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Found 3,900 results

  1. Dooter


    OHHHH dear one- the conversations we've had today on this forum about stalls!!! I am in one as well. Mine started at...guess when....three weeks!!! Yes, it's referred to around here as the "three week stall." I found a great explanation for it today from one of our seasoned sleevers. Check it out: (This was a post on another thread by "Tiffykins.") This is why you are in a stall. It's normal and expected. Your body will never go into a stall as long as you have body fat to burn: Weight Loss Stall or Plateau A weight loss stall or plateau is an extended period of time during reducing efforts where is there is no weight loss according to the scale and no loss of inches according to the tape measure. This is why it is so important to take your body measurements before surgery, so you'll have a reference as your weight loss progresses post-op. We suggest you take measurements of your chest, waist and hip, neck, upper arm, thigh and calf. Be aware it is very common for your weight loss to "stall" shortly after surgery. Diana explains the reason for this below. The Inevitable Stall By Diana C. A "stall" a few weeks out is inevitable, and here's why. Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet. As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a saber tooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored. Breathe, and fuggedaboudit for a few days. What You Can Do About a Stall or Plateau If you are experiencing a post-op weight loss stall or plateau further out there are a few possible causes. First, check that are you really in a stall. If the scale has stopped moving you may be losing inches, so check your measurements. Too Many Carbs? Carbohydrates can start sneaking into your foods without you being aware of how quickly they are adding up. For more information on carbs, see our section onCarbohydrates. If you are struggling with your weight loss you may want to examine your daily carb count. You can try to keep your carbs under 50g a day and see if that makes a difference in your weight loss. Do not eat carbs before bedtime as it triggers insulin and initiates fat storage. There are some great web site resources you can use to keep track of what you are eating.
  2. wantingabetterlife

    Stall? Same weight down to the oz.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of stalls. Like @@Tammylb said, they happen....regularly. Even when going through one, your body can change. I got stuck for almost three weeks at the same weight. During that time, my body shifted and I lost quite a few inches. Then one day, the scale started to move again and pounds started coming off. Just stick to your program and drink lots of water! Some people even suggest upping your calories so your body doesn't think it's starving. Good luck and best wishes!!!
  3. quilter

    3 weeks out and hungry

    I'm three weeks out tomorrow and I'm on pureed foods. I'm following exactly my Dr's directions and today I was starving. Plus my weight loss has stalled. At this point I could cry
  4. kaitlynm

    Not really losing

    Lisalisa1212. I am 5 months out and have gone from 268 to 199, so I don't think you are doing too bad. I had a stall that started about a month ago that lasted for three weeks and even now I'm loosing again, but it is really slow. I think the days of loosing 10 pounds per month are over. A lot depends on your starting weight, what did you loose before surgery, your sex, and age. It is hard to compare yourself to others. DrPitt2b you seem to be on much more than a stall. Have you talked to your Dr about the results?
  5. lulalove

