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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I posted some of my before and after pics. I was 348 at my heaviest. I was 330 in July 2020 when I began the approval process. I was 310 on December 23, 2020, the day of surgery. I am now 247. My weight loss isn’t going as fast as some. I do eat a bit more in carbs and I work out 4-5 days a week including strength training. I have never felt or looked as good as I do now.
  2. 2 points
    Here is me just shy of my heaviest of 365 lbs. I started my Weight loss journey June 2020. I lost about 35 pre surgery which was January 4, 2021. I also have had to have a revision due to a perforated ulcer mid July. I am now down a total of 120 lbs. it’s amazing the difference I feel. My 5 year old can actually sit in my lap… because I have one now! I can see my feet when I weigh myself. I don’t have to lean against a wall to wipe after using the bathroom, or to clean myself in the shower. I can buckle my seatbelt with out getting out of breath. I now consider myself ‘normal’ fat because I actually blend in with a crowd rather than standing out as the largest in a room! I’m sure I could go on but I am so glad I did this!
  3. 1 point

    Scared to death!

    My plan has refried beans and ground meat in the soft food stage. I also don't think eight bites total adds up to be a large amount (unless you're somehow managing to eat large bites currently). I guess I'm wondering why this is freaking you out? To me that is a good mix of fiber and protein.
  4. 1 point
    I never had issues eating. And I was eating purees before I even left the hospital. I had no issues whatsoever, and my recovery was super easy. At first I was worried that the surgeon hadn't even done the surgery! I've known many others who've had super easy recoveries and never had issues eating. I think you might feel like a freak because people typically don't post about it when they have easy recoveries like this. They're more likely to post when they're having issues since they're looking for advice or support. So I wouldn't worry about it - just be glad you've sailed through just fine!
  5. 1 point

    Newbie here!

    you're not going to feel full on liquids. They go right through you. in addition, you're very early out. Some of your nerves have been cut, and it takes awhile for them to regenerate. So your brain and stomach aren't "talking" yet - you're not going to get full signals right away. you should start feeling restriction once you move to solid foods. Those DON'T go right through you - they'll sit in your stomach for awhile - and also, by then your nerves will have started to regenerate. also, keep in mind for the future that often "full" signals are different after surgery than they are before. It can take awhile to figure out what yours are. I don't feel "full" the same way i did before surgery. Now, I just feel an uncomfortable pressure in my chest. I've learned if I don't stop eating when i start feeling that, I'm likely to get sick. Other people have reported things like sneezing or hiccups when they've reached that point. But for now, being on liquids (and soon, purees), you're not going to have to worry about this - you're not likely to feel anything because of the nerve issue and the fact those things go right through you.
  6. 1 point

    Hospital stay questions

    Perfectly fine to ask these questions more so if you’ve never had surgery before. I stayed a couple of days (back spasmed - existing condition). I too wore the same clothes to & from the hospital. I wore slightly stretch pull on pants, a loose over shirt & flat shoes. When I left I actually liked the gentle supportive pressure of the stretch pants on my incisions but could have folded the waist band down below my incisions if it was uncomfortable. I wore a bra after without issue. The upper central incision was below my bra band but yours may be a little higher. You’ll probably just have to try it & see how you go. Take a loose jacket just in case. I slept a lot too. I downloaded things to watch or read on my iPad but I couldn’t really concentrate so 5 minutes in I’d give up. I took my own toiletries including shower gel. Personally, I enjoyed changing from those gaping, flapping hospital gowns into my own pjs - felt so much more comfortable. (On my first ward walk I came upon a man still in his hospital gown. He was standing in the sun & believe me those gowns are extremely transparent & it was all hanging free 😂😂😂) I’m a bit of a just in case packer so I threw in extra pjs & knickers. Super glad I did because I experienced one of those unexpected, extremely sudden diarrhoea attacks. 😱 I used a small wheelie bag - you can’t carry anything heavy after surgery usually nothing more than about 10lbs. My bag was stored & taken to my room when I got to the surgical waiting room. The clothes I was wearing were put in a named paper bag when I changed into the hospital gown, non slip socks, anti clotting hose & those very sexy disposal knickers & also taken to my room. Good luck with your surgery.
  7. 1 point

    July Surgeries??

    Hi! I had surgery on the 13th and a few days ago I made a post called "I hate the scale" lol. I have sort of been all over the place, too. Actually in the past few days since I upped my calories, I am having a more consistent downward weight trend. I think mine was a mixture of body fluids and constipation for the first 10 days after surgery. Today I had my two week appointment and I was down a total of 9 lbs, which doesn't seem like a lot especially compared to those people who lose like 22 or 25 lb in 2 weeks, but I'm following the plan, so there's not much else I can do. I was happy to find out that that loss finally put me under a 35 BMI, so little losses are adding up. I know that people usually talk about the three-week stall on here, but the second week was really chaotic for me weight-wise. Hopefully we will both be slow but steady to meet our goals. Ps I just realized this is the bypass forum, and I had sleeve, but I don't think it makes that much difference in the first few weeks.
  8. 1 point

    Struggling with Weight Re-Gain

    I am a night shift nursing supervisor. Job is crazy stressful! I had the DS 6/1/21 and took 6 weeks off work which worked out great for me. Returned to work 7/14 right into the start of a new covid surge! Ugh! I prepare/pack any food I’m going to eat during the shift. I’ll set an alarm to remind me to eat and/or drink as needed during the shift. It is difficult but doable. I round throughout the hospital every 2-3 hours, assign beds to patients, respond to any in-house emergencies, any codes in the ER or.in-house. Also meet with any patients or family members that have any issues or concerns and try to help them any way possible. So setting a reminder alarm really comes in handy so that I meet my hydration needs especially. Luckily, one of my coworkers had the DS about 6 years ago and she shared tips that really helped me out.
  9. 1 point

    Sugar free candy

    Haha..you made me chuckle ALOT! Lmao Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. 0 points
    I guess I will have to try something new now. I had my surgery Friday and they were unsuccessful doing the revision because of so much scar tissue from my perforated ulcer in 2012. He was able to repair my hiatal hernia but that’s all. Not sure how I’m feeling about it yet. I’m sure it will sink in sooner or later. Thanks for the reading references too.

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