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Staying the Course

I had to go to the gym today due to the snow we had yesterday. It seems kind of unreal. I can't believe that we have snow in October. It definately was one for the record book. Back to this journey.....I am 15 months out from my surgery. Around 10 months, I hit a plateau. I really couldn't afford to go in to get another fill at that time. Therefore, I tried all kinds of strategies to get pass this plateau. However, I was stuck within the same 2 pound. Before the lapband, I would have given up very easily. However, I did not do it this time. I stayed the course and kept working at moving toward my goal. If you are beginning your life with a lapband, just remember to keep focused and stay the course. I know that I was so frustrated at the beginning (first 6 weeks). I felt that my weight loss was not ever going to get started. I made up my mind at that point that I would always think of this as a life time journey. If I ever felt that I was losing focus, I would strive to get myself back on board. I would keep at it. I am not near my goal. I have loss 68 lbs so far. I want to lose another 60 lbs. and I will do it. I was relieved to get back on track. I was able to get a fill at the end of September. It was too tight. I had to go back in and have a small amount removed. I am back on my way. I have been going into the gym faithfully for the past 6 weeks. This has been a great adventure. I use to always put off doing exercise. I just don't like it. This time I am treating it as my job. I make no excuses not to show up for my job. If I missed it, I must make it up. My attitude toward exercise is slowly......... changing. I can go in totally stressed. After exercising, I come out with my "happy" hormones released. We have made it into a family adventure. My son an d daughter both have started to go with my husband and me. I am blessed that my husband is a wonderful fitness expert so I feel like I have my own personal trainer. I had a wow moment today after leaving the gym. My husband and I went to the grocery store. Wow...my grocery cart looks so different these days. My husband and I are making a conscience effort to not eat processed food. I can't say that we are done with it all. However, the only thing in my cart today was all fresh foods except for a bag of sweet potato fries. Again, this has been a gradual change. It is not something that I did after getting my lapband. I mean seriously...I work about 50 hours average a week and have to run my children to their activities. So, it has taken me some time to make these changes. I am having fun cooking from scratch. I have turned it into an adventure...finding healthy recipes that are healthy, taste great, and my family will enjoy them. Good luck to all of you just beginning your journey!




Wow....one year!

I can't believe that tomorrow it will be 1 year since I have had my surgery. I am so thankful that I made the decision to do the lapband. I can't say that it has all been easy. In the past 6 months, I have only loss an additional 10 pounds for a total of 65 lbs. However, I have to be honest. I am a work in progress. The lapband is a tool. "I" and "I" alone must make the decisions that affect my body. I am doing great with the diet part of this journey. It is the exercise that has been more of a challedge. I could give you a thousand excuses...my husband has been working the last year out of town, I worked full time and had to run my 4 children to all of their activities....however....I have realized....these are just excuses. No matter what, it is my responsibility to get up and out to exercise. Truthfully, I could "make" the time. It is really about being honest with yourself and doing what you need to do. This is not an easy fix. I do not think any of these weight loss surgeries would qualify as an easy fix. Most of us who have issues with weight must find out what issues truly drive us to gain weight. Only then...can we be truly successful. That has been the biggest part of my experience this past year. I have restarted my focus on exercise. "I" will not allow any excuses.   What tips do I have for those who dread exercise such as me... 1. Find an activity that you enjoy. I walk/jog (barely a jog) because I enjoy being outside. I have a hard time with the treadmill. However, it does great when there is bad weather outside. 2. I lay out my workout clothes the night before. I put them on first thing in the morning. It is a contant reminder until I finish my exercising. I also know that for me....if, I don't do my exercise in the morning, I could tend to put it off later in the evening. 3. Get an MP3 with upbeat music to help keep you moving. 4. Try new things...I am signed up for Kayaking lessons....keep you posted on that one (LOL). 5. Know that YOU are worth it!   Good luck to all of the new bandsters as you embark down this road!




