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    kgb reacted to BZButterfly79 in Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday   
    So far this AM:
    2)2 eggs boiled(12g)
    3)Crystal Light(Cranberry Apple)
    4)Thick slice of sharp cheddar Cracker Barrel brand(melts in your mouth)
    Will be having a Greek yogurt (14g)
    My lunch will consist of a arucula salad with tuna
    Have an awesome day!
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    kgb reacted to pattimomof3nj in Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday   
    Sorry was not in the office yesterday!!! But got a lot done at home with the kids!
    For today, i'm trying to get my Protein in!
    B- vanilla yogurt w/ fresh blueberries
    L- roast beef & cheese roll ups
    S- Zone bar (if needed)
    D- Not sure (what ever mom cooks, the meat part)
    Water - lots so far!
    Vites - Yup! feeling so good since i'm remembering to take them everyday!!
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    kgb reacted to feedyoureye in Worst Foods You Can Eat With The Gastric Sleeve   
    Early on I was lactose intolerant. Lucky for me that went away by about the 6th week or so. Now I can eat anything in moderation. I can have a little "dumping" with too much sugar, which I try to use in only small amounts. Read up on cocoanut... it can really cause you problems....search it here...
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    kgb reacted to longer-life in How Many Incisions Did You Get?   
    One. Through my belly button, using the Spider Surgical System. I suspect in the future that is how all VSGs will be done. I had no pain, soreness, feeling like I did sit ups, oozing, drain..........nothing.
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    kgb reacted to SKCUNNINGHAM in How Many Incisions Did You Get?   
    Five - the largest on my left side where the stomach was pulled through. One was on the right side where the drain was. There was one close to my navel and two in the center higher than my navel.
    It is interesting as I have shrunk, the incisions are moving closer together on my stomach. A good visual of how my skin is shrinking as I shrink.
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    kgb reacted to Less of Leslie in Nsvs That I Am Psyched About!   
    A couple NSVs I wanted to share
    1. Removed the ol' bra extender!
    2. Rings are too loose. They are spinning on my fingers.
    3. Watch is too big, need to remove a link...or 2!
    4. Officially in an XL! No more plus size section for tops!!
    5. Need to buy some new undies!! I am constantly pulling them up!
    6. Last and my FAVE... I can CROSS MY LEGS!!
    I told my husband: "I'm just gonna sit here, with my legs crossed....forever!"
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    kgb reacted to Mike Cannon in Fatigue...when Does It End After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    I can totally relate to you. I am only 10 days post op and everything is going really well. I went back to work this week and by the time the afternoon comes around, I am yawning all the time. I have a 2 1/2 year old and he keeps me busy when I get home. I sure hope my energy level will pick up too and get back to normal. Good luck to you and Merry Christmas!
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    kgb reacted to Lisa821 in Fatigue...when Does It End After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    I really need to vent.I have had intense fatigue since about my 2nd wk postop. I'm about at week 7 and I am still totally tired ALL OF THE TIME!! Has anyone else lived through this? If so, do you eventually come out of it? If so, how long before you start feeling normal?
    I eat/drink right, sleep 8 continuous hrs/night, I work a full time job and have 4 very busy kids. I'm sure I get plenty of activity in a day. Now I am about to add in an exercise routine. Bahhhh! I just can't imagine how I am going to do it. I have zero energy. For instance, right now, it's 2:50pm where I am, I'm at work and if I closed my eyes for even 2 minutes I would be asleep. What is even scarier...is that I have to drive about 30 min to get home and I have to fight falling asleep all the way home. I just wish I knew what is wrong with me! My doctor checked my labs and everything was fine, I take my Vitamins every day and I'm just totally frustrated cuz I get kinda crabby when I'm tired (I guess most people do).
    Well thanks for letting me vent and if anyone has any ideas or words of hope let me know.
    Big hugs.
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    kgb reacted to Ms skinniness in Clueless About Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery!   
    I was on a liquid diet for 3 weeks and slowly added yogurt, pudding, and any other soft moist food to the menu. I eat really slowly so that I can recognize when I'm getting full. I really liked salmon flaked, chicken salad, and tuna salad. I ate really soft foods for my mushie stage. I couldn't stand the thought of pureed food. It worked for me.
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    kgb reacted to ProudGrammy in Clueless About Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery!   
    Hi livelaughloveme
    if you have not spoke w/a nutritionist at the Bariatric Center - please do so.
