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Found 17,501 results

  1. Have any of you experience a stall in the weight loss? At the 3-month mark I noticed I stopped losing weight and I even gained 2 pounds. My diet has changed a little bit and continue to follow suggestions by my nutritionist.
  2. I am 7 days post GB! I have been walking multiple times a day for 15 mins a time; plus get up every hour and stand and do my breathing exercises. What sort of exercise worked for you all? What week were you cleared for more? I have to wear surgical / DVT prevention stockings for another week so I get some looks out walking lol (had a very conservative surgeon) who had multiple tests and other things before I even left hospital to ensure no issues so I’m making sure I’m just as conservative and patient!!
  3. I I’m close to 5 weeks post-bypass, and food just tastes bland. I do get hungry, and I do get full (sort of), but I don’t feel satisfied. Feels like I have to over-season stuff just to taste it. This gets better, right?
  4. claireJennians

    5 weeks post op

    Hello All Advice needed. I’m 5 weeks post op. I’m struggling with a lot of pain on occasions (random) with drinking water and eating!! Like sharp contractions but worse! Can last seconds / minutes or hours! My stools are very pale almost white! Plus I’ve not lost any weight in like 2 weeks in fact I’ve gained weight!! Help!!
  5. Hi all, this is my first post. I have gastroparesis and am going in for an RNY in March. I've always had the pre-planned mindset, and I'm worried about the clear liquid weeks since I'm allergic to beef and beef protein is in alot of foods. No hospital jello for me! What is the normal type of protein supplement those first two weeks? I'm going to start cooking and freezing chicken bone broth soon, so I can eat easily. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to getting to know y'all!
  6. Wanted to see if anyone else is 6 weeks post op. I had my sleeve done 12/5/2022. Checking to see how they are getting along and howthere experience is going.
  7. So i just got back from a trip to Puerto Rico (work trip) and man that place is not for people who had weight loss surgery. 1st there is no sugar free anything. especially drinks. No sugar free gatorade, powerade ect... Nothing low carb. Bread is a huge huge part of everything. I even went to a walmart and nothing. just some protein bars and such. Only protein shakes i could find were just regular ensure and some other strange brand i have not seen. Best part was i finally fit in a coach seat without issue. before i would spill over to the next seat or be so tight it would be so uncomfortable. Now i fit perfect with plenty of room to spare. Got to say i am happy to be back.
  8. HW: 563.5lbs(April 22) SW: 449lbs(Halloween 22) CW: 404.1lbs I feel like I'm not where I should be for my size. Am I losing weight too slow or am I where I should be @ 10 weeks post op?
  9. Hi - I’m in my 6th week post op for gastric sleeve and I was wondering if anyone had sashimi/raw fish this early? If not how long did you wait post surgery to try it? Did you have any problems/sensitivity with it? Meeting a friend for lunch and scoping out the menu. I had rare seared tuna without issue over the weekend. My nutrition team did not call it out as protein to avoid at this time.
  10. I have had a difficult time with pain after eating yet felt like I was starving. The protein drinks were making me gag and I stopped drinking them. I knew I had to get protein so I began drinking Fairlife and eating Oikos 15 gram protein yogurts as well as canned chicken. I eat very small amounts of food but I'm just wondering when will the pain go away? I feel most of the pain is at the stomach entry. I CHEW CHEW CHEW too. Even liquids hurt. I keep a lot of ice packs in the freezer because I need it on my stomach all day. Feeling anxious. Any advice is appreciated.
  11. Billy123


