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still unfilled...

Seen the new doctor and he did not want to fill me. He told me losing a 1/2 pound a week was doing well. I don't see it that way!! I have another appt. on Feb 6th and he said if I still feel the same he will fill me. I think I need to be filled I am starting to get hungry all the time and can eat way more than I used to. crossing my fingers




Getting filled again..

It has been a little over 3 months since I was unfilled a cc. I have an appt. on the 29th to have a fill. I have not lost any weight since the unfilling, I have stayed exactly the same weight! I no longer vomit or slime and can eat a variety of foods but not losing any weight! Hopefully this time around things will work out better! Crossing my fingers!




getting unfilled

Well, for over a month now I have not been able to keep anything down! I have been living on coffee and water. Not very healthy, I know, but either the food is getting stuck or I am sliming, or I am vomiting. I can not take this anymore!!! I was filled to 4cc in June and have been having a problem ever since!! I went to the doctor yesterday and he took 1cc out of the band and we will see if that helps. I can not eat any type of protein at all. My hair is starting to fall out and my nails are breaking off. I have been taking my vitamins and calcium chews but that is just not enough. I will write more when I see if this works.




12 days post op

Well, the liquid diet was going fine for the first week. I went out and actually ate dinner and had a few drinks, and all went well. I am not pigging out or anything but I have been eating normal foods with no problems. I am still eating my jello, pudding, and applesauce, but I am having a normal meal a day. I know I was suppose to be on the liquid diet for 2 weeks but I was extremely hungry and I am not in any pain so all must be well. My port site still hurts and wearing a bra is unbearrable!!! I have my first meeting for my post op class tomorrow. I will write more then.




Surgery at last...

Well, I had my surgery on May 24th at Mercy Hospital by Dr. Bonomo. All went well until, recovery! I was in sooooo much pain and the nurses kept saying to breathe. Can you believe that! BREATHE and I'll fell better no more morphine and I'll feel better. The hospital experience was horrible! I got to my room at 12:30pm and I didn't get a work up from the nurses until 5:00pm no vitals, no bed pan, no nothing!! They didn't want to take the time to help me walk so they just wanted to leave the leg pumpies on so I wouldn't get blood clots. My husband was there thank the lord and we got up and walked a couple hours later and he changed my bed pans and had to page them for my pain meds. I will never go to that hospital again, for any operation. It was plain awful. I was very disappointed that the surgeon didn't make rounds the next day and his nurse did. I think that was kind of unprofessional. I mean you pay someone that amount of money you think they would make their own rounds! Anyway, the pain has been awful I am taking my vicodine and ibuprofen and tylenol and I am still in pain! The four small incisions do not hurt it is the big one under my left breast where the port is that is freaking killing me. Oh well, it's done and I have lost 25lbs before the surgery and I am hoping to see a lower number at my first weigh in. I am already soooo sick of this liquid diet. The gas pain has been a little intense, it seems to be settling under my collar bone. Well write more later...




Weekly Meeting....

Went to another weekly meeting, my nutritionist said that since I have been on the liquid diet for 2 weeks now and have to continue with the liquids for 2-3 more weeks that I can incorporate some vegetables since my liver is prob. shrunk already and to go back to liquids about 1 week before surgery and everything should be fine!!! I am loving this liquid diet I am so moody and I am pretty crabby but I think it's getting better!!!





My surgery was scheduled for May 3rd then rescheduled for May 2nd, now I have to wait again!! I am so upset about this but happy to know that my doctor does care about his patients!! I have a sore on my stomach, I cut myself and it got infected!!!! I went to see the doctor yesterday and he cleaned out the cut and packed it with Iodoform and prescribed an antibiotic for 14 days!! I had to cancel my surgery and continue with the liquid diet for another 2 weeks!! He said he just wants to make sure no infection is present when we do the surgery. I have to pack this wound with Iodoform packing strips for a week and take my antibiotics for 2 weeks then see him on May 14th and if there is no infection we will reschedule the surgery then!!! He says he should be able to get me in right away after seeing me on the 14th (fingers crossed)! I am glad that we post poned this surgery because if the infection were to get to the band I would need another surgery to remove the band and possibily get all kinds of infections in my stomach and around the band!! I am glad to know the surgeon does care! He said we could probably get around the infection and do the surgery with no complications but why take the chance. I figure I have waited this long what's 2-3 weeks more!!! :think:( :sick





