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Can You Fail With The Sleeve?

blogs/blog-0220726001361303546.jpgI believe anyone that has 85% of their stomach removed will lose weight. You can't help but lose, if you are limited to 4oz of food every few hours.


Now the big question is, where is your hunger coming from? Only you can figure that part out. Is it from emotional eating, boredome, stress, or is it because you have hunger pangs caused by the hormone ghrelin?


From my own experience, I knew that my hunger was real (even though I had eaten 2 hours earlier, I'd be hungry again). It wasn't until I talked to my surgeon that he told me that I had an excess of the hormone ghrelin (produced by the stomach). The bigger the stomach, the more of the hormone produced.


The surgery stopped my hunger pangs. I have not had that nagging sense of hunger (other than my stomach growling) since surgery 7 weeks ago. And 4 or 5 oz of food keeps me satisfied, whereas before, I could eat 1 lb of steak and know I'd be raiding the fridge in 2 hours.


And I don't have any cravings anymore for certain flavors. Whereas before, I'd think about something that would taste good and I couldn't get the thought out of my head until I ate it - and a lot of it, not just a small portion.


Don't get me wrong, you can sabotage yourself after surgery. There are foods, called slider foods, that are calorie dense (ice cream, peanut butter) that pass through the stomach quickly, so it's possible to eat more. And it is possible to just graze all day on snacks that are high in calories.


The sleeve gave me the control over my eating that I needed. When I eat, I have full control of what I eat. I can pass on the donuts or just have 1 and be satisfied. With the exception of pasta - it triggers my sugar cravings. So I have to be real careful about eating it.


But I don't know if I'd the same success if my hunger was tied to my emotions instead of hormones.


I really believe food was an addiction - one you can't quit and never touch again.


Other addictions can be quit and never touched again. But what if a heroine addict, smoker or alcoholic knew they had to take some every day or their body would die?


What if they had 75 TV channels that ran commericals for cigarrets every 10 minutes during their favorite programs? Or had reality programs (like the best places to pig out or the food challenges) devoted to the best places to get their fix and showed people taking drugs and loving it? Could the addicts just reduce the amount they took every day and never over do it or would they give in to the nagging voice in their head telling them how good it was going to feel?


Ok, rant over. :-)


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I was having trouble with the idea of having surgery. I then started to think about food as an addiction. I asked myself whether or not a drug addict or an alcoholic who had the option to have surgery would do it, and whether or not their choice to do so would be frowned upon. This helped me with my decision to get the sleeve. This is a GREAT post. Thanks!

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OMG I totally loved that analogy about the commercials.

I was sleeved a little over 3 weeks ago. I am still, technically, on the soft foods stage. Since i am off work for a month, I have realized just how many pizza commercials there on TV. At least one per commercial break. I found myself craving pizza, even though, technically, I don't think I could eat it and even if I could, I would maybe manage two or three bites and probably feel like crap after. Knowing that does not stop me from salivating whenever I see the pizza on the TV screen in all it's cheesy glory. I am like Pavlov's dogs.

I believe food is an addiction. It is one we have to moderate instead of quitting cold turkey and therein lies the difficulty. The monster has to be let out of the box three times a day. This surgery shrinks our stomachs, however we still have to deal with the stuff in our head.

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This is an awesome blog. You really hit the nail on the head about the commercials. When I had my blood work the tech said she had the same dr as I have do her surgery. She lost 100 lbs and admitted that she had gained 60 back because she loved junk food. I sure wouldn't go through this if I wasn't dedicated enough to carry through with the program. She said she can eat 1/2 bag of chips, wait a couple of hours and eat the other half. She seemed to think it was funny. My daughter had the sleeve 4 years ago weighed 335 going in and lost 165 pounds and has kept it off. She is my inspiration and main support other than hubby. She goes with me to appts and knows what questions to ask. Surgery 5/16/13. I am so ready for this journey.

Good luck to all sleevers.

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Oh my goodness... I feel like your words are coming out of my mouth. I had the surgery in February and everything has been great although I know I still have to be very mindful of what I eat and how much. I thought it would all be mindless. My fear now is a year from now when the fullness fades and the 18 month glow is over. Just the thought of feeling hungry again after a life-time of struggling makes me sad. I want to feel this way for ever: Finally in control and not suffering from the food addiction,

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