    Successfully banded 12/3/14

    Hi all, This will be a long post about my journey 6.5 weeks post-op and its a bit tough (like everyone else's!) So I have not updated in a while due going through a major stall. After surgery my weight went up 5lbs, dropped by 4 then again up by 2. I started feeling very lousy and discouraged. Was blaming it all on the fill... etc (naturally) But little by little I regained my will, well still trying, Put reminders to eat slow, eat little, drink Water and exercise will beep on my phone FOREVER. Yes, every 30 minutes I set up my phone to drink water. Funny when my hubs is at home he counts how many I missed I have 25 oz bottle and know exactly how much I drink. Four of those and I feel accomplished. Three and I am happy too! Two I know I have to get back on track. I can gulp for now as I am only 2cc so pretty loose. Second, I log my food on MFP for nutrients counting. Started right when I finished cake from my son's 2nd bday... I have now the 2 bad days to compare with... then I threw out all the sweet stuff (except my dark chocolate!). I still cheat a tiny bit (i know, booooooo!) my hubby had to make homemade ice-cream! but I only had a cup about when I had 300 cal def and made him feel so guilty for making ice-cream and not frozen yogurt haha Plus I walk 1.5 - 2 miles at least 5 days a week. Wish I could do 3 miles, but my little monster gets annoyed. Plus weather in NYC is not so friendly. No excuses, so I did my first day of exercise following an app on iPhone. Just 19 minutes, light one to prove how out of shape I am! Still soar and feels great. So thats it, eat & count calories, carbs, fat and Protein. Eating about half a cup per meal. Drinking water every 30 minutes, but not 30 min before and after meals and get moving! Oh and I did buy Alex & Natalie's "The big book on lap band" just for support still reading ... Finally, I am down to 225.8 lbs! Its a tough journey but I chose the perfect tool. Thank you for reading and hope to hear some stories too. lula
  6. I'm not disputing any of the advice you got here - all of it is good. But I'd also point out that these longer stalls do happen to a lot of us. My body hit happy weights at 190 and 160 and it took FOREVER to get past those two points. It was like my body was so happy that no matter what I did I couldn't lose weight. And the sad news? Once I was within 20 pounds of goal it took a whole SIX months to lose that last 20 pounds. Some months I only lost one pound the entire month, and some it flew off in short bursts of five at a time. Oh, and once I hit goal? I immediately bounced up three pounds and it took another three weeks of two Protein shakes a day to get them off again!! Sometimes, as much as we hate it, the best answer is to keep plugging away and wait it out. So my advice is to track that food again using a more traditional calorie counter, not the points system. Find what works for you without causing a gain. I discovered prior to surgery with metabolic testing that my basal metabolic rate is significantly lower than the average and that I need a lower calorie diet to lose weight. If you're eating the standard 1200 calorie diet now, it might be too much. Or even too little, based upon your exercise regimen. Make sure the issue isn't denial about what you're eating. That's my biggest culprit every time. I may only be able to eat one cookie at a time but I'll be darned if I don't get carried away sometimes and eat one at a time four times a day! Record every crumb you put in your mouth and if your intake isn't the issue it's likely that your body is at a happy spot. Persistence will pay off and eventually you'll be down to goal, even if it doesn't happen quickly. It took me 17 months to get to goal but man, life here is sweet. You'll be there if you keep trying. ~Cheri
  7. anaarnaiz

    3 Week Stall

    I hit my 3rd week and the stall too it's been almost three weeks on exactly the same weight not loosing or gaining any pound, but they said sometimes is normal and is only the first one of many more to come! Good luck
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Making It Work For Me

