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What a nightmare !

Hello banders! It's being a nightmare with my band.four month ago everything was fine until I woke up one morning and I feld my port sticking out!!! I called my surgeon and got to the hospital and yeap! The stitches that were holding the port in place come off! The same day I went under General and had it fix.3 weeks wend by and I started to notice that the area around the wound was getting red and here we go again calling the Dr!!!!! . Got to the doctors office and he said that I had a very bad infected area were the port is located and that my body was rejecting the port .. The same day went under again and had my port Removed. My doctor told me that I needed to wait 6 month to have a port Replaced. A week later my. Wound started to turnd red again and had Higth temperature.went to the Doctor and had a Endoscopy done to see if the band was fine,But nop it was not. I was very nervous because he said my band is completely Eroded in to my stomach and has of now I'm waiting for an appointment to have the band Remove. My dr told me that 89% of the bands have to be Remove in some point.now I'm Home with a 27 millimeters size open wound that it can not be stitch back because of the infected Area of the port. I have to be cleaning the wound 3 times a day to prevent more infection. It is just not fun at all. I'm taking 2 thousand milligrams of antibiotics per day until surgery day. Please I need support .

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez


Omg This Pain

Hola banders,let me tell you a little bit about my surgery ,the day of my surgery ,my surgeon discover that I have a enlarge liver ,my surgery was a little difficult due to the size of the liver,but he was able to place the lap band .now I'm feeling pain were the port is located ,when I swallow even when I chew my food really well I feel I'm chocking and I have to stop eating .then that horrible pain start under my rib cage on my right side .has any body had this experience ?

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez


Doctors Order!!!!!!!

Hello banders ...so after the horrible pain that I was feeling on my right side on my chest and on the center of my chest ,I talked to my doctor and he recommended to continiu with liquid diet ,this will be my # 3 week on this diet ,he said that my stomach was not ready for even baby food ! I will see my surgeon for suture removal next week and we will see what happen.bless you all.

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez



Help banders had surgery 4 days ago and I can't do # 2 beside that I have so much Gus and i can,t let it out any advice?

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez


For Women's Only

Im very surprised that no one have asked this question ,have any of you women's had your period during or before surgery? I'm having my surgery done this Friday and I just had my period .

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez


Pregunta Para Mujeres

Hola amigas .mi cirujia es este viernes 6 ,mi periodo me llego ahora,alguien de ustedes a tenido su regla Durante la cirujia ? Estoy preocupada por favor ayudenme!!!!!!!!!

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez


Pre Liquid Diet

hello banders i"m hopping that somebody can help me ,besides the protein shakes, can i eat food?i'm in my first day of liquid diet and i'm so hungry can i eat some vegetables with the protein shakes?

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez


Amigos Y Amigas Lapband En Espanol

P Amigas .mi opera cion sera muy pronto ,no pudo career que al fin de tanto sacrificio al fin pude pagar para ponerme la lapband .sueno con Poder ponerme Esos jeans size 8 que tengo guardados en mi closet.feliz ano Nuevo y que viva la lap band.

Yanet Lopez

Yanet Lopez

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