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Found 3,903 results

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Almost week three

    Yes, you are at the three week mark so a stall is pretty inevitable at this point. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process. If you are going to lose a significant amount of weight, you will experience stalls. Just focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids, taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed, and exercising. If the numbers on the scale are going to dictate how you feel, then STAY OFF THE SCALE. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    What I'm I doing wrong

    What you are experiencing is a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process. Everyone experiences periodic stalls, and the first one usually occurs about three weeks post-op. We do not lose weight at a constant rate. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids, take your Vitamins and supplements as directed, and exercise when cleared (walking is great until you are able to do more strenuous exercise). If you are going to let the numbers in the scale drive you crazy, then consider weighing less often. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  3. 2goldengirl

    Week 4 post op

    Search this site for "three week stall" and you will find that this is very, very comon. Nothing to worry about. Just keep following directions. Remember what your body has been through in the last three weeks! Give it time to catch it's breath. 33 lbs in three weeks is really significant, you're doing fine.
  4. QuilterGal

    Bypass VS Sleeve

    I had RNY three months ago and have now lost 76# (pre and post op). These are the reasons I chose the bypass: -- Surgery has been done for 50+ years and has a long history of success. -- Is considered the gold standard of WLS. On average people lose more weight with RNY than any other WLS. -- Eliminates acid reflux. The sleeve can make this worse. -- BP instantly normal after surgery. -- "Disconnects" the hunger hormones. My hunger is nothing like it was before surgery. -- Old stomach is still intact and part of my system. I have had no complications. My recovery has been amazing. I was off my pain meds three days after coming home from the hospital. I can eat anything I want, although I don't because I don't feel good afterward. I am losing an average of 3 pounds a week. I've had no stalls.
  5. RickM


    Yep - I weighed daily, but only officially recorded it weekly, so a week without loss (or a bit of gain) I chalked up to being a "stall". I only had one week without loss until I started ramping up my calories to slow down the loss leading into goal (and my "three/third week stall was maybe a day - it's a big YMMV thing.) There are too many water weight effects to worry about daily fluctuations.
  6. In April 2012, I was driving to work one sunny morning when my life changed. A 19 year old drunk driver drove into my lane and hit me head-on. I know just how lucky I am not only to be alive, but not to have been injured any worse than I was. I had 3 broken bones and spent 4 weeks in a wheelchair, 2 with a walker and cane, and weeks in physical therapy, but I'm still here! The problem was even after physical therapy, my joints hurt. I thought I just needed to work-out and lose weight. Uh, yeah, I was about 316 pounds, so that should have been enough of a clue! However, working out wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, because I was in pain during and after. I realized that I needed to take off the weight in order to make the exercise work for me. I had considered weight loss surgery before and had even gone to an informational meeting, but didn't follow through. It seemed too extreme! What I needed at this time was the extreme. I had surgery Dec. 19,2012 by Dr. Teresa LaMasters. It was easily the BEST decision I've made to improve my health! I didn't have any problems. My insurance approved the procedure literally in less than 24 hours! I was fortunate that because of the car accident, my deductible was met and I didn't have to pay very much out of pocket for the procedure either. Nothing made me sick after surgery. My tastes changed some in that Protein drinks that I liked before surgery tasted like drinking syrup after and I found that the only one I really like is chocolate unjury. I also discovered Quest Protein Bars and love them! For about the first year, everything was easy. I got down to 209 pounds and stalled some. Some of the stall was due to the fact that I discovered I could eat anything and maintain for the most part as long as I worked out and didn't over do. So I'd gain and lose the same 5 pounds! (This is the point I should have been smacking myself in the head! lol) Things were going so smoothly for me, that my husband decided to have the surgery as well. He's 6'4 and was over 400 pounds. His surgery was June 2014. He's down 125 pounds so far. Now we're to the part of my story that got me here. In October, my sister started to not feel good and went to the hospital. She came home and they thought she had a virus. Two weeks later, she was worse and they admitted her. Three days later, no one had answers and she was transferred to a bigger hospital. In the meantime, I'm working on an important report for the federal government that will help me gain "points" towards re-funding the grant for my program. I was also informed at this time that my employer didn't want to spend the money on a grant writer and that it was now "my job" to write the grant that funds my job and 3 others over the next 5 years. Oh, and did I mention I was supposed to do this in my spare time for no money? We're approaching Thanksgiving and my sister is still in the hospital without a diagnosis, but with dozens of tests run. The week of Thanksgiving, we hear she's going to get to come home! Yea! The next day, they decided they needed to put a stent in and that she can't leave yet. Two days later, they decided she had polycythemia vera. She never got to come home. She passed away on December 1. 12 days before her son's 22 birthday...22 days before her 25th wedding anniversary...during her daughter's first semester of college. It's just so surreal to have my best friend and sister be gone. Our family is fractured. Two days before the funeral, my husband had surgery on an elbow he'd injured. The thought of him with anesthesia terrified me. Then two weeks later, I had surgery. We made it through Christmas and needless to say, food was a comfort through all of this. On Dec. 26, I went for my yearly mammogram and got a call two days later that it was abnormal and I had to have another. From there, I went to a breast cancer specialst and was informed that I had to have a biopsy. (I'm thinking to myself, are you FREAKING kidding me!! Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself!) Good news, NO CANCER! Whew! In the middle of all of this, I finished that stupid grant that turned into a nightmare and things were starting to look up! Then, honest to God, I should be in a country song...I came home last week to find one of our furry, four-legged children dead. ARGH!!!! I've decided that if I've survived all of this, then I can DO ANYTHING!! Yes, I've gained 14 pounds since my lowest weight. However, I'm determined that this will not beat me!! I am so encouraged my the stories I've read here and am anxious to try some of the suggestions people have made. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
  7. I was losing a pound a day, and then suddenly one week out, I was losing four pounds a day! Three days of that, and I didn't lose anything for three days... this morning I weighed myself after a three day stall, and lost another 3 pounds. I think it is a strange hormone/pms/bowelm chain of events which cannot be considered on a daily basis. Think holistically in the greater scheme of things.
  8. Bamagirl32