    In advance I will ask your forgiveness as i rant about my life! I haven't blogged in a while but I have been busy and still consistent to my goal. I started working with a trainer 2 weeks ago to learn to properly exercise and EAT. Eat you say, I thought that was why you had lapband surgery so you wouldn't eat. Well the answer to that question is both a yes and a no. I had lapband surgery because I had always failed at every weight loss program for 20 years plus. I like many would always lose weight but could never make it for the long haul not did I ever really change my relationship with food and what I put into my body. I have always been in for the instant gratification, quick fix and results category. I think I have tried almost every fad diet on the market and have always made them work for me only to gain back what I lost plus MORE! Does this sound familiar to any of you, I am sure it does and I am sure that many of you have been as frustrated as I have been. So why is this Lapband Journey going to be any different? What will I do different and how will I transition this into a life style change and will I be successful? A Journey:The act of traveling from one place to another; a trip. A distance to be traveled or the time required for a trip: a 2,000-mile journey to the Pacific; the three-day journey home. A process or course likened to traveling; a passage: the journey of Life! Hmmmmm, after reading the above statement I think I need to rethink what I call this Lapband process. A journey may be OK to get from Fat to Thin but then what? I am thinking that, the closer you get to goal the more you need to have made some major changes a long this journey. So now I am refocusing my thoughts and think I will call this Lapband a "Life Style Change". If I really want to commit to this weight loss I have to change my way of thinking, my band has been my safety net under this high wire act, that I have been using to prevent my self from falling off. It has worked, I have been successful but I am getting close to my goal, a number I set that I wanted to achieve and would consider my success. Wow this is really scary, can I do this? Can I really be successful? Can I really maintain this new me and how do I do it? So, to remain focused I really have to get my mind heading down the right path, I need reprogramming. I need to really understand my body and how food is used as fuel. Some days it all seems so over whelming and you almost feel OCD. You critique every morsel you allow to go between your lips, you constantly tell yourself, no don't eat that, no you can't have that. Now how many calories are in that and how much protein have I eaten and oh my god have I eaten to many carbs or what the hell do I do if I really am hungry. Sound familiar. My brain is constantly in high gear, constantly planning, evaluating and second guessing if I am really eating the right things or if I am just going through the motions. Honestly I do not want to feel deprived for the rest of my life. Some day I want to be able to eat some type of dessert and not feel like I have failed or let my self down. Someday I want to have a healthy relationship with food not a fear that if I eat something it will tip me one way or the other. There has got to be a balance between healthy and happy. I have went through some months lately as I sat stalled at the same weight day after day and wondered, why? I have obsessed over my food dairy, I have obsessed over my carbs, my fats. I have tried to only eat 3 meals a day and never snack between meals. I have honestly tried to follow every rule that my doctor and the Lapband web site has suggested. But honestly, it's hard, it's not natural, it sometimes sets you up for failure. It makes you resent food, it makes you resent other people who are losing faster than you and it makes you feel like a failure. Honestly following the Lapband rules, is not really eating a well balanced diet.(I will add in my opinion) I have struggled since I had this procedure to incorporate fruits and vegetables in my diet. I rarely eat fiber and my focus has always been protein, protein and more protein. I know, I know, your all saying but you have lost weight, yes but have I always been satisfied with my diet and what I was eating the answer was NO, or hell NO! So world since this can no longer be just about the journey and more about living a healthy life. I am not committed to making a life style change. How scary is that, and how in the world do I do it. Big question with no simple answers. So I will enlighten you to my plan. As I stated in my first sentence, I started working out with a trainer two weeks ago. I was very upfront with him, "Justin". I told him about my WLS and how I was suppose to eat with lapband and what I could and could not eat. The first session we had he told me, "You are not eating healthy and you are not eating enough" Well that was a first for me, I have always been told I eat to much. He also told me I was not burning fat, I was burning muscle, due to my poor nutritional habits. Oh great! Now what, I have spent the past 15 months trying to eat healthy only to go to far in the other directions. Geezzz!! I am starving my body of necessary nutrients. Am I ever going to get the hang of this. So here we go again, planning meals, making sure I am taking time to get in my planned healthy snacks, increasing my protein, adding some carbohydrates, more veggies and let's don't forget the fruits. That day last week when I walked out of the gym, I thought to myself, how the hell am I going to do this. I can't eat rice, I can't eat sweet potato's and oatmeal with egg whites, protein drinks and on and on.... Well it is one week later and I am finding if you put your mind to it you can do just about anything. I have stuck to his plan, I have increased my calories back to 1200 plus, I have managed to get from 90-120 gms of protein in every day. I have managed to learn to like Oatmeal with egg whites, I have learned to eat rice again (only a quarter of a cup but it is rice. I have learned to like sweet potato's without butter and brown sugar and managing to get at least one serving of fruit in and some vegetables. Now granted some days I feel like all I get done is prep my meals and I feel like I am always eating but honestly I feel better, have more energy and actually have the strength to exercise and do the weight training he wants to do. I have been able to increase my cardio workouts to 30 minutes daily with a goal of 45. So bottom line, I am trying to change my lifestyle, I am learning to plan my meals better and make exercise a routine in my life not just something I do to reach a goal. Honestly for me the only difference in LapBand from the old diet is I am forcing myself to live healthy. The band is not causing me to live healthy because honestly the band will allow you to eat all the unhealthy food you want, it is you and only you that can control what and when you put food in your mouth, The band can restrict you, can make you throw up can lead you to an unhealthy life style if you allow it to. You still have to get control over your life, get rid of bad habits and develop new habits. You have to remember that it truly is and will always be only a tool, it will never control or help you decide what you should eat only you can make those decisions and only you will know what you put in your body. This is much more than a journey, it is my war on food and health, it is me becoming a "New Person". So if I become obsessive about what I eat and how much I exercise so be it because I am in this for the long haul and I will not fail and I will reach goal, maybe not today or tomorrow but it will happen if I continue to change my behaviors. So fellow bandster, don't give up, take each new challenge as it comes and most and foremost believe in yourself and believe that with hard work, focus, support and love you can make this......... Lifestyle Change: modifying or eliminating long-held habits of eating or physical activity and maintaining the new habits over months and years!! We can all do this, because I believe.........................................
  9. VDLT

    Stalled since week 2!

