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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Baby plates

    I used (actually still do) an appetiser plate so a little smaller than a salad plate. Tapas plates & dishes are good too as are ramekins. Toddler cutlery is also useful. I used teaspoons & buffet sporks. I still use small plates & bowls as meals look so sad & lonely on a regular size dinner plate & I even eat regular portion sizes now. 😆
  2. 1 point

    RNY instead of VSG

    Its been awhile since my last post so I just wanted to mention progress so far Still in the very early insurance approval process. I'm just hitting the 40 BMI qualification so I'm just trying to maintain while also taking my doctors dieting advice. I had a few tests done already: Sleep apnea = negative, H Pylori = negative. I have the Abdominal Ultrasound coming up. While doing some research and talking to a few people who have been post op for years I've learned the sleeve can cause pretty bad GERD and need the possibility of revision to RNY. Because I want to avoid revision surgery, GERD, and long-term/indefinite PPI use I talked to my doctor about RNY instead and right now she's against it but suggested adding the endoscopy to the test list. If all checks out with the endoscopy I still want to change to RNY instead 🤞 So moving right along 😊
  3. 1 point

    How did you break a stall?

    you just have to wait it out. some stalls are short and some are long. My longest was about 6 weeks. Keep the carbs low, eat well and you will get thru it.
  4. 1 point
    I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. Hopefully your revision can be scheduled soon so you can heal and move on.
  5. 1 point

    Should I get surgery

    You have very good reasons for having the surgery & questions & doubts about progressing are common. It’s surgery. It changes your digestive system. There is a period of healing & recovery. To be successful for the long term, you will have to make changes to how, what & why you eat & your relationship with food. The months post surgery give you time to work through all of this & certainly therapy, as @SleeverSk suggested, can be very helpful. The surgery also gives you time to develop better eating habits & routines like being more mindful. Will you forget & take a too big sip or bite or eat too quickly? Yes it will happen but your body soon tells you & you’re usually extra careful after the experience. Often all you’ll experience is just discomfort but occasionally foamies or vomiting. Complications after surgery aren’t common and many are related to pre existing conditions or predispositions. The risks are lower for bariatric surgeries than many other common surgeries. I used to control almost all my reflux with dietary choices before surgery (no spicy, fatty or rich food, little carbonation & reduced caffeine) which is why I had sleeve. I still have reflux but it is different & I need meds every day which I didn’t before. I hate taking tablets & often forget. Multi vitamins always make me nauseous but my bloods are good & I don’t need to take them anymore though some sleevers still do. Just depends on your diet & absorption for us. But it is a necessity after bypass as malabsorption of calories (& therefore nutrients) is how it contributes to your weight loss. Dumping can occur with bypass (about 40% chance I think) but if you discover you have it it is simply a matter of avoiding fats or sugars as they are the usual culprits. Some even find they can eat small amounts as time passes. You can also have it with a sleeve but it is less common (30%??). The average weight loss with sleeve & bypass is about the same 65% +/- of the weight you have to lose to put you in a healthier weight range. Some lose more some lose less. Make a list of your questions to discuss with your surgeon. They’re best placed to answer them in relation to your specific needs, health status/issues & weight loss/gain history. All the best whichever surgery you have.
  6. 1 point
    Thank you everybody. It really has been a pain. I still love my sleeve, but it's been made abundantly clear to me that I don't really have a choice with the revision. So as soon as I can get cleared, we're scheduling it. I'm just ready to be done and go back to living my life.
  7. 1 point
    Fingers crossed that's the end of them. What a difficult time you've had
  8. 1 point

    Jealousy from others?

    I would respond that I could still enjoy food and wine in moderation and have discovered there is so much more fulfillment when life's activities are not limited by an obsession with food and drink. It is the difference of choosing living over existing.
  9. 1 point

    Pre-Op Diet popsicles

    @jdodson74 thank you disappointing I thought they would work 🥴 @NancyLF I love those better than the multicolored popsicles.
  10. 1 point

    Pre-Op Diet popsicles

    Only multi colored ones sugar free. Sugar free fudge ones is good when you are on full liquids after surgery thats is what my information said to me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
