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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    17 days and counting

    Good luck and we will all be here to support you. Good luck and remember to find a protein you like to drink, this will be improtant in the beginning.
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    mourning the loss of a dear friend.......FOOD.

    Arnetta, so glad to see you back with the living. I was not about to give up on you, you are so worth all the effort. Now that you have had a good cry, dust yourself off, and start living, Each day gets easier and harder at the same time. Every food you eat is an adventure and what goes well today may not go well tomorrow. Take each day as an adventure and blog what your feeling. When the days go great, that is when you tend to stay away from the web site, but remember as I have learned there are others out here struggling and they need to hear when others are doing well as well as bad. It gives us all hope to learn that one us is making it! Maybe we will be next... Be honest with your husband, God knows I was with mine. I even told him once, "If you are going to continue to snack all the time, I can not be in the room with you!" How could he possibly be hungey we just ate dinner and he ate 10 times more than me. I refused to buy certain foods in the beginning because I did not eat them, starches mainly. Kinda funny now when I think back. But honestly I have to remind myself when fixing dinner, that other people eat more than protein and vegtables. I have a new best friend now, ME and guess what I Love the New Me I am becoming and so will you. Cyber hugs, so glad your feeling better.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Coming out of the Lap Band Closet.......

    Great start, honesty will help you to be accountable to your self. You will always have to deal with the negative comments because unfortunately everone has an opinion and they want to be heard. I was one of those people who used to believe that if you only tried you could lose weight. But that being said I am a changed person now, I know without my lap band I would not have been successful. I did try, like I am sure you have and I did lose but always gained it back. I have a diease, it is called" Food Addiction". Some smoke, some do drugs, some gamble, some have sex. Unfortunately I have an addiction that everyone can see because I wear it around my body for all to view. So be a smart ass, no one can judge you harder than you judge yourself. We know we are fat, we gotta look in the mirror everyday and face ourselves. My motto is " You can't fix stupid", and stupid is what all the negative people in the world are, STUPID! The key to our success if accountablility and it will take us all time to get there but with love, understanding and someone to support us we will get there. Good luck on your journey and hope all goes well, keep us posted.
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Why do we sabotage our selves?

    Have you ever really sat down and wondered how you got to this point in your life? You know how did you end up on a blog pouring our your inner most feelings to strangers. Well I know how I got here, how about YOU? I got here by lying to myself, telling myself that if no one saw me eat it, it did not count. I got here, by snacking on unhealthy foods, potato chips, candy bars, ice cream, soda, alcohol, bread, snack food, snack food, snack food. I got here by always making excuses as to why I ate something, why my diet failed. It was a dinner, a party at work, an outing with friends, I could cheat just once because, I COULD CONTROL THE BINGE! Well guess what I LIED, How about you? Have any of you ever lied to your self that you were in control? I did then and I do now and you know what I probably always will unless I learn to call myself on every morsal I put in my mouth that does not belong there. Have you ever wondered why the people who are successful are successful with lap band and weight loss surgery or diets? Why, because the follow the rules 99.9% of the time. I am not there yet, I still back slide, and I still beat myself up and promise I won't do it again. Why I am where I am today? I had to have surgery on my knee and this was just all the sympathy I needed for myself to start lying to myself. No I have not gained any weight but I have eaten things I know I cannot control. So I have spent countless hours trying to figure out how to make up for what I ate, so I'm hungry most evenings, not satisfied with my choices and feel like crap. Oh but it's OK. right, I had surgery, it is OK to allow myself a few days off for good behavior? WRONG, that is the thinking of an addict, an addict who has slipped and is lying to themselves again. Believe me I know what I eat, I log every morsal I place in my mouth, I am not eating enough protein, and I consistently eat too much fat. I have been trying to eat 40-30-30 and it ends up more like 40-20-40. (Carbs-Protein-Fat)So why am I bloging this today, because everyday I read about how one of us is doing good, one of us has back slide and one of us is searching for the right answer. We can not help each other or support one another if we do not hold ourselves and each other accountable. I need someone to call me on my bad behavior, I may not like it but, what good does it do me if I am allowed to continue back down a path of destruction. What good does it do any of us? We all made a decision or are making a decision to have surgery to help us control what we were not able to. So why sabotage our selves? Why go through all the physiological evaluations, jump through all the insurance hoops if we are going to continue to lie to our selves. I am nearing my one year anniversary this month, maybe that is what prompted this blog. I have lost 74 lbs and still have 34 lbs to go by the height and weight charts. I have been stalled for months; most days I eat right on target, I have restriction or "I am at my sweet spot" I have thought about a fill just so I eat less but know that is not the answer. So what is the answer? I guess that is a personal answer for all of us. To me the answer is learning to live a healthy life, make healthy decisions every waking minute of my day. To me it is hard wiring or rewiring my thinking so it becomes natural and not a daily chore. To me it is not allowing unhealthy foods into my shopping cart or on to my dinner table. I may not be able to control what my family eats but I can control what is brought into my house and I have a Rights. I have the right not to subject myself to unhealthy atmospheres, friends or family who do not support my choice to make a healthy life for myself. This may sound harsh but I have to be committed to this because every corner I turn there is someone or something there that if I allow it, it will help me to sabotage myself. So friends, take inventory of your life and YOUR cupboards because no one but US is going to help US make it. So my question when I started this rant,"Why do we sabotage ourselves?" So why do "YOU" sabotage yourself, do you know?
  5. Where r u? Hope all is well, send me a note.

