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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Shellyac

  1. I agree, it sounds like you need more protein. Also even though you aren't feeling hungry doesn't mean you shouldn't eat. Just plan your meals for the day and the times that you should eat them. The thing about the band is that in addition to not being able to eat as much you shouldn't be getting hungry between meals which it sounds like is happening for you since you weren't hungry in the evening. You should shoot to get the 60-70g of protein a much as possible also I was told to stay around 800-1000 calories a day. It might be useful to use a program like my fitness pal to help you keep track, Also you don't want to fall in the trap of eating too little because you can. Your body can start to hold onto fat if you don't get enough calories in

  2. I would also suggest EA Active, it is a really great excercise program and it has a 30 day challenge to keep you motivated. It comes with resistance bands but they are only so so, I would suggest you get your own and it's really easy to add weights to the routines. Also you may want to eventually add the Wii Fit acessory to the Wii (it's $60), the excercise program isn't that great but it also functions as a scale and can help you keep an electronic record of your weight

    Cali- my doc cleared me to start excercising 10 days out, he just said to do what I feel comfortable doing

  3. I agree that things are confusing, and I have yet to see a consistant post op diet plan. Protein drinks are just a good way to get your protein in because it is much easier to drink than to eat, especially once you start getting fills. Also protein drinks helps to curb your hunger. They aren't necessary if you are able to get all of your protein in through your usual food and drink intake, some people have mentioned that once they get restriction it is much easier to have a protein shake in the morning because their band is too tight to take down food.

    Personally I find it easier to drink my shakes through a straw because I taste them less when I do, I've only been doing it the past two days and I do find that I burp alot while I'm drinking but they are tiny burps.

    I had my stomach plicated in addition to getting the band and I find that although drinking a little right before eating or even a few sips while I'm eating doesn't cause any problems, if I have anything more than a few sips immediately after I become uncomfortable so I avoid that.

    I think the fine chewiing of your food really applies to more solid foods, again this will be more of an issue once the band starts getting filled and you have a higher risk of getting stuck

  4. Generally you should be getting in about 70-80 grams of protein a day. When you are at good restriction you should be eating about 1/2 to 1 cup of food at a time. Before you are at the green zone you may be able to eat more. You should concentrate on eating your protein first then veggies, ideally you shouldn't be hungry between meals but if you are, have high protein snacks like cheese or a protein shake.

    Also check out the food and nutrition forum to get a sense of what other people are doing

  5. I think that your surgeon set too high of an expectation, my doctor said that 1-2 lbs a week is what is normally seen in band patients. For bypass and sleeve patients that rate is about .5 to 1 lbs a day in the beginning From what I hear it can take 2-3 fills to feel any restriction, possibly even more. I think that mentally if you plan on 1-2 lbs a week you will be less fustrated when the weight isn't coming off faster than that, it is possible to lose more quickly than that and if that happens, just consider it a bonus.

  6. Cali. From what I have read about the band 1-2 lbs a week is average, unless you have something like plication along with it. Why are you expecting to lose more?

    Kristy: I understand your fustration with the doctor's instructions because they are very confusing and counter to what most people are told. I would suggest trying to meet with a nutritionist to make sure you are on the correct diet but for the most part we are told that we should be eating proteins first, followed by veggies. I would say that you might be either at the right restriction or slightly too tight if you are having many stuck episodes (try going back to chewing everything very well and see if that lessens the stuck episodes). In fact I'm surprised that your doctor is telling you what to eat, I think that they generally leave that up to the nutritionists in the practice.

  7. Have you read up on the other procedures available like the bypass and sleeve? Are they something that you might consider? If you're sure that you want the band but are concerned about the after care costs, you may want to consider getting the band with plication or iBand. One of the benefits of the iBand is that fills are needed less often and for some people they don't need to have a fill at all or since you are self pay you can opt to have plication on it's own (the only down side is that you don't have the band as a back up if your weight loss with plication slows down)

  8. I chose the Lab Band because I didn't want to make a permanent change to my anatomy, although after the scheduling appointment with my first doctor left me in doubt on my ability to succeed with band so I considered having the sleeve. Fortunately my insurance doesn't cover the sleeve but while doing research about the sleeve I found out about plication which is basically a sleeve made from sewing instead of cutting. While the procedure is still investigational and not covered by insurance, if it is preformed along with the band it seems that insurances will cover it. What I am looking to about this procedure is that from initial studies, it seems to eliminate the negatives of both procedures while giving you the benefits of both.

  9. I think that some of your blog post might be better off as topics, especially since you're looking for advice. Also for me the recent blog post show up near the bottom of the page on the right so unless I'm looking specifically for recent blogs or I happen to be scrolling down to see the other forum topic (which doesn't happen very often) I miss new blog entries

  10. I haven't been banded yet so I'm not speaking from experience yet but I think you are being too hard on yourself. You are human and it's only natural to indulge a little, especially this time of year. I personally think that it is ok to have a treat now an then, it's when you are so strict that when you have a slip you fall all the way down is what got most of us to where we are. I think that if you are feeling like you are on a diet then you are approaching it wrong. Remember weight loss is about burning more calories than you take in. The problem with bad calories is that they don't give you the energy you need to be able to burn them off. Don't feel bad about having one chocolate covered cherry, just be happy that you can't eat 10 or 15. It's feeling bad about that one that will lead you down that bad path.

    Also there are a few thread about eating and drinking at the same time and it seems that most people like you have a sip or two while eating. Like you I think it is unrealistic.to not drink at all but as long as you are drinking no more than a small sip or two then you are ok.

    When it comes to the pizza don't get too upset about it, first of all think about how much pizza you could eat before the band, now think realistically about how much you could eat now. Did you go from 3 (or possibly more) slices to 1/4 or 1/2 of a slice? If so that the power of the band, think about how many calories you just saved, realize that if you do only have 1/2 a slice that you will feel as full as you did before the band, and still have the same flavor. I don't think that there is anything wrong with taking a slice cutting it in half and eating the cheese and toppings first (protein!) and maybe a bite of bread if you know you can handle it. If you also plan your other meals of the day around that then you will not go over your calories, you can also build in a little extra exercise for the pay (park a little farther away or walk a little faster than usual)

    Your experience at Cheesecake Factory is a great example of how great the band is, you were able to eat out with a friend, have a totally satisfying meal, and didn't have a boat load of calories. I went to the Cheesecake factory this past weekend and I'm pretty sure that I blew 700 calories before we were done with our appetizers.

    It's good that you realize this early that you might be becoming obsessed with food in a bad way because now you try to stop it before it becomes a problem. I think the first thing to keep in mind is remembering how much you could eat before and how impossible it is to eat that much before. Also if I remember correctly you haven't been cleared to exercise yet so that hasn't been able to help you yet so imagine how much more you will lose when that comes into play.

  11. You should see if you can find a cheap alteration place nearby, if their general prices are still on the high side for your budget, explain to them your situation and see if they would be willing to work a deal with you. Also see if there is someone in your church or work who knows how to sew and could make the alterations for you for a small fee or even in return of other services

  12. Hi. I haven't been banded yet so I don't have direct experience but based on some of the comments I've seen in you post you may need to up the amount of protein that you consume, especially if you are still losing your hair. Also are you feeling restriction? Unless you were able to eat the portion sizes you were able to eat before surgery, you shouldn't need to cut down the amount you need to eat if you are in the green zone.

    I wouldn't be that hard on yourself, it is not your fault if you weren't give the right information after your surgery. You have lost an amazing amount of weight for being only a few months out. I would look into finding out what other people who have good restriction eat and if eating that amount still leaves you hungry then you probably need a fill.

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