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From: Diva's journey to GOAL

Helloooo okay today is day 2 and I have 97 days to reach goal.   So I'm down one pound from last weeks weigh in.  I could've done better sure, but oh well.  I'm not upset about that, especially since it's close to TOM and I've been snacking a bit too much in the last few days.  That's why I've set this thing up so I can push myself and be motivated to reach my goal faster.  26 lbs now and I'm on my way!  Anyway the snacking stops TODAY and I get on this ball.  I will keep a log (minor log nothing fancy) on what I eat today.  I know what I should be eating and what I shouldn't. I don't care about the calories/fat/carbs - any of that.  I lose weight when I eat healthy and I get my workouts in.  Simple as that.  I do keep my calories up anyway when I'm doing my runs, that stuff burns a lot of energy, so I'll usually drink an extra power and calorie packed protein shake.  Yes, I still drink protein shakes, and no I'll never stop.  I need them and I like them.   My protein shake is usually the EAS Carb Advantage 11 oz in either vanilla or chocolate and half a scoop of Unjury any flavored - or Bariatric Fusion one scoop.  Both are low carb and and very high in protein per scoop.  I also add crushed ice and shake that up in one of my mixer cups.  I got them from GNC, its a plastic cup with a whisker ball inside.  It works great.   I have to fast this morning so no coffee, no nothing.  I'm having my panels taken this morning at 8 am and as soon as the results come back I'll be sure to post them.  It will be interesting to see if I'm lacking anything.  I mean if I'm low on anything I think it's my electrolytes - other than that I think I'm doing good.  I need to keep up on those.  I really don't like to skip breakfast so as soon as I'm done I'll come back home and make me some eggs and turkey bacon.  Yum!!!  I'm going to put some salsa and reduced fat cheese on my eggs.  I can't wait.  BTW my eggs are one whole real egg and one quarter cup of egg beaters (equiv to one egg).  So I can have the real taste of eggs and cut the cholesterol by one half.  Who says you can't have the best of both worlds??     My Dr. Appt yesterday went extremely well and my Dr. couldn't believe how much weight I've lost.  She said... "You've lost One hundred anndddd... well you've lost a lot!!!"  LOL  That was pretty funny!  So she left me with a panel request to check all my nutrients and a slip to have my yearly mammogram.  Fun times I tell ya!  I don't have much in the way of boobage anymore so that is not something I'm looking forward to.     See you all tomorrow!  I'll have my food log done and I'll share what I did for my workout.  Yesterday I didn't do any workout so nothing to share.  Oh I need to change up my routine.  I have it down as Thursdays and Fridays off, but I'd rather have Mondays off.  I hate Mondays... ugghhh... LOL   Irene   Source: Diva's journey to GOAL