    When people talk about stalls what exactly does that mean? Are stalls weeks, months, or what exactly.
  12. OK I had my DS surgery 11/15/22 I've lost 28 lbs. I've lost 2 lbs in the past 2 weeks. I thought this was gonna drastically drop off. I'm doing my protein shakes ,and water. Why am I at a stall already Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. I really can’t understand the science behind why this is happening. I was sleeved on December 19. Tomorrow makes exactly two weeks since my surgery. Yet, this entire past week, my weight has stayed the same. Makes me feel like all this misery is for nothing. I’ve been on nothing but liquids. Protein shakes, chicken broth, jello, and yogurt. I add a scoop of protein powder to my yogurt for added intake. I’m literally starving. This liquid preop and post op has been extremely tough. To the point where I didn’t wanna leave the house and celebrate the holidays with friends and family. What’s the point of going around food and drinks and people having fun when I can’t indulge in ANY of it. It’s hard just looking at other people eat while I sit there with water and a protein shake which I’m so very tired of. Then to step on the scale and see that I haven’t lost a since pound since my first week smh. I know they say don’t weigh yourself blah blah because stall will happen. BUT THIS EARLY???? Has anyone else experienced their first stall this quickly after surgery??
  14. Three weeks post surgery on my revision to a distal gastric bypass and my urine output keeps dropping. I drink 80-100oz of water a day, but am barely peeing like I did before. Scale hasn’t moved since the first week of surgery either. I’ve called the doc and they said since I’m not having problems breathing or swelling in my extremities, it’s just a stall. My pee is getting darker and it’s starting to get me worried.
  15. I’m having my 2013 sleeve converted to bypass on 1/9/2023 because of GERD. I’m not too happy that I have to go through with this as I never wanted a full bypass and have enjoyed being able to still eat a some what normal diet (albeit with less volume than pre sleeve). I’m down between 60-70 lbs from my top weight pre sleeve. Not as much as I really need to feel good in my body but certainly healthier. a few questions: Anyone done this and can share their experience? Will I ever be able to eat again? I know I will but the sleeve was pretty forgiving, everything I read about bypass with the emphasis on protein, chewing 20x, not drinking 15 min before or after eating, makes me think the little enjoyment I got from a good meal after VSG is over, even that is gone. What was you weight loss when you went from sleeve to bypass? I’ve heard I can expect maybe 10-15%. beyond where I am now Any tips or things to watch out for? I’ll be glad to get rid of the GERD and hopefully avoid all the bad things that can come from that but I’m super worried I won’t be able to follow the bypass regime and have other health problems from not following things as directed.
  16. Sooo! Surgery date 8/24/22 How is everyone doing? And how much have you lost?? Me! Start weight: 251.6 lbs Current weight: 200.8 lbs Goal weight: 165 lbs Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Hey guys! I'm three weeks post- op from Gastric Sleeve. Just curious as to if anyone else has had something called water nausea? I have not been able to drink water in any form (iced, room temperature, hot, flavored, etc...) without it coming back up the second it hits by stomach. The only fluids I have been able to keep down are Gatorade zero or tea with no calorie sweetener. Recently, Gatorade zero has also become like water to the extent where it makes me sick or very nauseous. Also, I'm in the soft foods and I was told I should be eating at least a quarter of a cup of soft foods, but I can't get through one bite that's smaller than my pinky nail without having an intense pain in the center of my upper stomach below the sternum. The pain has convinced me that eating in general just isn't worth it and I have the same issue when it comes to protein shakes. Has anybody experienced this and have any helpful advice? I've had to get fluids for the two weeks and my doctor says it's all normal, but it's causing me to spiral into a pit of depression because everyone I've talked to has said they never experienced anything like this and therefore can't give me advice. 

