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Found 35 results

  1. Tink22-sleeve

    Hello, any veterens around?

    Hmm. Sounds like lots of us had significant weight regain or never met goal. I also found out that my severe GERD that started immediately after the sleeve surgery is due to a hiatal hernia (also not there pre surgery). My choices? A sleeve revision, bypass, or be content with where I am. I’d love to hear what choices you all are making. thank you 😊
  2. sargechick


    It did. I lost 127 lbs. But I really could lose 100 more. Since I can't go back to revision, bypass, they arw suggesting medication. Sent from my SM-G991U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Low folate, iron deficient anemia…

    I got my Lap Band almost ten years ago, and I can't remember if they did pre op blood work and if they did what the results were. I'm almost three months post op revision Bypass now and this surgeon did do pre op blood work, but it was all normal. I've been on continual vitamins/calcium for nearly ten years, so that's probably part of the reason my labs were normal. It's not uncommon for obese people to be malnourished/have low vitamins & mineral levels. If you think about it, for most obese people, the choices that they make/made is part of the reason that gets a lot of us to wls. Fast food, pizza, burgers for the most part has very little nourishment as far as vitamins/minerals go (besides carbs, lol). I'm sure your team will get your levels up to normal before you have your surgery. As a matter of fact, after my pre op labs came back, even tho they were normal, I was started on chewable bariatric vitamins. It was standard protocol for pre op patients. So don't fret, you'll be fine! Best wishes!
  4. Sleeve_Me_Alone

    I need guidance

    First of all, I just want to say I'm sorry you're struggling and I hope you know you're not alone. The last 2 years have been brutal for a lot of us and there is no shame in any if it. That being said, before you move on to revision/bypass, have you reached out to your surgery center and/or dietitian? They should be able to offer some guidance on how to get back on track. Most suggest going back to the basics: weigh and track everything, prioritize protein, get your fluids in, move your body everyday, etc. If they aren't helpful or available to you, maybe ask your PCP for a referral to an RD? Sometimes we just need someone to point us in the right direction. Also, have you gotten support for your mental health & wellbeing? Making sure you've dealt with the junk internally is SO important. If not, that might be a really good place to start. A few sessions of therapy can go a LONG way. Maybe do some reading on emotional eating or whatever patterns you find yourself falling into. Knowledge is power! Revision is always an option, and there is absolutely no shame in pursuing it. But it's not the only option. You already have the tools, maybe you could benefit from some guidance in how to start using them again? Whatever you decide, we wish you the best! Sent from my SM-A205U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Today is one year since my revision bypass surgery. I've lost 59 pounds since surgery and 95 pounds since my all-time pre-sleeve weight. I am healthy, happy and feel better than I've felt in 20 years! And the great news is - I no longer have GERD! Good luck to all of us who are on this crazy weight loss journey and I'm grateful for this forum to be able to openly share my outcomes. Other social media platforms would never understand our journeys.
  6. Do I understand this correctly? So this would be your second revision? I’m 3 weeks out from revision bypass surgery 4/18/21 so far so good so much easier then sleeve
  7. Tina Leo

    Considering revision

    Hi! I'm revised Bypass to Bypass. I would only recommend a revision if your surgeon is 100% knowledgeable about bariatrics. As I understand it there are some unique challenges to a revision surgery - but maybe that is more in my case since I had a Bypass already. When they do a sleeve, do they distallize any of the connection to your intestines? In any case, if you do have the revision - weight loss appears (8 weeks out) to go much slower than before, but steady. I feel better this time around - and as you say, I'm treating it like a do-over as I'm older and wiser now - and much better able to keep up with the costs of vitamins and proteins. And - there are a million bypass friendly things on the market now - so many more shake choices - high protein snacks and things. I suspect the hernia can be repaired at the same time if your insurance will approve the bypass - that's the trickier part. Good Luck!
  8. I haven't had a revision, but hopefully this search link will help you, there are a number of posts about revision to bypass within the search link https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=revision bypass
  9. tarotcardreader

    Anyone for September 2020?