Plateau.....time to persevere

I am now 8 months out. It has been a frustrating month. I hit a plateau and I feel like the scale will never move. This month has been so stressful. I have gone out of town 3 times with my job. It is so hard to eat on the road. I have focused on getting my protein. Thankfully, the hotel has options of eggs for breakfast. I just hate it when it feels like you are doing everything right but you don't feel like you can see the results. It also stinks because I know part of it has to do with age as well. I read enough to know that your metabolism does slow down as you get older. In my mind, I am in my late 20's or early thirties. Although, my body knows the truth...I am in my forties. I leave to go out of town again tomorrow. When I return, I am helping to plan a state conference. I know that will be more stress as it gets closer. I am just trying to keep my mind calm and focused....taking it one day at a time. On this last trip, I had something get stuck when we were having dinner. My coworkers do not know that I had the lapband as I only shared with a few of my closest co workers. I know they thought I had an "upset" stomach as I had to excuse myself several times during dinner. And of course....I was the chair up against the wall and 2 of my coworkers had to keep moving their chair to let me out. Ahhhhh However, as I always try to keep my glass half full.....I will stay the course and keep focused. I will beat this plateau and not get discouraged and give up on the band or myself. I am worth it. I realized today when my daughter ordered the lite lemonade instead of a soda that she really does look to me as her role model. If that isn't enough to keep me going...nothing is!!!! Time to persevere!!!   Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain. ~Author Unknown        




Emotional eater

Wow...at the end of this month it will be 8 months. I continue to learn about my relationship with food. I am such an emotional eater. I have alwayed look to food for comfort when stress, a reward when looking to celebrate, and a reason to socialize. Needless to say, it has taken a lot of time to reteach this old dog new tricks. However, I can say that I am truly learning.




All About Me Time Begins

I am so excited. I have spent the last few month (like since October) running my four children to all of their winter sports. I am officially done! Don't get me wrong, I love my children dearly. I just was finding it hard to fit in my exercise. So what did I do...I went out and bought myself a bike. I didn't know if I could still even ride a bike. I mean I have not been on a bike since I was about 11 years old. That is the age of my youngest children (twins). I bought a really decent priced steel frame one from Walmart. I wanted it to hold me, and I didn't want to spend a lot of money just in case I couldn't ride it. It is an old retro looking bike that you push back on the pedals to brake. I didn't want the brakes on the handle bars for fear of flying over them. LOL It was so hilarious and so much fun. My children all came out to watch their mom ride up and down the road. They have never seen me on a bike before. They clapped and cheered. Wow....what a sight to be seen. haha They thought it was especially funny to see me stop the bike to turn around. Let just say...I need a little more getting getting use to it and leave it at that. Today we start going to the YMCA. I am going to swim and attend a zumba class. I will ride my bike again tomorrow. I need a variety to keep it interesting and fun for me. You know what they say.. variety is the spice of life. So...it is all about me and my exercise to help keep this weight loss moving forward. To think that a year ago, I could even walk a half a mile without being totally and utterly exhausted for the day.




Finding Time

I am officially six months out from surgery and down 55 lbs. I have been stuck at the loss for about 3 weeks. I know that I need to exercise. I am just trying to find the time...I know that is a tired excuse. However, when I look at my days, I truly wonder...where to find the time. I am doing the blog during my late lunch. I get up at 6:00 to cook breakfast before sending my children off to school. I work from 7:00 to 3:00. At 3:00, I start dinner for my twins who just started middle school. They eat, do a little homework before going out the door to take my daughter to swimming and my son to wrestling. Then, I pick up the 2 high school students and run them home to eat. By this time we are looking at 6 to 6:30 ish. I make sure they have dinner before going back out the door to pick up the 2 middle school students again. When that is all said and done...I am home by 8 in the evening...minus the nights that the 2 in high school have their swim meet or wrestling match. Then, comes the weekend..swim meet on Saturday and wrestling on Sunday for the youth sports. Of course this is in addition to all of the house work and cleaning. I quess I can just say.....I can't wait until the winter sport season is over. We are all going to take a break and just go to the YMCA together. I know I could get up in the morning. However, I get up twice during the night to put wood on the fire that heats our home....especially after last months $500 electric bill (used the electric heat instead of wood...big mistake). However, I do have so much to be thankful for.....we had a snow day. I went to bed at 7:30. I woke up to find that my children had cleaned the downstairs. It was spotless. There was not one dirty dish left in the sink. Now anyone with children knows that is a true miracle. As they see how busy I am, they have all really stepped up to the plate to help out. My husband who has been working out of town....is coming home this weekend. Yeah!!!!! He is always so appreciative and does everything when he is home. And....I feel better than I have felt in years. It amazes me how much more energy I have with the 55 lb weight loss. I cannot imagine if my husband had to work out of town before my lapband. I don't think I could have done what I have this winter. Oh well.....I am thankful for this blog. Instead of rewarding myself with food ....for all of my hard work. I just vented and feel so much better!!!!!