  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    On My Terms

    "On my Own Terms" I appaud your honesty. Congratulations on your weight loss and your self discoveries. Good luck in your journey!
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Im banded!!!

    I had a lot of pain over my port site for the first week or so. It was weeks before I could sleep on my right side again. My advice for a speedy recovery is follow the Drs. orders to the tee! If you have questions call his nurse or his office. If you think something is wrong or doesn't feel just right, ask. This is a new experience and all of our bodies respond differently. Do not expect overnight mircles. Stay off the scales.(some people loss in the first few weeks and some do not) Lock your scales up in the trunk of your car until after your first fill or leave your weighing to the doctors office. I know this sounds silly but if you stand on those scales and gain weight and have done everything right. You will be frustrated. I went went back to work within 5 days of surgery but I was weak and got tired easily. In the beginning I was on liquids like most and it seemed I would never be able to get all the calories in the wanted me to. It took me weeks to work up to 700-800 calories. Drink the protein in the beginning it keeps you satisfied and remember what you eat now will not be how you always eat. Congratulations on your decision, I have been very happy with mine.
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Eat more calories, OK BS!

    Texas u made me smile. I just spent 40 minutes blogging about this very thing. I am sure your weight gain is temporary, if you believe the literature you read, you can gain up to 2-3 lbs in water in any given day and than turn around a lose it. Honestly what you ate yesterday has not had time to turn to fat, I think that is why I stay away from the scales and just go by measurements, Muscle also weighs more than fat. Good luck and stick to what works for you not what others suggest we are all so different.
  9. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    One Year ago!!!!

    Great job! You look amazing!
  10. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Us sleevers can go out and eat just like anyone else!!!

    I am banded and I pretty much do the same thing as my friend who had the sleeve. We have compared notes on eating and pretty much have the same restrictions. She gets the same stuck feelings as I do if she eats to fast or something that does not agree with her. I share a lot of my entrees with my husband or eat off the appetizer menu. Some times left overs are just not what I want the next day. Honestly if I did not tell people they would not know I had surgery, but I am very honest and open especially when they keep insisting I should drink with my meal. Hope the sleeve is working well for you.
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    What am I doing to myself?!?!

