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Feeling crummy. Achy head, shoulders and stomach. Body is bloated and sore, stupid TOM:glare:. I'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow and just veg-out and get the body up and running proper again. Haven't been sleeping to well this week. I can get to sleep, just can't stay there. Oh well...can't wait until work shift is over...just 2 more hours and I can relax. Have a good nite everyone! Tina





This blogging is a new thing to me, but I was sitting here thinking that it could be good for me to at least put things into words. Well...here goes>>:closedeyes: The whole month of July has been difficult. On the 12th my surgeon said that he didn't want to give me a fill and to wait 4wks. Wanted me to get back to basics of watching how/what I eat and pick up the exercise. I agreed and began to do that again (although I never stopped journaling my food intake). MY problem is that I've had this underlying sadness all month:crying:. Tears, not motivated to excercise or go to work and an almost freaky need to clean EVERYTHING!! I've been tearing apart rooms of the house and detail cleaning (sometimes w/the tears). I'm scaring the bf. I just can't seem to get myself to my regular doc tho... I don't want another clinic/hosp bill to pay. I'm hoping that I can hang in there till August and get a fill. A couple pounds lost this month, but not as much as I think the doc wanted. We'll see.... Tina





I'm down another pound! This just thrills me to no end! The bad news is....I'M STILL HUNGRY!! :smile: I've upped my protein intake, but it seems like I need to eat about every 3 hours. So I've been snacking on grapes or a meal replacement bar. Well...something kicked in as far as the weight dropping off again. I dunno if Doc's advice (no fill last month and calorie counts) worked or if my body just figger'd it's time to dump again...either way... YAY ME!!:tt2: Started shopping for my "gym" accessories. Found 2ft x 2ft rubber interlocking mats (6 for $19) to put on the floor of the basement and thinking of the style of elliptical I want. Right now getting basement organized is a work-out in itself!! LOL:tt2: Can't wait until Monday for my check-up. I sooooo need that fill! Hugs to ya all! Tina




Rest and relaxation

Hey all! Haven't posted in awhile. Been busy with work, then a mini vacation:w00t:! Anything away from work is a vacation:wink2:. I've been spending quality time with the BF:tt1:. Saw the surgeon yesterday, and things are well and good. Only 1lb down since I saw him last month, but that also means no gain!:wink: No fill this time and I totally agree. I've been having equal amounts of loose fit/tight fit feelings. He wants to wait 4wks and see how things go. I personally think I'm eating too fast again causing the urps and pain. He agrees. I'll learn slow but sure. Even getting stuck is good (but painful), because I'm learning my band and how it should feel. Well...not much else to share...oh yeah:blush: *slaps forehead* My 6 month bandiversary was on 9/5/10:thumbup: Hugs to all! Tina




Random Odd Thoughts...

2 things keep popping into my head at odd times....:glare: #1) Why does it seem that I spend more $$ on groceries now then before I had surgery and BF became diabetic??? #2) Why can't I find a bra that fits?? These two subjects keep running marathons in my brain. It's so annoying!! #1>> My theory is that now that we have to watch carbs and sugar, we end up getting more expensive breads, pastas etc. Although we absolutely LOVE Dreamfields Pasta:tt1:. It was created for diabetics so it's darn near perfect! But again...pricey. #2>> When the "hoots" were bigger I never seemed to have much of a problem supporting them, but now that they are smaller ...PFFFTT:tongue2: nothing wants to fit properly. I'm about ready to burn the bras I have left.... Enuff of the randomness...LOL:laugh: Nite all! Tina




Pizza and Subs and Chocolate...oh my!!!

Hey friends! :tt2: This week at work has been interesting. Some evil person keeps bringing in junk food to "share" with everyone.:wink2: I think it's nice, but I do wish they would consider others that shouldn't /can't have that stuff. It seems the further along in my banding, the easier it is to slack from proper eating. My mind flips to "diet" mode and looks in the mirror and says...."You look fine, why keep watching what you eat?" I hate it when my brain does that. I've had that problem for years. I lose a few pounds and then think "pffft:tt2: you're ok." I know reality is that I did this because I was physically ill and I don't want to be that again! I need to kick it into gear, stop being a butthead and do what needs to be done!!!!:thumbup: I WILL SUCCEED!! Down with chocolate!....ohhh wait...scratch that:blush: (a small bit now and again is ok:wink2:) Hugs and good thoughts! Tina




Hey look! Entry #2!

I really don't want to be at work today (which is where I am). That said I'll deal w/it..... Gained 2lbs yesterday. I just can't seem to get below 190lbs. It's getting discouraging. I really need to up my exercise to get past it, but I never seem to have the time. I can't use "no energy" as an excuse, because I'm fine in that department. I don't want to spend the $$ for a gym, no room in my house for a treadmill/bench or even work out to a video. Since I walk so much for my job, my body is just too used to that way of exercise (even when I used weights). I dunno...kinda out of ideas. 1 more wk till I see surgeon so hopefully I can get to that 189lb mark at least. I think I may go against his wishes and use liquids/soft foods to control my intake and portions. Time will tell (a week to be exact). :closedeyes:




Happiness is a warm puppy!