A Year of Change

Wow...what a difference a year makes! Last year my first appointment with the bariatric doctor was in January. I was banded at the end of July. As a reflect back on this past year, I am so happy with my decision to have the lapband. Trust me when I say...I did question it for a few days after the surgery when I had to do that all liguid diet. However, once I was able to get to mushy and real food....I fell in love with it! 2010 was a year when I finally started to take time for me. I didn't tell anyone about my decision to get the lapband until it was about a month before my surgery. However, I was fortunate that everyone was so supportive. As I look ahead...there are still a few things that I can do better. I do so much better when I document how many grams of protein, calories, dietary habits, and exercise. I have slacked off a little this past month with documenting and have found myself at a stand still with my weight loss. Therefore, I will put that journal out and begin to refocus on what has contributed to my success this far. That is what I enjoy about this journey. It is never an end. You find that the weight loss has stopped...you can take the time to stop and really take a good look at what you are doing right and what needs to be changed. It is not just a "New" year resolution. I think that many of us realize that this journey is about so much more than food and diets. It is about relationships....relationships with food...relationships with others...and most importantly....our relationship with our selves. We all need to realize and truly believe that we are worth it! Here is to wishing each and every one of you a wonderful New Year and much success!    





I am so excited to finally have some energy. I know when I began this journey five months ago I couldn't walk 1/2 mile back the road without being completely and utterly exhausted. I could do little else that day. I am now down the official 50 lbs and can walk 3 miles rather easily. The biggest difference is my energy level. I love having the energy not only to exercise but to keep on going...cleaning the house...shopping....taking my 4 children to their numerous sport activities...helping out my dad or mother in law. I feel like I can do it all. Before the lapband, I was so exhausted all of the time. I can't wait until I lose another 50 lbs. I truly will feel like the energizer bunny! I went to visit my sister over the Christmas holiday. Before, I would try to help out in the kitchen but would need to sit down due to my back hurting or just feeling plain tired. This trip, I cooked breakfast every morning for all 12 people (needless to say my sister was thrilled) . I was able to stay in the kitchen and help with every meal without needing to sit down. It was such a wonderful experience. My sister could see a huge difference in my "looks". However, she was much happier to see the difference in my ability to do the things that I wanted to do. That is called living and not just being a passive observer. That is something that I want to do...live and make memories!!!! I am loving my lapband!




Learning Again

As so many of us mention on this site, it is a journey. You must stay focused and really listen to your body. As many of you know, I had a second fill and had found it very difficult the first several days to keep anything down. However, I did manage to get it all figured out. I must eat the bites SUPER small. I need to eat super slow. That means I must take a small bite, chew it 30 times, and then wait a while until my next bite. I warned my family that it will take me a lot longer to eat a meal with them. Also, I need to make sure when I introduce a new food to proceed even slower to ensure that I am able to eat it. Prior to my second fill I could eat bread. However, I was pretty much staying away from most carbs. So, it has not been too difficult giving that up entirely. The funny thing through all of this is that my weight has maintained and not gone down. I truly feel it is because I wasn't getting enough calories. My doctor did say that this could happen. However, I must stay the course and keep on walking and journaling my protein and food. :smile2:




Hard to Keep Food Down Ater Second Fill

Okay....it has been hard to keep food down after my second fill. I tried to eat some chicken for lunch. I could eat this before. I chewed and chewed and it hurt so bad and came right back up! Yuck! So, I had a little chicken salad with it ground up real fine. I could eat and keep this down. I tried to eat some chili that I made. Again, it was difficult to keep it down. :cursing: I think I now understand why my doctor told me to take it slow and easy. I thought that just meant to slow down and chew. No, he meant you may not be able to eat some things that you could a few days ago. In fact last week I posted that I could eat anything. That has changed a lot this week. I wonder how much of this is normal. ??? I can drink things just fine. It just takes me a lot longer. How do you know when a fill is just too much? Anyone know or have advice? I was thinking of giving it a week to see how things go as I "slow things down a bit" and if I am still getting sick from eating things call my doctor.




Second Fill...what a difference

Yesterday, I finally got my second fill. I am 3 month and 1 week post op. Wow...what a difference. I can only eat a few bites and I feel full. I know that my doctor stated that he wanted me to consume only about a 1/2 cup. Trust me when I say...I could have consumed that x 4 but chose not too so that I could lose weight (40 lbs so far). However, I still was getting hungry and had to really stay focused on my journey. I am hopeful that maybe this is the elusive sweet spot that everyone talks about...I'll keep you posted. Yeah...to feeling full easily!