    Stall! Flucuation -/+ 1 pound

    I'm right there with you. I was three weeks out yesterday. Fluctuate between 212 and 213. Starting weight was 236. I'm still super excited though! Increasing my fluids. (As much as I can, lol). The stall isn't getting me down! We got this!!!
  9. schavez2010

    Stall! Flucuation -/+ 1 pound

    Thanks for the encouragement!!! I'm Not even three weeks yet, I've been stalled since about 2 and a half weeks. Is this stall still normal so early on? Lost about 18 so far. Sleeved on 3/8. Pre op weight 231...
  10. jrsygrl0520

    Stall! Flucuation -/+ 1 pound

    Sw 236 cw 203 about its common early on three weeks in remember you lost what 18 pounds in like 3 weeks its not easy to do that your body is in shock has to catch up i thought i would be at 190 by now but im not hopefully by may which is my bday there are gonna be plenty more of stalls like i said i have or had one for nearly three weeks i may lose or anyone of us can lose 7-8 pounds a month if you are a slow loser like me keep up the faith dont get upset just think by summer you will notice and get plenty of confidence at 236 i wasn't happy for myself at all i had surgery and im happy so people oppose it even my husband but this is for me i did it i am happy now tonite I am taking my state exam wish me luck please just keep your head up high
  11. So I feel like I have stalled out-spent the last three weeks around the same weight. I have tried mixing it up with more exercise, etc but no luck. It has been 6 months since my surgery and I am worried that going so long eating too few calories has wrecked my metabolism. I have lost of lot of weight but I am afraid in the long run doing it on so few cals has slowed down my weight loss as my body thinks it is in the dreaded starvation mode. Is it possible to have a psychological block to further weight loss? It seems far more complicated than "calories in vs. calories out" when I review my history. I have tried increasing cals for a few days and that didn't work. Nor did being more restrictive and increasing the protein shakes. TIA for your insight and advice.
  12. Lots to talk about this week. My 6 month surgiversary is in 4 days. As of today, I weigh 170.4 lbs.; my 4th of July goal was to get to 169 lbs. so it is coming right down to the wire. I am hoping to be under 170 lbs. tomorrow ... maybe not 169.0 but somewhere between that and 170.0. When I had my surgery, I set several VSG progress goals on my weight loss journey. There were three progress goals in particular that were really meaningful to me -- first, to get into ONEderland; second, to weigh less than my husband; and third, to have a BMI of less than 30 (therefore no longer being considered officially obese). I hit my first goal the month after getting sleeved, and just hit my second goal today. When I saw my weight being right near 170 lbs. this morning, I knew I was very close to my husband's weight. I called DH into the bathroom, asked him to strip down to his skivvies (since I weighed in wearing only my skivvies), and get on the scale. Ta da -- he weighs 172.8, so I weigh 2.4 lbs. less than him! Woo hoo! June was a very tough month for me on the weight loss front. I was in a virtual stall for 3 weeks, and started eating really badly out of frustration. I hadn't been exercising, and started doing that last weekend. I really got into exercising this past week, and it definitely helped ... I dropped nearly 2 lbs. this week, even with a visit from Auntie Flo (which, when I think about it, probably also explains a bit why I went a little crazy with junk eating last week ... raging hormones + frustration = BAD NEWS). I have exercised a lot this week ... did a fairly tough 2.5 mile trail walk 5 times (including this morning). I've been getting up a bit earlier and walking before going to work, and it also helps me come to work with more energy and focus. I haven't been exercising really (except for gardening on the weekends) so I have been pleasantly surprised how much I like it. It is SO much easier and pleasant to exercise when I don't have as much excess weight to carry around. Each day I try to do a little bit more ... challenging myself every time. I am feeling good about exercising and wish I had started doing it much sooner (no doubt I would be much closer to my ultimate goal if I had started exercising 5 days a week a few months ago!). DH and I are having or 15th wedding anniversary this week and are celebrating it by taking a trip to Maui. I plan to spend a lot of time in the water (we have two snorkeling trips already booked) and am hoping that a week of downtime, and lots of fun exercise, means a nice surprise for me on the scale when I return from my trip.
  13. Hop_Scotch

