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doctor's appointment

So today I went to the dietitian and then the doctor. Went well. The doctor said I have lost 60% of my fat and he wished all his patients lost that much. I was banded July 30th, so it is 10 months ago. He said if I stay at this weight the rest of my life, he will be happy. I want to lose more but don't know how much. I did not have a fill today. I was told I have 1.8 in my band and that was 3 fills. My doctor does slow and it works. I am down 10 pounds since February and he was fine with that. I have bad allergies and so I bought Walgreen's children's liquid and the sugar in it has given me stomach problems. The doctor told me to try swallowing the small pills I have and said the worse thing is I will throw it up. I don't need to see the doctor for 2 months. I feel wonderful about today's visits. :wub: Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Arlene




WLS in other countries

As some of you know I watch tv until the wee hours and sleep late. On Nightline last night was about going out of the country for less expensive surgeries. A company in NC with letters like HSM (can't recall exactly) had two employees who needed surgery. The company sent them to Costa Rica first class all the way. The woman had by pass or sleeve (was not the band) and the man had knee replacement. Plus the company gave them each $2500. for sh*ts. The company felt by sending them to Costa Rica they saved about 1/2 price.   After they showed everything and of course everything came out ok they had on a Harvard lawyer. The lawyer said that if there was a problem there is no mal-practice insurance and how great are the doctors etc. The knee replacement inserts (I'll them) were around $7-9000. and in this country double. They said that is why people go to other countries for surgery.   Just giving Arlene's thoughts and informing others about out of country surgeries. I have seen on this site that some people go to Mexico. There is a weird saying that a person who finishes last place at medical school is still called 'doctor'.




new purchases

I am finally coming into the technology world. I just upgraded my phone to an iphone. While at the AT&T store I saw they sell Fitbits. I have wanted one for a while but they are $100. They had them for $75. and I have balls and asked for it for less and they sold it to me for $50. Another new item I need to learn besides my computer. The salesman said the iphone has an app for the Fitbit. I am on my second laptop in about 8 years and still don't know how to work one. I don't work so I have no excuse for learning technology. Have a great evening all.




food items

I live in the Boston area and we have a famous steak house near by, Ken's Steak House. They make great salad dressings and marinades. Are these available in other parts of the country? I say no and my husband thinks, yes. I use their light Caesar dressing on meat, lamb, pork, shrimp etc. I don't use salad dressing on salad. I buy all their dressing for the family, though. They also make wonderful marinades, like their sesame ginger has zero sodium. I had salmon for dinner with the sesame ginger and my husband had one of their dressings on his salad. Enjoy your weekend.




support groups

tonight I had my support group. They had a sleep doctor and she talked about the different kinds of sleep and how having the surgery does change people sleep. I know I sleep much better and hub said I don't snore anymore. Also, I no longer take 2 hour afternoon naps. Next meeting we are having a tasting party with new products. I will let everyone know about the new items. Then in May is a cooking demo. ​Most people in the crowd have not had any surgery yet. Some couldn't decide what they wanted. So being me and talkative I said the band is the best. One man had bypass a few years ago and loves it and he was with his sister who is scheduled for the sleeve. Another man, no surgery yet, said his brother had the by pass and never smoked. He now is a chain smoker and said the by pass causes addiction. I don't know anything about that. Interesting. I really enjoy the meetings and listening to other people's stories, pros and cons. Do all of you go to your meetings? My hospital is 5 miles from my house, which makes a big difference. I told the director of the office about this site and that she would learn a lot about people's thoughts. Enjoy your evening everyone.




