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Found 17,501 results

  1. Some people drift through their entire life. They do it one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. It happens so gradually they are unaware of how their lives are slipping away until it's too late. I don't want that to be me..Thanks to Lap band..

  2. I didn't lose anything for almost 2 weeks and went in to see the nutritionist. She looked at my food diary and said that what I am eating is good. They gave me another small fill. 1/2 cc. I could tell the difference right away.

    I am on my 10th day post fill and I am down 6 pounds. I am at 200 now and hope to be in the 190 by next weekend.

    I have started a spin class and it kic...

  3. Got my six months with nutritionist in this week(had four before 1st dr visit). Back to surgeon Feb 24th.

  4. hi again- you had asked about pain under my ribs. just last week something inside kind of squiggled and moved around in my belly...and suddenly I know longer have that pain or discomfort. It is the weirdest thing! I was banded in July. Last week my dr got an Xray, so might have more info soon. Now the band is working, Im not hungry, I can still feel a sensation beneath my ribs, but ok. ~hiddn

  5. Three days post-op and feeling rather lousy...how long before feeling more normal after lap band surgery?

  6. Hey there! Congrats on being banded!! I'm three weeks out and so far so good. Can't wait for a fill though...not sure how long this will power thing will last!! How are you doing?

  7. How are you feeling post surgery? Almost 2 weeks down!

  8. Hey there, thanks for asking :) My weight hasn't changed for like 2 weeks :( I started going to the gym for about an hour of cardio a day for the past 8 days and still nothing. I won't let myself give up and I'm hoping my fill on the 14th will decrease my appetite enough. How are you doing?

  9. I have been eating regular foods for about two weeks now. My docs plan had me back on solids quickly after surgery I only had 1 week of liquids 1 week of purred and 1 week of soft.. So I am pretty much use to it and needing a fill badly! March 7th is my first fill.

  10. with Dr. Madam who I met last week and really like.

    I was the only surgical patient on the 23rd, so I got the the BH surgical center at 6:30 am and left by noon. All in all it's been a really great experience and I am glad I went for it!

  11. Its been a busy weekend,im feeling so much better.I will try to be on chat this week,take care

  12. Hello, sorry its taken over a week to respond to the welcome.. I' getting used to the website... the website is busy... (not in a bad way but...) I've only gone to the lap band seminar, most post that I've read are people who are way past that.

  13. hello my name is Juanita i was just banded on April 25 today is week 21 for me i lost 20 ponds so far.

  14. hey there lady, hows things going for you two weeks to go for me. yay

  15. Hey Jeri,

    well it been almost 2 weeks and I dropped from 232 to 211 now for the past 5 days I have stayed the same, yes I am able to take in a little more food but not near half of what I used to consume. all pretty soft stuff but I did try hard boiled eggs grated, a chicken tortilla soup not blended and it went down fine a few crackers and oatmeal. I have learned that MILK is not my friend GAS!!!!! I guess once O get my first fill I will be back to not being able to eat anything right? hope your doing well and thanks again for your support I so want to be where you are now. Congrats on all your hard work and effort and success. Patti

  16. You look so amazing! i was wondering....I went from walking 1.5 mile 6 days a week to almost 2.5 miles 5xweek and 2xweek I tone by using the weights....can you tell me how you started your exercise regimine? I have 10days before I get banded and already have made huge life changes! Thank you!

  17. Everything is going really good. Getting fills every two weeks, really starting to feel real restriction. On the 18th I'll be 4 month post-op and even with the 15lb muscle weight gain I had last month I'm still ahead of the curve when it comes to losing, so I'm doing really well with a weightloss around the 60lb mark, I was closer to 80 but I look better and feel better, scale is up but measurements and dress sizes are down :) no complaints here. Hope October hurries for you! If you have any questions feel free to ask!

  18. Hi! I am doing great! I am 2.5 weeks from surgery and already down 11.5 pounds. It was a peice of cake. Already healed and feeling good. Sometimes I forget I even had surgery.

    How are you doing with that silly 6 mo. diet?? How much longer do you have to go. What a pain that is!

  19. You are just the person I need! I am 2.5 weeks out , was banded on the 31st of March 2010. I hope you will be my friend I want to be yours . Cindy

  20. Amazing Job! I was 302 and now I am 205 and pretty much have stalled. I've started running and working out some. How did you do it? Any problems with loose skin or anything?

  21. I try to get to the gym at least 3x a week and i lift free weights at home. I also hit the speed bag and heavy bag on the days that i dont do cardio at the gym. I jog 3 miles when i go to the gym.

  22. Hi Lety! 20 lbs in 6 weeks is great! My tips for you is....take a pix of yourself every 10 lbs at loss, in the same outfit! For my before pix...I used a shirt and shorts that were to small on me....because I wanted to them get loose....then to the point where they just fell off of me! Find a workout that you love doing and do it!!! Mine is Jazzercise, its a GREAT TOTAL body workout and its so much fun! I do that 5 to 6 times per week. When eating....think about how little you can eat...vs. how much food can you get down....if you think like that, you'll never lose all your weight! Stay positive, some months you might lose 6 to 8 lbs....some months you might not lose any...it's very normal!


    I wish you the best of luck! Keep in touch and let me know how your doing! =)

  23. Hi Patrick, How you doing? Hey can you share what you eat during a week or month since your kind of a mentor. I have been doing ok but want to see what else is out there. Still going strong here. Down to 109.3 kg from 123.1kg. Hope your doing well?

  24. Is this my lap band buddy?? Hope so. Hope things are going good this week for you. I'm getting better and glad to be on week two now. Take care, Vicky

  25. You're looking great!! Just wanted to check in with you. I've been at a stall for over 6 months now, trying to get back on the wagon and get the scale moving again. Keep in touch. =)

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