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Day 5 Post-Op-- The Treasure (?) in the Closet

I'm laughing at myself this morning. Last summer I made a pair of lounging pants, only to discover I'd gained more weight and couldn't fit into my new creation, with the lovely pale blue and sparkly stars. Disappointed and disheartened, I folded the pants and put them on the "after surgery" pile. :confused:   Today, I looked at my five remaining soft loose pants that are bagging off me and sighed. I'm so sick of those pants. A glint of pale blue and stars caught my eye. Hope shot through me. Dare I? I looked around like a kid stealing cookies. Why not? With trembling hands, I pulled out the lounging pants.   They were loose! OMG! They look like clown pants on me! :thumbup: Later, after I've worked a bit, I may just pull down that whole "after surgery" pile to see what other treasures await me. Some still won't fit. I've got sizes in there from 18-24, reflecting all my years of yo-yo dieting. Maybe...just maybe...   Lena




Breakfast or Dessert? Pumpkin and Granola Parfait

This looks like dessert to me! I haven't got any granola bars, but I'll be a sprinkle of nuts would work with less carbs. Pumpkin & Granola Parfait 1 serving View Nutrition Facts Ingredients 1 container (6-ounces) plain low-fat yogurt 2 teaspoons honey (I subbed Splenda) 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin-pie spice 1 whole-grain crunchy granola bar, crumbled 1/2 cup canned pumpkin Directions Mix together yogurt, honey and pumpkin-pie spice. In a bowl, layer yogurt mixture, granola-bar crumbs and pumpkin. Delicious! This isn't cheating! Woohoo! Okay, be reasonable! 1/2 cup is plenty




Working it all out

Well, DH still is out of work, and we almost went into foreclosure, but a friend rescued us. Now if they start foreclosure, it'll be at Christmas. If DH doesn't have a job by then, well, we have a contingency plan.   Nice thing is, I'm still dropping weight. It's coming off more slowly lately, but I actually don't mind so much. I have a chance to adjust my clothes instead of finding out at the last minute that the pants bag or fall right back down to my ankles. (That was a shock the first time it happened.)   Clothes I haven't worn for years are now the mainstays of my wardrobe, and I can't wait for cold weather and my leather jeans, SIX SIZES smaller than I was a year ago.   My senior editor wants pictures, but I'm resisting until I hit Onederland.   Back to work! :biggrin:




Another Blow, but this one has Nerf foam on it

After spending four days in the hospital for a false alarm "heart attack" I had to go visit my PCP yesterday.   (sigh) We both agree it's clear that losing fifty pounds, attaining normal cholesterol and blood sugar, and exercising three times a week doesn't guarantee good health. However, it does give you a fighting chance. I'll take that positive.   The old specter of my many years of GERD has possibly come back to haunt me. I may have something like Barret's esophagus or (forgive me for not remembering the term well) hammered esophagus. (sigh) To rule out nastier problems, I'll go back under anesthesia for an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Lovely!   The way I figure it, I'll be asleep. What the heck, I refuse to worry too much about it. After all, I like anesthesia. Best sleep of my life, and as a bonus, they'll take me off Coumadin for a couple days. Even better.   There's enough on my "worry list" right now anyway.




Good News/Bad News --Unexpected Hospital Visit

Advice from an old fart of 49: Never, ever EVER say the words, "chest" and "pain" in the same sentence, or you're risking a minimum of four days in the hospital if you use them in the same paragraph. (grumble) In these days of CYA, doctors will automatically consider you a pincushion and a guinea pig for every test known to God and man, just to make sure they don't get sued. And this was an efficient military hospital.   I'm quite literally black and blue on both arms, both sides of my neck, both legs, and my belly. I'm not kidding. I look like a hideous science experiment. Because of all the tests they wanted to run I literally never got a breakfast, and sometimes didn't get lunch. I've lost five pounds, have sores from an allergic reaction to the adhesives in the EKG pads all over my torso, and until last night I hadn't had more than three hours of sleep at a stretch.   If I hadn't been in the habit of exercising three times a week, I doubt I would have survived that damned nuclear stress tess and I'd still be tethered to an ICU bed by a Mongolian cluster f*ck of wires.   Thank all the gods for nurses and Navy corpsmen. They are angels of mercy, kind when they can be, and quick when they can't be. Two, Greg and Naomi, will be characters in my books because they earned immortality in a positive way. Both Greg and Naomi went out of their way to be as kind as possible, even bending a few rules for my comfort.   Diagnosis: erratic angina. Translation: We have no idea why her chest hurt.   The good news came yesterday. My DH and I both got interview phone calls. DH went to his almost immediately, and was called back for a second interview on Monday! Whoopee!   My interview is tomorrow. If I'm very, very lucky, I might be the Trend Teacher at my local JoAnn Fabrics store! (Yes, BG! I get to show off all my craft skills. LOL!)   Good thing I lost those extra five pounds. I'm proud of the way I look, now!