all surgery pros and cons

I have 2 wonderful sons. Roger is the oldest, 38 and Frank is 34. Roger was born chicken breasted. He needed to have surgery to fix his chest at 2 1/2. If it was not fixed he could have had a heart attack by age 10, his heart was not in the right place and he was hunch backed from the chest problems. My husband asked the surgeon about risks (he was head of pediatric surgery at Boston Children's Hospital). The doctor said you can walk across the street and get killed. Since that time when any doctor has recommended surgery my husband don't really think of it. By the time Roger was 5 he had 4 different surgeries. He is perfect! Frank was born slightly chicken breasted but did not need the surgery because his heart was in the right place. So this leads to why I am writing. There are pros and cons to everything. Last week a young man around 24ish had his wisdom teeth pulled and died. You never know when it's your time to go. I love this site and enjoy reading about other's wonderful results, accomplishments and seeing their pictures. I am too computer challenged to put any pictures on, sorry. Writing that the Band is awful because you had a problem is sad but don't knock all of us. A Boston hospital many many years ago did a research drug, turned out to be Merida, I signed up. It worked great for me until I stopped. In the study, in Boston and England they said 2 women had strokes. You know what, I didn't think about quitting because out of the 2500 people they were over 60 and with that many people there is sure to be health issues. ​Let's all think positive thoughts, that we are going to beat Obesity and get healthy and fit. I know I am doing it. By the way I have had about a dozen different surgeries. From a small mole I got MRS. You never know what is going to happen. Have a wonderful evening and super Tuesday-spring has arrived!!!!!! at least in Boston. Arlene




New Food Item

I was rereading my food list for phase 4 and saw Soy Chips. I bought cheddar cheese ones last night at Whole Foods and they are great! They have protein in them. I had some for lunch with some lump crab and loved it. I am always looking for new foods to try. Tonight I am trying for the first time pork. I hope it's not too tough to chew-chew-chew.




my pool is opened for the season

Happy Memorial Day to everyone and thank you to all who have served us to protect us. So today I went dreaded swim suit shopping. My condo has a pool that just opened, too cold in Boston right now but Thursday- Saturday it will be 90 out. I like the 2 piece type, shorts and a top that hangs over. I tried on about 12 tops at JCPenney and about 4 bottoms. The bottoms were great but the tops looked like sh*t. So then I went to Macy's and tried on just 2 there and bought a suit. The bottom is pants with an over skirt, looks great, never tried one on before. The top is the type I like. MIL was very sweet and bought it for me. I usually don't spend a lot on swim suits especially when losing weight but this should fit the whole summer unless I have massive weight loss. The past 2 years I have been buying on line from Swimsuitsforall. Their prices are great and they have a large assortment of styles and sizes. I have even bought cover ups from them. When I looked in the mirror, OMG!, my thighs are so flabby. I told hub, I need a thigh /body lift. I like to wear shorts in the hot summer, too, so he suggested shorts that come to the knees. I don't do carpi, pants at all. I hope you all have a great swim suit buying day of a smaller size with a smile on your face, men, too. Arlene




use a mirror

Why don't people use mirrors? I was getting a manicure on Sunday and a very thin 40ish woman came in. She wore tight print leggings tucked into awful sox with high wedge platform shoes. OMG! she looked awful. I am now watching Price is Right. A woman has on an awful top, skirt, tights and boots and pig tails (for young girls) and she was over weight, which made her look even worse. Mirrors, people, mirrors. I am no fashion maven but I try to look decent. I use many mirrors to try to look my best for the day Time to go have lunch out with some cousins. I had a protein shake so I would not eat the wrong foods so I'll have an iced tea or hot tea. Enjoy your day everyone.




Food Scale

Good evening, At my last support group meeting we got a hand out showing different things to buy. One was a digital scale to weigh food. Is this a necessary purchase? I don't measure, I guess and have the butcher weigh my food raw. Clothes, today I wore my new jeans! Misses size not woman's. It felt great. Have a great week.