    Sleeve does lead to more revisions because revising bypass is more complex and requires skill level that most doctors dont have. However its a very exciting time for everyone and nothing to argue or get your guys panties in a Bunch about! Enjoy the excitement 🥳
  10. I am 7 days out now from a revision bypass. I am feeling pretty good. Out of shape it seems but I know it’s major surgery. I had a umbilical hernia repair on top of it. Caffeine withdrawal headache was a killer but it has pretty much subsided. My thing is, is my diet protocol the same as the sleeve. Can you recommend a site or a possibly printable friendly list. It seems I have to be more careful this time around. One the hernia heals I think I’ll be doing a lot better. My nutritionist wasn’t this helpful this time around and I go back to the surgeon on Monday and also the 25th. Thanks.
  11. Having a bypass, revision, on 5/27 - just spoke to my surgeon via teleconference... finally moving forward. I didn't have any hair loss with the original surgery - sleeve, back in 2015. I had thinning but was on Biotin. Is the revision, bypass, worse for thinning/losing hair?
  12. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    Right which is bypass. Do you think revision bypass is the same. Or is that not a thing? Revision just means another procedure?
  13. I will have my revision gastric bypass in a week my bypass was 20 years ago and I started to gain weight 5 years ago, I almost can eat everything still small amount than a adult but I remember so many dumping 😓 any tips???
  14. MsBrown76

    Post your stats

    Revision bypass for GERD/Hernia 11/21/19 started: 240 (ate everything I could before pre-op liquids 😝) surgery date: 229 cw: 213 dropped 27lbs in 6 weeks. My sleeve 11/22/2012 highest weight 364 surgery weight 350 in one year I lost150lbs and maintained weight was 216lbs (through 2018) then I was on Prednisone for all 2018 and I hovered around 235. Top photo was sleeve 2012-2017. Bottom photo is 2019 pre-bypass and 12/21/19 (my bday) 4wks post-op after bypass. I haven’t been to the gym yet to start toning I’m now 6wks post-op.
  15. Was wondering if anyone has had the Overstitch procedure done. I am considering it as I have gained weight back. I am 7 years post-op from gastric bypass. I was told I would only lose approx 20lbs.
  16. Hello all. It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted in here. I had sleeve in 4/2014. Was doing good, lost 80 lbs (definitely not as much as I needed to or hoped for) and as of 3 years ago I’ve developed server GERD and bad stomach pains. I’ve also had Achilles’ tendon repair surgery and a muscle tear surgery on my left elbow so my mobility has been very very limited. Achilles’ tendon surgery recovery time is exactly 1 year. And I had both done so to say the least, I’ve been home...not being able to do exercises at all, except resistance bands which I do do. So, with my weight gain all 80 plus more regain I’m exactly 22 lbs heavier than I was the day of my VSG surgery. I recently had an UGI and EGD done 2 weeks ago which showed severe GERD, gastritis and I have bleeding in my stomach as well the bariatric doctor said. He wants to do a revision to bypass which I’m very happy about, no more GERD and hopefully to get some weight off also. Question is; I’ve already checked with my insurance company BCBS and they said I was certainly covered for a revision as long as I meet 2 of the 6 comorbities and I meet 3. I had them send me the info on getting the revision and I’ve read it throughly and it says in it that if my doctor suggests that I do the nutrition classes prior to surgery then I have to. I am going to express to my bariatric doctor that this pain is unbearable and can he please do it ASAP. How long did y’all have to wait for your revision from getting your testing/procedure results back? Did your bariatric doctor make you go through all the nutritional classes all over again? I’m really really hoping that he doesn’t make me do these classes because I’ve already met my annual deductible and this whole revision bypass surgery will be fully covered 100% and I will have zero money to pay. Please tell me there’s hope. My next appointment with him is on October 29th so I’m praying he will give me some excellent news. I’m going to stress to him about my insurance as well. TIA for any feedback
  17. jaymelaree


