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Found 1,214 results

  1. 134andhappy

    Lets Talk Hair

    Carlak start taking biotin ASAP as soon as you can the hairloss for me was very interesting it shed a lot of hair but eventually slowed down and stopped now I have the random tiny hairs that are currently all over my head about 2-3inches of regrowth and it's fun to see but I wish I would have had a fortifying aid like biotin- and had taken everyone's advise and given my body more protein vs comfort foods like soup that just made me feel relief from digestion - good luck and don't worry too much about the hair loss it will happen but won't leave you bald or anything like that it will just get thinner
  2. Oregondaisy

    VGS date August 18

    okay, I will chime in here since I am very worried about my hair as well. I lost half my hair when I had lap band surgery. I can't afford to lose anymore. I have been using all the nioxsin products and it seems like it has slowed down. Plus Dr. Aceves told me to increase my zinc and I am doing that. He said hair loss has to do with low zinc levels. As for recovery from surgery, I have had dental work done that was way more painful than this. I went back to work right away. I was totally bored in the hospital for 3 days. The sleeve surgery itself is the easiest part of all of this. The liquid diet was not fun. It's not that hard, it just gets boring.
  3. Jodi_620

    hair falling out

    This is common and nothing to get to worried about. Your body has gone through a shock both with surgery then sudden weight loss. Continue what you are doing with the biotin and make sure you are getting enough protein then just give it time. The cycle is 3 months. Typically loss starts within 3 months and ends after around 3 months. Your loss sounds like it is peaking, your surgery was in January so it should slowly end soon then start growing back by July. Your hair will probably thin a bit but you will not go bald, something my surgeon said he has to assure just about all of his patients of. As long as you take your supplements and eat right it will grow back.
  4. CrashNCamsMom

    Does everyone experience hairloss?

    I'm 4 months out and losing hair faster than pounds. I'm ok with my weight loss so far, down 64 lbs overall. But, I was worried about Hair loss and now I'm seeing it. I have about medium thick hair, so hopefully it won't be too noticeable. I did have a lapse in taking my vitamins and don't always get all my protein in. I can't stomach supplements so I have to rely on what I get from food. I'm so relieved to read that it tapers off and starts regrowing. I kinda like my hair ☺ my hair has always been one of my best features. Lol
  5. It might not be an issue, but then again it might be. It really depends on if you're getting enough nutrients and the only way you'll be able to tell is if you bring this up with your Bariatric team. Bariatric surgery makes it very hard for us to get the nutrients we need for our bodies to function, things like serious deficiencies might happen which can lead to a whole bunch of health issues which can be very hard to fix, once they take hold. Getting back on track is A LOT harder than if you hadn't had the surgery, which is why we're given vitamins for the rest of our lives and we have blood tests to keep this all in check, so please chat with your provider ASAP! I have a work friend who is a little over 6 months ahead of me and she wanted to lose weight as fast as possible and she didn't take the proteins goals seriously, cut corners and a lot of her hair has fallen out to the point she's just decided to shave it all off... And that's not the worst thing that can happen from deficiencies. She's really not healthy and she hasn't sped up her loss progress that much, she's just given herself a bunch of medical issues. Being "Skinny" shouldn't really be a concern 3 months in, unless you're finding that your losses are too drastic and you're near goal, in that case, yet again, talk to your provider. Losing weight is one of the goals but you want to really do this correctly, learning why we eat, when we should eat and how much of each thing we need to eat and learning to eat for health. That's the main goal of all of this, so that once we reach 12months, 18months post op, we don't develop unrealistic diets or want to go back to our old ways and gain it all back. We want to maintain our weight losses with the new knowledge we have learnt from doing this with the help of our providers. Chat with your surgeon, chat with a dietician, if you're getting your nutrients, it's probably not going to be an issue, but the only way to really know is by reaching out and chatting to them. Usually they will do blood tests to make sure everything is okay, but if you're worried that you're not eating enough or that you're losing too fast, you really need to chat to them All the best, take each day as it comes, and don't be afraid to talk to your healthcare team, they will be able to help you with any issues you're concerned about. it's what they're there for, to make sure you reach all of your goals, safely and realistically
  6. prettyCali916

    ...just got real!

