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Found 17,501 results

  1. BigZ

    When the honeymoon is over

    Sorry you are going through this. At this point it is mind over matter. If you are struggling it might be worth looking into a therapist. 10 day pouch reset - day 1 clear liquids, day 2-3 full liquids, day 4-6 puree, day 7-9 soft foods, day 10 small healthy meals, continuing forward.
  2. OH YES! I am still pre-op and I HAVE to be at the goal weight the surgeon gave me of 275 on my surgery date, so I gotta make sure I stay in check! I went back to tracking, eating proteins first and doing my 30min of activity 3x a week. It came back off but I still have 19 more days till surgery day!
  3. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    Reassurance Requested re: Stalls In Later Months

    “I'm curious if you have gotten a bodyfat test that shows increased muscle mass 9 months after surgery coupled with weightlifting?” Great question! I do an InBody assessment once a month. One month I gained 7/10 lb in muscle but then this last month I lost both muscle and fat Very interesting video by Dr V This is helpful. Thank you!
  4. Hi. I'm having some huge issues with my weight and could really do with some help and advice please. In December 2018 I had a gastric bypass and on the day of the surgery I was 24 stone (336 lb). Over the next year I got down to 15 stone ( 210lb). All my friends and family was concerned I wasn't eating enough and said I looked ill due to the rapid weight loss so I started eating a it more. Fro. 2019 to 2023 my portion sized grow and I was no longer eating the correct foods resulting in me being 21 stone (294lb). I'm currently on the path to getting my health back on track but I don't seem to be losing weight. Im one of them people that will eat the same meals every days and this is my current meals all eaten on a bariactric plate. Breakfast = 2 hard boiled eggs. Lunch = hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. Dinner= hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. I'm also walking on average 6 miles (9.6km). In the past 6 months of eating like this my weight has hardly changed, 1 week might be 1lb loss then next week will be 1.5lb gain then 2lb loss ect. Over 6 moths my weight has only gone down 7lb and I don't know what's going on and I'm starting to get very depressed and I seem to be eating well and being active but the weight scales don't reflect that. Am I missing something that's preventing me from losing weight? Thank you
  5. Mercury.Belle

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    Thanks for the protein water suggestions, JoSwan and Emeraude! I hadn’t tried it because I couldn’t find a plant based one and I’m vegan. But your suggestions inspired me to look again and I found one! It’s only 10 grams of protein per scoop but hopefully it will help! I ordered it online, it comes on Thursday. 🤞
  6. Livingliferenee…

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Well I head in tomorrow morning at 10:00 for my surgery. I'm a lil nervous, just the not knowing, what I'm about to experience. They say 💭 it's different for everyone. Appreciate all that I've learned from everyone's experiences here on this page. The procedure for me to get here has taken a whole yr and a half. So I'm so ready for this…. (I think !!)
  7. How do you know how much excess skin you have? Like in lbs. I watch these shows and its like we cut off 25 lbs of skin. How do I get an idea of how much weight my excess skin is so I can decide if I am truly happy here or if I want to lose a little more? I am at the point of plateau. I have been at 157-162 for 10 months now. I would like to end up at the 145 ish range. I just have no idea how to know if I have 15 ish lbs of skin. and I dont want to cut the skin, not be in the 140s, lose another 10 ish lbs and possibly have to go back and have more skin cut off/ have more sag that I am trying to avoid.
  8. Both Ozempic and weight loss surgery have their merits, and the right choice depends on individual circumstances, including how much weight you aim to lose. Ozempic typically leads to 10-15% total body weight loss, while weight loss surgery can result in losing up to 70% of excess weight. While some individuals on GLP-1 agonists may experience weight loss greater than 15%, this is not the standard expectation for these treatments.
  9. OMG I greatly dislike cooking but this sounds so good I’m going to make this! I do better with weight loss and maintenance with some regular structure too. I do change up cooked veggies for winter and salads for summer. I’m glad I filled up on seafood this Spring because it’s suddenly gotten costly in the US heading into summer. Best of luck with PT, it’s kept me away from knee surgery for 10 years now, good stuff if you keep it up!
  10. Oscar88

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hi sorry I’m new here I had my surgery December 19 so it’s been like 2 weeks and 3 days so the first 7 days i lost 17 pounds but right now I’m loosing weight very slow like a pound each day its that normal or mybe I’m doing something wrong right now I lost 27 pounds total 2 weeks and 3 days
  11. Lilia_90

