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Fell off the wagon - HARD

So before I got my band, I read posts about how people started eating crap and their weight loss slowed, stopped or reversed. I always thought "Loser! You just paid like $10k to get something installed into your body and your screwing it up!" And then, I fell off the wagon - hard.   I fell back to my old habits of emotional eating and drinking (wine, loaded with calories). I pushed the limits of my band and ate crappy stuff like thin crust pizza and cookies, even cake and bread.   As a result? In the last 7 weeks I've only lost like 7 pounds. Still weight loss, but when you're loosing 3 pounds a week before the fall, it makes a big difference. I went to court to finalize my divorce, I totalled my car and my house went into foreclosure. These are not excuses. It would have been better for me to stick to my plan. I stopped takeing protein supplements regularly and now I'm going bald, really. Not sure if it's the lack of protein or stress, or both. But, it sucks.   So, my point? Don't think it can't happen to you. See the warning signs early and don't ignore them. I got a fill yesterday, started running again last week and I am on my way! I REFUSE to weight more than 199 pounds when 2009 starts. REFUSE. So, I got 7 pounds to go. Time to hit it hard.




Now addicted to running!

If anyone is having a hard time sticking to an exercise routine, I would really suggest running. I know it sounds crazy - I never thought I could do it. Six weeks later I'm totally addicted to the endorphin rush I get from running. I ran 1.5 miles in 23 minutes today - without stopping! Go me!   If you've just had your surgery or are still in the process of getting approved - stick with it. I totally love my band and the opportunities it is affording me to a new, better healthier life! I hope to run my first 5k in October. And, I'm going to Las Vegas for my birthday in November. Man - life is great!   Also - I need some new friends. Can I get a friend request out there? Guys - where are you all?




Crap, this is really happening!

So, I just had my "oh, crap!" this is really happening moment. I have been so busy watching what I eat and making sure I exercise that I kinda hadn't noticed the changes in my body much. So, as proof that I have lost a whopping 44 pounds to date, I offer the following attachments. The Earth Day festival was April 08 and the tailgating party was this weekend. Man, I'm kinda hot!:thumbup:




My first closet clean out

So, over the long weekend I did my first closet clean out - woo hoo! There were 2 bags of clothes that no longer fit me. I'm just over 40 pounds lost in 2 months since I started my liquid diet. So, I'm stoked!   I am also doing the couch to 5k program and week 3 is kicking my ass! But, it feels good. Now, I get impatient from sitting at my desk all day cuz I want to be out and about. How cool is that?   Also, I'm proud to report that my long-time nemesis of the playground slide is nicer now. My ass fits on it and by next month I'm sure I'll have no problem sliding down it smoothly - HAHA   On another note, I'll also be filing divorce papers (hopefully next week). I read in a magazine that WLS doesn't change you. But, it does make a good marriage better and a bad marriage worse. Too true.




About 3 weeks post op

So, I'm about 3 weeks post op and feeling much better. The first week after the surgery was tough, but I'm very happy with the band overall. I've lost 28 pounds including the pounds I lost on the pre-op liquid diet. I am eating mushy foods now and trying to keep it "natural" like kiwi, bananas, etc. And, I've found a new love in avocado! I am feeling really good and now I know it's time to start implementing an exercise program. The only thing I'm having trouble with is getting in all of my calories. My doctor said to be getting 1400 calories a day and I think the closest I've gotten is around 900. I don't want to eat empty calories. But I'm having a hard time finding high calorie, low sugar foods. Any suggestions?




I did it! I got my band yesterday!

Wow. Up until the last minute I thought I was going to change my mind or surely SOMETHING would happen that would not allow me to get banded.   But, everything went smoothly and now I am home and banded. I am not in too much pain. It's been about 5 hours since my last dose of liquid codene and I really don't feel like I need more yet. Doing about 1/4 of chicken broth and a lot of ice chips. GasX strips and walking about every hour also seem to be helping. I guess the OnQ is also working wonders since I am just a little sore. How did all the other July 16th bandsters make out? Good luck to everyone else scheduled for July - if you have any questions please feel free to ask!




Liquid Diet - not counting the days anymore!

So I finally stopped counting the days on my liquid diet and it just seems kinda normal now. I can feed my kid a burger or whatever she wants and am not too tempted. Actually, she has taken a liking to soup lately - "just like mommy" she says. Which just goes to show how much our kids learn from us when we're trying not to teach them.   I'm determined to create new habits for myself with this surgery and teach her how to have an active, healthy lifestyle. I don't want her to be a fat couch potato kid that gets teased at school, like I did.   I went in for my pre-op stuff on Friday and it is getting more and more real that this is a LIFE LONG decision - not just a diet. And, that's ok. Today I am at peace with myself and my decision. :biggrin:




Liquid Diet Day # 8 and solid food eaters are gross

Ok, so someone give me a reality check here. My family had fried chicken tonight and I was at the table feeding my 2 year old, drinking my vanilla shake. And really watching everyone eat grossed me out. Not because of the food, but the heavy breathing, loud chewing, burping, etc. My family (God love 'em) did not paint a pretty picture of eating.   Is this normal? Do I need to go back for another psych eval? :shades_smile: Or maybe just I'm resentful that I'm not eating a greasy ass piece of chicken? Someone set me straight!:confused2:




Liquid Diet Day # 5

So, I went out to the lake with my family today. And, thanks to the 20 or so minutes I've been exercising every day I felt like I could almost keep up with the kids! But due to all of the physical activity I got that "real" hungry feeling - you know the one when you've been hiking or camping?   I haven't broken my liquid diet yet - but ARGH, it's getting a bit more dificult. I did my shakes, jello, gum, crunching ice etc and I still have a rumbling hungry tummy. I don't even want anything bad for me - but I'd kill for some tuna & crackers or brocoli with onion dip! :shades_smile:




Liquid Diet Day #3

I am so proud of myself. I made it through 4th of July without breaking my liquid diet. I did accidentally lick some BBQ sauce off my fingers when I was serving the kids' food and WOW it tasted good. But I kept to my diet and I'm glad.   It was good not to have that "oh, I ate TOO much" feeling like I usually do on holidays. And, I just kept thinking to myself that next year I wouldn't have to worry about sitting in a folding camping chair and worrying it was going to break! :shades_smile:   I hope everyone had a good holiday and got to see some great fireworks!




Liquid Diet Day #1

After about 3 months fighting with the insurance company I got my surgery approved ! July 16th!   So today is the first day of my liquid diet and I'm starving! My doc has me on the OptiFast system. So I had one of those shakes after I got settled in at work around 730. Then I had a can of water - 12 oz. Now it's about 1030 and my tummy is grummmbling!   My office is having a 4th of July cookout today so if I have another shake now, then I can't be social and have my "soup" when everyone is eating - argh, decisions decisions.   I'm really scared that I will become anti-social by not eating. I just started really talking to people again and coming out of my shell. Hubby is trying to be supportive but I just :wink: don't know how long his "support" will last.   It's good to have a place to vent!



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