    It is their responsibility to give you all that information, what to eat, what Vitamins to take, how much food intake, etc. etc.
    You must get this info from the Bariatric Center. This is your new life. Walk don't run so you can learn all the answers to your questions. These are all the proper questions & more, they need to help you and be there for you.
    Good luck on the continuation of your journey
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    kgb reacted to aliandrews in Eggs   
    I had eggs for my first semi solid food and it was awesome. The only thing is I just had one egg and nothing more. I m quite full now and don't want anything else. Will this change? I'm just worried about getting enough Protein daily. Also, why is it that we need to separate drinking liquids? I was kinda thirsty.
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    kgb reacted to sleeve 4 me in Faster Weight Loss With Exercise?   
    Um for some reason when I exercised I would gain or stall...something about gaining muscle??? That would discourage me, even though I know it's good for me. Now at goal I know I need to do it for my heart.
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    kgb reacted to Pookeyism in Faster Weight Loss With Exercise?   
    Yes but it also depends on your routine. If you only Zumba, you will see the effects of the weight loss drop off after awhile. If you mix up your excercise and include days of cardio, days of core, etc you will see more results...join the occasional boot camp, etc.
    It is my firm opinion that everyone should exercise! I do not know what size I would have been if I had not kept up with exercise. I couldn't always control my weight, but I could always at least take the stairs, ride my bike, do some light yoga, etc.
    One of our malnutrition concerns is brittle bones and osteoporosis, which is signifigantly reduced with exercise. It helps with diabetes and so much more.
    Build up your cardio, but work on your core - it is the center of all you do, literally!
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    kgb reacted to Lissa in Faster Weight Loss With Exercise?   
    I noticed that the weight loss slowed down for now, but my clothes are getting looser faster. I have muscle in places I never had it before, or at least I never felt it. My butt and legs are firming up quickly (treadmill and bike) and I'm seeing some arm definition (weights). However, I drop sheer pounds faster when I'm not working out every day for now. I'm sure that will change as I get closer to goal and the exercise becomes more vigorous.
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    kgb reacted to Pagie in Faster Weight Loss With Exercise?   
    I'm 3 months post op and about to start an exercise program. I was wondering if anyone noticed their weight falling off quicker once they started exercising. Please share.... thx.
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    kgb reacted to chef neil in Tagine- The Most Perfect Meal For Gastric Sleevers!   
    I bought my wife a tagine for Christmas,(cost plus world market) While off on vacation/juryduty, I decided to play with it.
    My wife doesn't like curries so much so the challenge is to make meals either South western or traditional American flavored.
    first time I used one, two lean center cut boneless pork chops, diced, with 1/2 onion, 1 clove elephant garlic, 1 roasted red pepper, a can of black Beans and a can of diced tomatoes.
    no salt- to grinds on the pepper mill, a pinch of fresh dried oregano and a shake of ground cumin.
    all in- 2 hours @ 350* in oven and done- tender and flavorful.
    next up chicken stew-
    a carrot, 1/2 onion, 3 cloves of garlic smashed, 3 red potatoes, diced, two breasts of chicken cut up, a bay leaf, 3 grinds on the pepper mill,a shake of celery seed, and a can of chicken stock.
    all in- 2 hours- and again fantastic food!
    I have been slowly getting back to real foods- 6 months out and some basic foods still bothered me-
    I find this is a great way to make a tasty dinner, easy prep, and everything is tender...
    the Tagine is 12 inches round, and makes enough for- four servings- so dinner for two and a lunch for two next day- .
  17. Like
    kgb reacted to BrownDoesAll in How Do You Handle Eating Out And Rude Waiters?   
    I was getting strange reactions to nothing to drink with meal. They would say " Really nothing " looking at me like I was crazy. They would ask me several times, as if I would change my mind. So I started asking for Water and I would simply push it aside. I've been ordering appetizers as my meal and that doesn't seem to be a problem. Most servers want to make you happy to improve their tip, so know they don't mean any harm.. I agree, no need to explain about your surgery.. Simple, "I'm full" will do. Asking for the box after you've ordered the big meal should stop the discussion with the servers.
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    kgb reacted to yecats in How Do You Handle Eating Out And Rude Waiters?   
    I am a waitress. I am not sleeved yet (hopefully soon) but often run into people that I believe have had WLS surgery. I being experienced, I would never question why someone did not eat there meal. Do not get me wrong, if they are unsatified with their food, by all means I would do what I could to make them happy.
