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I ate some food tonight

First of all, if you haven't seen the movie, PRECIOUS, go see it right away. It is very intense but it was amazing. I cried, I screamed, I had flashbacks, my husband tried to rush the screen...amazing film!   Anyway, I spent most of my day running around getting last-minute stuff for my trip to Canada, seeing the movie, getting my watch fixed and picking out Xmas rings with my husband (they are so gorgeous! I can't wait to open them on Christmas!) before meeting my niece at a crazy theme restaurant for her birthday dinner that I forgot to eat.   Yeah I said it. I forgot to eat...just like that "special-kind-of-stupid" girl I read about in a joke email once.   So, by the time we hit the restaurant at 8, I was starving and they had no soup. (Did I mention it was a theme restaurant with an overpriced and very limited menu). I decided to eat food--real food so I ordered the mushiest thing on the menu--scallops and mashed potatoes.   It came with the salad bar so I ate two beets, cut small and chew, chew chewed. Then I had a couple of spoonfuls of spinach dip, 2 shrimp, and potato salad. I also ate 3 scallops and 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes with a couple bites of cooked asparagus. I feel comfortably full, but fine.   Tomorrow is my 2-wk post-op visit. I hope I didn't screw everything up but I was hungry enough to risk it.




Fill Worked

I can definitely feel a difference when I eat now. I just finished my kiddo's breakfast (about three mini pancakes, a bite of egg and a couple of blueberries) and I am stuffed.   I started exercising yesterday. I wanted to go to the gym but didn't want to deal with packing a bag and hunting down my membership card. I just went for a walk instead. My once-broken ankle does not appreciate that.   I also got food stuck last night and it was definitely chewed properly first. Now, I know what everyone meant by "slime" ew!   In the meantime, I am going to snuggle up with my sick toddler on the sofa. We are watching big snow fall in Texas. That is always a beautiful site because it is so rare.




Peanut Buttah Puddin' Time!

Guess what? It's midnight. Time for full liquids. Look out pudding, here I come!   But someone please help me figure this out. My doctor's list includes oatmeal, etc. in the Full Liquids list. From there, I go straight to real food on January 8. So am I correct in assuming that my full liquids stage is the same as the mushy stage?




Pain and Workouts (which are usually together but in this case, are not)

I was in more pain today than I had been all week. Maybe it's because I cut down on the pain meds. Either way, I was very tired all day. Luckily my son cooperated and I got a 2 hour nap.   My son also wanted to go to the gym today but I just wasn't up for it. I am wondering how long it took for other banders to start working out post-op. I have done some walking but that's about it.   I am also very interested in this ab circle thingy. Has anyone tried it? How did you like it and did you see results?




Grandmamma Drama

I had my first big stress test today. From one family grandma drama to another family grandma drama to a flat tire and two 2-hour drives, I was faced with my first real stressed test since band placement. These type of days would nearly always end up as binge days but this time, I had to find new ways to cope that didn't include cookies, cake, pie and a binge run to various fast-food joints.   I passed the test.   The worst thing I did today was put a little extra queso on some refried beans at a Christmas party dinner and have half a bite of cake from my husband's plate. Maybe I ate a couple more spoonfuls of beans than I should have. Maybe I shouldn't have been eating beans or cake at all. But I am really proud of myself and thankful that I had the band to keep me under control.




PROUDLY ending a good day on Preop Diet

Well, I am 3 days in and I am getting the hang of it. I had a great day keeping good foods in my mouth and a spirit of movement in my body. I chose a family activity that involved a lot of walking outdoors and stayed under budget for all of my food requirements.   Now, I am going to take the advice of a friend who recommended that I read this book: The Gabriel Method. I downloaded it to my phone and I can't wait to read it.   I am really proud of myself for today!   Toot Toot!   (That's the sound of my own horn)




Food Depression

Day four had kicked my butt a little though I made it under calorie and fat budget anyway. From sugar and fat withdrawal to losing my tried-and-true feelings buffer, my mood and energy level dropped straight down to the ground. I woke up with a headache and feeling cranky. I spent the rest of the day that way. I am very tired, even though I hung out on the sofa for most of the evening. I gave in at some point and had a BK veggie burger but luckily, it didn't put me over my limits.   Anyone who says this is cheating, can kiss my fatt ass.   The bright spot in my day was my son, who gave me lots of hugs and kisses even though I spent a large part of the morning fussing around him. Even my husband is trying to stay out of my way. It is probably safer for him to do so :cool2: Grrrrrrowl!   I also had a chance to read more of The Gabriel Method and using the visualizations and relaxation techniques in the book are helping.