    You lost over 30 pounds in two weeks, Celebrate that! It is early on in the game and as long as you are following rules you will be ok. The first month going from clears to full liquids to mushies etc poses a lot of changes to your body so give it time to adjust. I stalled after week two for over a week as well and thought, oh well, getting the three week stall out of the way early. Nope, hit another big stall a few weeks later. But things got moving again. I am now stuck at a previous set point and trying to just wait it out. I am doing what I need to be doing and have to trust that.
  10. kimbernada


    Don't forget to track how much and what you are eating. I like using My Fitness Pal. It really helped me in the beginning because it made me more aware of what nutrients I was getting in. My focus has always been to try to hit at least 80 grams of Protein. And, I had a three week stall that started week 3. They happen. I know it can be discouraging to NOT see the weight come off, but it will. I also learned early on to not weigh myself daily. Our bodies will fluctuate in weight day to day, even morning compared to night. Why? The food and fluids we eat/drink that is still in the system will increase our weight temporarily (and don't forget the other bodily functions). Pick a day and time to weigh yourself once a week. I swear it will help keep your sanity intact.
  11. I was three weeks post-op on Wednesday, and haven't lost a pound since then. (will be one week of a stall). This also coincides with moving into soft foods per my doctor's plan. Should I go back a stage in the food plan or keep going with the soft foods?
  12. Lissa


    Ayay, This is NOT a diet. This is a lifestyle change. I don't know how far post-op you are, but I'm guessing you're in the 3-5 weeks category. If so, search here for the 3 week stall. Almost everyone goes through that stall and finds that the scale is standing still for a bit. Take your measurements now, so you have something to refer to later, pay attention to how your clothes are fitting as well. Are they looser? If you did take pre-op measurements, are you losing inches? I lost my first pants size during my 3 week stall. I put them on, zipped them up, and they fell to the ground! I'm not following any diet except: 70grams of Protein and 64 oz of Water per day. I don't track calories, carbs, or anything else. I have started adding in more "good" carbs because I've upped my exercise routine, but that's about the only time I worry about carbs. Stalls will happen, but they happen because your body needs the time to adjust to the changes. I shape-shifted in the last few months, losing a good bit of mass in my hips and thighs and developing muscle definition in my arms, tummy and thighs. In that same three months, I lost 10 pounds. Now my weight loss has started up again, but I imagine that I'll go through another shift in a month or so. The best advice I can offer you is this: Don't let the scale run your life. Weigh less often and concentrate on your protein and water goals. The weight will take care of itself. Add in some exercise, even if it's 5 minutes on the treadmill or exercise bike. Once it's part of your routine, you'll miss exercise when you don't do it. Good luck!
  13. So I had my sleeve done 11/6. I am on a liquid stage right now. Had to go out to any event to Celebrate my son's birthday and were around family that did not know I had surgery. I had Soup and then tried to eat a few bites of mashed potatoes so that it appeared I was eating like everyone else. I was only able to eat three bites of mashed potato. I'm just wondering once I get to real food next month. Is there going to be a point where I'm going to be able to eat an amount that is not so noticeable that everyone's gonna ask why only take five bites of food ? I'm just wondering if it's always only going to be a few bites of food or what? I want to eventually be able to go out and have normal social life without all the questions or why I'm not eating? So that's my only concern. For now obviously just being on shakes and yogurt etc. i'm already down 20 pounds since my surgery date. Still doesn't really feel good to eat yogurt even then I do better with just liquids. I go back to work this week and I feel fine other than that. I've been able to get up and walk around and be active almost since the first few days I've been home. So no complaints here. More just questions about the future. Happy that I will never be able to sit down with a huge plate of food And eat til my stomach hurts. Just knowing that makes me much more sure about my future. Making better choices and this tool helping for portion size it's really a win-win. Now I'm approaching this three-week stall keep hearing about but I have no complaints 20 pounds even for one month it's nothing to complain about. So far every day still more and more weight is gone. My doctor told me last Friday that that weight loss would slow down but I've lost another 3 pounds since then. Cheers to that!
  14. I am almost at 8 months and am supposed to eat 8-900 calories a day... I REALLY want to eat about 1100 and often do. I have been stalled for the last three weeks. I am going in for blood tests and my (late) 6 month check up next week. Hope I don't get a finger shake! Until about two months ago, I ate under 800 cals a day ... much of that WAY under.
  15. NtvTxn