    I am having revision bypass after 2 years of having the sleeve. I lost and have kept off 100 lbs. can anyone give me an idea as to how much more I will lose. Went from 239 to 139 and wearing 6s!!
  18. Hey everyone! I actually got gastric sleeve 2 years ago in March, and it was a failed surgery due to the surgeon not taking out enough of my stomach. I'm scheduled to get a revision bypass done on May 30th! Is anyone else having surgery on that date? (different hospital and different surgeon!) Also, my doc has an extremely strict 2 weeks pre op liquid diet, where I can only drink 5 GNC lean protein shakes, black coffee, and sugar/calorie free drinks... I'm on day 2 and it sucks! Any one else have to do something like this?
  19. Can I please talk to anyone out there who has had the revision done from gastroplasty to bypass that has been left with a marble sized stomach? I don't need to hear from anyone that has had the sleeve or anything other than an actual revision that best case scenario leave me a marble sized stomach. How are you eating, what are you eating, how much, how often etc...My Doctor gives this to me as best case scenario and I am shocked as I don't know how life can be sustained with that size of stomach, thanks
  20. Hi there, I just had an endoscope procedure to view my stomach. I had the Gastroplasty surgery 25 years ago and am seeking to have the bypass revision done. My Doctor just informed me that there is only about 2-3cm to work with and with best case he could do it leaving my stomach about the size of a marble as opposed to the size of an egg which is the normal size post surgery. Worst case scenario he gets in there and involved and can't get out without removing my stomach. My question is to anyone who has had this revision with the marble sized outcome how can one possibly eat enough to be ok let alone stay alive? He told me to think about it and talk amongst those of you that have done this, surely I am not the only one? Any help, advice would be greatly appreciated as I am at a total loss! Thanks
  21. L. Knight

    March Gastric Bypass Group

    Hi Roxine thank you for sharing your journey. Glad to hear you are well on your way to recovery & a better & healthier lifestyle. I had revision bypass on March 9th. The surgery went flawless however my stomach is super swollen due to what I'm hoping is from the gas. It's a bit uncomfortable to say the least. I'm hoping the swollen goes down before I go back to work on the 19th. I fly back home from TijuanaX tomorrow where I will continue to recoup. I'm still on clear liquid diet for the next 2 weeks. I Just ordered me LonoLife Grass Fed Beef & Chicken broth from Amazon. It has 10g of protein & comes in little packets, this will surely help me get my protein in. I will start on protein broth and shakes next week this week I will continue to focus on get my fluid that includes 64 oz of water. I like to add Crystal Light to my water it makes it easier for me to drink.
  22. L. Knight

    March Gastric Bypass Group

    Hi Roxine thank you for sharing your journey. Glad to hear you are well on your way to recovery & a better & healthier lifestyle. I had revision bypass on March 9th. The surgery went flawless however my stomach is super swollen due to what I'm hoping is from the gas. It's a bit uncomfortable to say the least. I'm hoping the swollen goes down before I go back to work on the 19th. I fly back home from TijuanaX tomorrow where I will continue to recoup. I'm still on clear liquid diet for the next 2 weeks. I Just ordered me LonoLife Grass Fed Beef & Chicken broth from Amazon. It has 10g of protein & comes in little packets, this will surely help me get my protein in.
  23. L. Knight

    March-April Rny-ers

    God is good I'm glad you made it out of surgery safe & now have the knowledge you need to treat your diabetes. I pray you continue to heal with know issues. Happy healing I just had revision bypass surgery on March 9th in Tijuana MX and the surgery was flawless as well. Only discomfort I'm experiencing is a swollen stomach that makes me look like I'm 8 mths pregnant. I know it's due to the surgery but I can't wait until this pass.
  24. Not commonly done but one of the only things ive seen performed a few times at my hospital was a lap band over a bypass. Would depend on your insurance and how your surgeon feels about that. But getting a lap band over a bypass is a realistic possibility. I mean surgeons dont like to do lap bands because they frequently have issues and you need to be on top of appointments with them. But if weight and cormorbidities are a problem its one of the safer options. Sure bands arent the greatest, but I think getting a revised bypass is much more dangerous. And the band does work in a synergy kind of way with the bypass. Couldnt tell you how outcomes are long term though I would absolutely avoid any kind of self pay scenarios since you have a history of a bypass . If you have any complications from the bypass (which is a real possibility) you dont want insurance companies using your self pay surgery as an excuse to get out of paying for it.
  25. carlychloe2

    Bypass or Sleeve?

    I Would not chance the sleeve if u have acid reflux or gerd. Many, many oeopke have to get a revision after the sleeve due to horrible reflux. Hes what my surgeon saud to me bc I also have had gerd for years. He said," about 1/3 of sleeve patients I see end up having reflux, however what Im seeing more and moreIs a much later down the line many get horrendous reflux daily and I end up doing a revision, bypass. We got talking a out this bc I have had reflux for many year. I'm not gonna go through this surgery twice, so Its bypass for me. Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App

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