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene


From: Diva's journey to GOAL

Today is day 4 and I have 95 days to reach goal.   Wow!!! I haven't posted in here all weekend, sorry for that!  I've been busy and I find that my weekends are usually that way.  I did take some new photos for my 9th month post op (check my photo gallery).  Yay!!  9 months out -- WOW!!!!!!!   So I was 281 Lbs at the start of my pre op diet.  I was 272 on surgery day.  On my last weigh in I was 191 Lbs!!   My largest sizes I wore was a VERY tight 28W and 3-4X tops.  On surgery day I was wearing 24W and 1-2X tops.  Today I can fit into sizes ranging from 8's and all the way up to 14's.  14's are my max though, anything larger is simply too big.  I am almost out of 14's though and I have to wear them with belts.  I just don't want to give them up!   My largest bra size ever was a 44D and I was wearing 40D on surgery day.  Today I wear a 34C.   Panties, largest ever were 13's!!!!  On surgery day (iirc) I was wearing 10's.  Today I wear a 6.   My ring size largest ever was a 9.  On surgery day I was wearing 8.5.  Today I wear a 5.5.   All that said, I actually have not been feeling too good lately.  Every time I eat I feel kinda nauseated and just... blahhh...  So I read my post op instructions because it's been awhile.  I guess I don't remember seeing it before but Dr. A suggests if you're feeling like that after every meal it's best to go back and do one day of clear liquids.  So I put my dinner aside after feeling sick after about 5 bites.  I pulled out my Unjury chicken soup and heated me up a mug.  It was delicious and it made me feel so much better.  So from the rest of today I'll just drink water.  And I'll finish it off by doing clear liquids tomorrow.  After that I'll do full liquids on Tuesday.  Then hopefully by Wednesday my stomach will be feeling much better.     Who knows, but something I must have eaten did upset my stomach.  I've been eating more beef and pork actually the last few days and seeing I don't really eat those, that might be the reason.  Ever since, every time I eat anything I can only eat a few bites and then I'm feeling yucky.  :(So, it's back to square one!  Not because I want to but because I HAVE to.  That's the only way I'll do those liquids... LOL   I didn't workout at all today, and I won't tomorrow, nor Tuesday really except maybe a little bit of something.  Nothing too strenuous because it's hard to do any major training and do liquids for days.  I'll get too hungry and I'll fall off the liquids and I really need to stick to it.  Once I get back to solids I'll get back on to doing my morning runs.  I might just do a 30 set on my spinner, kinda light - just to get the blood pumping a little bit.  Gotta do that at least.   I do still need to create a new workout schedule, but priority one right now is for me to feel better.  Gawsh no more pork or beef!!!  They just don't agree with me at all.  My stomach is so sensitive anymore.  Oh well it's what I signed up for and I am forced to follow the rules.  It's working for me that's all I know!!!   See you all tomorrow.     Source: Diva's journey to GOAL

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene


From: Diva's journey to GOAL

Hello everyone! I wanted to post this:   ...and the reason being because I want to share what a typical day looks like for me. Now, please know I'm not this perfect every single day! I might squeeze in a few things here and there, and most likely its around TOM due to stressful cravings...   Things are going quite smooth today. I have not had any negative sleeve issues and my food is going down without a hitch! I feel really good and I'm just getting over TOM and my cravings are at a Two right now (Won't say zero because before lunch I wanted an extra snack but was able to ignore it!). Yes, I grade scale my cravings! I was a 10 (Maximum) last weekend which I think is the main culprit in me eating so many forbidden foods. Even a taste here and there got me feeling sick!! Oh yuck... Blechhh!!!   Here's something I just noticed... me being so close to goal and actually feeling quite comfortable with how I look allowed me to nearly fall apart. I would not normally allow myself to eat so many bad things and haven't since surgery. I have not been perfect!! Not at all but this last weekend I really let loose. I can't do this! I have to stay on track. I'm sooo close, and I just need to stay on the straight and narrrow for a few more months! It always sounds a lot more daunting than it is... LOL I do have to remind myself though because I DON'T want to ever do what I just did. I don't think I can anymore anyway. With my surgery my Dr. also took my ability to eat junk food!   Anyway, I'm feeling back to my normal self and I'm ready to tackle these next 3 weeks where I get the most out of my sleeve and weight loss.   I'm really going to push for 11 Lbs by the 15th of July. Wish me luck!!!! Or should I say fortitude.   Source: Diva's journey to GOAL