    Don't beat your self up, I am sure you have done enough of that for years. Just because you decided to have the surgery does not mean that your brain is going to get on board. I am almost 1 year post op and still have days that old behaviors creep up on me. This is a process and it takes years to unlearn bad behavors. So forget about today and start fresh again tomorrow, remember we are what we eat. Soooo, cook the veggies and the lean proteins and learn to enjoy them.
  12. I am almost at my 1 year point and have lost over 70lbs. lap band my not be for everyone but it was the best option for me and I have no regrets. There are side effects to everything, including weight loss surgery but I took my odds with the risk and benefits of lapband compared to a continued life of obesity. The internet will tell you just about anything you want it to pro and con about weight loss surgery. Even this web site has hundreds of people who have struggled with the lap band, but they also struggled or struggle with their obesity. You and only you can make the right decesion for your weight loss journey, not a blog site, a friend or a doctor but you, You need to make the best sound decesion you can based on what facts you have and than make your decesion work for you. Good luck on your journey but please know this is a journey and not a get thin quick solution, it takes dedication and determination becasue the band can only be a tool in your weight loss.
  13. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    I just want to say, could we please have an auto save to our posts as we type. I just spent 30 minutes responding to a blog only to have it lost due to accidently hitting the back button. so frustrating, I will try again later. Am I the only idiot out here who does this grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    I want to live.

    Dear “I want to Live”, Your story tears at my heart. I am 55 and I know exactlywhere you are coming from. It is sad what we do to our selves with food, butnow you have made the commitment and want to make a change in your life. The lap band has been a god send to me andhas helped give me the kick in the pants I needed. I had tried many diets and succeeded only tofail again, over and over. My MD wantedme to have the gastric sleeve because he feels that exercise has to be part ofthe regime with the lap band. I have bad knees, decreased cartilage and just asmall step from a total knee. (One of my motivations for wanting to loseweight) I opted for the band because I was afraid of the sleeve, but that was apersonal choice. I lost very well with the band for the first 50lbs but startedto stall and bit the bullet and started exercising. I joined curves because itwas low impact cardio and I could gradually build up my resistance. I wish Ihad joined a gym now and worked with a personal trainer but oh well. (Anotherstory) Have you thought about discussing with your MD starting a pulmonaryrehab program, I know all people have heard of cardiac rehab but there areprograms out there for COPD patients to help them with exercise. The key to your exercise is learning to breathethe proper way, your lungs are not as compliant as normal lungs and learning tobreathe my help you to do low impact cardio, yoga or stretching. If you can donothing else than walking short distance in the beginning and graduallybuilding this up will help. You really need your exercise program monitored bya physician, so if you do not have a pulmonogist as one of your MD’s I suggestyou pay a visit to one. If you have stopped smoking your lungs should gain backsome of there compliance over time and exercising should become easier. You mayeven be able to use an inhaler prior to exercise to help open up the airway. Onelast comment, Do not compare your weight lose Journey to anyone else. We alllose differently and at different speed. Do not compare how much fluid you havein your band to someone else; everyone has a different “sweet spot”. Bottomline we are all individual and what works for one may or may not work forsomeone else. Read the blogs and take away what works for you, it helps. Goodluck on your journey, with commitment and a positive attitude you will succeed. LovetheNewMe!
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Another Step toward Success!