    Everything went well. Here's an update: Day 1 - got to hospital at 7:30 and got registered and changed. Was provided a hanging garment bag for my fancy clothes (hoodie and jeans lol). Then was walked over to talk to the anesthesiologist who asked some questions. After about 10 minutes I said goodbye to my husband and I went into surgery. About 5 minutes before it was about to happen I was told I would be intubated. I didn't realize I had to be so yeah... I woke up, went to recovery and was there for a couple of hours. When my room was assigned hubby was there setting up my iPhone and tablet chargers. He was upset with them for not letting me come back from recovery sooner but they didn't have rooms. It was cool to see him standing up for me while I was so out of it. I needed to use the restroom immediately so I did and they had this "hat" thing that is in the toilet to measure your output. I guess it's really important because apparently my neighbor wasn't going at all so they had to insert a catheter in the middle of the night for her. Anyways, I couldn't talk for real because when I was intubated my throat was scraped really bad so I just wanted my meds and wanted to sleep. Hubby left and the nurses took really good care of me. I had pain meds consistently. No tablets - they were all shot through my IV. The one tablet they did give me was Levsin which is for spasms in the abdomen and it dissolves under your tongue. It really helps so ask for it! Day 2 Doc came in early with his assistant Julie and he asked if I wanted to stay a day longer and I said yeah. He said good because his patients who stay two nights at least never wind up in the ER. I was on IV the entire time except for when I wanted to walk; I had them disconnect it. He ordered a throat lozenge for my throat and had them up my pain meds. He also clarified that I was having a little discomfort swallowing because he had to put two stitches in my diaphragm because he had found a hiatal hernia. He said it would be better once it wasn't swollen anymore. He left. The nurses were great. They had ordered my clear bariatric Breakfast tray and gave me shot cups for the Protein shake. The Protein drinks used were by health wise and had 15g of protein in one. They were so fruity and good - not chalky at all so my hubby ordered some for me for home. (Since they're not going to get here till Tuesday he went to a local medical weight loss clinic and got me 8 of them to tide me over). Anyway, I had to sip the protein and Water and that's all I did for the most part. I slept and walked. Hubby came back by and brought my house shoes, my Fitbit and two comfy pillows off my bed. He hung around for a while. I passed out a couple of times. Dr. Jossart came back and gave me the script for my meds (Ativan and Percocet) and told me not to worry if i was 15lbs heavier when I got home because I had been on the IV the whole time and with that I might gain water weight staying another night. He left, after a while hubby left and then it was just me. As soon as I got my second shake down I was ready to go to bed. That's 30g of protein. Maybe 20 ounces of water. Thank God for the IV. Day 3 Woke up. Feeling the best I ever have. Was actually awake when they brought my tray and the broth was still hot so I ate half of that - went down faster than water had been. Also drank half a cup of black orange pekoe tea. That went down well too! So now I know hot things go down well for me! Julie came in and discharged me. Hubby texted he was on his way. I cleaned up, did my hair and packed up all my stuff. I had requested a fan bc my room was a little hot so when I left I had it sent over to my neighbor Mary. She was really happy to get it bc she had been warm too. I sat in the wheelchair and asked for the last pain meds for the road - they shot Toradol, meds to settle my stomach and the last of my Vitamins in my IV. I mixed up an orange pineapple shake for the road and then we left. Made it home. Immediately weighed myself for a baseline. I was 1 lb less than when I left the house. So much for gaining 15 lbs lol! Hubby helped me get in bed, he brought me water and was ready with shakes and Popsicles but I was good. I did drink a 30g protein premier chocolate shake that evening though. So I had a total of 45g and about 35 or so oz of Fluid. Almost at goal. Best I could do. Went to bed and slept like an angel. Day 4 Woke up. Feeling fine. No more bad soreness. Throat is still sore though. Got on the scale. Down another 3.6lbs! I had acquired one of those fruity shakes from the hospital so I immediately had it for breakfast. lunch - 4oz chicken broth and a sf Popsicle. dinner - premier Protein Shake. Water. Right now I'm at 16oz of water for a total of 44oz of fluid. Trying to drink maybe 4 more. Overall, I feel fine. No pain at all in my incisions. Haven't tried lifting anything and won't be trying to until I'm cleared. Hernia repair is there - can feel when I drink like its funneling things through but it lasts for like 2 seconds. The Levsin helps reduce those spasms though. All is well! Tomorrow I will try harder to actually hit my protein and liquid goals.
  7. JustWatchMe