    Gained 4 kg in 9 days!

    From what I have read, that is too few calories for someone three months post op. You won't have put on fat weight, it is more likely fluid retention plus possibly bulk from the extra food. It is only temporary, a bit like when people go through the post op diet stages, as they progress they typically have a stall or gains, but once their bodies adapt weight loss kicks in again. While WLS does typically result in a lower calorie intake, you don't want to go so low that it comprises your health: body using muscle for nutrition - you want to maintain muscle as much as possible, hair loss, lack of energy etc. Bear in mind, now that you are already in the healthy BMI range, that weight loss will be lower per week than it was immediately following your surgery. Please do listen to your nutritionist.
  14. Phoenix Rising

    My Body Plays 'catch Up'

    Hi Everyone, Well, I am still on a stall, but I have decided that if that is what my body needs to do right now then I should help it all I can to feel comfortable enough to start losing again. So I am trying to chill out, and not worry about the scale. (I have put it away for awhile) I figure my body has always been pretty good to me, and when it feels happier it will let go of more weight. I guess it is a case of 'catch up' , and by that I mean my mindset as well as my body. So, to help my mind feel better, I took some more measurements. Whoohoo! Another three inches bite the dust!!!!! Wow in the last year and a bit I have lost over 27 inches all over my body. That is amazing. Ok, with those sorts of changes I can begin to understand why my body needs some adjustment time. Besides, this isn't a race, this is the rest of my life. So slow and steady does it. I have taken other peoples advice and found some flavoured waters that agree with me, so I have a change from squashes which is great as I was getting really bored with them. The other night my husband had steak with all the trimmings, and I had a small piece of his steak (2 x 1 inch) with a fried egg. I ate all the steak (which was so lovely and juicy) and the yolk of the egg and I was full up. Hooray. I love the fact that these small amounts of food are more than enough. I am also delighted that I am able to eat everything I try. My sleeve is so well behaved, and good to me. :wub: I am still keeping up with the daily walking and the step every other day and feel quite proud of myself that I am doing it. Usually, if I am not losing I get bored or fed up and quit for a while. My step work is improving and I am thinking of moving on to the harder stuff soon. (At the moment I just repeat the easy stuff about 10 times.) I may leave it a bit longer though as I know how long it took me to feel okish about the easy stuff. I still don't like my feet leaving the floor, but I guess it is getting easier. I have a dr's appointment for my first proper check up since my op next week, so will let you all know how that goes. Hopefully I will be able to report a bit more weightloss, but if not, nevermind.(perhaps I should change my name to tortoise!) Best wishes to everyone Phoenix
  15. It's normal to stall around that time. Your body is just playing catch up. It's so normal actually, I'm kind of surprised nobody warned you about it. Either search here or Google "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" and you will see it happens to 98% of us. You're doing just fine. As a matter of fact, you're even a little ahead of the game with what you've lost so far. Keep doing what you're doing and the stall will pass.
  16. Happy one month surgiversary! I hope everyone is still doing well and plugging along. I am still in the dreaded week three stall. Argh! I made my husband hide the scale which has made my life better. I had my one month follow-up on Friday and the surgeon is happy with my progress, so I am happy, too. I'm down 22 pounds from my pre-op weight. How is everyone else? Sent from my SCH-I545 using the BariatricPal App
  17. gwbicster