Pinwheel Appetizers

Was I skeptical when I saw rice in this recipe? You betcha! However, this is wild rice, and you're talking a little bit of rice spread on 36 appetizers. When you need a fast, cool, and cheap appetizer, this wins hands down.   Since I can't get the image to resize smaller, here's the URL: http://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u323/voiceomt2002/Recipes/Recipes--%20Appetizers%20and%20Party%20Foods/LCPinwheelAppetizers.jpg   See if you agree with me.




Stress Management Solutions-- Part Two

Sometimes, there are solutions to stress right under your nose. Just a day before my DH called to tell me he'd lost his job, I signed up for a "Learn to Quilt" class from the local quilting guild.   At first, going to classes when my DH was home with no job seemed frivolous and even selfish. However, I've found a certain peace and satisfaction in this art form.   Funny thing is, it ties in with my losing weight. Last summer, while I waited to visit the surgeon and jumped through all the hoops like a circus poodle, I was also humiliated to find myself making clothes in a size larger than the pattern companies made. I had to "size up" from their largest, creating a pair of pants that were grotesquely huge. In despair, I never finished those pants. I was too mortified.   The other day, I found those pants buried under the piles of cloth I made teddy bears out of for my grandchildren. I laughed and cut those pants into 6" charm squares for a quilt.   Then I looked at my closet door. Hmmm! I have clothes in there that cannot be re-tailored down, but the memories of the "fat girl" events they represent should never be forgotten.   I now have a pile of clothes to be cut down into a memory quilt of charm squares and black rails, since many of those clothes were black (or matched black) because I honestly believed black was slimming. No, I just looked like a black beach ball.   I'll finish the pretty new blue quilt I'm learning on within the month. Then, I think I'll start on my memory quilt. Maybe I'll use it as a visual aid when I write "No Fat Chicks" this fall.   Lena




Day 12 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Fridge

Tonight I cooked a meal I couldn't have: pork chops with an apricot sauce, despite the fact it's low carb. My healing isn't done, and even chicken still presents difficulties passing the stoma.   While my DH and roomie attacked the "normal" food, I hummed happily and turned to the fridge to find some mushies.   Then I stopped.   I was shocked to realize I wanted the veggies, but no meat. Was I nuts? Didn't I want a nice juicy slab of animal? Uh, no. Not really.   I pondered this while I pulled out the kale, rutabaga, and broccoli I'd cooked a couple of days ago, deliberately overcooking them to the correct "mushie" stage. Tsking over the limp and soggy state of the broccoli, I chose it first. Zapped in the microwave, that serving lasted me about the same amount of time as the guy's massive portions. (I'm really getting into this serving myself a la russe --one course at a time.)   The guys piled back into the kitchen and scooped great big second helpings while I daintily picked up the kale and warmed it in the microwave. Dante, my roomie, helped himself to a bit of the kale with me, but my carnivore husband disdained the veggies.   By the time I'd finished my "dessert" of mashed rutabaga with a bit of Splenda Brown, the guys were burping and patting their stomachs happily. (snicker) Yes, they're both "manly men." They show appreciation by acting like apes.   I'm still a bit surprised at myself four hours later. If I'd wanted protein, there's eggs, cottage cheese, tuna, and even some Spam. (It's a mushie meat that passes my stoma. Compared to chicken, it slides down easy.) I don't want it.   I'd better think about a protein drink or something.