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene


From: Diva's journey to GOAL

Hello hello HELLO LOSERS!! And of course I mean that with the best of intentions... Well I can tell you this, I'm a loser and darned proud too!!   Anyway today is Day 8 and I WILL reach my goal in 91 DAYS... *faint* Hahaa!! Well I'm going to give it one heckuva try anyway.   So, the whole sick sleeve thing is now a past issue. I am days away and feeling back to normal. I've been eating solids regularly and drinking tons of water. Here is my menu from yesterday:   Breakfast: Atkins Shake Snack: String Cheese Lunch: 2 oz chicken, mixed veggie & brown rice w/1 TBSP of red fat cheese Snack: 1/2 single serv container of Fage w/blueberries Dinner: 3 oz. Grilled chicken on green salad w/whole grain crouton, ranch dressing & 1 Tb of full fat grated cheese. Snack: Whole Grain Saltines   Water: 120 Oz.   Hmmm no workout either. Whoa!! Thank goodness I'm doing much better today... LOL I guess it could have been worlds worse, so I'm not too mad at myself.   Pro's of yesterday:   I felt good about my eating. I did pretty good. I know I can still do a little better but there's always tomorrow for that (or should I say today - lol). I finished my minimum ration of water. Whooohooo!!! That's super important.   Con's of yesterday:   Here's something I notice - I've forgotten to take my vitamins and iron supplements twice in a row now. This is NOT okay! I need this to function properly. Also, I didn't do any workouts yesterday, and it wouldn't of hurt to do a little something. Yeah, well - again there's always today and today is a success. One more, I didn't go to bed on time last night. A good night's sleep is super important for good health! Also, it ensures I'm going to get up for my early morning run. *sigh*   What I can improve on:   Definitely my eating. I ate a little too many carbs yesterday in my opinion. Mainly the crackers I guess. I know I don't want to eat meat for a snack. I need to make sure the night time snack isn't carb loaded... LOL I created my new workout schedule so that's already helping me get back to my schedule.     Tomorrow is weigh day. I really don't want to because my TOM is just getting over and I know I retain water during this time. However, to keep myself on schedule I will. I'm already doing better so I know my next weigh in should be ok.   See you all tomorrow for the check in!!   Source: Diva's journey to GOAL

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene


From: Diva's journey to GOAL

Hi everyone!!!  I'm here to tell you that I have chosen an amazing GOAL PRIZE that is going to help me stay on track until I get there.  I have ZERO doubt at all!!!  It's all good folks, however - my goal prize will remain a secret until the time comes.  In the mean time I'll just work my tail off until I get there.  I'm back to full time logging and doing my workouts.  Whooohooo!!!  Oh I sooo needed this.  I needed that carrot to keep chasing.  Got it!  And away I go!!!   Here are my totals for today:   Calories In:   Breakfast: 179  AM Snack: 140  Lunch: 269  Dinner: 202  PM Snack: 170  Totals: 960   Calories Out:   AM: Treadmill 35 Mins – 469  Noon: Walk@Work 45 Mins – 327  PM: Elliptical 30 Mins – 531; Yoga 12 Mins – 86  Basal Metabolic Rate: 1622  Totals: 3035   Difference: -2075 Calories   Nutritional Breakdown:   Protein: 36.74%  Fat: 39.46%  Carbohydrates: 23.8%   Daily Intake Totals:   Water: 138 oz.  Protein: 88g  Carbs: 57g  Fiber: 9g  Sugars: 22g  Fat: 42g   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     The only thing I can see that I messed up on is my fiber.  Whooppss!!  I'll need to do better tomorrow.  I forgot to do my chews during the day and now the day's over and it's too late.   Oh well... have a great day tomorrow all and I hope to see some check ins!   Source: Diva's journey to GOAL