    Anyone experiencing hair loss?

    Banded in March. Hair loss started in June and still going. Trying not to worry. There are several threads here about it. Good luck.
  8. I was banded in Mississauga (Toronto) on December 18th, 2014. I am 11 weeks post-op and down 37 pounds. It may not be a ton of weight lost, but its all gone, gone gone forever, and I am losing slow and steady. As I lay in bed last night, I touched my ribs (I have ribs?!) and reflected on how things have changed for me since being banded two and a half months ago. I realized last night that I am totally, completely, madly in love with my band. Here's why: My size 22 pants fall down to my ankles if I don't wear a belt. Even when I do wear a belt, my size 22 pants look like I'm wearing a parachute. I can put on my "old" jeans without unzipping/unbuttoning the fly. My tummy scars are a proud (and only slightly scary) red/purple, and serve to remind me every day of the commitment I've made to myself. My College students talk about me when they think I have my back turned/can't hear them and say things like "Damn, she's looking GOOD". I no longer have to use a "bath sheet" sized towel. A regular sized one wraps around my bod, thanks very much. I am no longer winded when I climb a set of stairs. People at work tell me hair looks AMAZING. What they are actually saying doing is choosing my hair as the way to give me a "YOU LOOK AMAZING!" compliment without verbalizing my obvious weight loss. This gives me JOY. I can no longer feel my thighs pressing against the sides of my office chair. Truth: In the shower, I no longer have to lift stuff up to wash other stuff. Seriously. When I get up to pee in the middle of the night there is no pain in my body. Anywhere. The aches are gone. My favourite LL Bean down jacket from before I chubbed out FITS ME and I can zip it up easily. I proctored an exam the other day sitting cross-legged on a desk. My herniated disc (due to obesity) has resolved. I can now roll over in bed pain-free. I can sleep on my stomach again. This is also something that gives me JOY. I sat on the floor with a group of students the other day, and realized I had gotten up again with absolutely NO EFFORT. I can chug water! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do this after being banded. (It's the little things...) I have been watching my cheekbones emerge. Wow. Our grocery bill has gone down dramatically. I eat 1/3 (if that) of what I used to eat. My husband says with the grocery money saved since being banded we could buy a cottage in Muskoka. (lol!) Speaking of my husband, I weigh less than him for the first time in a decade. And more about my husband: I've noticed him touching my bum. A lot. And smooching me up. And hugging me close. He's proud, I can tell. My band gently (and sometimes not-so-gently) reminds me to slow down when I eat. Thank you, dear band. I have learned what freedom from the hunger monster feels like, and MAN OH MAN is that ever sa-weet. I have a constant backdrop of satiety. I no longer think about, or worry about, my next meal. Love those band adjustments! I am looking forward to getting into my MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op - the Canadian version of "REI") 'Rad Pants' I've kept from 1994. They are red, they are a size 10. The summer is almost here and with it comes a canoe-trip. I will be wearing those pants. I feel like a I have a new lease on life. Woo hoo! It's okay to stall. It's ok to have the occasional chocolate banana fritter. (Whoops - damn it was good). I am in a love affair with my band, but more importantly, with myself. THIS is why I am in love with my band. Happy happy!
  9. The hair loss does slow down. I have been using Rogaine pretty much from the beginning and am very happy with this product. I buy the CVS brand. I was a little nervous about using this, as I was worried what would happen if I stopped using it, but you can't worry about everything. If I were younger (I am 53) I may be hesitant and wait it out, but I am glad I started using it. I find the hair loss for me happens in stages it will wax and wane depending on how much weight I am losing. When I am having a good weight loss month, my hair suffers.
  10. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi pjn2005 I had my surgery Jan.22 2007, In Mexico . I would do it over again if I had to. Try not to worry, or be too nervous; You should do fine. I never had any hair loss.....well yet. I think the hair loss you are talking about happens from the anisteia from surgery. Not every one loses their hair, only a few. I'll be thinking of you on your surgery day. Best of luck, Terry
  11. BitterSweet*