Throwing in the towel

I had my preop exam scheduled today and made plans with hubs to come home early and take care of our kiddo. He was late very late and I nearly had to reschedule my entire Monday surgery because the doctor won't be in the office for the rest of the week. Luckily, they worked me in. On the way there, I began to panic.   By the time I got to the office, I was freaking out. When they told me about some payment issues, I became even more anxious. Once that was worked out, I started obsessing about my fear that the lapband won't work for me and had a full-on panic attack. I was ready to Throw inbthe towel and cancel the whole thing.   Luckily, the office ladies, the nurse, and the PA listened to my fears and reassured me that everthing would be fine. They reminded me that failure or sucess depends on me. I felt better knowing I had control.   It also helped that their scale showed that I lost 6 lbs on the preop diet this week!   So surgery is still on and doc even said I could eat a little Thanksgiving tomorrow. All is well in the house of Betty.




Throwing in the Towel

I had my preop exam scheduled today and made plans with hubs to come home early and take care of our kiddo. He was late very late and I nearly had to reschedule my entire Monday surgery because the doctor won't be in the office for the rest of the week. Luckily, they worked me in. On the way there, I began to panic.   By the time I got to the office, I was freaking out. When they told me about some payment issues, I became even more anxious. Once that was worked out, I started obsessing about my fear that the lapband won't work for me and had a full-on panic attack. I was ready to Throw in the towel and cancel the whole thing. Luckily, the office ladies, the nurse, and the PA listened to my fears and reassured me that everthing would be fine. They reminded me that failure or sucess depends on me. I felt better knowing I had control.   It also helped that their scale showed that I lost 6 lbs on the preop diet this week!   So surgery is still on and doc even said I could eat a little Thanksgiving tomorrow. All is well in the house of Betty.




4lbs to first gial

4 more pounds and I will be out of the 300s!   I was told a few days ago that a friend who had not seen me in ten years didn't recognize me from current pics because I had gained so much weight. that was an eye opener. I hadn't thought that my body had changed all that much but he was right.   From 1992-1993, I gained 100 pounds jumping from 170 to 270. I stayed there until 2007 when I ballooned up again after the birth of my son and a serious car accident. It is only now that I realize how much weight I gained in that year.   In retrospect, I now see what those two life episodes had in common---depression!   I have had two major depressive episodes and each one cost me dearly. So now I am recommitting to stay mentally healthy. Depression is such a sneaky bitch. I never know I'm in one until it's too late. Watch out depression. I'm watching you!




Security at the Temple

Day 2 Post-Op and I am feeling even better. I removed my On Q catheter this morning. It was easy, did not hurt, and did not bleed. I have had one dose of medication since 5 a.m. and I feel fine. Still sore but it's no biggie.   I realized last night that I left my valuables at the hospital! I drove myself in because I didn't want to wake the baby that early. My husband picked me up so I knew my Jeep was still at the hospital. What I forgot was that I bundled all my credit cards and ID and check book into a security envelope. Now, we have to go get them today when hubs wakes up from his nap. Poor guy is BEAT from doing all the work around here.   I had a moment last night when I really wanted to eat something besides clear liquids. But, I came to the Lap Band Talk forums and read some horror stories to quickly change my mind.   I think I drank a little too much last night because I did have some gas and for a brief moment, felt like spitting up. So, Michelle and everyone else about to get the procedure, when they tell you to sip , SIP and take it slooooow!   Since I have fasted on clear liquids for 6 days now, I am feeling very particular about what I want to put into my body in the future. I have had a few little cravings for junk food but mainly, I have the urge to eat nothing but whole, fresh foods. I have always been sensitive to chemicals and do not like processed or fast foods as it is. I am really going to be careful from now on about the types of food that go in my body. I don't even like to take in Splenda but it's not as bad as some artificial sweeteners.   From now on, this body is a temple.



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