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mad at my body!!!

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so its coming up on week 14 and right now i am a little discouraged...so heres the problem. this week i started working out and dd the treadmill on monday for 45 minutes, tuesday did a kickboxing class at my gym and thursday did a "beach body sculpting'class that involved free weights focusing on the arms, legs and adominals. i got on the scale yesterday and i was at 237 and now i am at 241. wtf!!! i figured that when i started working out i would lose the wieght faster not gain back the 4 freakin pounds i worked so hard to get off. not to mention that yesterday was a very stressful day. my husband and i fought practically all day about moeny and him not being able to find a job. we talked it out and things are fine now but im so upset bc my dr. told me to exercise and when i do i gain weight back. and i didnt start eating more i eat the same amount. so this week i am going to strictly do cardio, tae bo, kickboxing and maybe a spinning class. i just had a goal to be 230 by th 4th and now it doesnt look like i am going to meet that goal. in order for me to do so i need to lose the 4 lbs plus an ass 2-3 this week. totaling 6-7 lbs in one week. every time i make a goal i never reach it and it is getting so frustrating. im hoping that this week will provide better results. i just feel like life slapped me inthe face and so haha its not goingto work. you will be fat forever. i also dont know how all this skin is going to go abck to normal. i have been having thisterrible dream that i lose the weight and i have skin hanging everywhere and i look worse that i did when i started this whole process. i just needed to vent. i have a tae bo video that i am going to start at home on monday and i am going to try to do it each day this week and take the weekends off. i need some other ideas for workout videos that will provide a good cardio workout. i was thinking step aerobics

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Hang in the CC....look at the bigger picture and at how far you have already come!!! You are doing amazing things!! Don't give up the good fight....YOU WILL WIN THIS ONE!!!!

Take Care,



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Yep you're going to have those down days. But you have to look at the bigger picture. You are building skills and habits that will hopefully stay with you your whole life.

Try not to get fixated on the scale. Just weight yourself once a week or only when you go to the Dr. Instead look at how your closes are fitting. Or how you can do 10 more minutes of cardio this week compared to last.

Take it from someone who didn't make their last few goals. If your not making you're goals it might be time to reevaluate them. Perhaps not a weight goal, but a time in the gym goal Or a daily protein goal. Also don't underestimate the power of rewarding yourself for meeting goals. You need that pat on the back.

Keep up the great work!!

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I feel the same way. I had surgery May17th 2010. I started back to the gym and I gained 4 pounds. I am very frustrated right now. I can't figure it out. I am eating the same as before. Good Luck!!!

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They say muscle weighs more than fat. I gained weight also when I started to lift weights so I've stopped... it is a catch 22, you gain muscle and you gain weight but muscle burns more calories so what do you do? I stopped lifting because I wanted the number to go down on the scale. I only swim now and seem to be losing once again. My skin hangs like crazy now...so I can weigh less and have my skin hang or be fat and have my skin tight. Good luck and don't give up yet.

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Phew, you are telling my exact story. Let me first start by saying, muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound is pound. After 1 month of doing spin classes and weight lifting, I went to the Dr. and only lost 4 lbs. I couldn't believe it. I was working out SOOOO hard and that's all I got. I talked to my Dr. and he said that it is just your body reacting to the change and trying to hold on to fat. He promised me if I kept with it, I would see the results.

You guessed it, I did see the results. I am now in my 2nd month of exercising and lifting weights and in those 2 months, i have lost about 16 lbs but the inches are incredible!!! Just off of my waist, I have lost about 4 inches. I am learning that inches sure look better than weight. Also, my skin isn't looking so bad either because skin wraps around muscle much better.

I started this journey Feb 26, 2010 and have lost just about 40 lbs. I started a size 22 pant and now I'm a 16 pant. I have lost weight in the past but have NEVER really exercised and dieted. Either one or the other. Now, I do cardio, weight training, and eat good and I promise you, I step on the scale excited as opposed to holding my breath. Occassionally, I will see an increase, but that is water gain and not fat. If I ate something a little saltier that day, I will notice a gain. But it doesn't stick.

I wish you all luck. Stick with the weights and the workouts. It will pay off. We are so used to measuring how good we're doing by what the scale says, but If you get away from that and focus on how your body looks and how you're dropping inches, you will be SO much happier. I'm almost laughing that I'm giving advise like this because I'm in this struggle too. Somebody shared this info with my and I'm glad I listened. BTW, I started @293 and am

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