    Not losing

    Hi Maddie, A three week stall is a long time. I know you're frustrated! You're just now six weeks out, so you are starting on 'everything'. Carbs can bring you to a halt fast depending on what you are eating. To kick start a plateau, I'd always up my Protein and Water, do a little exercise and it worked like a charm every time. Protein for me was normally 60 - 65 and I'd go to 70 - 80. My calories when I was where you are were between 500 and 650 per day...and I did good to get that much in. During my losing period I averaged 675 per day. I had great restriction, I still do. I call cottage cheese, the Breakfast of champions, I love it. 1% of course. Eggs; steamed shrimp (i keep a bag on hand for lunch), tuna, I measure 2 TB of lite mayo for a can; whatever meat you want at night; stay away from bread, rice, Pasta, all sweets, nothing until you reach goal; chips; if it's in a bag or a box....chances are, you shouldn't have it!!! The exception, Special K Crackers, a few with tuna rather than bread are ok - recommended by my dietitian. They even have a little Fiber. I have two glasses of skim milk per day. I get liquid and 16 grams of protein, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak!! Greek yogurt, the plain, has TONS of protein in it, add Stivia or some other artificial sweetener to it, or sugar free jelly....a little fruit, be creative, just nothing you shouldn't. Great source of protein. I hope these suggestions help!!! Three weeks is a long time, you can overcome this, I promise you!!! Good luck, this tool works, just work with it!!! Also, I still weight and measure EVERYTHING....and keep an on line food log, it's good to know exactly how much you are eating and to keep track of your protein and calories!!! Just a suggestion!!
  16. Vinasu

    Could I be stalling already?

    Yes. It's normal. Do a search for the "three week stall." Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  17. SandyS

    Do you count vitamin calories?

    I am three weeks out and I am lucky if I consume 300 calories per day. I feel satisfied with 200-300 calories. I don't count my vitamins either. It's amazing how different I feel about food now. It's like night and day! I had a stall during week two and didn't lose anything for 6 days. So far I have lost 27 pounds.
  18. GeezerSue

    Just wondering how everyone is doing!