    Food Before and After Photos

    I was never a breakfast eater and I've always done Intermittent Fasting and never ate my first meal before 12 PM (mind you I wake up at 5:30 AM). But since my VSG I get really hungry in the mornings, I have an oat milk coffee and wait to eat at 10/10.30 AM. My last meal of the day is at 6 PM so it explains the hunger especially with the tiny portions.
  12. Yeh i did 10 weeks previously with oxo cube at night and multivitamins Its manageable but need the will to do it
  13. I initially had VSG in 2017 and was revised to RNY in 2019. I have no horror stories. Some mild but utterly manageable complications early on but nothing that has made me regret life post RNY compared to VSG. Honestly to me it feels exactly the same and I have lived with the change long enough to make the comparison. In the early stages post revision, I needed to relearn and change some things but after that it’s been smooth. I deal with dumping syndrome (but I did with VSG also) so I know what to stay away from and it has eliminated 95% of the possibility of it happening. As always, your experience may differ in any number of ways but IMHO the people who struggle the most with revisions are the ones who either have very serious physical complications or those who didn’t want to be revised at all (this is more mental than physical). I hope you choose the best path forward that you are comfortable with. Keep us updated ❤️
  14. mareeamos17

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hi I am new to this app Im 10 year plus sleeve but are waiting fir a date for mini gastric bypass
  15. I'm February 22nd. I believe my pre-op diet is 10 days of liquids.
  16. I had surgery on 3/6 of this year and am doing really well - losing steadily, no food issues, etc. I am still sleeping a ton though - feeling best getting 10 hours of sleep, which seems crazy to me. I used to go on 6-7 and never felt tired. I’m assuming it’s the extreme calorie deficit and will ask my doctor at my next appointment, but wondered if anyone else had the same experience?
  17. Allen Grateful

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    SADI surgery coming Jan 10!
  18. RonHall908

    Down 127 lbs. since October 2023

    Thank you! It feels like it has been longer, but when I look at the July picture it just doesn't seem like it has only been 10 months. Scales wins are better, but inches are pretty good too. I see you just had gastric bypass in March. I hope all is well. Seems like I've had a lot of stalls. But losing 48 lbs. Since my surgery Feb 7th. Seems odd to say I had any stalls.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Before and After Pics

    Oh hey, hi, how YOU doin? Just as a FYI... At this time in 2022 I was 421 pounds, size 28/30 and 4x/5x, wearing a size 11 shoe, size 10 ring, and wearing 22-24 inch necklaces. I couldn't wear bracelets at all. Fast forward 2 years, and today, I am 218 pounds, size 14/16 and wear an xl top (2x if I want it looser), size 10 shoe, size 6 ring, and 18 inch necklaces. And now I can wear bracelets.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Anyone freeze muffins?

    It’s Dunkin Hines keto friendly. Made with almond and coconut flour. I don’t have the package for the muffins but I have the brownies here to try. They are two grams of net carbs, 0 added sugars and 3 grams protein. It’s kinda high in fat like most keto at 10 grams but has suggestions for ingredient swaps which would reduce that some (I made it the normal way).
  21. summerseeker

    Bad Knees and excercise

    Aqua fit is the best fun and exercise for old knees but like you, after 10 years of doing it, my pool has closed. I cried. Now I just walk. I keep to the flatter areas. I also find shopping in the city is quite good because I walk miles, in and out of stores and all around the markets. I buy very little but enjoy the browse.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Clothing sizes

    I definitely have body dysmorphia. There's times when I look in the mirror and still see 421 pounds. No matter what I do, I just can't see where I'm at now. It goes as far as me thinking people who tell me I look great and they're proud of me, I think they're just BSing me and saying what I want to hear, even though I'm still huge. My husband kept one of my size 10 rings and size 30 outfits and when it gets really bad, he has me try to put them on. Obviously, they don't fit and it kind of snaps me out of it. I hope at least that part of it goes away sooner rather than later. I can hike 10 miles. I can do major work outs. I can shop in NON plus size sections in any store. I can live my life, yet out of nowhere, my brain will misfire or something and set me back because I'll go in my closet or drawers and wonder who the hell stole my clothes and replaced them with someone else's. It's such a mind eff sometimes.
  23. Currently 10 weeks post op Vsg . Haven’t been able to reach my protein goals (can’t tolerate many foods) & just started reaching my water goals. Not sure if this has contributed to my stall but any advice or recommendations on how to break a stall ?
  24. SaraKayaComsin

    50 and over crowd?

    Hi! I’m having revision from VSG to RNY in June. I’m 52, and had the sleeve almost 10 years ago. I did well with the sleeve as far as no complications, but I regained almost all of what I lost, so here I am now. I’m older, hopefully wiser, and my reasons are different this time around. Best wishes to you!
  25. Aaron2000

    Day 1 pre op diet

    Scheduled for surgery 1/10/24. I was told my Dr’s office that I will only need to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours before surgery. I’ve always heard that it’s a week or 10 days. Wondering if anyone has ever heard this?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