The Economy Hits Home--One Month Later

Things have gone from bad to worse here. My poor DH has recovered from whatever illness got him on the trip home. After two weeks of flu-like symptoms and a trip to the doctor's, he's been looking for work like a fiend with no success in sight.   No one will give a trucker with less than a year of experience a chance, especially not in this economy. The local want ads are full of truckers --both experienced and men like my DH-- begging for any trucking job they can get.   My DH has applied for any job he can do, even forklift driver and warehouse worker. He's called and applied at every temp agency that will talk to him. They all say the same-- "Don't call us. We'll call you if we have anything." I guess he'll be applying at McDonald's next.   I'm down to 237 lbs as of this morning, and I had a recent fill that's put me darn close to the sweet spot. Guess it's a good thing I'm not eating. There's not much food or hope left, here. I think we're going to lose the house. I can't remember the last time I slept a straight eight.




Fresh Tomato Salsa

Summer's coming! Who needs all those high-calorie ketchups? Not us! Let's go light and get our fresh veggies on our grilled meat.




A New Life

Wow, has it really been eight months since I last posted here? So much has changed since then...   On December 12, 2010, my DH and I went to the storage shed out back and pulled out the holiday lights to decorate the house. Unknown to us, a certain mold entered my DH's lungs because he was a lifelong smoker. Aspergillosis has a 95% mortality rate. It took my poor darling until January 2, 2011 to die in ICU. Thanks to the outpouring of love and support from my family and friends, I was able to not only pay for his funeral but also live until I could find work.   In late January, I went to see my primary care doctor to ask for anti-depressants. Before my banding, I'd been on the same prescription, so I figured this would be a quick visit. It would not be. The physician's assistant asked me if I'd ever considered suicide. I answered yes, because before my banding I had. Then she asked if I knew what method I'd choose if I did. I answered yes again because I'm a writer, and we research everything. I didn't know it at that moment, but I'd sealed my fate. I found myself incarcerated in a mental ward for 72 hours observation. Here in Florida, it's called "being Baker Acted." Have you ever been locked up in a psych ward when you're not in need of it? By the end of the three days, you'll need to be there. They nearly broke me, and I don't mind admitting it. If it hadn't been for the visits of a dear family friend named David, it's quite possible they might have succeeded.   One of the reasons I'd been depressed was my difficulty in finding a job. I've been a housewife for a long time. Finally, I got the call. On what would have been our 30th anniversary, I entered training to become a customer service representative.   To celebrate my return to the work force, David asked to take me to a local Medieval Faire. I happily accepted. When I admired a pearl ring, he bought it and slipped it on my finger. He said, "I know it's rude, but I can't wait any longer. Lena, I've loved you from afar for twenty years, but I didn't want to disturb your happy marriage. I know it's too soon to answer, but will you consider marrying me in a year or two, when you're ready?"   I have agreed to think about it, and I'll give him an answer next New Year's Eve.




The Tension Eases Slightly

DH and I went to one of those "We Buy Houses" guys yesterday. While Patrick declined to touch our house, he did it for the right reason-- we don't need him right now.   Patrick assured us that the mortgage company will call eventually, and they will likely make a deal that will allow us to keep our home. It's just likely to take awhile. He said the sheer number of foreclosures happening dictates the mortgage companies are willing to work with anyone who'll talk to them despite the embarrassment. Besides that, the volume of foreclosures mean it can take more than a year to complete the process!   If Randy takes a year to find a job, then we may as well hang it up. We don't need much in the way of income. A mere $1600 a month would guarantee we could stay here and still eat.   Randy and I took a few hours to digest the information and numbers Patrick gave us and decided to take his advice. We relaxed and vowed to not be so hard on ourselves. Good thing, too. The coffee pot blew up last night. LOL!