OK OK I CHEATED!!!! I feel so guilty, I have been on this diet now for 10 days and I have been doing everything I am suppose to be doing and then I got really nervous and started talking about all the stuff I am not going to eat anymore then it happened we went out for dinner and I ordered steak fajitas I didn't eat the beans, rice, sour cream, or guac. but I did eat some steak, green peppers, tomatoes, and of course tortillas!!! I only ate about 1/4 of the meal but I felt so guilty afterwards. I am starting to doubt myself.... Can I really do this?! Am I cursed to being FAT forever?! I am praying for strength!!! 4 days until surgery!!!!




Sleep Apnea Test....

I got a call from the nurse Thursday morning and I was told I needed a sleep study done right away! I had read about almost everyone having the band needing to get one of these done, so I asked every week for about a month or so if I needed to make an appt. for this, they kept saying well he (the doc) didn't order one so no. Now 6 days before my surgery I need a sleep study immediately. So, they connected me to the sleep doc and I had to come in that night at 7:30 to complete this test so I could have my surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I was a little pissed off. I mean I had been asking and now that they remembered I needed one I have to change any plans I had and run to the hospital within 3 hours. I know I need the test to be on the safe side... but I think it was really bad planning on the doctor's office. Anyway, I went for the testing and this was really an experience..... first, I had to use the cpap and the mask left a triangle rash on my face all the way around my nose!!! It stayed for hours! Then he hooked me up to all the wires and glued them in my hair, behind my ears, on my face by my eyes, chin, and ears, also on both my legs and both sides of my chest!! I ask how the hell are you suppose to sleep with all that stuff connected to you, then he asked if I could sleep on my back...something I never do!!! Well, the testing went fine. I woke up with a rash everywhere the glue was placed especially on my chest and behind my ears. And getting the glue out of my hair was great fun... I had to wash my hair 4 times and I think there is still some in there!!! I hope that everything went alright I have an appt. now with the sleep doc in May and he'll let me know how my testing went!! Anyway, I am a little nervous 4 days until surgery!!!




Surgery Rescheduled....

Well, the nurse called today and asked if they could up my surgery date from May 3rd to May 2nd. Of course, I said yes one less day of this diet!!! lol The only problem is that my husband took the 3rd through the 6th off to be with me during and after surgery! Now he doesn't know if he will be able to get the 2nd off. He is going to try and switch the day but my friend will probably take me and he will come up after work!!! I am a little more nervous now and I was really never a big eater mainly pop and coffee was the problem, but now that i know I can't eat I want too. I am so confused it's all in my mind and I have to conquear this.




3 more lbs...

I HAVE LOST 3 MORE LBS!!! I start my liquid diet in 2 days and I hope I will lose at least another 4lbs by my surgery. A nice round number to start from! Went to class today and we learned about lapses and relapses with the lapband, I guess it makes sense just because you put this restraint on doesn't mean that you have dealt with the issues that have made you fat to begin with! I am starting a food journal so that after the banding I can write down everything I put in mouth and make it a little easier to see when I have certain cravings or what is happening in my life that makes me want to eat!





Went and had an echocardiogram and the bitch pushed so hard she left a long bruise on my chest!!!! It was the longest test so far, either she didn't know what she was doing or she was just an idiot!! Then went to the pulmonologist and had those tests done in the little bubble machine!! Well, I think everything went alright at least no calls yet!





Well went to my meeting on Tuesday and of course there was another test they forgot to have me get! I had to get 2 chest x-rays. Not a big deal but when you have other things to do, I had a meeting at 7:00pm and I didn't get out of the hospital until 6:30. I made the meeting 5 minutes late!! Oh well, I guess you take the good with the bad!!   I seen the cardiologist the next day on the 4th of April, the nurse wanted to do an ekg, I told her I just had one done the week before. So, she had to check and that took about 30 minutes then finally I got my exam and the Doctor cleared me for surgery. She said the ekg came back great and her exam everything was normal, so as long as my echocardiogram comes back clean I am ready for surgery!!!! She said she doesn't think there should be anything wrong with the echo so she is sending her approval letter to Dr. Bonomo and will call me if anything comes up. She congratulated me and that was it.   Only 28 days to go!!! Still down only the 8 pounds, but haven't started the liquid diet yet!!! enough venting!!lol




How your BMI is calculated....