    When a server is trying to see why you did not eat, they are trying to satisfy you to improve there tip. It is ignorant to be pushy and rude but I do not know how intentional. Servers mainly are doing this for one reason, to improve their tip by trying to improve your dining experience. This might sound crazy but maybe you are being to nice. I have had mixed messages from guests, wondering do they want the extra attention or do they want to be left alone.
    What I would do in this situation is when the meal is served and all plates are down, so you have thier attention, look directly at him and say "can I have a carryout container NOW, I am sure I will not finish all of this". Then directly move your eyes away, leaving no room for any conversation. Short and sweet.
    As a server you get a feel if people want to conversate or not. . All though there is a lot of people that should not be in the profession, most do not want to upset a guest or they are wasting thier time and not making any money.
    Basically eye contact stating what you want then move your eyes away and body language stating you are done conversing. When they bring the container, smile. look at their eyes and say thanks and move your eye contact away. They will then know they had met your need.
    I have also learned from my profession that when someone states that they have had a medical issue, surgery, whatever.... they generally are opening the door to want to conversate. As a server you are basically just trying to build a repore for a short period of time. There are some REALLY not so smart servers that ruin the guest dinner out and in turn ruin their tip. I see this happen with all kinds of issues all of the time, not just WLS.
    Sorry so long,hope this helps.

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    kgb reacted to Oopsseedaisy in How Do You Handle Eating Out And Rude Waiters?   
    I ask for a to go box when I am full and that lets them know I liked it well enough to want again later.
    Also, you might try getting a 16 year old boy to join you for dinner. My son loves that I do not finish anything. He has been batting clean up for me.
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    kgb reacted to 5McK in 3 Weeks Out Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery Today And Guess What? Scale Won't Move!   
    Hang in there ladies!!! During my first 8 weeks I stalled TWICE, each lasting 14+ days. I was angry, sad and frustrated....but, I did find that the inches were melting off during that time. Then it was like I hit a groove and lost good numbers after that for the next month. Stick to your program and this will work. You will get through the stall and when you hit goal you will look back and realize that it was just a blip on your radar in the whole scheme of things.
    I'm stalled again now, but it could be more holiday related than anything. Darn those family members and their sweets!!!
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    kgb reacted to mchez1986 in 3 Weeks Out Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery Today And Guess What? Scale Won't Move!   
    soo sorry just had to vent!! I am 3 weeks post op today and the scale is stuck at 235.4, every single time I weigh myself, soooo aggrivating, I heard that this was going to happen, but didnt think I would get this mad
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    kgb reacted to Rootman in Whats Your New Years Resolution?!?!?!?!?!?!   
    Well mine is to:
    Lose weight, well nope I for the first time in DECADES don't have to do that.
    Get in shape - well I did that too, I'm in better shape now than EVERY in my whole life.
    Do something about my terrible sense of style - well, I certainly have licked this one too. With far more choices and not being forced to by "circus tents" for clothes I am certainly better dressed than I was. Being able to pick off the rack (when I can find SMALL enough clothes!) nearly ANYWHERE helps too.
    Get my skin cleared up - well that issue was resolved pretty magically post-op, must be the diet.
    Get my health back in line - well, I licked that too.

    So I guess I really have NO resolutions this year.
    So I'm not perfect and have other character flaws at least I am not fat, ugly, out of shape and a poorly dressed slob any more.
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    kgb reacted to GonnaBHotMama in Whats Your New Years Resolution?!?!?!?!?!?!   
    Yup! Have surgery and all of the above! lol When the weight is down, I too would love to run a marathon! I currently just had trouble getting my jacket off cause my arms could barely move around my back to grab the sleeves. I am soooo ready to begin this journey and feel awesome with myself. Good Luck to you all!!
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    kgb reacted to Enerfina in Whats Your New Years Resolution?!?!?!?!?!?!   
    Same here mines is lose weight, trying to get 15 pounds off before surgery, also get more into my spiritual persona, i feel a little bit drifted away.. Exercise throughout my entire journey..
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    kgb reacted to Forensikchic in Whats Your New Years Resolution?!?!?!?!?!?!   
    Mine is to be nicer to my husband and to RUN a 5k. I am signing up for one February 25th. I dont know if I can run the whole thing on the first try but I damn sure going to give it a go! Training starts today!

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