    Well fellow banisters I had my knee surgery today and now am back on my road to success. I started my journey today at 8am, I woke up this morning, nervous and scared and THIRSTY! Boy was it a long night, why is it when you know you can't have anything to drink you fine yourself wanting it the most. I arrived at the outpatient surgery center a head of schedule at 1045am. They took be back at 11am, checked my vitals, (nurse concerned because my pulse was only 44, I had to reassure her that this was normal because of my medications) They did a pregnancy test, I had to laugh and so did she when I told her I had already given birth over the past 11 months to a 75lb toddler. She looked at me like I was crazy, so this will be our little joke. I had 2 mg of Versed around 1:15, (what a wonderful drug, it allows you to relax and not remember or care what they are about to do to you) I was so humbled by the support of my friends and co-workers at the hospital, the all descended upon with their support and prayer at my bedside before surgery. I knew the moment the arrived that God had sent them to me to help me to relax and take away all of my anxiety. It feels so wonderful to have friends that support you, they have been such a blessing through my journey this past year and I know with out their constant support and praise this would have been so much more difficult. I woke up in the recovery room around 2:15 and was not prepared for the pain I was having in my knee. Not sure what I thought but I honestly thought this was going to be a piece of cake because I had so much pain prior to pain. My knee was on fire and it hurt all the way up my other thigh. But there was my nurse "Janie" she was so compassionate, she place ice on my knee, raised my head, and was so concerned over my pain and wanted to fix it. She gave me ½ mg of Dilaudid and 150mg of Toradol; she monitored my v/s frequently and finally after 15 minutes had my pain under control. I must admit I was nervous to take the narcotic, Dilaudid because of what happened post op with my Lap Band but Janie was so understanding and compassionate that I knew she would make sure I was well monitored and safe. I was discharge to the care of my husband around 240pm, now that being said. I know none of you know me but I am not used to being cared for, I am the care giver and make a lousy patient. He brought me home, placed me in bed, went to pick up my RX's and made sure everything was in my reach. (He had to go back to work and left me in the hands of my son Michael) Michael was wonderful, he waited on my had and foot all evening. He made my dinner, Chicken Picatta, vegetables and bread. I was so nauseated still and unable to eat but a few bites, I opted to take another phenergan and take a nap. I work around 9:30pm and was finally able to take in some food, but of course the finicky band like always only allowed me to enjoy about a ¼ of what I would normally eat. But it is what it is and it tasted wonderful. Awake again, pain about a 4, so ice, a pain pill and more liquids for me. I am so excited that I can again get busy in the very near future with my exercise program (however that looks) so I can seriously loss this last 25 lbs. Thank you to all of my bandster family and all of your support these last few weeks. I have been so fortunate in my journey with Lapland and want so much to help any of you struggling with your weight loss. I do not have all the answers but I can lend you support and tell you that being positive even in your darkest hour will help pull you through and help you to remain courageous and true to your journey. Remember this is for "YOU" and about "YOU" be true to "Yourself". YOU and only YOU know what you put in your mouth! Make this a lifestyle change and use your band to assist you during this transition. I dedicate this POST to my new found cyber friend "Arnetta". Please know that I believe in you and I know you will be successful. These first few weeks are hardest but you will find your inner strength. Prayers and cyber Hugs to all of you! Diane
  16. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Yes on the vitamins. I take, a multi vit, calcium, biotin, and Omega 3. I started the multi and calcium immediately, I did not add the biotin till about 6 months,(my hair was falling our really bad) I wish I would have started the biotin in the beginning. I do all chewable vitamins either gummy or the regular chewable. I do not do well with swallowing large pills. They seem to set on top of my band. I also take prilocex. I stopped taking for about 3 months but had to restart because of heart burn, but I will say my reflux has greatly improved but saying that gas-x was my best friend for months and sometimes I still need to use it.
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    I WANT ..............

    I wanted one also, so I poured one in a glass and allowed it to go flat over night. It tasted awful and it make me learn to appreciate other drinks. I was never a big water drinker but I have learned over time. Giving up a Diet Coke was probably one of the single hardest foods to give up. It has been over a year now since I gave up carbonated beverages. Honestly i still miss them but it has been so worth it and not worth the risk of stretching my stomach. My motto "No pain No loss" Good Luck!
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Officially BANDED.....

    Glad your doing well, and yes the first few days are really tuff! My doc gave me tylenol 3 also and I had a lot of nausea so I had phergan and than zoforan. I think the nausea and gas were worst for me. First day I felt great than day 2 and 3 I thought I was going to die. lol but I didn't. Get some rest. stay well hydrated, take your pain meds and keep moving. You are on your journey now. Good Luck!
  19. Congratulations! The power of pray wins again. Never give up on what you want, believe in your self and the power of God, he does have a plan for us all. Sometimes we may not be patent enough to listen but the answer is there, just may not always be what we want. Good luck you will do awesome!
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    6 days Post...