Here is the way your BMI is calculated. I think it's pretty interesting myself. There are a few links at the bottom as well if you want some more reading.   --------------- Calculating BMI --------------- Weight pounds ----------------------------- x 703 height (inches) x height (inches)   Here's an excel forumula: =((pounds(inches*inches))*703)   Here's my stats in the formulas:   270.5 ---------- x 703 = 32.9 76 x 76   =((270.5/(76*76))*703)   Now something to bear in mind.   BMI is based on 'averages' for a 'normal' human being. Muscle mass skews the calculations. Here's an example.   I have a friend, he is 5 feet 4 inches tall. He weighs 240 pounds. So that is: ((240/(64*64))*703 = 41.2 Therefor my friend is morbidly obese and qualifies for weight loss surgery.   Now here comes the catch.   My friend has a bodyfat of 6%. He is entirely lean muscle (and terrifying) but this clearly shows that the BMI calculation is flawed.   You should always get a body fat assessment to truly validate your BMI classification!   --------------- BMI Calculator Links ---------------   (Provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control Prevention) http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/...calculator.htm   I also have used: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/




Procedures during Lapband Surgery...

http://www.obesitylapbandsurgery.com/tectec.html   My friend sent this to me and had to keep it!! Very interesting...   And video of the actual surgery   http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...080&q=lap+band




Surgery check list...

Preparing for surgery can be a scary ordeal. Here is a list of items to take with you and to have ready when you get home to make life a little easier during recovery. My friend sent me this list and I think it will be invaluable!!!!   Medicinal:   Liquid Tylenol (they make adult strength) Chewable or liquid gas-x Gauze Pads 4x4 Paper tape Stool Softener Pill cutter Chewable vitamins Benedryl cream (suggested for those who have a slight allergy to gauze tape)   Clothing:   Loose waisted shorts or sweats For the ladies, a sports bra, no under wires Slip-on shoes   Comfort items:   Heating pad Flexible ice pack A few books or movies Pillow for car rides to guard against seatbelt irritation Wet Wipes   Food/Kitchen items:   Protein shakes Flavored water A good blender and/or a drink mixer Broth Sugar free popsicles/jello Kitchen timer ( for the first few days - 15 minute sips intervals) Crystal Light "On the GO" add to bottled water mix Gatorade Bouillon Cream of Wheat Creamy soups Applesauce Yogurt - Dannon Lite N' Fit Ensure, Boost, Glucerna etc Frozen fruits for protein shakes Small pudding cups   Suggested list of things to have done before you leave:   All laundry finished to ensure lots of clean clothes for a while. Having someone who is able to be there for a few days to handle meal prep. Ask at your pre-op for the pain med prescription so you can have it all ready to go when you get home. Get rid of all the foods in the house you are not to eat, before you go to the hospital . Make sure you have lots of fluids to drink afterwards - and for when you go back to work. Buy all the groceries you will need for at least 2 weeks after surgery. Check if your medications are “crushable”.




4 weeks and 3 days to go...

I have 4 weeks and 3 days until my surgery!!!! I have 1 week before I start my practice post-op diet! I have 2 weeks and 3 days before I start my liquid diet!!!! VERY VERY NERVOUS!!!!




6th Meeting...

We had a crash course in healthy cooking! We made some tofu vegetable stir fry! It was alright except for the tofu LOL! I think that tofu is not an option for me, I just can't stand it, I will stick with chicken, turkey, and lean beef! I would have much rather had chicken and vegetable stir fry so I think I will substitute poultry for the tofu!!   The nutritionist is great, she is really trying to help us. I think that some of us just don't get it. Many of us, are going to have a very hard time sticking to the liquid diet and some of them ask these questions like she's gonna say go ahead and eat ice cream and pizza you've got the band you'll be ok. Please!!!   I just hope that everyone is really listening and not just thinking the band is a cure all for their overeating!!! I know that I am still nervous about going on the 2 week liquid diet and then 2 week liquid post-op diet. I think I will be alright following a low fat diet protein - vegetable - fruit but I am still a little nervous!!   Still down 8 pounds!!!





