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Found 738 results

  1. I miss soda and alcohol lol ...

  2. SOOOOO....how long do you have to wait to have alcohol???

  3. Are there any sleevers out there who are in recovery from drug addiction/alcoholism?? I have been in recovery for 6 years and would love to be able to talk with someone about cross addiction and the different issues I may face now that I no longer have food to manage my emotions. Thanks!

  4. celebrated with no food and alcohol...survived!

  5. Yeah you can drink alcohol. I just dont anymore because most of the drinks i like have carbonated drinks mixed in. And I dont do carbonated much anymore. Plus it's alot of calories I dont need, lol

  6. HI all! I just wanted to know what are the best choices for us to drink at social events? I wanted to know if Lite Beer, or vodka tonic is ok.
  7. I am having bypass 06/04/2021 and have a wedding in July, August, and September and would love a glass of wine at them. But I’m super nervous. How soon did you drink?
  8. I would like to know how long you guys waited to have a drink?????
  9. I was wondering if sugar alcohol has caused anyone to get sick? I was thinking about getting some sugar free candy but was scared to try it. I'm 2.5 weeks post-op. Jess...Surgiversary 9/19/12
  10. The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism (EasyRead Comfort Sale Price : Click to see the sale price The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism (EasyRead Comfort This book can be a godsend for many persons--for those who suffer from alcohol addiction, for their friends and loved ones, and for those in the relevant helping professions, Its central message is that alcoholism is primarily a metabolic disease that should be treated with due consideration of its physiological roots, The old moralistic approach and the more recent behavioral and psychological treatment approaches have a dismal record of failure, largely because they pay little or no attention to the crucial physiological and nutritional needs of alcoholics, Click Here for More Details ! Do not Miss It!! Source
  11. Now that I have started mentioning my work towards a band I have had a few ask questions that I really didnt have the answer for. One coworker is about 250, admits to drinking too much beer. When he has stopped drinking, along with watching his calories he only dropped about 40lb and nothing more. He slipped back into drinking and has maintained his weight. I can agree that alcohol is a wasted calorie, but what do I say to the fact he stopped drinking for 3 months, dieted and lost no weight? Just trying to find something constructive to tell him, besides just telling him to stop drinking totally.
  12. Hello i just have a question about drinking alcohol after surgery? I dont drink beer so carbonation is not the problem just wondering about mied drinks and wine coolers? How long should i wait? I was banded June 12th.
  13. Anyone drank post surgery? What did you drink? I'm 10 weeks post op and have been following all the rules to a T but my best friend turns 30 next month and she wants to do it up big....going out that night and I know drinking is going yo be involved. So I was thinking....I cant drink beer because if the carbonation and I cant drink the yummy "umbrella drinks" due to all the sugar....don't tell me my only option is straight liquor!!!
  14. Does anyone know how much sugar alcohol you are allowed a day? I know regular sugar is 8 grams.
  15. I am going to Vegas next month and I will be about 2 1/2 months out from surgery by then. I would love to be able to have a drink socially here and there, but I don't want to harm my tummy. has anyone tried it that soon and if so was it ok? Thanks Sherri
  16. Hi Everyone! I'm scheduled to be banded May 16th and I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding on May 29th. Well, I just went to my cousin's wedding this past weekend, while on the pre-op diet, and I didn't have anything to drink. Everyone was up dancing and having a good time and drinking and I was wishing I could join the party. I kept thinking the whole time-- I am SO drinking at my brother's wedding. I know I'll only be 13 days post-op, but do you think it will be unsafe to have one or two glasses of wine or non-fizzy mixed drinks? I know I should really ask my doc, but I'm afraid he'll say no, LOL. Anyway, I would love to hear from people about how long you waited or what your surgeons said. It's not that I NEED alcohol to have a good time or anything, but I think I would enjoy myself a little more if I could have one or two. Thanks! Mary
  17. Ok... I've been lurking here for awhile, and have read all of the articles on alcohol everyone has posted. However, the sleeve patients in my town have their own group on facebook, and the alcohol question finally came up today. One person said they were told that it is more common to have liver damage post sleeve from drinking alcohol than it would be before being sleeved. Is this true? It makes no sense to me. I mean your liver is unchanged, so why would it be MORE damaged after a STOMACH surgery? If anyone has heard this before or know why this may be true please let me know. There's probly something I'm underthinking. lol.
  18. Does anyone have any experience with drinking alcohol after the sleeve surgery? Specifically: how long did you wait to drink, what did you drink, any awful side effects?
  19. Has anyone else's doctor told them to stay away alcohol for 2 years? I haven't heard anyone else being told this. Something about giving the liver time to heal.
  20. viiki30


    Is it ok to drink alcohol 6 months post op
  21. First I know alcohol isn't the best for weight loss cause of all the sugars and calories. So let's not make the discussion about that part. I have read you can get buzzed pretty quick but goes away just as fast. I've had that with like a glass of wine or similar. My recent issue is this - twice I have drank too much whether a few margaritas or a few shots, I go from feeling fine or that happy feeling and at some point both times I instantly go to barely being able to function like the worst drunk ever. I can't even stand really and it doesn't go away quickly. Better by next morning but with bad hangover. Pre surgery if I drank too much, I could feel it and switch to water as I felt myself getting too tipsy, in these 2 instances it wasn't gradual, it was fine, then crap faced non functioning in an instant. Both times was like a couple 3 hours in when it hit me. Kind of scary. So I know I can't drink that much in the future as no warning signs like pre surgery, it just at some point crosses over without notice. Even pre surgery I never have felt that way drunk, meaning that far gone lol. Anyone else have a similar experience?
  22. Hi- curious to know people's experience with drinking alcohol after sleeve surgery. Does anyone know if cider has a lot of carbonation? Can I damage my sleeve? Stretch it out? I won't have several drinks- just 1-2 socially for a friends birthday.
  23. Ok so I was sleeved August 4th and my doctor told me I had to wait 3 months before drinking. I usually go out with my coworkers after work and it's been a little frustrating not being able to drink. I'm not a big drinker but a social drink is always fun. How long you waited or what did your doctor recommended. Halloween is coming and I'm dressing up for the first time since I feel good
  24. So, I am finding it super hard now that it is summer and everything revolves around sitting in the sun with a cocktail. I am 26 and I love to mingle..... If anyone cares to know what I have been drinking it usually consists of Firefly's sweet tea vodka with Water and lemons.... And today I found a new flavor fav which was stoli blueberry vodka with water and I used half a packet of propel's sugar free raspberry lemonade and seriously it was great. I don't drink beer or soda, but when I do drink with my friends I try to stick to sugar free drinks w/ whatever vodka... (What do you drink?!?) I do find that I am slowly loosing weight, and I don't want to blame it on the booze but I do mingle a few times a week & I count it in myfitnesspal! I probably sound like an alcoholic... Just had to share!
  25. Hi everyone! I hope all is well! I wanted to ask a question about alcohol. I have tried looking for the answers I needed in other posts but havent been successful. I am one week post op and doing well, already on soft solids and so far (crosses her fingers) no complications. This weekend is my husbands birthday, and he will be celebrating with friends. I would really like to be able to sip some Water and maybe 1 glass of wine but I dont want to cause problems with my pouch. I dont plan to get drunk just to Celebrate. Can anyone tell me what the complications may be by doing this? will it do anything to my staples... will it make me sick? I dont want to do it without being prepared and Im not making a habit but would like to be more informed. thanks for all your help and guidance I appreciate it!

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