good weed around." I do not smoke, but would not mind one that drops inches. LOL!
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    Dasleevechic reacted to Rootman in Getting Dressed!   
    Congrats - sure beats the hell out of dressing and everything is too TIGHT.
    And don't take too much of the "good weed" either
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    Dasleevechic reacted to kczar in Horrible Pain While Reaching Up? Sleeve Experts Please Help Me!   
    It's probably because of the stitches in your stomach muscles. I had some terrible pain as well for about a month. It's because you're moving around more and pulling on those stitches. Once they dissolve, you should be fine.
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    Dasleevechic got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Iphone Posts   
    Sorry just seeing your last message and I had already posted the picture
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    Dasleevechic got a reaction from doxieville in Iphone Posts   
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    Dasleevechic reacted to sunshine821 in Getting Dressed!   
    Congrats!!!!!! Best feeling ever!!!
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    Dasleevechic reacted to doxieville in Getting Dressed!   
    'Good weed?' LOL!!! That's great typo! I meant good weird.

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