Bandster Slow Poke Jambalaya

This recipe originated at SavingDinner.com. However, I had to alter some portions of it to make it reasonable for bandsters. I personally encourage the use of the Body Clutter Menus from SavingDinner.com. With minor alterations, most can be used by bandsters.     Bandster Slow Poke Jambalaya     Serves 6 (If they eat tiny portions. For hungry adults, double this recipe)     1 cup chopped green bell pepper 1 cup chopped onion 1-1/2 cups chopped fresh tomato 1 cup chopped celery (or if your band won't take celery, substitute a teaspoon of celery salt) 1 clove garlic, minced 1 T. dried parsley or 2 T. fresh parsley, chopped fine 1 tsp. Dried thyme 1 tsp. Oregano 1/8 tsp. Cayenne pepper (Note: We like it hotter, so we added 1 tsp. Toni Chachere's creole seasoning) ½ tsp. Salt (omit if you used the celery salt) 4 oz. Smoked sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces 8 oz. Boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into 1-inch pieces (we used 4 pieces of skinned chicken thigh because we didn't have chicken breasts and thighs are cheaper) 2 cups low sodium beef broth (or homemade, as we did) ½ lb. Cooked shrimp, peeled and deveined. (DH recommends getting the kind with tails off, but that's up to you. The tails do add flavor, believe it or not, so they're worth the extra trouble) Separate: 1 cup cooked brown rice     In a slow cooker, combine all ingredients except the shrimp and rice. Give it a stir, cover, and cook on low at least 6 hours. Add shrimp and cook for another 20-30 minutes. For non-bandsters, a bit of rice in the bowl, then pour their serving over the top. Bandsters don't get rice.     These nutritional values are for a serving with rice:     232 calories 7 g. fat 25g Protein 16g carbohydrates 3g dietary fiber 93 mg cholesterol 474mg sodium




Two Days before Surgery

Okay, I have to say it. While I don't like this liquid diet, I'm not a puddle of starving tears like I thought I'd be by now. Yes, I'm hungry.   I locked myself in here while my DH and roomie indulged in Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches and leftover baked gingerbread. The smell alone was driving me nuts.   Maintaining self-control isn't easy. I'm calmly sipping my bouillion in isolation and distracting myself with work. I think I've done very well.   Even the Lovanox shot in my belly wasn't as bad as I feared. Yes, it stung. Ironically, the sting of the fluid dissipating through my body for the next two hours was worse. I wasn't happy, but I'm okay. I think I'll even be able to remain cool and collected when I get the second shot tomorrow.   Best of all was a phone call from Dr. Baptista himself today. I nearly fainted when I heard his distinctive voice and accent. After reviewing my medical records and consulting with the anesthesia department of the hospital, he's changed his mind. With my permission, he's ordered a PIC line after all. So, I have to go extra early on Friday morning so they have time to insert the line. I'm okay with that, especially since he took the time to call. What a sweetie!   Lena




One-der-Land Revisits

Boy, this is no time to get cocky! I'm in One-der-land, but I have to admit I was overly confident and stopped watching my carbs. OUCH!! One week of that, and I was 201 lbs!   Yep, I raced back to my food journal and started keeping track, measuring, and being a good little bandster. Whew!! Back in One-der-Land and moving toward that goal in the distance.   This ain't easy! I'd allowed myself too many carbs, and now my body craves them again. I am a carb addict, and I will always be a carb addict. Now if I can just fight the urge to get a birthday cake for myself at the end of this month. How about kielbasa and grilled veggies instead? Yeah, that'll work.




Offline for a few days

I'll be offline for a few days, or at least mostly AFK. Not only is it the weekend, but my blasted Muse decided to strike twice in one day. My hands HURT and are swollen.   I think I'll take the weekend to heal up. Y'all play nice while I'm gone.   Lena




Almost a Mushie Recipe-- Crock Posole

Wow, am I impressed with this one. Doc and I finally achieved an understanding on the subjects of meats. I've been having trouble with meats being too dry, and yet Doc wanted me to eat lots of meat to stay low carb. Can you say conflict? Well, crock pot and pressure cooker meals are the answer.   This particular recipe was fast, easy, inexpensive, and relatively low carb. The meat was so tender, it was almost a mushie recipe. If you're not a spicy food lover, eliminate the chili peppers and use a few shakes of red pepper flakes to give it heat without burning your mouth. While I love "Dragon's Breath Chili" and other hot foods, DH and Dante can't take the heat. So, I use Tabasco on my portions.  