Well, let me start by saying ugh... I went to my appt. at 2:00 pm which I didn't see the doctor until 3:00 then instead of making the 4:00 meeting I had to get a blood test and a EKG then go to the 5:00 meeting! I was at the hospital from 1:30 - 6:30 it was very exhausting, especially since I had to be back there the next day at 1:00 for the appt. with Gilliam.   The appt. with Dr. Gilliam went well, the questions they ask are a little ridiculous! Even if I were crazy I would have more common sense then to answer them wrong. Anyway, he said congrats and good luck with the surgery. I said does that mean I passed, he laughed and said yes, good luck!!   So now I have the cardiologist, stress test, sleep apnea test and I should be done and ready for surgery.   My weight stayed the same~ still down 8 pounds!





I have to be at the hospital on the 20th at 2:00 to meet with the doctor. So I guess I will just stay for the workout class at 3:00 if I am done with the doctors appt. so I guess I will be going to the 4:00 class instead of the 5:00 class so I don't have to go home and come back.   March 20th 2:00pm Doctor's Appt. 3:00pm Exercise Class 4:00pm Lap Band Meeting   March 21st 1:00pm Dr. Gilliam Appt.   Dr. Gilliam called he's the Pysch. Doc. we made my appt. for 1:00 to see if I qualify for the band. I guess to see if I am not crazy or some shit. Anyway, he seems very nice he is usually in the band meetings so I already know who he is. It just seems a little creepy that his office is in the basement. What the hell is that all about!!???!!! The shrink is kept in the basement lol Anyway, I am still a little nervous about the meeting. My weight so far has stayed the same, I did slip a little bit my daughter's b-day I had cake and ice cream but it was the memories of the day not the calories...:rolleyes




My Fourth Meeting....

We learned about managing our food cravings and how to control what we eat. Instead of eating just because you're bored go out and find something else to do... call a friend, play with the kids, take a bath anything just don't eat to eat only eat when you are hungry!!! It was sooo funny because this girl in the class said she always carries something in her purse so when she feels hungry she's got something to snack on. The Dr. was really impressed until she pulled out a Snickers bar... It was classic!!!! Then afterwards, she was talking to another woman who was working on her 2 weeks of full liquids and she pulled out the snickers and started eating it while she was talking, the other woman said you know I think I just have to walk away from you right now... She just couldn't understand why!!! Well, another woman told me about getting optifast at the hospital so I need to check into all of that.   I am sooo happy I lost 1 more pound at weigh in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I even got my 2 friends to start exercising with me and go on a 1200 calorie diet. I hope that will help me after the surgery!!! all for now,




Third Meeting...

I went to my third meeting tonight it was about exercising!!! I still don't know if it was helpful or not! The speaker really didn't hold my interest. I have signed up at a gym, now it's just finding the time to go. At weigh in I didn't gain or lose anything so I guess that's good!! Going to find the time to workout this week and I will try very hard to make it a habit!!!





Ok I am trying some new recipes and hopefully they will be tasty!! I know that are loaded with protein     1) 1¼ hours 5 min prep 6 boneless skinless chicken breasts 2 tablespoons onions, minced 3 tablespoons garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning 1/2 cup soy sauce 2 1/2 teaspoons artificial sweetener, such as Splenda     Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place chicken breasts in a 13x9" baking pan. In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients. Pour over chicken, lifting chicken to let liquid run underneath. Cover dish tightly with foil. Bake one hour.       2) 1 beaten egg 1 (14 ounce) can salmon 10 crushed saltine crackers   Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Form into patties, about 1 inch thick. Grill patties in skillet over medium high heat for about 10 to 15 minutes. Cook on the George Foreman Grill         3) Orange Dreamsicle (28 grams protein)1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (20 grams protein) 1 scoop (individual serving) sugar-free Sunrise Orange Crystal Lightâ powder 8 ounces skim milk Alternatives: substitute 4 ounces orange juice for 4 ounces milk; substitute 4 ounces yogurt for 4 ounces milk; add 1/2 tsp. orange zest to shake.     I hope these work!! lol



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