Hello, My daughter-in-law had a boy. I guess the men in family only make boys, there are no girls in the family other than the cats and dog. Everyone is great. I think they missed calculated the date by one month. I went for my fill, and got a small one. Since my August appointment I am down 18 more pounds and the doctor was thrilled. So now I am back to stage 3 for 3 days and stage 4 for 3 days. I will lose more weight doing those diets. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.




reply to hair loss

I have been out all day and saw much earlier or yesterday a question about hair loss. At my monthly support group tonight was the rep from Bariatric Advantage. Her name is, Pat, I think. Pat had bypass surgery 10 years ago. She still looks great. About 4 years ago she started to lose her hair. She had a blood test and her Ferritin showed up very low, around 2 and she said it should be around 40ish. She had to have some medical things done to her but her hair is very healthy now. So she said if you have hair loss get tested for this Ferritin. She also said you have to keep up with your annual blood work because people that have WLS do lose some vitamins and minerals and don't know it. Have a great evening everyone. Arlene




a party

Today is my MIL's 90th birthday party, at a Chinese restaurant. Almost every one at the party has not seen me for over 6 months. Nervous does not explain my feelings. I know I am being crazy, but I feel like everyone will look at me and judge what little food I will be putting on my plate. My children and oldest brother have seen me eat and say nothing, it's all the others and they don't know about my new friend, The Band! There is an open bar, I don't drink, even before the band, so that is fine. I have not said anything to anyone even the hub about this. He would tell me I am crazy. ​Thank you for listening. Enjoy your day. The Red Sox are winning right now!!!!!!!!!!!! go SOX.




Can We Talk? About Being Cold

Ok, I am sitting in my house Freezing!! The heat is on high for me, 70. I have on sweat pants, long sleeved 't', sweat shirt and my Ugg boots in the house. My husband told me to wear a hat. No on that one. I also wear a scarf wrapped around me a lot.   ​So are you all cold? I am in Boston, actually a suburb about 10 miles from the city but I did grow up in Boston and went to Boston Public Schools.   Lately I have been eating some bad s**t. Last night I ate a container of chocolate covered pomegranates from Trader Joe's Can't buy those again! I really need to shape up and also move my body. I haven't been to the gym in 3-4 weeks. My husband I and share a car and he has been using it a real lot lately, for good stuff, so I am home alone with my *****, Ruby, the cat. My husband calls her 'Dog" because we were always dog people. We have a cat because we had a mouse and my son had 1 too many cats, they now have 2. Since'Dog' moved in we never saw the mouse or any mice since! My husband loves her except for those long claws that scratch the crap out of you.   Well everyone have a wonderful warm, dry and safe Monday. Arlene




overweight children

I just read on the internet that in MA (I live here) that schools are sending out notices to overweight children. I have a son who has been overweight his whole life and he would have hated that. I did try everything with him, too. He is now 34 1/2 and trying to lose weight by cutting out sugar and diary and he is down 30 plus since November. I am very proud of him. He has been with his wife for 6 1/2 years and she can finally put her arms around him. I think schools sending out notices is going too far. Bring back gym class twice a week. That was taken away years ago.




Telling People

Happy Thursday. My question is-do you tell everyone how you really lost your weight? I have only told a few people other than a few family members. Next week I have the Jewish holidays and my nephews engagement party and I don't know how to answer people. I am thinking of just saying I am dieting with the help of a dietitian. I hate my husband's sister, so she will never know about me. She's a long story and I've been married 42 years and she has been mean to me almost all those years. Today I went to Kohl's and tried on a size 18 misses not womens jeans! They fit and looked good. Tops I still need womens 1x, better than 3x I was wearing. Have a great weekend everyone.




me again

Neil Diamond is at the Red Sox game singing live, Sweet Caroline!!!! This country is great!!! David Ortiz gave a speech and said "this is our f**king city". He was not bleeped.




the dreaded workout

Well I joined the gym December 17th with my husband. We try to go 3-5 times a week. Just got home and must say the 2 of us have improved our work outs. I can now do the bike for 20 minutes. When I started I was at 10 minutes and level 1 and now up to level 4 or 5. I try other machines for the legs and arms. My husband has been very sick and extremely weak and he is enjoying the gym. He once was a work out nut, like 30 something years ago. My husband almost died 15 months ago and is still not good, he collects SSD at age 61. It sucks. The gym is helping him a lot and making him feel better about himself. We only go for about 1/2 hour right now but at least we are moving We live in the Boston area and it's around 10 tonight or maybe colder with the wind chill so you have to do in door exercises. They gym is cheap, $10. per month a person. Best $20. we have spent in years! Enjoy your evening. Arlene