    So Nervous about hair loss

    Find a nice wig and take it to your stylist. Have the wig cut and styled on your head and have it on standby. No need to worry about it. You can do everything right and still experience hair loss. Prepare yourself ahead of time and if / when it happens you won't have to stress about it - because that added stress won't help matters.
  12. whippledaddy

    Where are the happy bandsters?

    I'm not just happy....I'm thankful. What a wonderful tool this is. But, just like any tool it must be USED and it takes CONCENTRATION. Eat too much, too fast, and BAM!. Just like a hammer. Lose your concentration and BAM! a very sore thumb. So should I throw away my hammer? Silly. I'm down more than a hundred pounds. IF it all stopped right now I'd still be happy. It's wonderful. Now, here's something I wrote about a friend of mine. Read it and you'll know the real reason I'm happy about my band, and you'll know how I feel about UNREASONABLE worrying about complications. Look into it, yes, heed warnings, yes. Let hearing about the complications of others make your decision for you? NO. Kent: I saw an old friend today................but he didn't see me. He didn't greet me, or shake my hand, or grace my ears with his booming laugh. He couldn't. He couldn't get out of the casket he lay in. He was a big man, and it was a big casket. You see he loved to hunt, and camp, and fish, and....eat. His wife was out the other day, and when she got home, Kent was no longer in. I had known him for many years. Since Patty and I met some seventeen years ago. He always had a good word, and a smile, and a merry twinkle in his eye. His beard went white while his hair was still dark, and his laugh was so joyful, so infectious that it made Santa seem depressed by comparison. And, oh yes. He had the kindest eyes I've ever seen. When I went to my first meeting for the Lap Band Kent was there. He was just sixty years old and he was being refused the surgery because Dr. Cudjoe doesn't do them on folks over sixty. But Kent was the kind of guy who didn't fit the actuarial charts. After he met with the good Doctor it was settled.....if the insurance would cover it. He was scheduled for the surgery on three occasions, and each time the insurance fell through. He had enough money to cover the $40,000.00 that Cudjoe wanted but Kent's wife wouldn't let him rob their nest egg. So now he resides in an oversize wooden box, festooned with satin, and trimmed in death. To the insurance company, and even his wife it seems, he wasn't worth it. Yet he was shown three nights in a row. And each time it was an hour and a half wait in line to pay respects. Three days of people lined up out the door and down the block. Not worth it? How many lives like mine and Patty's were darkened by his passing? He had children who had just given him grandchildren. He had friends. Yet someone, somewhere, decided what the fat man was worth. And, yes, that angers me. But something angers me even more. Each day I read about fears on other WLS sites. Fear of complication. Sad and fearful laments "What if something goes wrong? What if I erode, what if I reject, what if I get infected?" The complications of Weight Loss Surgery. Ask Kent about the complications of NOT getting weight loss surgery. Risky? Yep, it's risky. So is apnea, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, heart attack. They seem risky too. So, you're thinking about WLS? And you're worried that something bad MIGHT happen? Well it might. BUT.........if you don't do it.......Something bad WILL happen. And I wonder something else. Could all the worry over complications be your addiction trying to survive? Could it be a subconscious stalling tactic? A tricky form of denial? I beg anyone who is wavering to think of Kent. He had no doubts. He was ready to forge ahead. He knew the risks, and he knew that SOME chance is still better than NO chance. If you have this tool at your disposal why continue to plod slowly but surely up Death's walk and to His doorstep? Turn aside, and take a chance to live. To put life in your years. Fear is the enemy. Love, Ryan.
  13. countrygirljtl

