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Found 738 results

  1. SammiSiren


    I know I'm not supposed to drink but I have been and nothing has been happening. I don't get sick, I don't have any issues getting drunk fast. I have 2 drinks and that's it. Is it really that bad?
  2. I know that it's bad for you, but I will turn 21 about 5months after surgery. I'm not saying that I will go super overboard, but I can't see not being able to drink a little. As of right now, I'm not really that big of a drinker. I have 1 alcoholic beverage every 6months, and I'm not a big partyer. So I would just like to know what have your experiences been with alcohol? How often do you drink? How much can you drink? I would just like to be able to go out every now and then and get a decent buzz lol. But it really wouldn't be that big of a sacrifice to give it up completely seeing as I almost never drink the stuff anyway. So let me know what's up :biggrin:
  3. A small amount of wine goes wayyyyy further than it did before surgery. I'm being truthful here and having a hard time with stopping when I know I should. I really don't want this to get out of hand. Advice appreciated but please don't give it if you choose to judge me. Thank you.
  4. Yikes! Am I ever getting nervous. I am scheduled for surgery on 9-13. Trying to keep to the pre-op diet is hard but I am doing okay. I think my biggest fear is not knowing how well I will do. I would do just about ANYTHING to lose weight in the past...including diet pills, hypnosis, etc. I always lost the weight but put it back on again. I need a little buddy (the lap band) to remind me not to eat when I am full.....not to eat just because I am bored...or unhappy or happy, etc! I am hoping that the lap band will do the trick! I do wonder what the rules on alcohol are. Can you ever drink alcohol again after the surgery? Not that I drink a lot but I do on social occasions occasionally! Any thoughts on that? I would appreciate any and all! Thanks,
  5. needtolose

    drinking alcohol

    Not that I am a heavy drinker by any means, but a couple times a year I like to get together with friends and tip back a few. I am wondering how everyone's experience has been with alcohol after the band and what types of drinks people are drinking when they do drink. That you for any advise.
  6. kaydeeluv1


    can you drink alcohol after the surgery
  7. Are you out there? Recovery Alcoholic is so very optional (added this mainly because i found I am actually quite compulsive with food) but really looking to make a friend here who can meet up and hang on occasion:) You don't even have to have a low bmi'er at all...just don't want to be judged for doing it at what some deem a lower weight. I live in Hollywood area:D


    hey everybody I'm 5 weeks out when is it safe to have alcohol
  9. How long did everyone wait post banding to have there sip of alcohol?
  10. Hi. I'm 1yr post op. I wanted to hear other post op's Alcohol effects. Wine burns my tummy and liquor gives me dumping and burns. Beer seems the only subtle drink but bloats me. If I do catch a buzz it's only literally for 15-20 mins.


    Just Wondering..i Just Got Banded 1/31 And Am Feeling Great. Once I'm Up And Running (in A Couple Months Or So) And After My First Fill I'm Wondering If Alcohol Is Allowed In Moderation? Something I Forgot To Ask The Md. Thanks For Any Info..
  12. I know they asked me a dozen times if I am a drinker before my surgery so I'm wondering if that means we can't drink now? I like to have a glass of wine maybe two or three times a year when I am out with friends.... Will this harm anything? Make me sick? I usually sip on the one glass for a couple of hours.... What about mixed drinks? Any Harm on Special occasions?
  13. syd5195


    I was sleeved Sept 18 th and have lost 70 pounds!! I feel great and in size 12 jeans???????? I have tries to have a sip of a cocktail and it still sets my stomach on fire!!!!!! You would think 6 months out it would not burn. Any body else doing this?!??? Sent from my iPhone using VST
  14. Am 4 weeks can i have a drink??
  15. K so not to sound like I'm feigning for it but I know eventually we are allowed to partake in alcohol agian but when. Of corse I have no desire for it now but post op down the line when? Does anyone know?
  16. dina anderson

    Alcohol...? How much??

    Hi all, I'm going to be banded on Feb 22nd and I love to party!!! Will I still be able to drink enough to get a buzz?? I know that sounds bad but I like to have fun and I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to get drunk again!!
  17. It burns a little all the way down. I haven't taken it in 2 days because I have an upset tummy and I shudder at the thought. So is this bad? I really wouldn't think That (stearyl? ) alcohol would be wise?
  18. Ok so is it ok to have a drink 6 weeks after surgery?
  19. So i am only 2 weeks out , i know i cant drink till month 3 , but i am curious , do you get drunk faster like they say? one shot? one drink? or ? let me know about your experience with it please
  20. Jessibird


    Anybody have issues with alcohol now that they cant eat? I find myself struggling with alochol now. So sad anout this. Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. T.Whitaker


    What's the best low sugar alcoholic beverages to enjoy???
  22. My hubby has a bypass. Half a glass of wine, and he is drunk. Is this true for sleeves as well?
  23. callchrissy

    Tips On Alcohol...

    So I had my surgery on October 21st. I am just over 3 weeks out. I am not planning on drinking anything until 8 weeks out and that would be ocasionaly/socially but I just want to know what peoples tolerances are? During my pre op class they say u get drunk off of A LOT less alcohol and need to be careful. So I'd like to see about how much people are drinking before you become tipsy?
  24. So, just got banded last Friday and I'm trying to stick to pureed foods. It's very hard since it seems like my stomach can tolerate big portions and I'm feeling good, but extremely hungry. Can anyone tell me if it is ok to have a glass of wine already? How about smoking?
  25. Next weekend I have an annual girls weekend at the lake. Yes, this includes alcoholic beverages. Maybe a few. Before surgery the only thing I drank was beer. Has anyone had beer post surgery? I'm afraid of the carbonation. Any other beverage options? I'm not a wine drinker.

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