    Annie....the first few days and weeks after surgery are tuff. You are eating little, barely enough to keep your strength up, I never thought I would ever be able to take in more that 500 calories. I rested a lot in the evening and was thankful I had an office job now instead of working at the bedside like I used to. Gas X was my friend and I took it with most meals becasue I had so much gas. My first solid food was hot and sour soup from PF Changs and Ahi Tuna. I could have eaten this several times a week and actually did until I got sick of it. Take care of your self, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Your energy level will return and soild food will be a new adventure. Good Luck!
  21. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Little Green Band

    Pain was not that bad, most of the pain is from gas. I had more nausea than pain and Gas-x and Pherergan and Zoforan were my best friends, I took very little of the pain medication. Good luck and keep us posted.
  22. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Is it too good to be true?

  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    the word on the street is.....

    :Dancing_biggrin: Ok I am going to pretend this little guy is the sexy green M & M. ( I just love her) So excited for you, :hurray: I knew it would work out, never under estimate the power of of postive thinking and prayers. :Angel_anim: This is the best news I have heard all week and I know you are on cloud nine. I will be checking on you this weekend. Big CyberGroup Hug.:grouphug: Let the celebration begin !!! :party:
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Small Accolades

    Today is around 5 weeks since I hurt my knee and had to stop exercising. I must say it has been a very frustrating month. I have been doing therapy 3 times a week, now for 3 weeks and seriously there is little improvement. Not sure what I expected, "I think miracles". I guess my saving grace is that at least this did not happen at the beginning of my journey and I had already made progress. I have managed to maintain my weight loss and have even lost a few pounds. But I so much miss exercising, every time I see someone jogging or walking it makes me sad and makes me realize how much we all take for granted. Lap band surgery has given me back my life, I have so much more energy and has helped me re-build confidence in myself. I never realized how much being overweight had effected all aspects of my life. I wonder sometimes why I needed the lap band and why I could not have wrapped my brain around learning to control my portions myself. It took potential life altering health problems to shake me to reality and do something about my weight gain. The band truly is my friend and makes staying on track so much easier. I have thought many times over the past few months about getting a fill in my band so I would be able to lose weight faster. Patience has never been one of my attributes. I have always wanted instant gratification in what ever I did. I am glad I made the decision to work with the band instead of letting the band do all the work. I still have those days when I get stuck and PB, but they are usually because I fail to follow the rules and that is when I reflect back and realize if the band was not there to stop me I would easily revert back to bad behaviors. I honestly think I have found my "sweet spot" I can eat what I am suppose to eat, I rarely feel hunger, and food is not my main thoughts. I do occasionally splurge and allow myself a treat of a miniature chocolate or 100 calorie snack. The difference is I count these in my total daily calorie count. Yes guys I am one of those OCD people that has to count calories, I realize some think we should not have to do this but, I still do not trust myself, or maybe it is not trust but the fact I know myself and I know how easy it is to say: oh, that little bite won't matter, and a couple of desserts later your pants are too tight. I know a lot of you are still struggling to get to the place where I am. Don't give up on your self, each and everyone of us is work the trials and tribulations that we are going through. Believe in your self, because if you don't believe in yourself you can not expect others to. Don't let small roadblocks or set backs take away your focus. We all have common ground, this is a life journey and not a vacation from food. This is us building confidence in ourselves and learning to trust our selves alone in a room with the "evil" that lives inside. We all have our own demons to fight and all of our journeys are individual, we can't compare ourselves to one another and we all have to hold each other accountable. I am approaching my 1 year anniversary next month and I so wanted to be at goal but I know that I will not be there. But you know what? That's OK. Seriously, it is! I am pleased with my progress and realize that I will get there. So, I guess what I have learned most of late, is I have changed. I have moved from Diane the closet eater to Diane the obsessive calorie counter. I have always read that when you give up one addiction you usually develop a new one, well thank you God my obsession is managing my weight loss. So for all of you out there that are still struggling to reach that place where you are happiest, remember the happiness may not always be found in a number you reach on the scale but a happiness from within yourselves.
  25. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Help....food is everywhere!

    Yes you can have hard candy in moderation, sugar free of course.Pre diet is tuff, probably the tuffest of this journey. If you are on liquids make sure you are drinking the shakes, protein keeps you from being hungry. Hang in there, the light is at the end of the tunnel and it will get better.

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