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Well tomorow is 14 days after my last fill, so that is when they said that I should see a difference, I will call the nurse tomorow. I didn't have the heartburn today, Thank God, but tonight I had stomach pains which I had before being banded, it was from an ulcer which was found prior to banding and I was put on prilosec, I haven't had a problem with that in a while, but tonight I could tell it was that same pain. I ate very carefully today, and I guess my band area was ok, it is really hard to tell what is the discomfort because again, I have a constant ache in the chest area which I suppose is the tightness of the band, I dont really know. I ate very healthy making sure to get the protien in, I kind of blew it tonight and had some chips. I wish I didn't have the ablity to eat the junk, I didn't have many, but I thought the band would take away some of my appetite and keep me full. Anyway, I like what you said about soon we will forget what all the worrying was about, I really hope so. As a matter of fact I was reading about what you said about how your port was so sore and felt so funny when rolling in bed and bending over, I had that same experience!! And I remember being so concerned by it, and now it is barely a memory, so I pray that all this misery with discomfort and fills/unfills and heartburn and no wieght loss, and hair falling out will be the same deal. What keeps me going is hearing form others that they have gone through the same things and came out fine, or even those who are having great success and say that the Love their band, that gives me hope too, that the band has to work eventually. Thanks for all your suggestions and input. I live in Rowley on the North Shore, I am not sure where Tauten is in relationship, is it south or north of Boston?? Janet
  14. Mschwartz924

    April 16th role call - who's with me!

    Ahhhhh!!! The hair loss is out of control!! I'm so worried about being bald at the end of this journey! Luckily I have think hair but this is how much falls out just from washing and brushing it. Is everyone else losing this much??
  15. Hi bartval30, It sounds like maybe you'd feel better if you put a pause on this whole surgery thing for a while, perhaps to give yourself a chance to see how much further you can go on your own. Kudos to you for losing as much as you have; that certainly shows a lot of tenacity and commitment on your part. Do you feel like you have a different relationship with food now? I lost 80 pounds preop and then with a lap band, but my fixation on food hadn't changed. Given that and lots of complications, I wound up gaining over 50 pounds back prior to my sleeve surgery. I'm only ten weeks out from surgery, but I attest that this has completely changed my life. I sometimes still deal with head hunger, but I'd say it's decreased by about 80-90%, which has been a huge relief. I understand your worry about losing hair and losing your nice boobs. I'm not at the hair loss stage yet and I worry about it a bit because my hair is thin, but my boobs are awful already (very big for my frame and droopy). I've needed a breast reduction for about 30 years, but I kept telling myself that I needed to reach XXX pounds first. I've started saving money and look forward to a breast reduction/ lifting/ reshaping and all that. I particularly wanted to respond to your concerns about depression. I've been depressed since childhood (was then dysthymic) and have been on antidpressants for 25+ years. You name it, I've been on it without much in the way of great results. I was super depressed when I had the surgery (was actually on a medical leave because of it and the surgeon questioned if we should wait for a while because she said patients tend to become iritable afterwards). I convinced her that I was ready to go for it and I'm glad I did because we wound up cutting my antidepressants way back and after the first month I started feeling great. I feel like the surgery has reset my personality or something. I don't quite know how to explain it and I'm sure the fact that I'm exercising daily is helping a lot. 25 years of therapy has also helped make me ready for this, I think. I just wanted to let you know that I, myself, felt some moodiness at first, but after just a short while I'm feeling very optimistic and have great energy. Life is good. Good luck in making this decision! Only you know what's best for you. :-)
  16. FluffyChix