new recipe

Good evening all, ​I had my support meeting tonight and we met our new dietitian. She handed out new recipes and I just tried a great one and needed to share it. Homemade Baked Cheese Crisps (they are great) preheat oven to 350 and put parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Must!! use parchment paper. use shredded cheese and seasonings (I did not use seasoning) and put little lumps of the mixture on the parchment paper, spaced out because the will grow. and spread. (Their words not mine) about a teaspoon of cheese. Now put it on a rack centered in the middle of the oven and bake 5-7 minutes. When they start to turn brown take them out and let them cool. I made mine with a pizza cheese blend and the hub and I loved them Enjoy! You can use cheddar/jack and Ranch dressing to make it a Mexican blend. Add garlic, chili powder.




Eating Too Fast

So I just ate too fast for the first time. Awful!!!!!! I did not throw up. I walked around my house about 10 times until I felt better. I was told walking helps. I never will do that again. I read somewhere on this web site to take your measurements. I finally did this morning after losing 46 lbs. I know by my clothes I have lost a lot. I found somewhere on line the outline of a female body and made copies. I don't know how often to take measurements, does anyone know? Thank you. have a great day everyone.





Just had to share, I made the best dinner tonight. I took my filet and cut it into very small pieces and put it in an Asian sauce. I stir fried pea pods, water chestnuts and almonds with sesame seeds in an different Asian sauce. Then I cooked the filet and added the 2 together and had wild and brown rice. Uncle Ben's has one cup ready to eat, I love them. I keep getting bored with food and this one was a great one. For lunch I had a huge salad and sliced deli turkey. I don't use dressing (never have had it) so I know my lunch was lo cal. ​If I think of other great recipes, I will share them. I do make a great salmon, too. I use the Asian sauce with sesame seeds and make it crispy either on the cook top or in the oven. I love that meal too. I live in Boston so I know my sauces are local.





Good afternoon everyone. tonight on 20/20 they are going to have the People 1/2 their size on. Good program to get inspired! I got inspired this morning, less than one pound to go and I will be under 200. I haven't seen that number in many many years and I am looking forward to it. Enjoy your TGIF, all.




The Shelf

While I was getting dressed this morning my husband said my shelf is gone. He never knew how to tell me how bad it looked. I told him, I knew I had a huge shelf. Not a Kim K. shelf but a platter size one. I have my daughter-in-law's baby shower this morning. I have on a twin set from my fatter days and the sweater buttons and looks great! I am enjoying being thinner. I know that sounds weird but in my old life when I would lose weight I couldn't handle comments. It really bothered me and this time, don't know why, but they don't bother me as much. Have a great day everyone.




ever hear of?

​Good evening all. I was reading an article on Yahoo about a woman who lost 222(?) but not with WLS. It said that there is a National Weight Control Registry. Has anyone ever heard of them? After you have kept off a certain amount of weight for 1 year you can register. Interesting. ​Tonight I had one of my favorite dinners. Large shrimp, pea pods, water chestnuts, a few almonds that I cook together with hoison sauce and another Chinese sauce and put it all onto brown rice. I love that meal. Have a great snow free evening.




Boston is my Home!!

I grew up in Boston, on Comm. Ave. between BU and BC. I went to Boston public schools and I am very proud of being from Boston. I now live about 10 miles south of the city. My good friend works for the Boston Police Dept., 911. He just told me a woman from CA ordered a lot pizzas to be delivered to the head quarters and a person from KY sent fruit. This country is super, if you don't like it, there's the door. My 95 year old mother's nursing home was in lock down yesterday. She doesn't go out, so she wouldn't have known. My mentally challenged brother lives near the nursing home and the chefs and other workers couldn't go make and serve dinner last night. He lives in senior housing. So today when we are all out enjoying our freedom, let's all sing "Sweet Caroline". That was sung at the Boston Common last night by the people that could finally leave their homes and at every Red Sox game. Thanks Neil Diamond for a great song. I know this has nothing to do the weight loss or the band. Arlene



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