Life is Changing

On Thursday, I must drive an hour and a half one way to go into my office. I leave my house at 5:30 in the morning and return around 12 hours later. It makes for a long day. Prior to my lapband I would always stop and eat on the way home. I think some of it was stress release. However, I would also pick some kind of junk up for my kids. As I was driving today, I realized that since I have had my lapband, I have not stopped. Not only does this benefit me, but it benefits my children. All of my boys take after my husband's side of the family. They are tall and very fit. However, my daughter of course has inherited my side of the families traits. This change is a huge benefit to her as well as me. I am also blessed to have a very supportive and health conscious husband who encouraged our children to be healthy from the beginning. Now that I have my lapband, I have found that it is so much easier for me to be a wonderful role model for good health as well. This is truly a blessing that I am so thankful for everyday! :smile2:




The Scale FINALLY Moved

I hate it when the scale appears to be broken and will not move. :eek:You know that you are working so hard yet it refuses to budge one ounce. I went almost an entire week. Ahhhh Finally, I decided to look at everything I was eating. There really was no problem there. So, I decided to switch up my walking. First, I measured it in my van so that I would know how far I was walking. It measured 3.8 mile (or so I thought). Only to find out that I measured in Kilometer. :rolleyes:I couldn't believe that. It sure felt close to 4 miles when I walked it. However, I found that taking the new walking route with "lots" of hills really made a difference and jump started my weigh loss again. Yesterday, I was down 1.4 pound and another pound today. Wow! I will take that! I think for some reason my body was just holding on to it and suddenly.....I was able to get it off. It just goes to show that we just have to perservere and not give up!:thumbup:




Thankful for this Site!

I am so thankful for this site. I have found it to be more supportive than my support group meetings. Don't get me wrong the people at the meetings are wonderful. However, I feel it is more geared toward the people who have had gastic bypass. Also, it is only once a month. This site really helps me stay focused. If I do have a day that is off....I just click on this site and read other posts. It keep me encourage to not get discouraged if the scale appears stuck.....as it has been for the past 5 days. I stay focused and keep working with the band. I highly recommend it! :frown:




Happy Thoughts

I was so excited yesterday that the scale finally budged past the last .2 pounds to make my official weight loss pass the 30 lbs. In fact I was floored that it was 1.2 pounds for an official weight loss of 31 lbs. Then, I went for my daily walk with my 11 year old twins. As we were walking, I realized how much they open up on these walks. I found out more than you can imagine about their school day. Believe me...I ask them everyday.."How was school today?" and get the "fine" response. On our walks, I found out about a reading test they both took and the little girl who likes my little boy. He wondered if 6th grade was just too young to have a girl friend. LOL :thumbup: I treasue this time. It all started when I started this lapband journey. There are so many things beyond the weight loss that have resulted due to the band! I just beam from the inside out!




The Big Event..My First Fill

Whew....it is finally over..my first fill. It was not nearly as bad as I had envisioned. However, I was greatly surprised by the size of the needle. My Dr. was really sweet and he was telling me exactly what he was going to do. I really appreciated that until....he felt the need to show me that long needle.:smile: He could have skipped that part and I would have been just fine. He put 3 cc's in my band. It was not bad at all. It was much easier than getting a shot. Now I am hopeful that I will not find myself getting hungry. He stated that I should be eating 1/2 cup at a meal. That seems like such a small amount. How do we get enough calories to keep from going into starvation mode? I wished I would have asked him that question. However, if anyone has the answer please let me know. :thumbup:




Great Day!

I woke up today around 5:00 and couldn't fall back to sleep. I laid there for a while and decided instead of wasting my time I would get up and do my walk. It was absolutely beautiful. I live on an old mill in Pennsylvania with a red covered bridge at the edge of our property. I started my walk at 6:15. I was able to enjoy watching the sun come up. A huge deer ran across the road into the corn field.It just seemed like the world was waking up and I was a part of it. I couldn't believe how great I felt. :wink:I just passed my 6 week mark. I am down 26 lbs. Before I had my surgery, I really had to push myself to walk a half mile. It was so exhausting. It was almost impossible to finish. Today when I was walking my 2 miles...as my mother-in-law would say...I was clipping right along. I would not have thought this to be possible before. I just felt so alive! :wink:




Nervous About First Fill

Hi, all! I am scheduled to have my first fill on September 14th. I have no idea what to expect and I am a little nervous. What do they do? What should I expect? Are there any special things that you must do after a fill? Does it hurt? I had my surgery on July 28th. I am sticking to 3 meals a day. Although.....I get soooooo hungry between meals. I try to act like I am full. Or....I drink lots of water to try to make myself feel full. I was not expecting this to happen. Any info on this would be very much appreciated! :confused:



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