    Concern questions for post-op

    Hi and welcome! Hair Loss: maybe? We're all different. Getting too thin: Worry about following your surgeon's plan. Good news is most of us already broke the code on how to gain weight. Worry about how to lose down to your personal goal. The rest takes care of itself regardless of starting weight. Loose skin: Probably. Also individual and depends on genetics and age usually. Dehydration: The struggle is real for many. Fluid is KING before and after surgery. If you stay fully hydrated then it's easier to eat normally and remain nausea free and losing weight. I'm 17 months out. At 4 days I was getting my 64oz of liquids in and now I have 100+oz per day every day. Congrats on making the pre-emptive changes. I've got zero regrets. Don't be anxious!
  17. Hey, Ive only been banded for 2 1/2 weeks and Im worried about hair loss. My hair has thinned out on top a lot and dont really want to lose any more. Can I hear from those NOT losing hair and what theyve done?
  18. Thanks for asking this question, as I was wondering too about hair dye. I haven't had WLS yet but wondered about coloring it. I have it colored every 2 months. I am worried about it falling out though after surgery. I think I will start taking the Biotin (I think that is what some one recommended) that helps with hair loss. I was at Sam's Club recently and saw a bottle of it but didn't buy it. I have an indiv. nutrionist appointment tommorrow and I am going to ask her about it and see if taking the biotin now will help some and in the future!
  19. kittvalley

    Getting Sleeved In Mx!

    Im going to be sleeved in TJ MX in feb/mar, but I has started taking my Vitamins already, Biotin, D3 and 2 multi gummies. I also have started walking a lot, just to get used to the routine. I am excited too, not so much worried about the hair loss, that comes back. More excited to lose the fat that won't.
  20. gottobeme

    Introductions? Yes Please

    Welcom everyone! GirlieGirl you have already been through so much and you are still so young! My thoughts and prayers are with you as well as everyone in the "Springers" group! I had two of my 4 pre-op appointments today, the nutritionist and a surgery nurse. It was cool because I also got to meet the other person having lap-band surgery the same day as I am and one that is having it a week before. I also found it interesting to hear more about some things like Pbing, hair loss and other "complaints" I have read about on this site. As we have all read before, follow your doctors recommendations. I remember reading on this site about someone who said their doctor was not worried about them throwing up (Pbing) and someone else adamantly stating that it was not normal and they needed an unfill or something to help. I am glad to know my team does not consider it normal after surgery! They also explained that it was more bile-like than puke-like, not that it really is any better! I hope I haven't grossed anyone out yet. I start my pre-op diet on March 30th. It will be a combination of Protein Drinks and bars, one piece of fruit and unlimited non-starchy vegetables. I think my toughest hurdle will be giving up Coke Zero - I am addicted to the stuff!
  21. dagrc35

    Hair loss?

    I have the same- very long thick wavy curly beautiful hair. It is one of my favorite things about myself. I took Biotin and hit my Protein requirements thinking that would save me but anytime there is a large weight loss you are going to go through hair loss. I lost heavily from 3 months post op to about 6 months. The good news is my hair is still thick and you would never notice there was a shortage or that I lost so much of it- i am the only person who can tell it is thinner and i actually think it is more manageable. The bad news is from month 3-6 the hairs come out like crazy. I felt like i was pulling pounds out in the shower when i would wash my hair - scary amounts I would lose on the daily. I thought i would be bald in a week if it kept up. Everything I wore was covered in hair- jackets- chairs i sat in- my car. You don't think it's a problem until it's a problem! It was so crazy i contemplated cutting to a short cut for it to be less noticeable all over me but I hung in there. I am now almost 6 1/2 months post op, 70 lbs down and my hair loss has returned to normal. I am glad I didn't cut it off and I love it just as much as i did pre op. I was also very worried so I hope this gives you some insight. Hang in there!
  22. Leisalips