Friends and Family Joining in the Fat Fight!

I was surprised when our roomie came running into the living room on Wednesday night. He's normally a somewhat dignified guy. "Lena!! Your diet works even for those not trying to diet!" Seems the pants he had on were a pair he'd not worn in several years. LOL! Dante's now a dedicated low-carb dieter-who's-not-dieting.   Then my youngest daughter calls from Colorado. "Mom, I've got only 25 pounds to lose before I can join the military. Tell me more about this low carb diet thing." Seems she's taking over the kitchen of her roommates and making them all go low carb! Even the guy who normally can get away from diets because he's allergic to some vegetables can't escape. Low carb is meat, dairy, and THEN vegetables. He can't escape! Muahahaha!!   Even I discovered the joys of eating in a restaurant with friends. We went on a quilting day trip to St. Simon's Island in Georgia. At a lovely seafood restaurant, the only thing not breaded, fried and/or full of calories was a crab cake. One-half 5oz appetizer cake, and I was full! I was so proud.   More later! Today, I'm going to a medieval faire in full regalia! LOL!




Blog Number Two

I have a blog I dedicated to my journey toward the weight loss surgery on blogspot called Fat Frog Diary but this one will no doubt be more honest, in a weird sort of way.   That's the problem with my job as a published author. My fans expect me to be witty and confident all the time. Never mind that I'm human and have fears, pains, and illnesses. Somehow, Lena Austin the writer must transcend all that. :angry_smile:   The image I chose for my profile is what I looked like when I was near my goal weight when I was in my early 30's. I want to look similar to that again, even if my hair is now short and graying. Miss Clairol and I have been old friends, so that can be solved. :cursing:   Where am I in this journey? Somewhere between the circus poodle still jumping through hoops (Arf!) and the dysfunctional machine laying on the gurney for repairs.   I saw the shrink yesterday. Nice woman. That marks the end of my visiting specialists. My appointment with the surgeon for a group session is next week. If I understand the process (doubtful) then they'll submit the packet detailing how my weight affects my health for final approval from my insurance. This will be the third approval from the insurance. I have visions of some bean counter at the insurance office typing up a fax saying, "Yes, I'm sure!! Geez, you're worse than my computer!"   Just like HysterSisters, everyone tells me the waiting is the worst part. I don't think it's the waiting so much as the long time span from decision to doing it.   This is especially true since I learned how few daily carbs I was allowed, and that I needed to start that diet immediately. The fact that it would be a minimum of three months before I saw the inside of the hospital made no sense to me.   I want to grab someone by the collar and say, "Look! I have family members who do not need to reduce their livers and they are complaining bitterly over the sudden lack of breads, rices, and pastas they need for their physically demanding lives. Unless you're willing to contribute to my budget so I can cook two meals for dinner, we have a conflict."   Take this month, November. Please, take this month, and while you're at it take December too. You see, not only do I have the diet minefield of the holidays, but also a slew of family birthdays. All of these family members want cake and ice cream for their celebrations. (sigh) Try telling your mother "No" when she asks you to make use of that cake decorating class you took to create her the spectacular birthday cake she rarely gets because she was unlucky enough to be born on Christmas Eve.   I'm doomed.