  18. Hi, I’m Alicia. I just had the gastric sleeve done on 11/21 so I’m a lil over 2 weeks post-op and I know when I’m hungry, but I’m having trouble telling when I’m feeling full. Has this happened to anyone else in the beginning or in general after surgery? I try to really listen to my body when I’m eating, and eat slower, but I’m still unable to tell when I’m full. I normally just stop eating when I feel like its in my throat and it’s going down slowly. I’ve been avoiding throwing up and I don’t want that to happen, so that’s why I try to not finish everything I’m eating at the time. Any advice on how to tell when you’re full or feeling satisfied? Thanks in advance!
  19. Hey Everyone! So, I am 7-weeks post op, robot-assisted RnY gastric bypass. I have recently had some increased diaphragm pressure and discomfort. No real pain, but pressure and it is quite uncomfortable. I'm able to eat and drink. I haven't had any nausea or vomiting. I'm going to reach out to my surgical team, but I wondered if anyone else might have had this, too. It's possible that this was caused by wearing elastic-waist pants that were too snug - I did that for a couple of days in a row. Thanks! Jeanne
  20. Tomorrow is day 7 actually & I been doing 2 fairlife shakes a day & 2 water bottles jello & a sugar free popsicle broth wasn't cutting it for me especially in been doing it for weeks before surgery I cant even try anymore. Tomorrow I can incorporate oatmeal hot cereals, pudding & cream soups in which I am so looking forward to! Is this hunger feeling normal??? I really just want to chew some food & get full already! I heard this first month is the toughest but mannn I can't wait to get back to solid foods to atleast eat all these healthy recipes I been looking up. Advice please, suggestions for this 2nd week, did you stick to the plan or did you try soft foods early ? I'm just curious I'm trying to do everything by book. Sent from my SM-N970U using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. Hey yall, I had vsg on Halloween. Lost weight fairly easily the first 3 weeks. But that 3rd week and now the 4th week the scale has not moved. I know from what I read it is normal but it's been 2 weeks now and I am worried. I have tried different things to restart it like okay maybe I need to count every thing that I eat and did that then, okay maybe I need to eat more so my body will stop freaking out and tried that. However, nothing worked haha. I am getting all required protein and water and keep it low carb. I was eating like 250 calories and day then bumped it up to around 500 for a couple days. And when I added more carb still nothing happened. So, today I decided I'd try to walk for 30 mins which I did. Hoping the scale moves. Any suggestions?!!! I really want to succeed...
  22. I’m feeling really well but I notice some what foul taste, and at nights cramping pain forcing me to the stool. Wondering is this lactose intolerance. Because if the shakes? I’m using premiere . I’m going to try only using the premiere in the mornings .
  23. Hello Everyone, I'm terrified that I have a stricture, as I've had a couple episodes of food coming up. But the last two days I have become more and more full as the days wears on and it feels like my stomach stays full. Tonight I could not get in enough food before my stomach started hurting. Does this sound like a stricture? If so, I've read an EGD and dilation is done. Does your bariatric surgeon do that? I ask because mine is on maternity leave so I'm scared of what will happen. How soon would this surgery take place? I'm hoping I can at least take protein shakes but I'm burping after every sip. Any advice or information from those who have gone through this would be great. Thanks. Laura
  24. Hey folks I need advise please! They put me on the two week pre-op diet today and I'll post their guidelines below. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, can I get by with cheating just tmro if I stuck to just about meat and veggies? Will that impact me if I have Thanksgiving dinner? This is also odd, they told me I am to have NOTHING but what's on the list.. that includes meat and eggs... That's protein so I dont understand why I can't have that? Even if it's tuna or something. Can I get some advise please, I'm really frustrated. If need be I'll stay home and not go to Thanksgiving but I don't want to have to do that if I don't have to. Pre-op guidelines Diet guidelines: Low Calorie, 800 calories per day At least 60 grams of protein per day Protein meal replacement shakes Bariatric Advantage[emoji2400] Meal Replacement (available for purchase in office) Ensure Max Protein Shake Equate High Performance Protein Shake Equate Whey Protein Powder Fairlife Core Power or Nutrition Plan Protein Shakes GNC Total Lean Shake 25 Muscle Milk Pro Series Premier Protein Smoothie King Gladiator or Lean 1 Unjury Protein Powder What to include in your diet: Meal Replacements / Protein supplements: 3-5 meal replacement shakes per day Whey protein with at least 20 grams of protein per serving (soy or vegan options available if whey intolerant) Soups: Bouillon, broths, and low-fat cream soups Avoid soups containing noodles, rice, meat, and other food chunks Milk and Dairy: Skim or 1% milk, Almond, Soy, Lactaid, or Fairlife Light yogurt, Nonfat Greek yogurt No ice cream! J Other: Sugar free pudding, sugar free Jell-O, sugar free popsicles Vegetable juice Beverages: should be sugar free and calorie free Aim for at least 64 ounces of total fluids per day Water with Crystal Light, sugar free Kool-Aid, sugar free water flavorings Unsweet iced tea or coffee (decaffeinated preferred) No carbonated beverages, no alcohol, no fruit juices You may have 1-4 cups of non-starchy vegetables per day to satisfy hunger. Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers (pickles are okay), green beans, lettuce, peppers, spinach, squash, tomatoes DO NOT EAT peas, corn, or potatoes (starchy vegetables) Sent from my SM-G781U using BariatricPal mobile app

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