    Kaiser -Freemont

    Vicki, Hi, and thanks for that long letter. Obviously I can't write short letters either so we are even. I appreciate all the information and absolutely amazed and excited about your success. Like I was telling you that doctor was a bummer. I was originally signed up for Gastro Bypass in 2006, had 30 lbs to lose and was to go home and work on that in order to get a surgery date. We (hubby) and I were just not comfortable with the surgery, I had told him before back when I heard Ann Wilson of Heart got the lap band done like in 2003 or 2004 that is what I wanted but Kaiser didn't offer it nor did they when I signed up this time. I went home and struggled losing (like I always do) then I got pregnant. I was ok for 3 months then had a miscarrage, had a lot of stress in my life at that time. I instantly losed 25 lbs and kept it off, I'm really good at maintaining. They called me asking if I was still interested as 6 months had passed, I said yes but I really wasn't. Then I went to my new personal doctor a few months ago, still trying to get healthy from the miscarrage, caused irregular bleeding, hair loss. She ordered blood work on me and said I need to consider losing weight. I sent her an email when I got home asking if Kaiser does lap bands and she said yes and sent my request back into Fremont. That is where I am now. My thyroid is functioning normal, it has been for 11 years now. The problem is once it needs medication to function, your metabolism just doesn't work like it once did, the doctors say it should but my experience, other people with the same problem and my books say no it does not! So I get tired of the doctors saying there shouldn't be a problem losing, even the nutritionist said she knows its harder to lose after your thyroid. So it is working, I have been stable. Now I know from my best friend having the gastro bypass that she is able to pretty much eat whatever she wants to, my other ex friend doesn't eat enough Protein and has been losing her hair. I am not worried about not having certain things, I know how to portion myself. So that's why I think the band can really work for me. I am going to take your advise with the research, with bringing in my facts, and talking to my doctor about how comfortable. I'm going to see if there is another option there for me if I decide to change doctors. You really made me feel a lot better, I really thought after talking to him that I was just going to be killing myself. Right now I've been following a 1200 calorie diet, not what they gave me, just one from Slim fast using their shakes, I like that one so far. I'm going to continue to ride my exercise bike the 3 miles a day or possibly up it to 5 miles each day 7 days a week. Some weight has to come off!! I am most defintely keeping in contact with you! Thanks for everything, you've helped me a great deal. I will keep in touch! Leisa
  23. mnkbrly: Kim, that is. I'm sure you'll do just fine. The closer it gets the less nervous you'll probably become. Let us know how you're doing! Sharon: you didn't address your question to me, but I started losing hair a few weeks ago. The dietician said that I need more Protein. I haven't been religious about taking my Vitamins either. They also say that the surgery itself with the anesthetic, etc., can cause a loss of hair. But I don't know about that. My advice is to take your vitamins!! Be sure you get plenty of protein and don't worry! Even if you lose some hair, they promise that it will grow back. (My surgery was in September, like Green's)
  24. CinniMae08

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hello everyone, I've been reading ur posts for a while, my name is Cindy, and I live in Camdenton-near Lake of the Ozarks, so I'll just pipe n about the hair loss....i am a hairdresser and biotin is what i tell my clients to take for hair loss...also u can buy a hair/skin/nails combo. at wal-Mart or any drug store....Anyway I have been worrying about that issue myself...I have to say it does scare me alittle, I have VERY thick hair so I could afford to lose a little but dont want to.....So u guys think the key is protein??? Also I am being banded on April 8th in Mexico....Cindy
  25. suzpat

    Newbie to the 60+ group

    Thanks again! I went to a siminar last night and found the truth about the hair loss. Doctor said if you don't eat the protein advised by the doctor then that happens. If you do as told, no problem with that. Does anyone worry about care after age 65 up? From what I understand the doctors don't like to treat or operate on persons over age 65. Anyone have news about this subjuect?

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