    Wtf man lol

    Google "three week stall".
  18. Search stall on the forums, and you will find that what you are going through is completely normal and expected. Just about everyone stalls somewhere between weeks three and six. Remember, your body has been put through a lot these last couple of weeks, major surgery, major changes in your diet, etc. Right now it is saying whoa, I need to take a break and adjust to everything that is happening. I promise you, keep doing what you are doing and the weight loss will start reflecting on the scale again. Also, I always like to remind everyone to keep track of their measurements as well. While your scale may not be reflecting any changes, you still may be losing inches.
  19. Hi! First as many others will state on this forum, don't compare your weigh lose to everyone ele's, it will only serve to frustrate you. Everyone loses at a different pace. I only had to do a day before fast, so I'm can't be of any help there, but gaining weigh right after surgery is normal because they pump you full of liquids after surgery to keep you hydrated-- I left the hospital 5 lbs. Heavier. Also they fill your abdomen full of gas during surgery. The surgery is working and you will lose weigh but unlike many of us who think that the pounds will drop off in huge amounts and admittedly I was under that impression as well, it does not for the majority of us. From what i've read here and on other forums most are losing in spurts for example you may lose five pounds (or one) overnight or over the course of a couple of days and then nothing for a week or two or three. However, I go shopping in my closet and have found that I've lost inches as opposed to pounds as clothing fits that did not before, or is now too big. Chin up, this is a process that will take time to work. Focus on getting in your liquids, Proteins and start exercising as soon as your able to even when or if you hit a stall, just keeping doing what your supposed to do and before you know it you will be at goal. Good luck!
  20. Thanks for all the replies, I'm seriously soaking in each bit of good advice. I realize I'm lower BMI (and senior age) and so my loss may be slower. I'm coming to think I may be eating too much. It's been easy for me to ingest 4-5 oz because I've had NO issues with drinking or eating. Never felt nauseous, or gotten a belly ache, cramp, nothing. Feel little to no restriction. And so I've basically been acting like I'm on a strict diet by restricting my input and calories seeming without aide from my 'tool'. Should I be measuring ounces/weight or volume as in 1/2 cup? How much volume would you suggest for near 2 months out? I do protein first, been mostly only eating protein. I've been on my treadmill at 'brisk walk' speed for a few minutes multiple times a day (being a senior with heart disease I feel that's my limit). I also just try to dance around and get sweaty housecleaning and generally be more active than usual. My concern is that I'm not losing during this 'honeymoon' stage and I don't want to be stalled at the same weight for another minute (it's going on three weeks!). I've been averaging 600-800 calories a day, is that too much this early? Also I get in 60+ gram protein & low carb. Thanks again for all the thoughtful replies. I plan to measure lower amounts today, I'm thinking 1/2 cup of chicken or salmon per meal? I've always been a big water drinker but will try to get even more in today. Gonna buy some sugar free ice pops for a late night snack (which is when I often have a bit more chicken).
  21. burnsun

    need advice!

    Why can't you play volley ball? SOme people do not start loosing till they start eating regular foods, others loose a ton. Some people loose it fast others loose it slowly. All seem to stall for a while. The things I always tell people to check...... (and I need to recommitt to!) 1) are you gettingin all your Protein ? 2) are you drinking enough Water / liquids? 3) is your Fiber enough? (I have to take the special K fiber water.....it has 40 % and that always makes it go better for me) 4) are you getting 20-30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week? remember that stalls are normal and physics says eventually you will start to loose.......less in and more energy out means it will come off....just sometimes very slowly! (and we all hate that!) I wish you the best of luck and try to begin your knew life with the positive attitude, that your family is negative.....try to ignore that and go on and live your life!
  22. meggiep

    Sleeved May 31st and Feeling Great

    Hey Kara! Seems like I can't help but give you support everywhere ;-P You should also chck out a thread I started in Post Op (which is where you belong now!) comparing people who do pre-op diets and those who do not. I don't want you to be upset if you lose a bit slowly at first, or hit a semi stall sooner- For example, I lost 18 pounds on my two week pre-op, so then lost 12 my first two weeks after and NOTHING for a week starting at two weeks, rather than the oft mentioned three weeks. However, I started losing again this week- am close to 5 pounds lost this week. Just remember everyone is different and everyone is normal! I have great faith you will be a stellar sleeve girl because you faithfully follow the diets you elect to do. This diet will be different- because it is the last one, the one that will work like no other, and the one that leaves you with a tool to keep it off. Are you drinking your Protein drinks yet? xoxo
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein and Herbalife

    I am not familiar enough with Herbalife so don't know for sure, but you need to read labels very carefully. What is the carb to protein ratio? Doesn't Herbalife have a lot of carbs? At three weeks out you should be adding more food sources of protein. What does your NUT say? Are you following your program? Are you getting in all of your protein and fluids every day? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed? Are you avoiding starches and sugar? Are you exercising? Almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. If you are doing everything you are supposed to then you just may be experiencing your first stall. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  24. CQ209

    3 months update

    I'm almost 3 months too (I'm 11 weeks), and I am down 57 pounds since the start of this, and 40 pounds since my surgery date. I just came out of a pretty rough three week stall, but I appear to have come out of it. I was stuck at 202 for so long, and I'm finally in ONEderland. I haven't been at this weight since middle school! 40 more pounds to go to reach my goal! Starting Weight: 250 Surgery Weight: 233 Current Weight: 193
  25. Inner Surfer Girl


    None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls and slow downs. Almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your fluids and Protein, and stay off the scale. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall

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