    Do I get to play, or is the revision surgery "cheating?" Remember, I went up to my pre-banding weight PLUS three pounds when I went for the revision...so I was starting at the top...again. My BMI was 49-ish...it's now 35-ish. My weight loss has been stalled for a couple of weeks (couldn't move, on pain killers and/or steriod inections), and I'm probably going to experience a slight gain...as I'm starting (f'ing) Prednisone tomorrow for a back injury. When stressing about my mother and my back, I did the only normal thing...for me. I ate all of the chocolate in my zipcode. I knew it made no sense when I bought it and made LESS sense when I ate it, but--at those moments--I apparently trusted the chocolate more than I trusted reason or logic, to solve my problems. I have learned NOTHING from being banded. I think I made the right decision in going with malabsorption. And I got my 6-month labs back today. Penni--and other medical types--if there's anything I'm supposed to worry here about will you let me know? I've been really anxious about these! * = near either end of the "Reference Values" ** = outside the "Reference Values" ~~HEMATOPATHOLOGY WBC--7.6--(REFERENCE 4.3-10.0) HGB--12.0--(REFERENCE 11.5-15.0) HCT--35.6--(REFERENCE 35.0-47.0) *MCV--80--(REFERENCE 80-99) RBC--4.45--(REFERENCE 3.90-5.20) *MCH--27--(REFERENCE 27-34) MCHC--33.8--(REFERENCE 32.-36.0) **RDW--15.6--(REFERENCE 0.0--15.5) PLATELET--416--(REFERENCE150-450) **TRANSFERRIN--397--(REFERENCE 200-360) IRON--49--(REFERENCE 37-145) Vitamin B-12--804--(REFERENCE 211-911) FOLATE-- >20.0 ~~COAGULATION APTT--34.9--(REFERENCE 24.0-36.0) PROTIME PT--14.3--(10.0-15.7) INR--1.06--(REFERENCE 0.70-1.19) ~~URINALYSIS WAS FINE ~~CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY GLUCOSE--93--(REFERENCE 65-99) NA--138--(REFERENCE136-147) K--4.1--(REFERENCE 3.5-5.5) CL--104--(REFERENCE 96-108) CO2--25--(REFERENCE 22-29) ANION GAP--9--(REFERENCE 5-14) BUN--10--(REFERENCE 6-20) CREA--0.5--(REFERENCE 0.4-1.1) UREA/CREA--20--(REFERENCE 10-22) OSMO CALC--274--(REFERENCE 268-292) TOT PROTEIN--6.7--(REFERENCE 6.3-8.3) ALBUMIN--4.3--(REFERENCE 3.6-5.0) *GLOBULIN--2.4--(REFERENCE 2.4-4.4) A/G RATIO--1.8--(REFERENCE 0.7-2.5) FERRITIN--19--(REFERENCE 15-417) ~~PROTEIN ANALYSIS *PREALBUMIN--20.4--(REFERENCE 20.0-40.0) ~~CARDIAC RISK INDICATORS TRIG--117--(REFERENCE 0-149) CHOL--119--(REFERENCE 0-199) HDL CHOL--64 CHOL/HDL-- 1.9 LDL CALC--32--(REFERENCE 0-99) VLDL CALC--23 (REFERENCE 0-30) ~~THYROID FUNCTION T3U--36--(REFERENCE 24-37) HS/TSH--1.04--(REFERENCE 0.35-5.50) FREE T4--1.2--(REFERENCE 0.8-1.Cool PTH INTACT--48--(REFERENCE 14-72) ~~MISCELLANEOUS TESTS Vitamin A @--0.37--(REFERENCE 0.30-1.20) RET PALM @--0.02--(REFERENCE 0.00-0.10) VIT A INTERP @--NORMAL **VIT D, 25 OH @--15--(REFERENCE 20-57) VITAMIN B6, PLASMA--PENDING My PCP says I need a little sunshine and an occasional Protein drink as my prealbumin is at the low end of normal. Is there anything else I should be concerned about? Thanks, Sue
  19. bloom, I was banded the same day as you. I'm still losing, but it has slowed down, to probably a normal level. I'm not drinking any of my meals, unless I'm in a big rush. I'm also getting on my elliptical, but not using the arms and taking it slower than I did pre-band for 40 mins in the morning, and taking a three mile walk in the evening. (hopefully after my doctor's appt next week, I'll be OKed to increase my exercise). I'm watching every carb, to make sure the ones I'm getting are from healthy foods. I also still have restriction from the surgery, so I'm not famished, which is very helpful in not going overboard at meal time. I am sticking to 1/2 c meals, heavy on protein, 3 times per day plus a snack. I'm keeping my snacks healthy. For instance, today, I'm having NF cottage cheese with tomato. Yesterday, I had a peach. I'm also drinking a ton of no-cal liquids (ice water, crystal lite, etc). I anticipate losing my restriction, and maybe having a stall in my weight loss, but after fills, I know I'll kick it back up. I know it's such an uphill battle, bloom, but we're going to make it. From everything I've read, it's not until we get fills, that we really get the advantage from our bands. Hang in there.
  20. Finally after over three weeks my stall has ended. I started out post op at 220 lbs, now I am 169. So happy this morning. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  21. GoingforSainthood

    No weigh lost in a month

    Losing 40 lbs is awesome. I went through the same thing. I lost about 40-50 lbs for the first three months after my surgery didn't move much for about a month. I talked to the Doctor about six weeks post op your body will stall so that it can adjust to what's happening. Stalls are okay, it's just your body adjusting to the rapid weight loss.
  22. Hello everyone! I was sleeved on August 1, 2014, as of today I am down 40 pounds. I am so beyond happy with this weight loss but I have been at 40 pounds for about three weeks I know in my head I need to start exercising and getting more protein in. Please let me know what exercising you have noticed work the best and what your food diet is. I feel my doctor just says good job and sends me on my way. I have another doc appointment next week and my stall started right when I saw him last time. I almost feel like canceling my appointment cause I haven't lost anything since I saw him last! Help please! Any info how to get past this stall would be great!
  23. ColoradoChick

    I need to get my tukus in gear!

    I have been stalled for about 3 weeks. I also had neck surgery three weeks ago so it is understandable. I need to get back into walking soon! I am so bummed as I need some motivation! I was so strict with walking before my surgery! Now I have to get back to it although slowly. I have been at 211 for weeks!
  24. catwoman7

    Loosing too fast?

    it'll slow down. I had a big drop the first month, then it's been like 2-3 lbs a week. Plus like many, you may hit the "three week stall" soon where you won't lose anything for a week or two....
  25. rosepose

    Week 3 discouragement

    Oh I was really frustrated my first week!!! It felt like I didn't lose anything for days at a time and then only a pound and then nothing again! I think my system was in shock and went into lock down. I'm only 11 days out now but things have started moving. I think I have to put the scale away - the three week stall sounds crazy making.

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