Liver Shrinking Ain't for Sissies

I've been ready to beat my head against the wall for days now, trying to maintain any semblance of willpower to stay on a 30g/day of carb diet.   They say stress is the divided state of mind when your good sense overrides the overwhelming urge to choke the living crap out of someone who richly deserves it. Yeah, I feel like that right now. I want to grab up the dietician and scream, "Look, Skinny Minnie! If I had this much willpower, I wouldn't be having lap band surgery, now would I?"   I saw the dietician on October 17, a little less than a month ago. I do great all week, staying on the 30g a day or less.   Then the weekend comes.   My DH and brother come barrelling through the door on Thursday night with the full intention of relaxing and making pigs of themselves with every kind of contraband snack food you can imagine. Now, my DH is thin. My brother Dante is as overweight as I am, I think. Believe it or not, they both have a job at the same factory. Just goes to show what a difference genetics can make.   Anyway, after today, maybe things can be different. My DH has helped me install a locking hasp on the outside pantry and a bike lock on the outside refrigerator.   I've removed all the contraband shelf stable foods to the locked pantry. All that's left in the kitchen pantry are foods I can have or things I won't eat willingly. Later I will do the same with the kitchen refrigerator, removing all those perishable things I'm not supposed to have.   I've made a list of those things I can have if I'm to shrink my liver successfully. No, I don't have to be this meticulous right now. According to the dietician, the 30g/day becomes important 7-10 days before surgery, then I'll be on a liquid diet 2 days before surgery. (Lovely. Right around the holidays? Am I nuts?) Still, I'm going to give it the best try I can. I want this liver the size of a pea, if I can.




Scared of the Holidays

Oh, dear. It's my kind of nightmare. If worrying about overeating and PBing at family gatherings wasn't bad enough...   I just received an invitation to a (gulp) formal New Year's party. Yeah, the kind where the women put up their hair and wear fancy gowns. The kind that sends a clothes horse like me running to the closet to see if anything she has is "good enough."   My one fancy gown literally fell off me when I tried it on. Yes, I really mean that. I tried to button the neck thingy, lost hold, and the whole dress dropped to pool around my ankles. Darn it, I only wore that stupid thing once. (sigh) Okay, so it was a size 26 or so. :eek:   The host of the party knows I've lost a lot of weight, and he sent a note telling me that while the "formal" was important, he told me to do my best but don't fret. Such a sweetheart! :wub:   Then I went to my very favorite silky pantsuit. (Wince) Same thing with the silky pantsuit, only the pants ended up around my ankles and the top, well, let's just say Santa's bag would fit better. Oh, dear. :confused:   Um...Anyone know a used formalwear shop?




A Small Loss is a Big Gain in the Liver Shrinkage Battle

Victory shall be mine!   I’m doing the happy dance! After weeks of no weight loss results because my willpower was weaker than a kitten, I finally had a temper tantrum. I was tired of being sabotaged by my darlings, who do not have to watch their carbs. While Randy is thin as a rake and Dante not so thin, both have the right to eat as they please. Before my tantrum, they’d eat their carb-loaded goodies right in front of me, leave the food out where I had to look at it, desire it, and eventually snitch some of it. Worse, they’d actually encourage me to cheat by offering to share or whining when I made healthy meals. I absolutely must shrink my liver. If I don’t shrink the liver, the surgery must be cancelled. Therefore, it’s imperative that my weak willpower must be shored up with something. Finally, I had a breakthrough and a tantrum. After I “explained” to Randy how he and Dante were unconsciously sabotaging my diet, he worked with me to create “contraband storage.” The gray pantry and the big black refrigerator out in the Florida Room now have sturdy locks on them, and that’s where all the contraband goes. What I can have now stays conveniently in the pantry and fridge here in the house, where I can make the easier choice to eat healthy while not denying the boys their right to the snacks they want. It seems to be working! For the past two days, when I got hungry I went to the pantry and saw only what I was allowed to have. My choices were simplified with no temptations to make me stray. Then yesterday I stepped on the scale at my doctor’s office. I’ve lost FIVE pounds! Okay, so it’s not the 8-10 pounds a month I could lose. I’m happy. Any weight loss counts as liver shrinkage. Next week is the second of the three doctor visits allowed by my insurance. After I “see” (hah!) him in a group session, the next time must be my pre-op. Am I finished jumping through hoops? No. I’m not that stupid.




Mushies- Coq Au Vin Stew

This only sounds fancy. It's easy! http://www.bhg.com/recipe/chicken/coq-au-vin-stew/ Don't forget to take off the skins on those chicken thighs. They look slimy and unappetizing, not to mention how much fat they hold. Get rid of them before beginning this recipe. If you can't find the Beefy Onion soup mix, just use regular Onion Soup Mix and add about a tablespoon of beef bouillion granules to the stew. The results will be the same.



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