....and knowing that I've done something good for me:tt1:! I've said this before and I'm gonna say it again: if I don't lose another pound, the surgery was still worth it! I'm no longer pre-diabetic, have elevated blood pressure or edema, I've learned how to eat properly and my self-esteem is awsome! Like anyone else I have my downs too (which is why I started blogging), but the good things happen much more often now!!:w00t: Everyday is a challenge I'm willing to take head on! Someone at work the other day said to me, "Lemme look at you. I don't know what it is about you?! You're just so damn cute! You just shine!":laugh: Made my day! I love knowing that my positive well being is showing that much! And thank you all too, for being out there and giving advice when needed! Blogging really helped to get me out of my slump of sadness.:biggrin: I highly recommend it:wink2: (cheap therapy). Have a wonderful weekend! Tina




Feelin' groovy...

Ok...not really! But feelin' not too bad :wink2:. Saw the surgeon and wouldn'tcha know it...put on 3lbs of water weight :glare:..*mumbles* freakin' tom.....Oh well, he's happy with things anyway and gave me another small fill. I can feel pressure and a bit of sorness (I bruise easy anyway) so I know it's tighter for now. We discussed calories, exersize and how he wants me to be able to comfortably eat breads/pasta, not that I should eat them all the time:laugh:. It's nice to know that he wants me to be able to eat just about anything and this is a tool to help me control the amounts. I feel bad that some people are stuck having liquids for a couple days after a fill. I don't have to. I'm feeling spoiled in that area! All in all, a good appointment! Can't wait to see if I'm down lbs in another 4wks when I see him again!:w00t: Have a good day! Tina





Hey....it's been quite a few days since I last posted. Feeling better now, so thank you for the well wishes:smile2:. I'm @ work and ssdd (same sh**, different day). Frustrating, but I'll leave it at that:mellow: My weight has gone up a couple pounds. Can't seem to get past this lull even with my last fill. I keep busy, keep exercising and watching food intake (even watching my liquid calories...yeah I know...not supposed to have them :thumbup::tt2:). Other then just short of working out every spare minute, I'm kinda at a loss of what to do. I'm just going to take it as it comes. Small losses, small gains....:wink2: Tina





Hey all. I've been working on eating slower and smaller bites. Watching the calories a bit closer too, but I've gained 5.8lbs in the last couple weeks:smile2:. I don't know what's going on. I can't get past 190lbs and it's driving me nuts:thumbup:! Don't get me wrong, I still am proud of not gaining a huge amount back. I just need to figure out why the body is fighting this. :thumbup: I'm kinda at a loss as to what to do just short of exercising every spare moment.:thumbup: Any ideas are welcomed! Hope things are well with everyone! Tina





Hey all...it's been a rough couple weeks at work. Tonight I was called into work to cover someone who was covering another someone's shift. :huh2: Yeah...:glare: This makes only 2 full days off (not in a row) in 2 weeks. I'm getting burned out (I work as a phlebotomist in a hospital lab). I haven't had a real vacation since last year. Can't count the 10 days or so I took off in March to have my surgery. I may be whining, but I really need to!! I'm trying to bring myself to email my boss and supervisor to give them my opinion on a certain employee that keeps dumping shifts (yes...that's who I'm working for tonight). I have a rough draft letter started, but considering financial problems hospital is having...do I risk pissing someone off??:sleep: It's crummy...I like my job and need my job, but dammit! I dunno...just tired of the same ole same ole....but isn't everyone??:scared2: Hugs Tina




An idea...

First I just want to thank you Marw for commenting:blush: and on the last one you gave me an idea! I think my next couple days off of work, I'm going to clean out a spot in my basement, take an old dvd/vcr player/tv, check into an elliptical and make a little workout area!!:closedeyes: I think it could work (only if I can get rid of the stuff I'm piling up down there LOL). Today is hopefully going to be a good one, I got some sleep and feel kinda good so far Have a good day!





Today is a good day!:w00t: I'm down 1.5lbs this week. Good thing too, cuz I see the doc on Monday! :laugh: I'm going to ask him for a small fill this time. I've been crazy hungry the last couple weeks, but mostly yesterday. It lasted all day:thumbdown: I'm talking MAJOR muchies! Think my "blues" were due to PMS. They're not so bad this week. I seem to have my old PMS symtoms back (hunger, crabbiness, sadness, bloating). Haven't had those in years. I'm thinking the weight change is playing games with the hormones!!:cool: I'm still doing what doc asked of me tho, counting calories and journaling my food/water (back to basics). I start tomorrow on that new "gym" downstairs!!:mad: Maybe hit a couple garage sales to see what's out there for exercise stuff! Yeah, yeah..I know...just more junk for me to pile up in basement!! LOL Have an awsome day!!:mad:



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