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene


From: Diva's journey to GOAL

Hello hello hello to all of you! It has been another week since my last check in. I guess I just don't ever have a whole lot to say... until I start typing anyway. LOL   So me weighing the exact same as I have for the last two weeks really did kinda P'd me off a little bit. However, that said - I have had some really amazing developments in the last few days.   I tried on my size 6 pants and yup I was able to get them on!! Hooorraayyy!!! So, that means I am but ONE SIZE AWAY FROM GOAL!!!! I always did say that once I got into those size 4 pants (same make/style as the recent 6's I fitted and former 8's) that THAT would be it for me. So what am I looking at now as far as weight? 15 Lbs?? 20 Lbs at the most? We will see!! All I know is that I am SO CLOSE!! I'm really going to do it! It feels SO DANGED GOOD!!   I really just put 165 Lbs as a guesstimate. I DO NOT want to get any smaller than a 4. I would have a hard time shopping in normal stores at that point. Especially my favorite Kohl's. They don't go any smaller than a 4. In my world, Size 4 is very thin, and when I get there I'll know I'm finish.   My weight on the scale is pretty meaningless to me, except that I'd really like to stop losing now. If any of you knew this already it is that my original goal was to fit the size 8's. However, I got into them at 200 Lbs!! No way was I going to stay at 200 Lbs... so my scale has had SOME say on where I end up. I didn't want to be near the 2's anymore. I just don't want to see that number again in the front of my weight. EVER!!!   My routines have been going excellent. I'm staying low on my carbs (Good Carbs) and I'm getting in all my protein. I recently found out I may even be getting too much protein. My genetic makeup gathers muscle tone quite easily. Of course muscle weighs a lot, so that is actually going against the grain at this point. My original target was 100g or more of protein per day. However, I'm notching it down to 80g of protein MAX per day. I'll see if that helps.   Also, my workout routines might be a little stagnant. I don't think I need to do less in any way, however - I have done circuit training and I did get good losses by doing this. I think I might get back into this and see if that helps. So tomorrow morning I think I'll start my early morning routine with 20 Minutes on my stationary bike, then do about 35 Minutes on my treadmill. I'll try that for a while.   I hope my scale is kind to me on Friday! Sheesh... I've been working my tail off and eating like an Angel and it's not giving me any love!! However, like I said - I'm getting lots of love where the clothes are concerned.   So... until next time folks!! Keep reaching for the stars... never give up and do NOT let that scale define you! As long as you are doing the right things, the right things will come back to you. Trust me.   Source: Diva's journey to GOAL

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene


From: 30 Day Challenge... get ready to kick some butt here!

Hi Luvtheatre and welcome!!!     Hello all, today is DAY 1 and we have 29 DAYS LEFT TO GO.     So the fun has only begun today and yet I'm rocking and rolling on this one!!!  Ohhh goodness it would be nice to see a dip on the scale in a few days!!  If not though, oh well.  I'm more a Size Goalie rather than a Scale Goalie.    I did great today!!  I'm sooo ready for this.  I haven't really been on plan in a month now and thank goodness I have not gained, and the inches are still coming off but not a whole lot.  It's nice to know that even when I don't try the inches still melt away.  Very very interesting.   Anyway I do hope everyone else did well too!  If not, that's ok tomorrow is a new day.  As for myself I'm going to give it MY ALL!!  I would really really love to finally being able to say I'm truly and undoubtedly done.  Hugs to all!!!   Here's my totals for today:   Breakfast: Power Protein Shake & Small Banana Snack: 6 Oz Light Blueberry Yoplait Lunch: 3 Chicken Wings Snack: String Cheese & ½ Serving Sunflower Kernels Dinner: White Chicken breast meat Stir Fry with Broccoli & Bok Choi, and Grated Cauliflower Snack: Fage 2%, 1 Serving This is surely adding up to over 60g protein today!!  Whoohooo!!!   Water totals are: 105 oz.   Workouts: 1 Hour Treadmill, 30 Minutes on Stationary Bike and 30 Mins Calisthenics.   Source: 30 Day Challenge... get ready to kick some butt here!

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene


From: My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

My consult today went very well!! This surgeon is one of the top PS in my area. He is reasonably priced too, and I've seen his work in person. My cousin had her augmentation there. He told me that doing lipo on my knees would not have a good outcome. The only thing that will help me is a lift of some kind. I was afraid of that, and very impressed he didn't just go ahead and take my money and do it. He knew I didn't have the funds for any additional surgeries, so he won my confidence right away. So, that said it looks like I look best in the 500cc implants, silicone's. That put me up to a very full D or DD according to him. Ohhh Yeahhh Babyyy!!! :lol: I also want to say that dang those are some rockin' boobs... OMG!!! And here's a little NSV. I even fitted in the Size Small shirt he gave me, even with the implants in!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!   I'm still going to get a second opinion on the knees though. I have another consult at Sono Bello who does strictly liposuction. That is their specialty, on Wednesday morning. I'll see what they have to say.   Source: My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

LilMissDiva Irene

LilMissDiva Irene

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
